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Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2)

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by Arabella Steedly

  Soon Vanessa was finished at the clinic, and the two were busy rearranging the furniture the movers had haphazardly left. Neither spoke a word while they worked together to make up the beds in both the master bedroom and the guest room. But Jake was happy the movers had at least arranged a few things in the kitchen enough for them to fix dinner.

  "Have you seen the weather reports?" Vanessa asked taking a bite of her grilled snapper.

  "No. What's going on?"

  "A hurricane is brewing out in the Caribbean. Well, really, right now it's only a tropical storm."

  "Hurricane? We're too far from the coast to be worried about that, aren't we?" Jake put down his fork.

  Vanessa picked up the Tampa Tribune, and laid it on the table between them, and pointed at the article providing weather advisories. "Not completely. If it develops into a hurricane, there could be heavy rains. According to this map, we don't live in the flood zone, but we could still get hurricane force winds that can create tornadoes."

  "Wow! Now, this right when we were about to get settled." Jake palmed his hair.

  "Let's look at it this way. We have plenty of plywood if we need it."

  "I'll board-up the windows tomorrow, just in case. I think we have enough for the clinic too. And I'm not too worried about the shed and barn." Jake sighed in relief.

  "See there. We're all set. And anyway... maybe it won't turn our way."

  "More wine?"

  "I would love some," she told him, holding up her glass.

  While Vanessa cleaned up the kitchen, Jake pulled a Monopoly game out of the closet by the front door and dusted it off. He couldn't wait to see the look on Vanessa's face when he hit her with his crazy suggestion.

  With a sideways smile, he said, "I challenge you, Mrs. Morrow, to a fast-paced game of Monopoly," and laid it on the coffee table. "You up for it?"

  Vanessa appeared confused, "What did you say?"

  "Yes, you heard right, Monopoly. I found it earlier today.

  "So, you want to play a board game this evening?

  "Sure, why not?"

  Jake explained Jim suggested that he should play cards or a board game as part of his therapy. He needed to fill his mind with things he enjoyed, other than work. If they watched a movie, he often found his mind wandering, but a game would keep him focused on something, even if it was a bit boring by today's standards. And since he found it, left by the previous owners of the house, why not give it a try?

  "Woo, whoo. You really know how to show a girl a good time."

  "Don't I? Play your cards right, and we'll check into a few hotels together, maybe take a ride or two on the railroads."

  After Vanessa finished loading the dishwasher, they piled up on the couch and began the game. Unfortunately, Jake was better at Monopoly than she was. After playing for a bit, he had most of the property and a lot more money. When Vanessa was unable to pay her rent on his 'Boardwalk' estate, the game took a naughty turn.

  "I'll tell you what, Mrs. Morrow. I try to be a good landlord, and I understand you're having it rough. Maybe we could barter for your rent," he said, looking completely mischievous.

  "A barter? I already mortgaged most of my property. I don't have anything to barter with." She shrugged.

  "I will let you pass this one time in exchange for your t-shirt."

  "You want the very shirt off my back? Sir...YOU are no gentleman!"

  "I never claimed to be," he replied with a boyish grin.

  "Fine. I will give you my shirt in exchange for free rent." Vanessa peeled off her t-shirt and dropped it beside him. Now, she sat at the coffee table in her bra and jeans.

  Jake openly eyed her luscious breasts surrounded by a lacy black bra. Feeling incredibly pleased, he smiled and rolled the dice; landing on one of her mortgaged properties -- owing her nothing. Vanessa rolled the dice and moved seven more places, passing 'Go' and collecting her two hundred dollars.

  "Ooooh, I landed on 'Chance.' I might get ahead in this game now," she said, drawing a card from the stack and frowning as she read it. Vanessa looked up at Jake and stuck out her tongue as she moved her little top hat to the nearest railroad. All of the railroads were owned by Jake. It was time to pay up again.

  "Well, looks like you're a little short on my rent once again, Ma'am. I tell you what... I can make you a loan. I'll need some collateral though," he told her.

  "Collateral?" She moistened her lips. "What sort of collateral did you have in mind?"

