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Three if by SeaMMF Bisexual Romance

Page 15

by Nicole Stewart

  “You really care about him, don’t you?” She reached out and touched his hand, and his fingers curled around hers.

  “Yeah, I do,” he said. “I did years ago, when we were just mates in high school, and I did after. He was the first guy I was ever with—not the first I kissed, that was one of the rugby players, yeah?” He grinned at Amelia, lopsided, and she smiled back, curling her fingers tighter around his. “He was the first I ever did anything else with, though. I didn’t even know if he liked men that way—to tell the truth, I don’t think he knew either. We were hanging out behind the gym one day, hiding from the coach because it was track day, and we both hated running. And we were sitting there, talking about some girl that Adam had a crush on, and who was ignoring him. He wasn’t like he is now, you know? All muscled up like a Greek God.”

  Amelia giggled. “So he wasn’t always so handsome?”

  “Oh he was handsome, alright. Just different. Tall, still, but lankier, more like me. Awkward, like he hadn’t grown into himself fully. Still had those broad hands, though. I remember always looking at his hands. And so anyway, we were sitting behind the gym, and Adam was talking about this girl that wouldn’t give him the time of day, and I remember thinking that I’d wanted to kiss him for longer than I could remember. If this girl wasn’t going to pay him any mind, I’d show him there was someone who would.”

  “That’s pretty romantic,” Amelia said softly.

  “I guess it is. I had it in my head we were some sort of star-crossed lovers, that we’d live out this forbidden thing, and run away together to some place where we didn't have to hide to steal kisses.” Callum pressed his lips together, the fingers of his free hand tapping against the wood of the table. “I kissed him, and he was really shocked! I stopped, having this awful sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, thinking that I’d ruined everything, that he’d never talk to me again.”

  “Clearly that didn't happen.”

  Callum laughed softly. “No, it didn’t. That lasted a few seconds, and then he grabbed my head and kissed me back, and I swear, if I lived to be a hundred and five, there’s no kiss I could ever have again that would be like that one.” He frowned. “Sorry, no offense. You’re a great kisser.”

  Amelia smiled. “Don’t worry, none taken.”

  “After that,” Callum shrugged. “We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. Couldn’t stay away. It was just days before we were sleeping together, and I thought for a while that everything would be just as I had imagined it—that we’d run away together, go off to college, live happily ever after.”

  “What happened?” Amelia asked, her voice soft. Adam had told her all of this, after the day that she’d seen him and Callum together, but it was different hearing it from Callum. Adam kept his emotions close. He recounted things matter-of-factly, and he wasn’t given to showing his feelings. Callum told the story with all of the emotion that Adam had kept back, and she could see it vividly, the younger versions of these two men, sneaking kisses and embraces where no one could see, counting down the days until they graduated, and could be free, together.

  “His parents died,” Callum said. “An accident. His brother was on a gap year when it happened, just about to start university. The will said the farm was meant to go to him, but he didn’t want it. He refused, said he was going to university, and he’d sell it, but he wasn’t staying.”

  “Yup, I heard the story.”

  Callum nodded, his face solemn. “He was so broken up about it, Amelia. He was close to his parents, both of them, exceptionally close. He couldn’t live with the idea of selling their life’s work. So he stayed.”

  “But you left.” There was no accusation in her words.

  Callum nodded. “I did.” He passed his free hand over his mouth, rubbing at the hint of coppery stubble that had sprang up on his jaw since the night before. “God, Amelia, it’s one of the things I regret the most. I should’ve stayed. Should’ve deferred college, should’ve been here for him. I left, because I was afraid to get stuck here. I was afraid if I stayed, I’d never leave. And I couldn’t bear the idea of having to keep hiding what we were to each other, to always having to touch and kiss behind closed doors. I wanted to be out in the open, to have to stop hiding what we were…who I was. And so I left. I left him.” Callum’s voice cracked slightly, and Amelia took his hand, leaning towards him.

