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Surprise Bride and Groom

Page 9

by Iris Abbott

  “I really didn’t expect you to hang around, but thanks.” Daisy sat down on the edge of the sofa and buried her face in her hands. She felt the sofa shift as Carson’s weight settled next to her. She didn’t need a repeat of her earlier breakdown.

  She casually scooted away before looking at him. “Today definitely wasn’t one of my best days,” she admitted. “I’m glad you’re here. Waking up to an empty house would have been infinitely worse.” She shuddered from the bleakness of it all. Everything felt empty with Lucas gone.

  Carson reached out and gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. “I’m not the best cook, but I can get by. How about I fix us some dinner?”

  The thought of food made Daisy’s stomach turn. “It’s considerate of you to offer, but I’m not hungry.” She didn’t want to seem ungrateful, so she softened her refusal with a small smile.

  “I’m not going to take no for an answer,” Carson firmly stated.

  “I really don’t think I could swallow down the food,” she admitted. Her shattered composure and jittery nerves upset her stomach and constricted her throat.

  “This is not a criticism, but you don’t have any extra weight to lose. We both have to eat,” he firmly stated.

  Daisy sighed. “Why don’t you go on home, Carson? You shouldn’t feel obligated to take care of me.”

  Carson frowned at her. “Just so we’re clear, obligation is the last thing I feel when it comes to you. I don’t see you as a burden, far from it, Daisy. You’re in the midst of a crisis and I want to be here for you.”

  Daisy looked into his dark brown eyes. She didn’t see pity. She only saw sincerity reflected in their depths. It felt like a little of the weight was lifted from her shoulders. She gracefully gave in.

  “I’m sorry if I’m being difficult.”

  “You’re entitled,” Carson replied. “I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through, but I’m willing to try.”

  The corner of her mouth tilted upward into a half smile. “I’m doing better than before. Some of the shock has faded. I’m just going to go back to bed and wake up to a fresh day tomorrow.”

  She could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t think a new day would really change anything. And it might not, which was just one of the worries that nagged her. “Besides, I’m sure Rosie needs your attention. She’s going to need to use the bathroom and stuff.”

  “I went home to feed Rosie before I came over here. I left her in the fenced backyard. It’s dry and not too hot. Rosie will be just fine until I can get home. It’s you I’m worried about right now.”

  Daisy hugged herself. “Well, Lucas loves Rosie. And I don’t want her to suffer because of this horrible event. Lucas would never forgive me. That is, if he ever gets to see Rosie again.”

  Carson shifted closer to her and gave her a big hug. “Don’t talk like that. Law enforcement all over the entire state of Texas is looking for Lucas. Even the Texas Rangers have been alerted, and you know they are the best the state has to offer. We will get Lucas back.”

  The adamant tone of his voice gave her strength and courage. “You make me believe that’s true.” She hugged him back. The warmth and nearness of his body caused a tingling sensation in her body. Guilt made her jump away from him. Her nephew was missing, and she was lusting after her boss. How insensitive could she be?

  “If you want to turn in for the night, go ahead. I’m going to stick around for a few more hours. I’ll let myself out, and lock the door behind me when I leave,” he promised.

  Daisy sighed. She could press the issue if she wanted to, but why bother? She’d known Carson for years. He was trustworthy and she felt safer with him in the house. Deep down, it made her feel a little better knowing she really wasn’t alone.

  “Goodnight and thank you for being here for me.” She got up and took a few steps before looking back at Carson. “I’ll see you at the bank tomorrow.”

  “Whoa, hold on.” Carson demanded before she could disappear inside her bedroom. “You need to take more time to process what’s happened. A busy bank might not be the best place for that to happen.”

  She wrung her hands together. “I can’t sit around here twiddling my thumbs. Staying busy might be the key to keeping my sanity,” she quietly admitted.

  “What if the police find Lucas tomorrow? You’d just have to leave work anyway.”

  Daisy heard the hope in his voice. It suddenly struck her that Carson really did care about Lucas and his well-being. He wasn’t just offering her lip service and asking the appropriate questions. His concern was genuine.

