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Three if by SeaMMF Bisexual Romance

Page 16

by Nicole Stewart

  She felt Callum’s hand begin to slide up the inside of one thigh as Adam’s began to slide up the other. Their hands met at the top of her leg. All Amelia could think about in that moment was the hands under her dress, one broad and rough, one slender and smooth, and how much she wanted them to go further.

  Adam’s mouth was on hers again, gentler this time, tracing her lip with his tongue, and at the same time she felt Callum’s long fingers slip beneath the silk of her panties, dipping into the place where she was wet, and hot, and aching. One long finger touched her clit, ever so gently, rubbing in a slow circle, and Amelia gasped, and she was suddenly beyond caring what the cab driver thought.

  Adam’s fingers were now there, too, and he kept kissing her, muffling the small whimpers that were beginning to come from her with his mouth, and his broad, roughened fingertip, rubbing slow, torturous circles over her clit as Callum’s fingers slid into her, slowly, curling as they did so, and her whole body was suddenly awash with pleasure, the heat of it knotting in her belly and suffusing through her, and she could no longer think about anything but the mouth on hers and the hands between her legs and how very, very close she was to the edge. Callum was leaning against her, and she could feel how hard he was, pressed against her ass, and she could feel Adam’s cock beneath her hand, only the fabric of his slacks between her and his thick, velvety length.

  She could feel the cab beginning to slow and hoped it was just for a red light. She was so close, so very, very close. The hands between her legs were moving faster, rubbing and circling and thrusting, and she was almost there, any second now. Callum’s index finger curled against her, and then it happened. Heat and pleasure and tension that made her whole body contract and then let go in an indescribable rush. She would have moaned, or even screamed if Adam hadn’t been covering her mouth with his.

  The cab came to a stop.

  “Is everything alright?” the cab driver asked.

  “Yes,” Amelia said, surprised she was able to find her voice at all. “Just a little too much to drink. Thanks.” Adam handed over the cab fare plus a generous tip, and the three of them tumbled out into onto the sidewalk.

  They were hardly inside before Callum turned and pushed Amelia up against the closed door, his body angling close to hers as he grabbed her waist and kissed her. She gasped with surprise—it was usually Adam who was the rougher of the two—but she could feel that Callum was more turned on than he’d ever been. “Amelia,” he whispered against her mouth, pressing his hips against hers, and then he spun her around so that she was facing the door, reaching for the zipper of her dress. He pulled it down slowly, tracing the skin of her back with the fingers of his free hand as it was exposed, and then he leaned forward, tracing that same expanse with his mouth. His hands passed over the curve of her ass, pressing against her so that she could feel how hard he was. “I want to fuck you,” he murmured, his fingers gripping her hips. “Right now. I want you just like this.”

  It was as if she hadn’t just had the best orgasm of her life moments ago in the back of the cab. She was aching all over again, and all she could do was nod wordlessly, pushing her ass against him. “Yes,” she finally managed to moan, the wood of the door feeling cool under the flushed skin of her face. “Yes, please, please.”

  Callum grabbed the straps of her dress, pushing them down her shoulders and off of her arms, and in a moment the dress was a puddle around her feet. She kicked it aside, and she saw him toss his shirt to the floor, and she heard the sound of his zipper as he undid his pants. “Fuck, I can’t wait,” he breathed, moving close to her again, and she could feel him pressed against her, hot against the cool silk of her panties. He pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades, and then her panties were around her ankles, and she felt him against the bare skin of her ass.

  She arched her back instinctively, her thighs spreading apart, and she felt the tip of him pressing against her, and he moaned. “God, you are so fucking wet,” he said, and she heard the low growl of desire that she’d come to recognize as Adam. She turned her head slightly as she felt Callum begin to press his way into her, his hands hard on her hips, his body shaking with the desire to lose control, to thrust into her as hard as he possibly could. Adam was watching, his face dark with lust, and she watched as he tossed his own shirt to the floor, his hands going to the button of his slacks. She moaned as Callum thrust all the way into her, and at the sight of Adam freeing his thick, throbbing cock from his pants, his hand reaching around it to begin a slow, measured stroke as he watched Callum fuck her.