  "Well, I'd be willing to give you a pile of cash for those jeans you're wearing," he said, trying to sound disinterested in the transaction.

  "You're just despicable?"

  "Yes!" He smirked.

  Vanessa stood and slid her jeans down over her hips and kicked them off. In exchange for the jeans, Jake gave her half of every stack of money in front of him. After every roll of the dice, she always landed on Jake's property, so the money he gave her quickly ended back on his own side of the table as she sat there in her matching bra and panties.

  "I think this game is fixed!"

  "Well, it might be..." he replied, playfully counting his money.

  Vanessa scowled at him as he rolled the dice, landing on 'New York Avenue,' one of the few properties she had managed to buy back from the bank.

  "Yes! Pay me!" she squealed.

  "Okay, I could pay you or, we could make a wager."

  "What sort of wager?" She eyed him suspiciously.

  "You roll the dice. If it's even, I give you your rent and all my properties. If it's odd, you give me the rest of your clothes."

  "Oh, you play dirty, mister!" After thinking for a moment, she nodded. "You're on, stud." Vanessa picked up the dice and made a show of kissing each one for luck. Then, she rolled them and stared in disbelief: A pair of fours!

  With all of Jake's properties, each covered with hotels, she quickly took all his money and now the shoe was on the other foot. Like him, she was willing to barter for rent he couldn't afford. Before long, he had joined her in nothing but his briefs and not long after that, he lost those too.

  By now, the two of them sat on their living room rug across from each other overlooking their devious little game of Monopoly. She was still in her bra and panties, and Jake was completely nude, wrapped in a throw to keep warm. When he landed on another of her properties, he had no more clothing to barter with, so the stakes went up.

  "Well, you owe me money, and that simply will not do," she told him nonchalantly. Jake looked down at the floor in false shame. "I suppose I could allow you to work off your debt."

  "That sounds like slavery to me!"

  "Maybe, but it is either that or I'll call up my squad of goons, and they break your kneecaps," she said, attempting to sound menacing.

  "No, no...not the kneecaps! Anything but the kneecaps! Okay, I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt me!" he pleaded, looking like a cat that ate a canary rather than a man afraid for his life.

  "Fine. Report to the bedroom, and I will be there to get my money's worth in a few minutes," Vanessa ordered.

  Jake stood and headed toward the master bedroom, dropping the throw so that his bare backside was proudly displayed as he half skipped down the hallway like a school kid. Vanessa laughed at how ridiculous they acted. She left everything else in a mess on the coffee table and made her way to the bedroom to find Jake sprawled on the bed lightly stroking himself waiting for her.

  Vanessa first slid down one strap of her bra then the other before unfastening it allowing her ample breasts to fall free. Slowly, she pulled her panties over her hips. For a moment she paused in the faint lamplight and watched him pleasure himself while he gazed at her. She followed suit and ran her fingers over her swollen folds. After holding her damp finger to his lips, Jake lapped the juices off as she climbed into bed beside him.

  "Does trading sex for Monopoly debts make me a gigolo?" he whispered in her ear.

  "Yes, it does." She giggled.

  Then they were completely lost in on
e another again, making love slowly with the lamp on so that they could see the contours of one another's bodies. She straddled him, riding him softly. Her heaving breasts covered by his large hands, massaging them beneath his fingers. It felt wonderful to be inside of her again. They hadn't been intimate for weeks, and it felt like a heartache that might never pass. Now, they were like two halves of a whole that fit perfectly together. Their hips ground against one another in a delectable tango of passion.

  Jake grew more aggressive as the urgency of their lovemaking once again reached a crescendo. He used the strength of his body to flip her over, never pulling free of her as they continued their coupling with him now on top. She moaned loudly each time he ground his hips into hers. Jake seemed to last forever as his strokes grew harder and faster, causing her to gasp and cry out loudly as he grew more primal in his need.