  “You make it sound like he really might come home tomorrow. Thank you for helping me believe it too.” She couldn’t reiterate that enough.

  Daisy had been given a horrible blow and she’d been knocked to her knees. But she would get up again and she would be stronger for all she endured. Lucas was important to her, and she couldn’t give up hope of his safe and speedy return.

  “Good. That is exactly what I would expect Daisy Carter to say. I still don’t want to see you at the bank tomorrow.” He held up his hand when it looked like she might argue. “Take tomorrow off and meet with Kyle. He is going to want to strike while the iron is hot. Not much grass has a chance to grow under that man’s feet.”

  “I don’t want to spend all day with just my thoughts for company. It will drive me crazy. But you’re right about me needing to meet with Kyle as soon as possible. Legal guardianship is not enough. It didn’t protect Lucas this time. I want a restraining order in place to ensure his mother stays away from Lucas for good after this.”

  Carson nodded his approval. “I agree, and if anyone can get that accomplished, it’s Kyle. He might be a small-town lawyer but that man’s a legal shark.”

  “I know. Thank goodness he’s on my side. I’m just angry that I didn’t think of this before now”

  “You shouldn’t have had to, Daisy. This is all on Lucas’s mother. She’s the one at fault here, and don’t you ever forget it.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I should have been smart enough to foresee something like this. I didn’t do enough to protect Lucas, and that is on me.” The emotion in her voice echoed through the house and faded into silence.

  Legal fees weren’t cheap, but she’d fight to make sure her nephew was safe from now on. She wouldn’t let him down again, if she were lucky enough to get him back home. Unfortunately Daisy had very serious doubts when it came to her former sister-in-law and the woman’s ability to take care of Lucas. Yes people could and did change, but motherly love was not something Daisy would ever associate with Amy.

  “From what I understand, she’s been gone for years, and no one has heard from her in all that time. She left without a backward glance, if gossip on the subject can be believed. I don’t think anyone could have seen this coming,” Carson insisted.

  “That’s so true. I never imagined Amy would just show up one day out of the blue and walk away with Lucas. She hasn’t shown any interest in him the last three years of his life. If she wanted to visit or see him again, why didn’t she just call me and set something up?”

  A few tears trickled from the corners of her eyes. She brushed them away with a hurried flick of her hand. She didn’t want to breakdown again, but talking about Amy was forcing her to focus on her worst nightmares.

  “A rational person doesn’t do something like this, Carson. They don’t disappear with a child they haven’t seen in years. And that is what has me so terrified.”

  Carson got up from the couch and went to stand in front of Daisy. “Don’t try to figure out her state of mind or motivations. It will only make you crazy.

  “Sometimes I think I’m already there,” she admitted. “That’s why work is so important.”

  “I’ll support whatever decision you make as far as work goes, but I don’t want you rushing anything. Your job will be there waiting for you, no matter how long it takes. I also want you to know that everyone at the bank is behind you
one hundred percent.”

  He used a finger to gently lift her chin so that he could look into her beautiful brown eyes. “That includes me.” He placed a friendly kiss on the top of her forehead.

  Another sudden and sharp tingle of desire took her by surprise. Daisy jerked out of his reach and put much needed space between them. She glanced at the mantel clock. “It’s too late to call the lawyer’s office now. I’ll contact Kyle first thing in the morning. If he has an available slot I’ll call the bank and take a personal day.” That was the only concession she was willing to make.

  If Carson noticed her obvious haste to avoid his touch he was smooth enough not to call attention to the fact. Instead he dropped his hand and took a casual step back. “Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind about dinner?”

  Daisy was wide-awake now, and afraid that the numbness of sleep was far away. “Since you insist on staying anyway, I’ll take my own advice and keep myself busy by cooking.” Her gaze traveled to the small counter and fell on the chocolate cake sitting there. “I know how much you love dessert. You can take the cake with you when you leave.”

  “What? I’m shocked. Don’t tell me a woman exists who actually doesn’t like chocolate cake,” Carson teased.