  She had never even imagined being as turned on as she was in that moment. She wanted to touch Adam, desperately, but she was beyond forming words. Every time she thought she could speak, Callum would thrust into her again, and she would feel lost again in the pleasure that was curling tighter and tighter in the pit of her stomach, waiting to push her over the edge again, and maybe again.

  Callum reached around her waist suddenly, straightening her against him, and he took a step back, holding her tightly. He was still moving inside of her, only slower now and not so deep, and Amelia gasped at the change of tactic. A second later, Adam dropped to his knees in front of her, and the world swam in front of her eyes as he slid his hands up her inner thighs, and his mouth slid between her legs.

  She felt Callum shudder as Adam’s tongue swept along the base of his cock where it was buried in her, and then up, drawing out the pleasure in a long, slow stroke that ended at her clit, where he swirled and licked and sucked, repeating that motion over and over until she was sure she would lose her mind.

  And then she did. She forgot how to see, or think, or do anything except moan, a long, drawn out moan that ended in something like a scream as she came. She would have fallen if it wasn’t for Callum’s arm around her waist, holding her against him, and Adam’s hand bracing her thighs. All she could feel was them holding her up, and Callum inside her, Adam’s mouth against her, licking and sucking and never stopping, and then there was another orgasm right on the heels of that one, and she slumped in Callum’s arms, her whole body spent.

  She felt Callum slide out of her. Adam picked her up, carrying her to the couch. She lay on her back, wrung out, and she watched the two men face each other, Callum’s hand going to the back of Adam’s head as he kissed him. She realized again how much she loved watching them kiss each other, loved watching Adam’s palm brush over the coppery stubble on Callum’s jaw, loved watching Callum bend his head back, exposing the long, pale line of his throat to Adam’s mouth. She watched as Callum fell to his knees, one hand bracing against Adam’s hip as his mouth slid over the tip of Adam’s cock, his other hand going to his own, still slick and glistening from her. She found that to be the most arousing thing of all, knowing he’d just been inside of her, that he could still feel her on him as he slid his hand up and down, his moans vibrating around Adam as he slid his tongue along the other man.

  Adam pulled away after a long moment, and Callum turned, and Amelia rolled towards him, leaning forward to kiss him. She felt him groan against her mouth as Adam slid slowly into him, one hand braced on Callum’s shoulder, the other on his narrow waist, and though she was sure she was too spent to do anything more, she felt a stirring of desire at the sight. Callum stroked a hand down her side, not so much to arouse as just to touch her as he kissed her, his hand passing over her breasts, cupping them in his hands, and she luxuriated in his touch, enjoying the sensations. Adam was making that low noise in his throat, his thrusts speeding up, and Amelia felt Callum’s body tense, and he kissed her again, his hands going to her face as his tongue plunged into her mouth. She could feel it as Adam shuddered behind him, his body wracked with pleasure, and she felt the small aftershocks of her own pass through her again as Callum kissed her, the three of them linked together.

  They were all silent for a long moment, slumped against the couch, Adam’s arm wrapped around Callum, bracing him as the larger man leaned against his back. “I…maybe we should go
out dancing more often,” Amelia suggested.

  Chapter 27

  “I think this one might be it.” Adam looked around the studio space, brow furrowed.

  “I think it looks just like the last four we saw,” Callum said. Amelia hung back behind him, her hand resting on his hip, her hand covering her mouth so Adam wouldn’t hear her giggle. After spending his whole life on the farm, in his family’s cottage, the small spaces available in the city were clearly throwing him for a loop. Callum was right in so much as most of the small studio or one-bedroom apartments they’d looked at were pretty much alike.

