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Catching Mallory: Wildcat Graduates

Page 7

by Xana Jordan

  When we are all done with dinner, I walk Xana to her room while the others head their own way. Noel has homework to do so he isn’t going with us, and Mallory has to work a partial shift for a co-worker that is supposed to close tonight. Hopefully there isn’t anything too messed up with her computer and it can be easily fixed. I don’t want her to stress out anymore than she is.

  Walking into her room she says, “Thank you so much for looking at this for me. I swear I almost had a breakdown yesterday, and trying to deal with it today hasn’t been any better.” She crosses over to her desk and opens the laptop.

  “Show me what it’s been doing,” I tell her as I take a seat at the desk.

  After about ten minutes of us working our way through what the problems are, I have a fairly good idea what the problems are and what needs to be done. I was right in my assumptions yesterday when Noel told me what she had said. Computers have always been easy for me to understand, and trying to fix them is like a challenge for me.

  “Okay, I am going to run a defrag on it and free up a few other things here and there, and you should be good to go. It should only take twenty minutes or so.” Her look of relief makes me smile and say, “I won’t ask for payment until everything is complete.”

  There is a long pause as she stands there looking at me with her mouth slightly open. “Noel’ll pay you whatever you want,” she replies bluntly.

  Now it’s my turn to stare at her with my mouth open. “Xana, I didn’t mean…,” I begin but her laughter stops me mid-sentence.

  “HAHAHA, gotcha! The look on your face was priceless!” She nearly doubles over because she’s laughing so hard at me.

  “I think you’ve been around Cade and Stacy too long,” I mutter and shake my head, eyes closed.

  “Maybe, maybe not, but it’s still true. He would pay you whatever you want for helping me. I wouldn’t let him, but he would. It used to bother me, but I’m used to it now.” She sits down on the foot of her bed where it almost touches her desk. After starting the program, I turn in my seat to look over at her.

  “I know I don’t know the whole history with you guys, but the two of you got together pretty quickly after you broke up with that douchebag, Jeff.”

  “Yeah, I guess it seems that way to most people, but that’s just how it is. We liked each other for a long time before we started dating in high school. Even then, we just clicked. Then things got wonky and we broke up.” Her voice is quieter by this time, and she’s looking down at her hands in her lap, “And then there was Jeff, but he wasn’t Noel, and he never could be. So when he and I were over, there was only Noel.”

  “You’re sure about that? That he’s the one?”

  “Yeah, absolutely. He just...sees me. He knows me deep down, and when we were apart…,” she pauses to take a deep breath, “nothing ever felt right. Not even when it seemed like things were fine.” We are both quiet as we let her words lay between us. She studies my face while I put myself in her shoes, and then she says, “You like her, and she likes you. I know that. So, it doesn’t matter what time frame things happen in. If it’s right, it’s just right, and to hell with everyone else.”

  “I would ask how you knew what I was really asking, but I’m not sure I want to know. Noel had better keep both eyes open around you.” She laughs and slaps me on the shoulder with more strength behind her swing than I ever imagined her to have. She’s not as fragile as she seems sometimes.

  “Oh, shut up! Is my computer fixed yet?” She peers over my head to glance at the progress window displayed on the screen. “I hope this fixes it before I’m forced to throw it out of the window!”

  “Calm down, Bradford. I’m not going to leave you with a broken laptop.”

  I begin to show her a few things I’ve changed to make things easier for her when she works. I’ve also left her with a checklist of a few things to try if something happens again. She seems to understand all of the things I’ve shown he, ,and I am finished with everything in about forty-five minutes.

  “Thanks again for fixing it for me,” she says, hugging me and returning my ID to me after checking me out.

  “You’re welcome, but it’s not a big deal. Call me anytime you need help, okay?”

  “I guess,” she says reluctantly while we walk to the front steps.

  “I mean it, I like doing stuff like this,” I smile and nudge her shoulder. “See ya later.” I walk down the steps and twist around to wave to her, just as she calls out to me.

