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Catching Mallory: Wildcat Graduates

Page 8

by Xana Jordan

  Her nose touches mine as she leans her face even closer. I can’t handle how close our mouths are without doing something about it, so I finish filling the gap to kiss her hard and slow, savoring her taste until the next time I’m able to have her, however long that may be.

  “That was nice,” she says softly and rubs her nose along mine.

  “It was more than nice,” I respond, and move away from her to make some space between us.

  “Yeah.” I love it when she’s speechless like that.

  “Hey, Gav, wanna play beach soccer?” Noel and Xana walk over to us, with Cade and Stacy in tow. Looking at Mal, she nods and we begin to stand up.

  “Sounds great to me. How are we doing teams on this one,” Mallory asks as she takes my hand.

  “I figure just couples and Dillon said he’d set the goals up and stuff. He can keep score and be the goalie,” Noel says, tossing the ball in the air. “If someone changes their mind about playing, he can fill in, unless Mallory wants to be his partner.” Oh, he knows exactly what he’s doing. The smiles on everyone’s faces when he says that kinda ticks me off. No one is her partner but me. I thought I made that perfectly clear on our walk earlier.

  Pulling her along behind me I say, “Let’s see if he can keep score better than he can play volleyball.”

  This causes Stacy to roll with laughter as Cade carries her over his shoulder to the area we’re going to play. Xana moans, and throws a rock at my middle. “If she plays for blood again, Gavin McKnight, I will kill you.” Noel simply shakes his head and Xana follow us to where the others are.

  “What did I say,” I ask Mallory.

  Shaking her head and laughing she tells me, “Really? Poking the bear when she was asleep wasn’t the brightest of ideas.”

  “I wasn’t poking Stacy… Oh, now she’s gonna want to play for blood. Shit! I was too worried about him being trying to be your partner and it just came out.” Reaching the others, I turn to Mallory, “What is Xana worried about it, anyway? Stacy won’t be hard on her.”

  “Seriously? She knows how bad it can get and probably isn’t looking forward to it. Besides, I don’t think she feels too well. She’s been a little off today.” Watching Xana listening to Dill explain the instructions, I notice she does seem a little quieter than usual. I’m sure she’s probably just tired from the busy week.

  The soccer game goes well and no blood is shed. Stacy and Cade win by two points against me and Mal, with Noel and Xana trailing behind us with five points. Everyone had a great time, and we all sit down to eat, tired and hungry. Something about being on and near the water always makes you hungrier than you would expect.

  The seven of us sit around and talk, enjoying the last remnants of the afternoon sun and a lazy day off. Talk of sorority and fraternity parties, music performances, and ball games keep everyone participating as evening approaches. Noel and Xana are the first to leave, with Dillon, Stacy, and Cade following them an hour later when it starts to grow dark.

  The wind has started to kick up, and Mallory shivers next to me. Pulling her to my side and wrapping the edges of the quilt around us, I ask, “You ready to head back, now?”

  “Not unless you are. I like watching the water.” She leans her head on my shoulder and cuddles her body closer to mine, her legs lying across mine so she sits sideways to face me.

  “Then we’ll stay for awhile. Are you warm enough,” I ask and adjust the quilt to cover her more.

  “Yeah, you’re like my personal body heater,” she smiles up at me while her hand runs up my torso.

  “Is that so? You only like me for my body heat, is that how it is,” I tease her, pretending to pull away from her.

  “You know that’s not true,” she giggles, her hand sliding the rest of the way up to my neck.

  Our eyes meet and time seems to stop while we look at each other. Neither of us wavering in our gaze as we slowly move to kiss. Our lips lightly meet and brush against the other with hesitation, until her hand on my neck pulls my mouth to hers, allowing her tongue to find its way in between my lips.

