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Catching Mallory: Wildcat Graduates

Page 6

by Xana Jordan

  We finish the rest of our meal, the sexual tension between us growing stronger. Conversation still flows, however it carries a new spark it didn’t before. Simple glances and touches that were innocent before are now laced with fresh intentions, intentions that are now possible with her new relationship status. She’s free to be who she wants to be, and I’m free to make her mine.

  When we’ve put away our trays and exited the dining hall, we stop on the sidewalk that leads to both of our dorms, neither of us knowing what to say or do. “Do you have anything you need to do,” I ask, praying that she will say no so I can take her back to my room

  “All my homework was finished with you Friday night,” she pauses and bites her lips as she looks up at me.

  Taking her hand, I pull her along with me, not saying a word as to where we are going, and she doesn’t protest. I can’t walk fast enough to the dorm where we can be alone, and it seems she is just as anxious because she is keeping up with my fast pace.

  I check her in within minutes of entering the lobby, and waste no time in getting us to my room. Releasing her hand, I begin to unlock the door, only to find it unlocked, and open it. As I pull Mal in behind me, I find Steven putting things away in his closet. He needs to leave. Now.

  “Hey, man. Mallory,” he greets us and shuts his closet door.

  “Hi, Steven,” she returns his greeting. “Did you just get back?”

  “Yeah,” he begins, then notices the death glare I’m giving him, and then glances down to see I’m still holding her hand in mine. Having been roommates for two years, he can read my mind and understands instantly that I need him to leave us alone. After all the times I’ve given him privacy with the girls he’s brought over, he owes me one and he knows it. A smirk appears on his face as he looks at Mal and replies, “But I’m headed out with the guys to grab a bite to eat.” Steven grabs his keys and hoodie, and heads past us to the door. “Later.” He waves to Mallory as he leaves the room, and I lock it behind him.

  Grabbing her by the waist, I pull her to my chest and walk backwards until her back is against the door. Once there, I take her hands and pull them above her head on the door with one hand, and grab onto her firm ass with the other. Staring into her eyes, I try and calm my breathing, and notice the anticipation she has as she pulls her bottom lip through her teeth.

  “Mallory,” is all I am able to say before I lean in and suck that plump bottom lip into my mouth, causing a groan to escape her.

  Her hands pull against my hold trying to break free, but I refuse to let her go. Not when I finally have her just where I want her. This kiss tastes so much better than the one we shared the other night. She explores my mouth with such force I can’t help but grind my hardened cock into her jean covered heat, the basketball shorts hiding nothing from her. All of the dreams I had about having her like this, and more, are nothing compared to how it feels to have her beneath me now.

  I step closer to her, my feet moving her legs further apart, and release her hands so I can grab her ass with both hands and pull her up to me, breaking our kiss. She wraps her legs around my waist and tugs my hair in her hands before licking my mouth and sliding her tongue between my lips. Our teeth clash together as she holds my head firmly to hers, and presses her body closer to mine as I push her more firmly into the door.

  My cock is harder than it has ever been, and I am close to coming when I move away from her mouth and lick my way down her jaw and neck to the base crook of her shoulder. Her arms wrap around my head as I kiss and nip the bare skin I exposed when I pulled the collar of her shirt to the side. Her heels digging into my back press her core against my erect cock as she begins to rub herself against me. Shit, that feels too damn good.

  Holding her securely to me, I pull us away from the door, move more to my side of the room, and lay us down on the bed. Lying beneath me, she releases my hair and slides her hands under the back of my shirt and hoodie to run along my bare back, her nails scraping my skin as she continues her explorations. Resting my weight on one arm, I move my free hand up her leg and beneath her shirt to cup her satin covered breasts. I can feel how firm and full they are when I squeeze, my thumb brushing over her hardened nipple. Her breath falters as she licks my ear, and I can repress the groan that comes over me. I am only seconds away from stripping her naked and taking her as mine when clarity finally takes over and I pull my mouth from her body.