  “Don’t forget to say ‘to hell with them” and just do it!” She laughs as I continue walking away from her dorm, shaking my head in disbelief at her behavior tonight. She really is on a roll.

  Another week has passed and Noel was able to get his cast off so, in celebration, we’re all going out to the lake and spending all of the afternoon there. Games, classes, and work have kept everyone busy, and a sunny Sunday afternoon on the beach is what everyone needs. We have a tournament this Friday and Saturday here on campus, and my parents and siblings are coming for the weekend to watch it. I can’t wait to see them and have them watch me play. It’s been too long since they were able to see a game.

  While setting up our coolers and blankets, Mallory, Dillon, and I are waiting with Stacy and Cade for Noel and Xana to arrive. Dillon and Cade are setting up the makeshift volleyball net when I notice a car slowly approaching in the distance, the dust kicking up behind it. Must be Noel, but I’m not sure why he is going so slow, he never does. Just as the car comes to park beside Cade’s truck, I see Noel is not the one behind the wheel. Xana is driving. That’s odd, I thought she wasn’t comfortable with driving.

  The two of them get out of the car and gather up their things from the back of the Mustang, while Stacy and Mallory walk over to assist them. “Well, look who was driving,” Stacy exclaims then takes the blanket from Xana.

  “Yeah,” is all Xana says as she smiles over at Noel who returns her grin. Noel removes the ice chest from his trunk and walks over to sit it beside the others while Mallory follows with a sack of something I can’t quite see.

  After we’ve gotten everything situated, it is decided a game of volleyball is needed. “How are we going to split teams,” Xana asks as she looks around at the seven of us. “We’re not even.”

  “How about girls and Noel against the rest of you guys,” Mallory asks, looking to everyone for agreement, which she gets, and we take our places on both sides of the net.

  “Three guys against girls? How is that fair,” Dillon asks, getting the most evil smirk from Stacy I have ever witnessed on her face. Now, I’m a little nervous about what he just unleashed.

  “Shut up, dude! Now you’ve just screwed us all,” Cade laments and slaps him on the back of the head.

  “Ouch, what was that for?” Dillon rubs the soreness from the slap away and glares at Cade, just as Mallory and Xana double over in laughter. We are so screwed now.

  “Do you never listen, ya moron? Haven’t you heard us talk about how competitive that one is,” Noel questions then points to Stacy, whose grin is wider than before. “Don’t you remember hearing about her when we’ve gone bowling?”

  Xana continues to smile and shakes her head in what looks like a silent prayer, and Mallory is laughing so hard she doubles over and places her hands on her knees. All along, Stacy simply continues to toss the ball in the air and grins. “Ready boys?” Stacy looks at us and winks, then turns to her teammates. “Let’s go, people! Mamma’s got a game to win.”

  Everyone takes their places and Cade gives Dillon one last pat on the back. “You’re so screwed, Steele. She’s after you now.” Dillon, unphased by Cade’s warnings and Stacy’s satisfied grin, gets into place and crouches in wait.

  “Let’s go, Blondie! If you think you can handle me,” he taunts her, making Cade and Xana groan, the fun and games over.

  “Crap,” Xana mutters, looking over at Cade for help. He shrugs his shoulders in resignation, a small smile on his face, and settles into position whi
le Stacy takes her aim before making the first serve.

  “Get ready pretty boy, time to get dirty,” she shouts and volleys the ball over the net toward Dillon with such force he is taken by surprise as it hits him in the gut. “Point, Team Awesome! Team Pretty Boy, ZERO!” Stacy’s celebration is something to see, even as Dillon shakes off the pain and takes his position once again. This game may be over with before it starts if this is any indication on how it’s going to play out.

  The match continues in much the same pace, with Dillon and Stacy seeming to forget there are other players on their teams. By the time we start the third and final game, the rest of us have more of an opportunity to play, since those two are starting to grow more tired. So far we are tied, having won one game apiece, and Stacy is putting every effort she has into assuring her team will win. Noel and Mallory are getting in a few shots of their own when Xana bows out of the game to rest on one of the many blankets that are set out. She’s starting to look a little pale, so I’m glad she’s sitting down now.