  Vanessa's luscious body shook all over as she let out a loud sound that seemed almost like a long, low growl. It felt like every nerve ending in her had suddenly tensed and then released all at once, flooding his cock with her wetness as she exploded. Jake quickly joined her, letting his own internal explosions ignite and filled her with his seed. Once again, the union between them was perfect. Afterward, they cuddled and kissed before drifting to sleep in one another's arms. Content to be there together again.

  Jake awoke with a start several times during the night and wondered for a moment about the weather. After he looked outside and around the room, he realized all was well, and quickly drifted back to sleep. Nothing had happened, no bad dreams. Vanessa was sound asleep, and he hoped her anxiety was beginning to drift away. Then, he fell into a deep sleep and didn't awake until well after sunrise.

  Chapter 4

  The palms swayed, and the lake rippled in the balmy Florida breeze while Jake strolled around the property on his morning walk. The sky was clear, so he hoped the hurricane had turned out to sea. To be sure, he went inside and flipped on the Weather Channel. Shocked, he listened as the commentator reviewed the map and switched to the video footage of the high winds lashing Puerto Rico.

  "Hey, Vanessa... You better come here and take a look at this!" He palmed his hair.

  They both watched in quiet disbelieve. "I'm glad the clinic is closed on Wednesdays. Now I can help you board up the windows," Vanessa suggested.

  He swatted her on the butt. "Chop, chop, better go change into some old clothes."

  A few minutes later, she stood next to him still in her yellow t-shirt and slippers looking down at herself. "I have nothing to wear."

  "What do you mean? You have lots of clothes."

  "Well, yes and no. All my old work clothes are still in the boxes stacked in the spare bedroom. It'll take me all morning to find them, and I don't want to wear my new scrubs to do sweaty work."

  Jake grabbed the remote and switched off the TV. "I got the solution. Put on your sneakers and follow me out to the shed."

  Venessa gave him a half smile. "Out to the woodshed... you giving me a spanking?"

  "Well, that is an idea... You probably deserve one. What I mean is... I have a trunk of old fatigues out there. They might be a little large... but let's go take a peek." Jake ogled his wife's cute butt as she walked away to find her shoes.

  Out in the shed, Vanessa laughed when he handed her an old t-shirt and a pair of camouflage pants. Pressing them around her waist, he measured. "The t-shirt will do, but the pants are too loose and way too long," she complained.

  "I've got the remedy for that." Jake removed a machete hanging from a nail in the wall and cut off the legs, fashioning a pair of very short-shorts. He held them up around her waist, measuring again. Pulling open the drawer in his workbench, he removed a heavy-duty stapler and began fastening two folds of fabric together, one on each side of the waistband. Vanessa giggled when she bent over to show off her pink thong before pulling Jake's homemade cutoffs over her tan legs.

  "Watch it girl, or we won't have time to cover the windows. And our new house will blow away."

  "Oh my God, Jake you're such a drama queen."

  He pulled his wife close and kissed her. "You never know... There is a storm out there, remember?"

  To Jake's delight, they found pre-cut plywood stored in the barn already marked for the house. All they had to do was hang them up over the corresponding windows, but the clinic required more work.

  "Whew, I'm glad we don't do that every day," Vanessa told him while helping to carry their tools back to the shed.

  "Meow... Meow..."

  Vanessa swatted his arm. "You calling me a pussy?"

  "Maybe..." Jake passed her a wry smile.

  "I got an idea. I'll pack a picnic lunch and let's go for a hike."


  "On the neighbor's property. I treated their dog."

  "Are they home? What about trespassing. We might get shot."

  Vanessa explained they were pleased with her care and gave the Morrow's permission to enjoy their acreage at any time. And the couple had mentioned they were evacuating, just as a precaution due to the storm, so they would not be disturbing them.

  "What did you pack to eat?"

  "Is that all you're worried about? Eating?" Vanessa rolled her eyes.

  An hour later on their hike, they came to a spot in the path where they had to climb over dead limbs covered with thick vines. "This isn't what I pictured when you said we were going hiking," Jake commented.

  "Me either. I guess I thought the trails were clear. It will be good exercise, especially since you didn't do your yoga last night."

  "I told you. I'm not doing yoga!"