  “If you think you’ll be comfortable here, maybe this is the one you should go with,” she said gently, casting a sideways glance at Callum to remind him to not laugh. As at ease as Adam always was on the farm, tackling problems that would have made Amelia throw her hands up and lose her mind, he was completely out of his depth here. Callum and Amelia were trying to gently guide him through the process, without making him feel that he was being babied. It was a fine line to tread, and privately, Amelia thought she was better at it than Callum.

  Adam took one last turn around the room, opening up cabinet doors and peeking inside, until finally he nodded. “Let’s do the paperwork.”

  “You’re leaving me to deal with his adjustment alone,” Callum whispered, shaking his head. “Way to duck out, Amelia.”

  She laughed. “I think you’ll handle it just fine. He’ll adapt, don’t worry.”

  Callum snorted. “I don’t know about that. It’s a big change.” He paused. “You could always stay and help you know.”

  Amelia didn’t look at him. “That’s a crazy idea, Callum. What on earth would I do? I don’t even have a job here.”

  “You don’t have a job in Chicago, either, at least once your research is done,” he pointed out. “There’s a university here, you know. You could do a post-doc, work on a project for them.”

  “I don’t think it’s just as easy as all that,” Amelia said. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

  Callum shrugged. “You never know.” He didn’t say anything else, and Amelia let the subject drop.

  A couple of hours later, they crowded into a small booth in the pub down the street from Callum’s apartment. “To a successful hunt!” Amelia said, clinking her beer glass against theirs. “And the start of a new adventure.”

  Her heart twisted as she said it, and she quickly looked down at her menu to hide her expression. She was happy for Adam, truly, she was. And for Callum too, especially after the way he’d poured his heart out to her that evening, confessing all the long-held feelings for Adam. They’d finally have their chance, living in the same city, away from all the gossip and judgmental, gossipy neighbors. She was happy for them but she knew that she ached to be a part of it, too. Unfortunately, there was no way that she could see to make that happen.

  She didn’t even know if they truly wanted that to happen. Callum had mentioned it earlier, of course, but she wasn’t at all certain that wasn't heat of the moment talk. Maybe what the three of them had was just a holiday romance and nothing more.

  Adding a third person to a relationship was complicated to say the least. They might want time alone, a night together without her, or she might want a night with just one of them. How would that all even work? Would they have to each have their own room, or would they just assume that they’d all pile into the same bed every night?

  “Still there?” Callum nudged her softly, his head tilting against hers. “You look like you’re a million miles away.”

  Amelia shook her head, pushing away the thoughts of a situation she’d likely never need to figure out. “I’m here,” she said, forcing a smile.

  “I guess the next few weeks are going to be a lot of packing and getting ready,” Adam said.

  “You know I’ll help.” Callum grinned at him. “Even though I hate packing I'll make the sacrifice.”

  Amelia started to say that she’d help too, and then caught herself. She wouldn’t be helping, not much anyway. She’d be on a flight back to Chicago by the end of next week. Her stomach twisted again, and this time she had to fight to keep tears from welling up. I am not ready to go home, she thought. I want to stay.

  She looked up, and she saw that Adam was looking at her, a strange expression on his face. He caught her eyes, his lips pressing together as if he were thinking of saying something. He reached for his beer, his gaze breaking away from hers, and the moment was gone.

  Even if she wanted to talk about what was happening, she didn’t have the slightest idea how to begin.

  “Just keep the things that really remind you of them,” Amelia said. “If it’s an heirloom, or something really special. If it’s something you don’t even think about, or remember ever really seeing used, don’t keep it. A few really meaningful things will be better.”

  Adam nodded, staring down at the pile on the floor in front of him, and Callum squeezed Amelia’s hand. She returned the gesture, her fingers curling around his, and they sat like that for a few moments, their hands resting on the rug between them.