  Our tongues twisting together, teeth biting and nipping, and hands roaming, all encourage me to slip one hand underneath her shirt and down the back of her jean shorts, the other hand holding the blanket around us. She lifts away, shuffling her legs to straddle my waist and hug my hips with her knees. With her arms resting around my neck and her fingers running through the longer hair on top of my head, I study her face while holding her lower body to mine. I place small kisses on her cheeks and neck say, “You are so beautiful. Even more when you stop thinking and let your body take control.” Tasting her jaw with my lips, I slowly lick and kiss my way to her ear, where I suck her lobe into my mouth and bite down, gradually adding more pressure.

  “Gavin,” she groans, tilting her hips into my hardened cock, searching for the friction she needs. Her knees grip me tighter and she moves her hands from my hair to bottom of my shirt. She lifts the hem enough to run her hands along my stomach, and the sensation she creates causes me to release her earlobe, press her center harder against me cock, and grab the flesh of her shoulder with my teeth.

  I continue to hold her where she is while her silky mouth kisses its way up my neck to my ear. There she explores every crevice of it, moaning and breathing heavily the whole time. Becoming more turned on, I remove my hand from her shorts and hastily slide it under the front of her shirt to her breast and squeeze. Needing her mouth, I turn my head, removing my ear from her bite, and slide my tongue through her pouty lips.

  Our tongues duel each other for ownership, which I soon gain. My cock is so hard at this point I’m close to losing control over its actions. I can’t let that happen just yet, so I break away from her delicious mouth and let my hand fall away, although reluctantly, from her firm, lace covered breast.

  Mallory lays her head over my shoulder and hugs herself to me while we let our breathing slow down. If I wasn’t raised by such wonderful parents who instilled high morals in all of their children, I wouldn’t hesitate to take things further with her, space be damned, but I was, so I collect myself, and when she is ready, we gather up our things and load them into my car.

  Having made sure we left nothing behind before leaving the lake, we take the long way back to campus and enjoy the quiet ride together, holding hands during the drive. Just as we arrive on campus I hear her stomach grumbling loudly. She covers it up with her free hand, and looks at me. “Sorry, looks like it’s a trip to the cafeteria before you take me home.”

  “No problem here. I’m starving too. Playing all of those games has worn me out.” I find a parking space in her dorm lot, and we make our way across the street and down the stairs to the dining hall that lies beneath the Student Center. The place is pretty busy so we find a seat where we can to eat our dinner.

  A few of my teammates and her dorm friends stop by and chat while we eat, and by the time we are done with our meals, the cafeteria has thinned out considerably. “Are you ready to go, M&M?”

  “Yeah, I need to shower all this sand off me. I can’t stand it anymore.” She starts to pick up her tray, when I take it from her to stack with mine in order to carry them to the return window.

  Shaking her head at me, she pushes in our chairs. “I’ll meet you by the door, ‘kay?” I nod and we go our separate ways before meeting at the door.

  We walk to her dorm and say goodbye on the steps. “Today was a lot of fun,” she smiles, and hugs me.

  “Yeah, it was.” Hugging her back, I can still smell the scent of her shampoo mixed in with the lake smells we’re both coated in.

  “I’ll see you for breakfast,” she questions, stepping back from me.

  “Yeah, but that’s probably it. Our game has us gone most of the day and we may not be back until late.”

  “Okay, call me when you’re done with the game?”

  “Of course,” I assure her then lean down to give her a slow kiss. “Now, go on inside and get all cleaned up. I’ll see you in
the morning.” I turn her to face the dorm doors, and prod her to walk inside. Once she makes it to them, I wave and walk to the parking lot, get in my car, and drive to my dorm.

  Lying in bed, I decide to text Mallory, hopefully before she goes to bed.

  ME: Go out with me. Next weekend.

  M&M: Okay.

  ME: ‘Night, M&M.

  M&M: Goodnight, Slugger.

  Time has about run out on the ‘space’ I’m giving her. I can tell her body wants us to be together, and I’m almost certain her heart wants me as much as I want her.

  This week has been full of practices and a few games, which seems to be normal these days. I’m just glad my classes haven’t been so complicated that it’s making me behind in homework. The tournament we’re starting today is a charity for cancer, and we have many teams in the district that have gladly participated for such a great cause. It’s not a very large tournament, this being the first year for it, but everyone seems excited to play, and the response was very positive.