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly move my body away from hers until I am lying on my side next to her, our legs still tangled together. “What’s wrong,” she asks, running her palm over my cheek and to the back of my neck. Trying to gather my thoughts, I simply look at her. As she looks at me her, lips begin to tremble and her hand shakily moves away from my neck. “I’m sorry, I should go.” She tries to pull away from me, but I refuse to let her.

  “NO. Look at me. NOW,” I demand when she tries to hide her face from mine.

  “It’s okay, really. I need to get going, anyway…,” she says before I shut her up with a long, hard kiss. Cupping her face with my palm, I end the kiss and place my forehead against hers.

  “You have no idea how much I want to tear your clothes off and bury myself inside you.” Her breath hitches when I press my erection into her stomach, “But now is not the time for that. You’ve just ended a long relationship, and I want to make sure you’re ready before we do anything else.”

  “But I am…,” she tries to argue, but I cut her off again.

  “NO. I’m not sharing you with memories of something from the past. You need to make sure this is what you want, because when I do finally have you, you’re never leaving.” Running my thumb across her lips I ask, “Understand?”

  Nodding her head she whispers, “Okay.”

  “As much as I want you in my bed, I think we’d better do something else besides lay here. I only have so much control when it comes to you, and I’ve just about run out of it for today.” She giggles as we sit up on the bed. “Movie,” I ask and reach over to pick up the remote from my desk. She nods, and I toss the remote to her to pick out what she wants to watch while I grab something to drink from the fridge.

  She is still flipping through the channels when I sit beside her on the bed, “Here.” Handing her the bottle of juice I grabbed for her I ask, “Can’t find anything worth watching?”

  “Ugh, here, you find something. I really don’t care what we watch,” she replies and hands me the remote as she leans back against the wall with her legs stretched out before her.

  Laughing I turn the television to a movie that is playing on the Comedy channel, and sit against the headboard to stretch out, too. After setting the remote back on the desk, I reach over and drag Mallory to sit between my legs. I wrap my arms around her and she leans against my chest. I may not have any official claim on her at this moment, but for now, she is mine.

  It’s Friday night and five days have passed since I nearly took Mallory in my room. Baseball games have kept me very busy and this weekend will be no exception. We haven’t spent much time together this week, and I’m glad we’ve had some space. I want her to have time to let things settle and have no lingering doubts that our relationship is what she wants. I know what I want, and she will be my girlfriend. There is no doubt about that. The only question is when it will happen.

  We’re sitting on the team bus traveling back to Magnolia from our latest game when Noel trades places with Malachi to sit next to me. He gets his cast off next week and talked the coach into letting him come to the games this weekend. “How’s it going,” he asks as he takes his seat.

  “Pretty good. I’m glad Coach let you come with us this weekend, we need you out there.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m ready to get back out there and play. I guess his kicking me out of traveling and games has paid off. Doc says my arm is healing better than he expected.”

  “I imagine that has something to do with the way Xana has been hovering over you since you got hurt,” I tease him. “You rea
lly scared the hell out of her.”

  “Yeah, she has gone above and beyond necessity in making sure I’m doing what I’m told, but it’s not like I’m going to argue with her.” Noel smiles and I know exactly what he means. Xana is fun to be around, but she wears her heart on her sleeve. I wouldn’t have the nerve to turn down her attentions and upset her. She’s one of the kindest girls I’ve ever met.

  “I hear that. I wouldn’t have the nerve to tell her differently either.”

  “Speaking of girlfriends, what’s going on between you and Mallory?” Noel angles his torso toward me as he waits for an answer. Why is he so interested in what kind of relationship I have with her? I know they’re friends, but I don’t quite see a connection between the two of them that explains his questioning.

  “Me and Mallory? Why do you ask?” I’m very curious to see how he explains himself on this one. We’ve never had any type of conflict before, and I’m wondering where this is coming from.