  “That was years ago, Callum. You were so young, you both were. You made a reasonable choice for yourself.”

  “I should have been there for him,” Callum repeated, shaking his head. “I can’t believe he’s forgiven me.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t feel there’s anything to forgive.” Amelia squeezed his hand. “Maybe he understands, especially now, that you’re both older, I think he knows why you left—and that it wasn’t because you didn’t love him.” She looked at Callum for a moment. “You do love him, don’t you?”

  Callum nodded. “I do, I always did. None of the other people I dated came close to making me feel what he did. And then I came back—and it was as if I’d never left.”

  “And now he’s moving to Edinburgh. You’ll have the chance to try and have what you wanted back then. But maybe it will be even better, because you’re both grown up now, and you know what you want.”

  “That’s true.” Callum frowned. “But now there’s something else, too.”

  “What is that?”

  “You, Amelia.” He paused. “I know we aren’t supposed to talk about this, and I’m not going to say much. But I feel something that I haven’t felt for a long time when I am with you. Now, when the three of us are together…” he shook his head. "That's like Christmas, birthday and every other good thing all at the same time."

  “We still have a little time left,” Amelia said. Her heart was starting to speed up, and she had a sudden, desperate urge to change the topic the conversation. If he asked her to stay, or said more about how he felt—she had no idea what she'd say. “I’ll go to Edinburgh with the two of you, and we’ll have a nice weekend away. Let’s not worry about anything else, right now.”

  Callum nodded, and after a moment, he extricated his hand from Amelia’s grasp, picked up his spoon, and dug it into the bowl of stew. “To a nice weekend away, then.”

  Chapter 25

  The three of them woke up early, Callum and Amelia loading the rental car as Adam did his morning chores and went over some details with the neighbor who had agreed to care for the animals and watch the house while they were gone. As they packed the bags into the back of the car, Amelia thought again how much she enjoyed this—how easy everything was.

  She’d woken that morning, sandwiched between the bodies of her men. Adam’s broad form had been curled behind her, enveloping her. His arm thrown across her hips, and his hand resting on Callum’s behind. She’d been nestled against Callum’s back, her arm over his chest, hand curled into his. She felt, again, the heavy weight in the pit of her stomach at the thought of leaving. How could she possibly walk away from this?

  Callum shut the trunk, and tossed Amelia the keys. “Start it up and get it warm, will you? I’ll go rescue our boy from the stables.”

  Our boy. She liked the sound of that, the easy way it rolled off his lips. She wondered what it would sound like for him to say that to Adam, about her. Our girl. The thought of it sent a warm feeling through her. She climbed into the passenger seat of the car and turned the ignition key.

  A few minutes later, she saw Callum and Adam walking out of the barn, their hands brushing against each other as they walked, and she felt that warmth again. She was content.

  Adam opened the back, sliding in and propping his feet up lengthwise. Callum got in the driver’s seat and looked around. “All ready, everyone? Alright, time to hit the road.”

  Once they got to the apartment, as they set their things down in the master bedroom, Amelia looked around and thought about the last time she’d been here. She didn’t know if she wanted Adam knowing she’d been here wit
h Callum before, kissing in his living room, and she hoped that Callum wouldn’t bring it up. It was strange, to be back here with both men, after she’d run out on Callum the last time because of her feelings for Adam. Of course, she’d had no idea then, that the two men had history.

  “Right then,” Callum said, walking to the closet. “Let’s get changed, and head out for a bit of dinner? I’m starved.”

  “Sounds great,” Amelia said. She unzipped her bag and fished out a pair of black skinny jeans and a long-sleeved, wrap style top that she knew showed off her cleavage to good advantage. After weeks wrapped up in serviceable jeans, flannels and thick wool sweaters, she was thrilled at the opportunity to dress up a little, and even put on some makeup.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, both men stared at her for a long moment. Callum glanced at Adam. “We’re pretty lucky guys, I think,” he said, smiling broadly.