  My parents came in last night instead of today so they could spend a little time relaxing before the games start today. It’s been really good getting to spend time with them on campus. We even went to eat with Cade, Noel, and Xana’s parents for dinner. That was one loud, crazy time. It was awesome to see how well everyone got along, especially how much Mallory was loved by my family. She fits in so well, it’s almost like she was made to be with us, with me.

  We’ve already played the first game, and right now the team is taking shifts in helping with the rest of the participating teams as they get organized in the appropriate dugouts and waiting areas. The teams living closer to Magnolia are playing tonight so those farther away can play tomorrow.

  The guys and I haven’t really had to do much so far, but that doesn’t bother me. It’s turning out to be a lot of fun watching the other teams play, however I am ready to call it a day. Mallory had classes this afternoon and has to work a partial shift after them, so I haven’t seen her since breakfast.

  After I am free from my assistant duties, I head back to the dorm to hit the showers and get cleaned up to meet my family for dinner. They’ve decided to try out this nice little Chinese place across town, and by now I’m more than ready to eat. It’s almost eight o’clock, so Mal should be off and ready to go when I swing by to pick her up. She tried to protest going to eat with us, saying we needed family time, but I ignored her, told her to be ready when I came to pick her up, then hung up on her.

  It’s still warm out, so I change into some cargo shorts and a t-shirt after my shower. Before I can even leave my room, my dad calls to let me know they are already at the restaurant and have a table for us. I let him know Mal and I will be there in about fifteen minutes, and wave to the resident on duty at the front desk as I walk through the lobby’s front doors.

  Mallory is waiting for me outside on the bench when I drive up to her dorm. She’s wearing a short and flowy emerald green dress that is cinched at the waist with a bright yellow ribbon tied in a bow. That color on her takes my breath away. Her long, tanned legs are on full display with the length of that dress, and it kills me to have to share her with my family. I open the door for her as she walks down the steps to my car. “You look beautiful,” I tell her before kissing her cheek.

  “I’m not that dressed up,” she retorts, climbing into the car and buckling up.

  Laughing to myself I shut her door and climb back in on my side. “Doesn’t change the facts, you’re still beautiful.” I take her hand in mine and kiss her fingertips, then rest it in my lap when I am done.

  The ride to reach the restaurant goes faster than anticipated, and we’re sitting at the table with my loud, crazy family before we know it.

  “Oh, Mallory! It’s so good to see you again, sweetheart. I’m glad you could join us for dinner,” Mom greets her as Mallory sits next to her in one of the last remaining chairs.

  “Thank you, Mrs. McKnight. It’s good to see you and Mr. McKnight, too.” She returns my mother’s hug and smiles over at my dad. His return smile is enough to light up his entire normally stern, face. It’s like he’s looking at my sister, who also notices Dad’s reaction, causing her to smile at me herself. She seems to like Mallory a lot, too.

  We’ve placed our food and drink orders when Dad turns his questions to my girl. “What are you studying, Mallory?”

  “Computer Science. I’m even toying with the idea of getting a teaching endorsement.” She takes a sip of her tea and continues, “Gavin’s really helped me out on several of my assignments. He’s a great teacher.”

  “Only when I have a smart student, other people require me to have the patience of a saint.” Mal smiles at me, and I notice my parents smiling in our direction. “It isn’t a big deal anyway. She picks up on everything very easily.” I place my arm on the back of her chair, around her shoulders.

  “You have to get tired of his constant baseball talk,” GiGi chimes in rolling her eyes, a huge smile on her face.

  “Gianna Gabrielle,” Mom scolds her, but she is oblivious to it.

  Mal laughs at my sister and says, “Actually, he doesn’t talk about ball that much around me, but it wouldn’t be a bother. Having two older brothers who played every sport known to man gets you very familiar with those conversations. I like to watch games just like everyone else in my family.” And that’s why she’s perfect.