  “Look, I’m just gonna say it straight.” I nod. “Mallory and I got very close before Xana and I worked our issues out, and she’s become the sister I’ve never had. She’s a wonderful person, and I’m not gonna sit by and let anyone jerk her around. I’m not saying you would do anything like that, nor do I believe you would, but I just have to say it. If you two decide to work on a relationship, I’ll be more than happy for you. I think you’d be great together, actually, but if you ever want to get out, be honest and own up to it. Tell her about it. She deserves that after what Keaton did to her.”

  I take a few moments to ensure he’s finished before I give him a reply. Honestly, I’m not offended by what he’s said at all. I can understand where he’s coming from, having a sister of my own. Although, I’m not quite sure I’d ever be as nice about it as he is. “I understand where you’re coming from, but whatever this turns out to be with me and Mallory is strictly between us. I like her more than anyone I’ve ever liked before, and I’m not gonna lie and say we’re just friends so you’ll drop the subject. We both like each other, and whatever she decides to do about it and when is entirely up to her, but if I ever do hurt her, you have my full permission to kick my ass, because I’ll deserve it.” I stare right back at him, dead serious about what I just said. I respect the relationship they have with each other, but she is my woman, and whatever we do, or don’t do, is not his immediate business.

  “I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, but I just felt like I had to say something. She’s always been there when I need a listening ear, and I just want her to be happy. She really is special.”

  “Yeah, she is,” I reply, nodding, and look out the window. Any conversation that was left was interrupted by the guys chanting Cade’s name. Lord only knows what he’s up to now.

  Turning my head toward the back of the bus where all the noise is coming from, I can make out someone standing at the rear door of the bus. The outside headlights and building signs illuminate the bust just enough for me to have a good idea what’s going on. “Is he always like this,” I ask Noel, as we look at Cade standing in the back doorway.

  “Oh, yeah. It’s odd it’s taken him this long to do something. Chugging coke like that isn’t really a big deal, nor is mass eating. Hell, mooning the cars behind us is nothing new for Cade. I’m surprised when he doesn’t do something like that,” he laughs and shakes his head. “You should have seen him on band trips in high school. I swear he has no shame.”

  “Poor Stacy. How does she put up with it?” I’m truly intrigued by that question. “I mean, most girls I’ve known would be too embarrassed to date a guy that does that.” I can’t help but laugh as Cade reclaims his seat and they all start talking again.

  “Don’t feel sorry for her. She gives him as good as she gets, believe me. She’s just as crazy as he is. Haven’t you figured that out by now,” Noel asks then looks over to me and raises his brows in question.

  “Well, I’ve seen him acting all goofy, but I’ve never seen him acting anywhere near this way. He’s about as crazy as my old Uncle Marty.” We both laugh at that thought, and turn back around in our seats to face the front of the bus while the back of the bus remains full of harassing conversation.

  Noel motions toward the back and says, “Oh! That doesn’t sound promising,” he chuckles as the guys at the back of the bus start to laugh again.

  “I have no doubt,” I tell him, and we both laugh. “My younger brother is almost as crazy as Cade. Between him and my uncle, you’d think I’d be used to it by now.”

  “I know what you mean.” Noel’s pants start ringing so he pulls the phone out of his back pocket. “Xana,” he says smiling, answering the call, “Hey, Sweetness.”

  While he continues to talk to her, I think about Mallory and whether or not she’s off work by this time. It’s Friday night, and they’re usually busy since the weather has gotten warmer since everyone is out and about later in the evenings. Needing to talk to her, I pull out my own phone and send her a text.

  ME: Are you still at work?

  It takes a few minutes before my phone pings with a message response.

  M&M: Just walked into my room. What’s up?

  ME: Driving back. How was work?

  M&M: Busy. Glad it’s over. How was the game?

  ME: Good, we won.

  M&M: You gonna be back soon?

  ME: We still have at least an hour or so. Got an early game tomorrow.

  M&M: That’s right. I’m headed to bed anyway. Have to work early tomorrow.

  ME: Sleep tight.

  M&M: Thanks for texting me. Goodnight.

  ME: Goodnight.

