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Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2)

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by Arabella Steedly

  "I love you, Vanessa."

  "Are you sure?" She giggled. Then, catching him off guard, Vanessa dunked him and swam away toward the dock. She pulled herself up the ladder as he raced to catch up to her, threatening retaliation.

  "I'm coming after you, Vanessa Morrow!"

  He was fast, but she was way ahead. Vanessa ran bare-assed and giggling toward the picnic table where he finally caught up to her and smacked her playfully on the butt. Something about slapping her bare flesh sent a shiver of excitement through him.

  Out in the middle of nowhere, they made love on the picnic table, Vanessa riding him reverse cowgirl style as he sat on the attached bench and enjoyed the incredible way it felt to be this free and happy with such a wonderful woman.

  Chapter 5

  That night Vanessa fell asleep in bed flipping through People Magazine with the light still on. Jake had often teased her about reading it first before placing the gossipy rag in the clinic waiting room. Chuckling to himself, he kissed her lightly on the cheek and lifted the magazine from her fingers. After turning off the lamp, Jake covered up with the sheet willing himself not to dream. But soon after his eyes closed, his anxious mind conjured up another nightmare of an Alpha Team mission.

  In the dream, Jake sat beneath a camouflaged area only meters away from his target in a mountain range near Kabul waiting for the team to finish their recon mission. After the signal finally came in a series of light radio clicks, he began his quiet retreat. And made his way back to the rendezvous point with the rest of his team for their debriefing. Later, when they settled into their bedding, Jake shivered in the cold mountain air. The thoughts about home and the warm bed waiting were his only comfort.

  Laying on his bunk next to him was a letter. Jake had opened it and read the brief note, glad to receive contact from home even if it was short. He would respond tomorrow when he had time. When the new morning came, though, he had no chance to write a letter. Instead, they scrambled after hearing the enemy was closing in. Jake kept an eagle eye out as Alpha Team silently made their way toward the compound and eased into their positions out of view. Then he froze, feeling cut off from them.

  Soon after, an explosion rocked the ground beneath him. The dust and smoke from the detonation clouded his vision. Then there was a rustling noise, and from around the corner, an enemy soldier stumbled from his hideaway wielding a machete. The blade sliced through his sleeve and into his skin. Blood was pouring from his arm.

  When he scrambled to his feet, Jake slipped and fell. A single shot rang out, and the man dropped to the ground. After he waited far too long, a member of a SEAL team was pulling him up and shouting that they had to evacuate. He knew not to question — just follow orders.

  Jake awoke in a sweat. When he sat up in bed, the dream faded back into the recesses of his mind. He glanced over at Vanessa, who still slept soundly beside him.

  Thank God, she's safe, nothing happened. He thought.

  The counselor had told him that it would take time for the dreams to subside, but the nightmares shouldn't deter him from moving forward with life. When he returned home from Afghanistan, he soon discovered he left one kind of hell to enter another. Losing his fiancé, Karen, and his parents not long after his return also took its toll. Jake discovered getting on with life did not instantly erase those memories.

  Glancing at the clock, he saw it was almost time for the alarm to go off and got out of bed. Making his way to the porch, Jake glanced toward the horizon. It should be lighter outside, but it wasn't. The sky was glum, and bluish gray clouds were billowing overhead, growing larger. The storm was coming in.

  With the windows covered, Jake felt claustrophobic — sending an uptick in his anxiety. They hadn't received a signed contract on the sale from Vanessa's realtor either. Perhaps that was the reason the dream was so vivid. The nightmares were more regular when he became anxious about — well, almost anything.

  After a while, he heard his wife stir, and she appeared walking down the hallway in her robe. Vanessa's long dark hair was messy as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes, stretching.


  "Yes… almost ready. Why don't you sit down and grab a cup of coffee before you shower."

  "Thank you. Those blueberry pancakes sure smell good."

  "The weather is getting nasty out there. I wouldn't be surprised if you have some cancellations today."