  My brother decides to take an interest in the conversation about this time. “Don’t you ever get tired of everything revolving around sports, though?” I see what he is doing. My siblings are about as protective as my parents are. They’re throwing questions at her to see if she’s really interested in me, or just being with another ball player since they know she’s dated a football player. I should have expected this when they invited her along for dinner.

  Mallory places her napkin across her lap and looks directly at Carson. “Do you ever get tired of building things? Watching something you’ve imagined become reality? Sharing that with those who enjoy it like you do?” Mallory waits for his response, much like the rest of us. Carson seems to be at a loss for words when she puts him out of his misery. “Yes, he told me about you and the rest of his family. So you see, not everything revolves around his sports. We both talk.”

  Unable contain my smile, I pull her closer to me and laugh. Laughter breaks out across the table, and even Carson is laughing. “You got him to shut up,” GiGi says in awe. “No one can ever shut him up like that! Oh mah gah, you’re a genius.” Her laughter makes us all laugh harder, and Carson is left shaking his head.

  “Two older brothers, remember,” Mal laughs, just as the waitress starts serving us our food.

  The laughter quiets down as we begin our meal, but the conversation carries on throughout. My parents continue to ask questions about her family and what her plans are after college. They are really getting to know her and she easily fits in with my family, keeping my siblings on their toes. GiGi is naturally fascinated by her stories about her older brothers, and I can see she is mentally taking notes on how to deal with Carson, who isn’t quite out of the house just yet. Those two are the closest in age and have the most arguments I’ve ever seen between a brother and sister.

  By the time dinner is finished and the conversation winds down, Mal is beginning to yawn, telling me it’s time to head back to campus.

  “Can’t you stay a little longer, Mallory,” GiGi pleads.

  “Let her go, Gianna. She’s obviously tired, and you can see her tomorrow.” Mom turns to Mallory and smiles. “We’d be happy if you watched his games with us if you can.”

  “That sounds like a plan. The girls and I were sitting together with Noel and Cade’s parents, and you’re more than welcome to join us, too. They’d love it.”

  “I think we can do that,” Dad adds, wrapping his arm around Mom’s waist as we say goodbye in the restaurant parking lot, “The more the merrier, right?”

  “Yes, sir.” Taking Mallory’s hand I turn to wal
k us to my car, but she stops me.

  “Thank you so much for having me join you for dinner, I had a very nice time,” Mal says before hugging my mother and father.

  “So did we, sweetheart,” Mom smiles as she hugs Mallory again. “We’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast?”

  “I have to work an early shift in the morning, but I’ll be finished before their first game.”

  “Great, we’ll have lunch instead,” GiGi tells her, giving her a hug in the process.

  “Goodnight, Mom, Dad. I’ll call you later and give you the rest of the info you’ll need for tomorrow.” I finish telling my family goodnight and tuck Mallory safely into my Challenger before making our way back to campus and calling it a night.

  Coach had us up early this morning for a meeting before the games started. The weather has turned out to be really nice and the wind isn’t interfering too much with how the teams are playing. My parents are in the stands with Noel and Cade’s parents while we are warming up outside the fences. I can see Stacy and Xana wearing jerseys with Noel and Cade’s numbers on them, but Mallory hasn’t gotten here, yet. I hope she’s not having to work a longer shift. I really want her to be here today, I need her here.

  Noel and I are warming up together, throwing long toss, and it looks to me that his arm is healing well. We've increased the distance between us as we throw and Noel is having no trouble at all getting the ball to me. Coach calls us in and we head to the dugout for last minute instructions. He tells us to take the field and as I'm running out to my position in the outfield, I glance into the stands to try to spot Mallory.

  As I scan the bleachers, I see the the hometown crowd cheering us on and holding up signs for good luck before I find her. She’s standing among my family and friends, and is wearing a white Muleriders baseball jersey. She sees me looking for her on the field and smiles brightly back at me. Before I can respond, she turns around so that I can see what she has written on the back of her shirt in bright blue letters, #10’s Girl. Holy shit. YEAH SHE IS! She quickly turns around to and blows me a kiss, and resumes cheering us on.


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