  “Oh, definitely.” Adam walked up to her, his hands encircling her upper arms, and he bent down to give her a kiss. His lips hovered just over hers for a moment. “It’s a lip stain,” Amelia said. “It won’t come off.”

  “Well, then.” He reached up to thread his other hand through her hair, and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her thoroughly before pulling away. “You’re right,” he said. “Didn’t come off a bit.”

  “My turn.” Callum walked up to her, his hand resting on her waist, and when Amelia turned towards him he bent and gave her a kiss every bit as thorough as Adam’s, if a touch gentler.

  She let out a long breath. “I think I'm the lucky one.”

  The next evening, after a long day of apartment hunting Callum suggested they get spruced up and head out for dinner and a bit of dancing. There was a jazz bar not too far from his place that had both good food and live music. Adam and Amelia agreed readily—Amelia relished the opportunity to really make an effort with her appearance. She had one black dress and one pair of heels in her bag, which she honestly hadn’t had any clue why she’d originally packed them, but now was very glad that she had.

  They all piled into the taxi, Amelia squeezed between the two men. She’d never seen Adam dressed up before, and was amazed by just how gorgeous he looked. He’d opted for charcoal slacks and a button down shirt. Callum, for his part, was perfect in dark jeans and a button down and a blazer. Adam observed that Callum looked better than he did, and Amelia had diplomatically said that there was nothing to choose between them. She couldn’t believe, sometimes, that she was with them. The whole thing still had a more than surreal edge to it.

  The hostess looked a little surprised when Callum said their reservation was for three, and she glanced at Amelia with a look that appeared to be one of envy.

  They settled in to their table, just across the room from the stage, where the band was setting up. Callum ordered a bottle of red wine and the waitress returned with it in a matter of seconds. Callum held up his glass after she’d poured one for each of them, and smiled. “To a bloody fantastic weekend.”

  Amelia and Adam echoed the sentiment as they touched glasses, Amelia thought back to when she’d said a similar thing over stew in the pub back home to Callum.

  Back home. So, she had already begun to think of it that way. It wasn't that surprising as she’d been happier these past weeks there than she had been in a very long time.

  Why go back to Chicago at all?

  She shoveled the thought back down, and turned her attention back to Callum and Adam, who were busy discussing the menu. On the stage, the musicians were tuning up their instruments. The lights had been turned down low, and the flickering candles now provided most of the illumination. Callum had taken them to a very romantic place.

  After the meal, they sat and talked as Callum filled their glasses from a second bottle of wine he’d ordered. The band was tight, the music enveloped them,, not to loud but not to quiet either.

  Callum reached out to take Amelia’s hand. “Want to dance?” How could she say no? He looked so handsome, with the candlelight flickering over his face, his beautiful eyes wide. She curled her fingers around his, and smiled.

  He guided her out onto the dance floor, a black and white checkered surface surrounded by dining tables on three sides and the stage on the other. Several other smartly dressed couples were already dancing. The song was slow, and Callum put his hands on Amelia's waist, moving across the floor in a graceful glide. She could feel the lean muscles of his arms flexing under her hands, and his eyes seemed impossibly blue in the dim lighting—or maybe that was just the wine.

  He spun her in a circle, pulling her close against him when she returned, and she could feel the hard line of his body pressing against her from hip to thigh. She saw that his breath was coming a little faster. “You drive me crazy, Amelia, you know that?” he whispered in her ear as he bent his head closer to hers. “I want to take you straight back to the apartment, unzip this little dress, and slide it down your hips. I want to touch every inch of you.” His breath was warm against her ear, and her skin prickled, her hips brushing against his in a wordless reaction to his murmurs.

  “You drive me crazy, too,” she whispered, her fingers curling around his arm. “And we’ll be back at your apartment tonight.” She looked up at him, the desire in his eyes took her breath away.