  Placing the phone back in my jacket, I see that Noel is still talking to Xana. I can’t hear much of what he is saying, but from what I can see of his face the conversation doesn’t seem to be going well. I can hear him trying to calm her down, but not what has gotten her so upset.

  “It will be fine. Remember what I said before. Together. Yes, I’ll ask him. Go to sleep. I will. Love you, too. G’night.” Noel ends the call and sees me watching him.

  “Is everything alright,” I ask. He hesitates, trying to decide what to say I presume, when I try and get it out of him. If he talks, he will feel better. I know I would, whatever it is.

  “Yeah, it’s just been a rough day for her. She also wants me to ask if you can look at her laptop sometime tomorrow. It’s freezing up and acting strange, or something, she said. She was kinda freaking out about it, and that only made her day worse.” The worried look remains on his face, and I know there is something he isn’t telling me. I hope everything with Xana is alright.

  “Sure, I can. Doesn’t sound too hard to fix, if that’s all there is. Just tell her I’ll take a look at it tomorrow night after dinner.”

  “Thanks. She was afraid to ask you herself. She didn’t want you to feel obligated,” Noel informs me, leaning back in the seat with his knees propped up on the back of the seat in front of us.

  “Obligated? Why the hell would she think that? I’d never turn her down, but if I didn’t want to help her, I just wouldn’t.”

  “I know. That’s just how she is. She hates to trouble people, doesn’t want to be a bother. I love her for that, but sometimes I just want to shake it out of her.” He shakes his head and continues, “She really needs to think of herself more often.”

  “Yeah, I guess she is like that, but tell her it really is no problem to help her. Anytime,” I say assuming the same position as Noel. I sit in the dark of the bus long enough to let the hum of the tires rolling on the pavement lull me to sleep.

  We had practice game today, so as soon as dinner is over I’ll take a look at Xana’s laptop before calling it an early night. I decided to get in a quick workout after the game since it was still early, but now my body and mind are tired, and going to bed is sounding better by the hour. The walk from my dorm to the cafeteria seems to take longer than normal, my feet already dragging and my legs sore. Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed it as much as I
did in the gym.

  When I find my seat at the table, everyone else has already beaten me there. I take my seat next to Mallory and Xana and listen to their conversation as I begin eating my dinner. The guys are discussing our game schedule for the upcoming week, and what they expect to happen when Noel gets his cast off in a few days.

  “Yeah, Coach told me it’s possible I can play again as early as a week, if things go well at the doctor’s office on Thursday. I hope nothing happens between now and then,” he says, nudging Xana’s arm and pointing to her plate. When she just rolls her eyes at him, I secretly laugh on the inside at how she ignores him to continue speaking to Stacy and Mal. Doesn’t he know you don’t interrupt a group of girls when they are talking? I learned that the hard way with GiGi and her friends.

  “I bet you’re more than ready to play,” Dillon chimes in. “I’d be more than insane if I had to watch all my friends play ball and kill it out there on the field. That has to suck, man.”

  “It hasn’t been easy,” Noel replies before Xana, who seems to have actually been paying attention to our conversation, joins in with her opinion.

  “You’re not kidding. He hasn’t exactly been all sunshine and rainbows since he got hurt,” she retorts, pointing her thumb at him. The look of surprise on his face has us all laughing out loud. I’ve never heard her say anything like that in all the time I’ve known her. The only person she really picks at is Stacy, but it’s usually in her own defense.

  “Oh shut up, hooker! You know you loved every minute of getting to take care of him. He only acted like he needed help because you seemed to like it so much.” Stacy laughs, even when Xana throws a piece of bread and hits her in the face.

  “Oh, he did not! At least he doesn’t talk like a baby in his sleep,” she throws back at Stacy, eyebrows raised and smirking, daring her to say anything else. And there it is.

  The two of them stare at one another, arms crossed for what seems like hours, before bursting into laughter. If someone new had walked up and heard them go at it sometimes, they’d think they were enemies instead of best friends. Noel has his work cut out for him when Cade joins in the antagonizing. Some days they wear me out, but they’re my second family these days.


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