  She glanced up, and saw Adam's glass was empty. “I’ll get some more drinks,” she said, letting go of Callum’s hand and standing up. She could feel her throat tightening again, could feel the emotions that had been simmering for days now, ever since the weekend in Edinburgh, and she needed a moment to herself. Adam looked at her quizzically, but handed her his glass. She took Callum’s as well, avoiding his eyes, and turned to go into the kitchen.

  She stood at the counter, toying with the corner of the label on the scotch bottle, staring down at the patterns in the Formica. She’d give anything, she thought, if she could just rewind and keep living these last weeks over and over.

  She heard footsteps and straightened up, brushing quickly at her cheeks in case any of the tears that had been welling up in her eyes had fallen. She knew it was Adam without turning around.

  She felt his broad hand rest on her hip, and she could feel the heat radiating off him. She wanted to lean back against him, let him wrap his arms around her waist and sink into the warm expanse of him, but she stayed where she was. It was going to hurt so much more if she kept going like this. If she kept letting herself fall.

  She felt his arms slide around her waist, his palm resting on her ribs, and he pulled her back against him. “Amelia,” he said softly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said, her voice tight. “Nothing at all. Just tired.”

  “I know that’s not it.” His voice was gentle and deep in her ear. She wondered what it would be like to be in his arms, hear his voice, and know that he’d be there the next morning, and the morning after that, and all the rest of her future mornings. What would it be like to not always know, in the back of her mind, that the clock was running and soon she’d have to leave.

  He turned her gently in his arms, looking down at her, and tilted her chin up. It was too much, and she felt the tears welling up again.

  “Is it that you’re leaving?” He touched her cheek. “We’ve got a few days left.”

  “I know,” Amelia said. Her voice dropped lower, almost a whisper, and the words tumbled out before she could stop them. “It’s not nearly enough.”

  His arms tightened around her. “It’s not,” he said quietly. “I don’t know how much time would ever be enough.”

  “What do you mean?” Her voice trembled.

  “I think you know exactly what I mean,” he said. He rested his hand against her face, his fingers sliding back into her hair.

  “Tell me,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. She wanted to lean into his hand, to move forward, press against him, kiss him. But she wanted more to know what he was going to say.

  He swallowed, the muscles in his jaw tightening. A long moment hung between the two of them, and Amelia could do nothing other than look up at him and wait.

  “I love you, Amelia,” he said finally, his voice deep and quiet. “I know it hasn’t been that
long, and I know that there’s nothing I can do about the way things are. But I can’t let you go back to Chicago without telling you. I love you.”


  Eight months later

  It was a sunny day, in Scotland. That alone might have been an omen, Amelia thought, as she stepped out of the taxi and onto the still-frozen dirt of the winding driveway. It was April.

  And I thought Chicago was cold.

  Everything about the day was a million times different than the first time she’d come here. When she’d looked out of the taxi window and seen the old cottage—rustic seemed too kind—she’d been filled with a sense of uncertainty, with no idea if she’d be equipped for the adventure she’d taken on. After all, she was just a geeky Midwestern girl, with no real experience of adventure to speak of.

  What an adventure it had turned out to be.

  Now, standing with her feet planted firmly in the dirt, duffel bag in one hand and laptop case in the other, she stared down the winding driveway and tried to summon that sense of uncertainty. Surely she should feel it. The first time she’d come, she’d known exactly why she was here and what she should do. People had been expecting her. No one was expecting her this time, but instead of uncertainty, all she could find was a bone-deep sense that she did, in fact, know exactly why she was here.

  They should be home, this time of day. It was too early for Adam to have gone to the pub already and Callum—well, she actually had no idea what Callum would be doing on a farm at any time of day. She’d received only one letter from them in the time she’d been gone, telling her they’d decided to stay in Dalwally after all. There hadn’t been much by way of an explanation. She suspected the letter had been mostly to let her know where they were, just in case she ever decided to come home.


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