  "Let me check... I hate it with all the windows boarded up." She headed out to the porch to see for herself. "You might be right. The wind is picking up some. I need to hurry and eat. I think it's best if I call my clients and close the office for the day."

  "They probably won't show up anyway."

  "I'm inclined to agree. Oh, let me call Beth before she leaves for work." Vanessa walked back to the bedroom and returned holding her cell phone to her ear. Then she gasped. "Oh my God, do you think you're in labor?"

  With wide eyes, Vanessa plopped down in the chair and looked on as Jake finished fixing their breakfast. "It looks like Beth is having a few contractions." Vanessa paused a moment in thought. "Maybe she's just scared. Her mom is sick, and she's planning to be with her for the birthing. I hope Beth is alright."

  Jake handed her a plate heaped with pancakes. "I guess now I'll have to be your assistant."

  Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Be real, you don't even know how to turn on the clinic computer, Jake”

  "Watch me!"

  Jake planted a kiss on the top of her head and left to grab a quick shower. By the time she finished eating, he was drying off outside the tub. Jake watched as she stripped off her robe and climbed in. He wanted nothing more than to join her, to wash her every curve. But there was no time for that today. Instead, he threw on his clothes and waited for her in the living room to check the weather on their big screen TV.

  Seeing the hurricane was still on a path toward them, they worked together while Jake drug box after box in front of the TV. Vanessa rummaged through them until they found their candles and a couple of flashlights.

  "If we lose power the well pump won't work. So we need to make sure we have water," Jake told her.

  "Oh, that's right. Let's fill the tub. It will hold enough for a day or two. And we have a case of water in the pantry."

  After surveying their supplies, Vanessa said, "I better head over to the clinic and reschedule my patients. I'm sure they'll understand."

  "Good idea. I'll follow you."

  "Thanks. We better grab an umbrella."

  As they left the house, the lights flickered, and the rain began drumming against the metal roof.

  Chapter 6

  Before Vanessa closed the clinic door, Jake rushed in and stood behind the counter looking desperately for the button to turn the computer on. "Stop Jake, you're going to mess it up trying to make a stupid point."

  "See there." Jake grinned when the screen grew bright.

  Vanessa hugged him from behind and laid her head on his back. "Jake... you're my hero... Now, move your ass out of the way."

  It felt good to laugh with her husband. He stood and watched her every move while she entered the password. But to Vanessa's surprise, the dashboard screen did not open. Instead, the monthly income report displayed at the spot where Beth logged off after finishing her tutorial. Jake stepped closer and laid his hand on her shoulder. "Hold on a minute."

  "What do you mean. I need to open the scheduler." She bit her lip.

  "This report indicates the clinic generated only a little over a thousand dollars since it opened. Is this correct?"

  "Yes, we've only been in business for a few days."

  The bitter taste of bile rose in her throat. The report would send Jake's anxiety spinning out of control. All she could do was try and explain. He rubbed his hand over his face and shook his head.

  "Look, Jake, this is profit after Beth was paid and I ordered my supplies. We're doing fine. We talked about this, remember? Building a new practice from scratch is going to take time. It isn'
t like in Arkansas where I bought an existing practice... and... and... we should be getting the money from that sale soon."

  "You hope!"

  That nasty bile taste had started a reaction that turned to anger. Vanessa always tried to be upbeat about the myriad problems they encountered since they met. And she had sheltered Jake a countless number of times regarding their finances knowing how sensitive he was, not wanting to trigger a PTSD episode. Since he was unemployed and forced to depend on his wife to see them through, finances were definitely a sticky subject.

  He's always so glum... always depressed about something, she thought.

  Peering out the only window that he could see out of, Jake stood with his hands in his pockets while Vanessa used the office phone to make her calls. As she finished speaking to her last customer, her cell phone chimed. When she noticed it was Beth, she sucked in a quick breath.

  "Hi, there. How're you doing?" Beth sobbed and told her the bad news. The doctor admitted her into the hospital to stop the labor since the baby wasn't due for another three weeks. Again, she mentioned her ill mother and begged Vanessa to come and stay with her.