  "Oh, come on now, I can't wait to see you do the downward-facing dog pose."

  "That will never happen."

  Further along, Jake stopped and surveyed their surroundings. Up ahead was an orange grove, and he detected a slight odor of the rotting fruit laying on the ground. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was familiar. It smelled like the jungle where Alpha Team had gone through survival training before being deployed. Jake shook off the memory and moved on. "Be careful around that brush pile. It's an excellent place to get bitten by a snake."

  "We're fine... no snakes here," Vanessa reassured him. Moments later, though, he was lagging behind, so she asked, "Are you alright? You're kinda pale?"

  He told a white lie. "I'm just admiring you." But now, he was looking at her, beautiful in the sunlight. Her fair skin was as flawless as a porcelain doll. Marrying Vanessa was the one positive thing that had happened to him after his discharge from the service.

  "I think we're lost." Vanessa held her hand up shading her eyes as she peered at the rows and rows of orange trees.

  Jake was not lost at all. He could retrace his steps without a problem, but he liked following along with her plan. "Oh, no, surely not. I guess I have to trust you to find our way out of here... my sexy trail guide." He snickered.

  She laughed and called him silly. Their tension and fear over his dream were melting away. Jake wondered what was going through her mind at this point, but decided not to dwell on it. Perhaps they could enjoy the day together and let it drift away into the breeze becoming a fond memory.

  Not one to over talk things, Jake definitely avoided bringing up his bad dream. In his experience, it usually made matters worse, and that was far from what he had in mind today. As they walked on, Jake was coming to realize Vanessa had been sent to rescue him instead of the other way around.

  Jake liked to think of himself as Vanessa's knight in shining armor — taking her away from the dangers of their past. But on days like today, the truth was evident. There was a huge part of him that was grateful to her, even if she didn't realize how much her positive support had helped him overcome his fears.

  Suddenly, Vanessa came to a quick stop and pointed up ahead. "Look there's a lake with a little dock and a picnic table."

  "Did the neighbors tell you about the lake?"

  "They only mentioned the picnic area. They used it when their grandkids came to vi
sit, but they hadn't been down in over a year."

  "It is very peaceful here."

  "I remember as kids, back home, my cousins and I would go visit our great aunt's place and she had a swimming hole. We used to strip down to our underwear, and run like screaming banshees and jump in the pond."

  Jake nodded, "It looks nice and clear... I wish our lake looked like this."

  "Yeah, the owners said it was fed by an underground spring. Anyway, I thought we'd stop and have a snack. They told me the trail on the other side loops around and comes out near our house."

  "Sounds fantastic."

  Less than twenty minutes later, they sat at the picnic table and snacked on the granola, and fruit Vanessa had packed. When he finished with the healthy food, Jake opened his backpack and pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

  She shook her head. "You sneak..."

  "The fruit and granola weren't enough for me."

  Vanessa eyed the plastic bag for a moment before she held out her hand. "Give me one... please."

  "Okay, since you asked nicely."

  They laughed and finished munching the rest of Jake's stash. When they were full, he stood and begun taking off his shirt.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm going skinny dipping. You might want to undress too. I'd hate to throw you in, clothes and all." Jake pulled off his boots before standing to remove his pants and briefs.

  "You wouldn't do that would ya?"

  Jake saw the twinkle in her eyes, and that sent the message he was hoping for. She held his gaze as she slipped out of her clothes and stood naked in front of him.

  He reached out to pull her into an embrace, but before he could, she giggled and took off running toward the dock. Pulling her knees to her chest, Vanessa did a cannonball, and disappeared for a moment then resurfaced a few feet away. There she was, his gorgeous little water nymph in their own private, albeit borrowed, lake.

  "Are you going to join me, big boy? The water is cool and refreshing."

  He didn't have to be asked twice. Jake jumped in and popped up directly behind, then dunked her. When she surfaced, Vanessa attempted to return the favor, but he was too strong. Jake grabbed her by the waist, pulling her toward him instead. They quickly got lost in one another as they paddled one handed to keep afloat while locked in a heated kiss.


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