  The beach has gotten more populated by this time with other students and families, all having the same idea we had. A small group of them are watching our final game and cheering loudly at how Stacy and Dillon are going at each other. Whenever they get the ball hit towards them, they make sure to spike it over the net right back at the other person. Fortunately, Noel, Cade and I have been able to limit their control of the ball.

  It has come down to the last point in the game, both sides tied, when it is Dillon’s turn to serve, “You about ready to admit defeat, little girl?” He hasn’t stopped egging her on, and she hasn’t backed down to any of his teasing, on;y smiling wider at his words.

  “I’m ready to admit you’re a loser to everyone here, pretty boy. Quit stalling, ya big chicken,” she challenges him, and he returns with a killer serve right to her. Mallory moves out of the way as Noel comes in behind Stacy to cover her. Stacy has a good angle on the ball, so she jumps into the air and smashes the ball back over the net to land right in front of an unsuspecting Cade. Game point.

  The small crowd's cheers can’t completely cover up Stacy’s celebrating as Cade walks up to Dillon and places his hand on his shoulder. “We tried to warn ya. Maybe next time, man,” Cade laughs when Dillon shakes his head and mutters something about being beaten by a girl.

  Stacy runs up to Cade and jumps in the air so he can catch her. “Great game, Short Stuff. I knew you’d win as soon as he opened his mouth.” She throws her head back and laughs, her laughter carrying over the sounds of the lake. He really does know how to handle her. Better him than me, though.

  Mallory and Noel walk over to our side and sit with Xana on the blankets where she has some food sitting out for us. Getting Dillon’s attention, we walk over and join them for a little lunch. “You fell for all of her tricks. I thought you were smarter, Dill,” Xana teases him then hands him a sandwich and some chips.

  “Only because she’s got her boyfriend helping her on the side, otherwise she wouldn’t have won,” he mutters after taking a bite of his sandwich. Within seconds, Cade is smacking him in the back of the head, yet again, causing the bite of sandwich he was chewing to fly from his mouth.

  “I don’t have to help her, asshole. She was captain of the winning intramural volleyball team last year. You just suck,” he laughs and takes a seat on one of the blankets that are spread out.

  “Yeah, Stace is the volleyball queen,” Xana snickers and Stacy takes a bow.

  “Come prepared next time, pretty boy. You’re looking a little ragged.” She grins and takes her seat next to Cade.

  “Now you’re never gonna live this down,” Mal giggles and passes out the drinks from our cooler.

  “You’re all crazy, ya know that, right,” Dillon asks, causing us to break out in laughter while Noel just smiles.

  “Welcome to the band, man.” Noel nods and we laugh even harder as Dillon’s face grows more exasperated. He’ll learn to adjust soon.

  After finishing lunch, we all decide to do a walk around the beach while the girls stay and soak up some sun. Noel is hesitant to leave them, well mostly Xana, alone, but the guys and I don’t give him much choice, and drag him along with us. My dad and I would always beachcomb when I was little and find all sorts of interesting things that washed up on the shore.

  We’re fairly far away from the girls when we come across some old fishing lures that have gotten tangled up in the brush, probably when the water was a little higher. Noel and I work on getting them free while Cade and Dillon search the area for anything else before we continue walking.

  “That tournament next weekend is gonna have a lot of people on campus. My parents and grandparents are coming up to watch it,” Dillon says as he looks through the tall grass by the trees, “Any of your families coming up?”

  “Mine are coming up Thursday and spending the weekend. Dad got some time off from the base and is bringing my brother and sister. They’re making a long weekend out of it,” I reply, finally releasing the bright blue and yellow lure from the branches.

  “Sister, eh?” Dillon wiggles his eyebrows and makes a show of licking his lips so I can see him. “I like sisters,” he grins.