  "I'll work free for two months to pay you back," Beth pleaded. "I don't have anyone else."

  Vanessa made an instant decision. The hurricane was not predicted to make landfall over central Florida for at least another twenty-four hours. The trip to town and back should be an easy one.

  "I'll be there as soon as I can. Hold on. Everything will be fine." Vanessa ended the call.

  "What did I hear you say?" Jake raised his brows.

  "I'm going. Beth needs me."

  "Oh, no you're not!"

  "Don't try to tell me what to do?"

  Seeing she was serious, Jake must have decided to back down. "Take a look outside Vanessa. A hurricane is coming. What are you doing? Beth is in the place where she will get good care. Sure, she might be lonely and scared. But it is ridiculous for her to expect you to drive into town under these circumstances."

  "I'm sorry you don't get it... I guess it's a woman thing. But I'm not going to let Beth face the fear of losing a child, alone!

  "What do you mean... lose her child?"

  Vanessa's tone of voice softened a bit when she answered, "Oh, you hadn't heard. Her baby will be premature. She's not due for almost another month."

  "Oh, well, if you insist on going, I'm coming with you." He walked over and started turning off the lights. At that point, Vanessa was at a loss for words. There was no way Jake could stay without Beth's permission. A nurse would tell him to wait in the visitor's lounge. Besides, she was unsure what the hospital's rules were about visitors hanging around during a hurricane.

  Taking his hand, she said, "Jake, I really appreciate you wanting to go with me, but they probably won't let you stay."

  "Well then, you can't go! It is too dangerous."

  Without missing a beat, Vanessa stepped around her husband and ran to the house. As she reached safety under the porch, a large branch fell in the yard with a loud thud. Unfettered, Vanessa grabbed her purse and her car keys. In the rearview mirror of her VW bug, she saw Jake standing in the driveway holding his white Stetson watching her go.

  I love you, Jake... Please don't flip out over this...

  Speeding toward town, Vanessa was taken aback. Only a few cars were on the street, and two stoplights were out. When she ran from the parking lot and entered through the front door, she was met by several strange looks. But no one stopped her when Vanessa introduced herself as Dr. Morrow and asked for the room number of Beth Anderson.

  As soon as Vanessa entered her room, Beth held out her arms and began to sob again. "Thank you... thank you... thank you... I tried to call your cell, but the call failed."

  "I'm here now. You're not alone anymore." Vanessa smoothed the young woman’s light hair and listened while Beth explained the doctors were able to stop her labor. But they were keeping her for observation — just as a precaution. Vanessa was unconvinced the emergency was over. The nurse had just started a new IV.

  After Beth was resting quietly, Vanessa slipped out to the waiting room and tried to call Jake — dead air. Peering out the window, she noted it was darker than before, and the rain came down in sheets. The icy fingers of fear gripped her and squeezed. That was when Vanessa realized, she had never experienced a hurricane, other than to see the news reports. And her decision to rush to Beth's side put her in danger.

  How will I get home?

  Out of the corner of her eye, Vanessa noticed another nurse and a woman in a doctor's white coat walked briskly toward Beth's room. Following behind, she listened as the doctor explained to Beth the baby's heartbeat was dropping. They needed to do an emergency C-section. Beth reached for Vanessa's hand and tried to hold back the tears. "Thank God you're here."

  Vanessa helped with the paperwork Beth needed to hurriedly sign giving permission for the operation. Before they injected a sedative into her IV she whispered into Beth's ear, "Little Bethany is going to be just fine. And so are you."