  The song was ending, and just then, she felt Adam’s broad hand caress her back just below her shoulder blade. “I don’t suppose I might have a turn,” he said, winking at Callum, and Amelia could do nothing but wonder what she’d possibly done to deserve this as Callum gave a playful half-bow and spun her to face Adam.

  He caught her effortlessly, hands wrapping around the curve of her waist, as the band picked up the tempo a little. He maneuvered her across the floor, spinning her this way and that, then she was pressed up against him, the movement of his hips against hers making her weak at the knees. “I had no idea you could dance this well,” she murmured, her eyes wide.

  “Not a lot of opportunity, back home,” he said. “Although I have an old record player I suppose I ought to have broken out, we could have had a nice dance to something on that.”

  “We were doing other things, I guess?” Amelia laughed.

  “Yes, we were.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, and he brushed a lock of hair away from her face. She realized that while Callum was verbal regarding his emotions, Adam was much more kinetic, more physical. The way he held her so tightly when they were touching, the way he always kissed her as if he were afraid it might be the last time, as if he wanted to brand himself onto her lips. She shivered, thinking of a kiss he’d given her earlier, just before she’d gone to get ready.

  “Cold?” he asked softly, slowing his pace as the music slowed.

  “Not at all,” she said. “I know you’d warm me up if I were though.”

  “Oh, you have no idea,” he murmured against her hair, swaying his hips gently against hers.

  “I think I have some idea,” she said with a grin.

  He pulled back slightly, looking down at her, his voice thickening as he spoke. “Oh, Amelia, you have no idea how much I want you right now.”

  She gazed up at him, at the planes of his face, the sharp cheekbones, the bright blue of his eyes. “I think it might be about as much as I want you,” she whispered, her fingers tightening against him where they lay against his back.

  “I always want you Amelia, but seeing you like this—I’ve never seen you like this before, we’ve never done anything like this. I want to pick you up right now and wrap your legs around my waist and put you up against the nearest wall.”

  She felt her heart skip in her chest as he spoke. “I'm about one glass of wine away from letting you.”

  His hands flexed on her waist, and she felt how tightly coiled he was, how every muscle in his body seemed to be straining towards her, and he bent down and whispered in her ear: “Let’s go home. Let’s get Callum, and go home.”

  Chapter 26

  Home. There it was again, that innocuous word
that seemed to have so much power to make her heart twist around itself. This could be home, she thought, and she let it hover for a moment, let herself feel how it could be if she let it sink in, let it stay.

  Suddenly, all she wanted was to be alone with them both. “Let’s go,” she said, and before she could take another breath, he was leading her off the dance floor. Callum caught his eye, and motioned for the waitress.

  Almost as soon as they were in the cab Adam plunged his hands into Amelia’s hair, turning her head towards him, his mouth was on hers, tongue delving between the seam of her lips. She could taste wine, the lemon, and salt. He devoured her, his fingers pressing against her scalp, a deep groan rumbling in his throat as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth. She felt Callum’s hands on her waist, his mouth on the back of her neck, his lips a gentle echo of Adam’s. His forehead was pressed against the back of Adam’s hands, the tip of his tongue drifting down her nape, and she felt her skin prickle from hairline to toes, her whole body caught up in a rush of heat. His mouth trailed down the curvature of her neck, over the line of her shoulder, and he kissed her there, a soft moan vibrating against her skin.

  Amelia saw the cab driver look over his shoulder, saw his eyes widen at the sight of her caught between the two men, but she was past caring. Adam’s mouth was on her jaw, her throat, his hand still knotted in her hair, and it was taking the last shred of control she had not to throw her leg over him, unbutton his pants, and sink down onto him. Her hand slid to his thigh, and he grabbed her palm, placing it squarely over the hard ridge of his cock, straining against the fabric of his slacks. “God, Amelia,” he groaned. “I want you so much.”


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