  “You couldn’t handle GiGi. If you think Stacy is tough, she’s nothing compared to my sister. She’d kick your ass, easily.” I laugh at the thought of Dillon trying to date my sister. With a military father and two older brothers, she won’t take crap from anyone, especially a goofball like Dillon. That’s just hilarious to think about.

  “Maybe I like a challenge. Maybe she likes a challenge, too,” he continues, unphased by my warning.

  Laughing at him again, Noel and I, having freed the lures, move past him and Cade looking for more treasures. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro,” I say, slapping his back as I walk by.

  “You’re just jealous of my moves,” he calls out to me as he searches the tree line for more items, “You’ve been single too long, dude.”

  “He’s not single. Not really,” Cade chimes in, picking up an oar and inspecting it.

  Looking over at him, I can see him grin and look at Noel who shakes his head and chuckles. “Yeah, everyone can see how you look at her. It’s not as secret as you may think it is.”

  “Honestly, I really don’t care if everyone knows how I look at her,” I shrug. “As far as I’m concerned, they’d better remember it, because she’s off limits to them. The sooner they understand that, the better off they’ll be,” I tell them bluntly, but truthfully, completely unashamed at the caveman quality my words have.

  “Good to hear,” Cade says and we continue walking along the beach like nothing ever happened. I don’t need anyone’s approval, but since they are as close to me as my own brother, I’ll admit that I like having them so approving of my choices.

  Over an hour has passed by the time we reach the girls. Mallory and Stacy are still laying on the blankets listening to music, and Xana is asleep on hers under a few trees when we set our findings on the sand beside them. Noel makes his way over to where Xan is sleeping, and Cade falls to Stacy’s right on her blanket. Lifting her sunglasses away from her eyes, she peers over at him, then the pile of stuff we found.

  “Scavenging was good, I take it?” She points to our stash and sits up on her elbows to take a better look. “Looks like Knight had a good idea.” She smiles over my way where I am sitting with Mallory.

  “I always have good ideas, sweetheart. It just depends on if I decide to share them with others.” Mallory smacks my side and giggles.

  “Whatever. Do you want something to drink?” She begins to crawl over to the ice chest, but I grab her waist to stop her.

  “I’ll get it, you sit right here.”

  “I can...,” she starts to protest, but I pull her backward into my chest.

  Nipping her earlobe I growl, “Don’t argue,” and squeeze her hips hard with my hands. She nods and I sit her back on the ground and get drinks for her and myself. Taking the drink from my hand, sh
e smiles and shakes her head. No, I’m not ashamed I just took charge.

  As I settle in with her, she turns to me and asks, “What all did you guys find?” She nods over to the pile of things we brought back from our walk and I notice Dillon skipping stones across the water, which is still a little too cold to swim in at this time of year.

  “Nothing too major, just several fishing lures, an old weathered oar, a life jacket, and a pretty nice pair of Oakley sunglasses. Dill claimed those when he found them. They suit him.”

  Taking a long drink of my water, I try not to look at the bare stomach she has uncovered with her shirt tied in a knot just under her breasts. The short denim shorts she’s wearing are even shorter now that she has them rolled up on her thighs as far as they will go. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait before I claim her as mine for all to see.

  The tiny pebbles of sweat that cover her smooth, flat stomach are begging for me to lick them away, and I really want to do as I’m told. Needing a distraction before my attraction to her keeps me from standing, I ask, “What did you three do while we were gone? You were so quiet when we came back.”

  “We talked for a little while and did some walking along the water’s edge. Xana started to get a little sunburned and didn’t look so good, so she decided to lay down under the trees, then Stacy and I just laid around here talking and tanning. You know, girl stuff.” She looks over shoulder at me, and leans in a little closer. “Why? Did you miss me?” Her voice lowers, but the laughter is evident in her words.

  “You know I did,” I murmur, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. “Do you have any idea what I feel for you? Do you,” I question and look into her eyes. Her breath hitches and she nods her head.

  “Yeah,” she breathes, “It’s the same thing you do to me, too.” Her tongue slips out to run across her bottom lip before she bites it.


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