  Watching as they wheeled Beth's bed down the hall, Vanessa asked the nurse how long the operation would take. She assured Vanessa unless there was an unexpected complication, it wouldn't take more than an hour. The nurse looked at the TV and turned up the volume. "Let's check the weather." They both stood and listened to the latest report. "How did you get here? There is flooding already. The police are closing the streets. Unless you are prepared to stay for a day or two, you better go home while you can." She patted Vanessa on the shoulder. "Your friend will be fine. I heard about her mother. We'll take good care of Beth." She handed Vanessa a piece of copy paper. "Why not leave your friend a note and explain you were advised to leave due to the bad weather. I'll make sure she gets it after she wakes up."

  "Thanks for that," Vanessa said as she wrote a quick note before reaching for her phone.

  Stepping into the empty visitors' lounge, she sank into a chair beside the vending machines and tried to call Jake again — still nothing. In fact, the phone indicated 'No Service.' For the first time, Vanessa questioned her judgment. Had she done the right thing? Should she stay and wait just in case there were complications with the baby?

  Once again, she stood and walked to the broad windows in the waiting room and realized the sky was so dark the street lights had come on. The palm trees were bending over so far she wondered if they might snap.

  Jake is your husband... you belong with him...

  Not waiting for the elevator, Vanessa dashed down the stairs that led to the lobby. She grabbed her keys and opened the umbrella. When she stepped around the side of the building, she screamed when the wind jerked the umbrella out of her hands. The rain pelted against her face and the fabric of her shorts and blouse clung to her body. Dashing for her car, Vanessa felt as though she was drowning in the dense, moist air.

  Struggling to open the door against the wind, she pulled as hard as she could, but it slammed shut missing her fingers by a hair. Finally, she managed to slide into the seat. Inside the VW, Vanessa imagined she was in a tiny boat rocking on the high seas as a monster roared overhead. When she turned the key, there was only a 'click.' Holding back the tears, she tried one more time.

  Please, God... I'll never disobey my husband again...

  This time the engine came alive but died when she began to drive away flooded by the torrent of water pouring over the pavement. The car rolled to a stop at the lowest point in the parking lot. Water seeped under the door and spilled on the floorboard. Now, she had only one choice.

  I have to make a run for it before I'm trapped...

  While struggling to push the door open, she saw headlights coming toward her. A white Ford F-150 came into view. "Jake, Jake," she yelled sobbing, pounding her fists against the window. He pulled up beside her and got out. Dressed in a yellow rain slicker, her husband appeared larger than life. After yanking open the car door, he scooped her up and carried her in his arms. The passenger's door was on the downwind side
of the truck, so he opened it handily and set her inside. Jake scrambled in beside her and took Vanessa in his arms.

  "I was worried sick about you. I love you, Vanessa. Please... I couldn't bear it if something happened to my wife." Cuddled against his shoulder, she sobbed. Jake pulled away and eased through the flooded streets, around downed trees, and electric lines until they were home and the truck was parked inside the barn. With his arm around her waist, they ran toward the house.

  Inside, Vanessa stood in shock while Jake helped her out of her wet clothes and into her robe. Cuddled up on the couch, they listened as the rain sheeted against the sides of the house and the wind howled around the eves. After sitting in silence for a while, she whispered, "I'm sorry, Jake. When I promised God, I would never disobey you again a second later you showed up... You really are my night in shining armor."

  "I'll remember that..." Jake snickered and kissed her cheek.

  The calamity continued around them. Vanessa fell asleep in Jake's arms as he stroked her hair and read poems to her by Pablo Neruda by candlelight. During the night, they both got up a time or two to check for leaks and quickly went back to sleep. Until suddenly, Vanessa was jolted awake by Jake's legs twitching and jerking beside her mumbling, "Karen."

  Panic tore through her as she struggled to stand and move away afraid of what he might do. Vanessa hugged her arms around herself — terrified — until she realized he was having one of his bad dreams.

  "Jake... Jake..," She screamed.

  Nothing seemed to arouse him. If she didn't know better, it appeared he was having a seizure. Vanessa called out to him over and over, but his legs and arms still thrashed about. In the semi-darkness, Vanessa dashed to the kitchen and grabbed the dishtowel moistening it with the last few drops of water in the faucet. Rushing back, she patted his brow.


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