  Daisy abruptly strode into the kitchen, putting the bar between them. “It’s Lucas’s favorite,” she told him in a shaky voice. “I bought it yesterday when Lucas and I went to the bakery for breakfast.” She shoved the cake box to the very edge of the countertop. “Now who knows if or when Lucas will get the chance to eat chocolate cake again?”

  Joining her by the bar, Carson grabbed the offending cake and moved it to a table in the foyer that was well out of Daisy’s sight. “I’ll take it with me when I leave,” he promised. “That way you won’t have to see the box every time you open your own trashcan.”

  A look of understanding passed between them. She skirted around him and stopped in front of the refrigerator. “I hope chicken is all right for dinner. I know this is Texas, but Lucas and I don’t eat much beef.”

  “Chicken’s fine. Don’t go to too much trouble on my behalf. I’m here for you tonight,” he reminded her.


  Daisy started taking things out of the refrigerator and busied herself with preparing the meal.

  While she was doing that, Carson excused himself and stepped outside. She might not want to disturb Kyle after hours, but he had no such qualms. After a few seconds of small talk, Carson got to the point. “Do whatever and as much as you can for Daisy. And send the bill to me. Daisy has enough to worry about.”

  “Oh, so it’s like that is it?”

  Carson glared at the phone. He knew Kyle was tight-lipped with information. He had to be, for his business to survive. Nobody wanted a lawyer who couldn’t keep sensitive information and private business to himself. Still, Carson didn’t want Daisy to be hit with malicious gossip. She had enough to deal with without adding that to the mix.

  “I’m a concerned boss and friend doing what’s right. That’s all anybody needs to know.”

  After saying goodbye Carson hung up the phone and called his closest friend Jackson Walker to give him an update. He knew Jackson’s wife, Mandy, would be anxious to hear how Daisy was faring. He had a similar conversation to the one he’d just had with Kyle. Once again he stuck to the excuse of worried boss.

  “Okay,” Jackson said with a smile in his voice. “I’m going to give you the same advice you gave me last year. You keep telling yourself that, and maybe you’ll believe it, but I don’t. Daisy is a sweet woman. She sure didn’t deserve this. Either way I’m glad she has someone like you in her corner.”

  “Me too,” Carson agreed. “I don’t know if there is any fixing this, but I can damn sure try. And we can do our utmost to make sure she gets through this the best way she can.” Carson heard footsteps approaching the door. “I’ve got to go. Tell Mandy hello for me. And let her know that Daisy is taking tomorrow off too.”

  “I’ll pass along the message. Tomorrow is a late day for her at the clinic, so she’ll probably stop by Daisy’s house first thing in the morning just to see for herself how Daisy is doing.”

  “Great, that would be appreciated. I’ll let Daisy know. Talk to you soon.”

  The door opened behind him. “Let me know what?” He could hear the fear mixed in with her question.

  “Was that about Lucas?”

  “No. I called Kyle and Jackson. You have an appointment with Kyle tomorrow at ten o’clock. And Mandy Walker will be by in the morning to visit with you as well.”

  “My, someone’s been busy.” She gave him a narrow-eyed look. “Dinner is ready.”

  “Great, I’m starving.” He followed her inside, closing and locking the door behind him.


  Carson tossed and turned for about the sixth time that night. Daisy’s couch had started out comfortable enough, but that was more than two hours ago. Nothing was working. He gave up trying to fall asleep and sat up. It was a warm, muggy night for October. He gladly tossed aside the throw he’d been using to cover himself.

  Perhaps Daisy was right. Maybe he should go home. Rosie would be glad to see him. And he could certainly use a little shuteye before dragging himself into the bank in a few short hours.

  A strange sound broke the silence of the quiet house.

  Carson’s head whipped around toward the sound. It was coming from Daisy’s room. There it was again. It sounded like a muffled whimper.

  Carson stood. He would take a peek at Daisy and make sure she was all right. He’d only taken three steps toward her room when a shrill scream pierced the night. He started running.

  Her bedroom door was closed. That didn’t stop Carson. He threw open the door in an effort to get to Daisy as quickly as he could.

  Pale light filtered through the curtains. There was just enough for Carson to make out Daisy’s silhouette. She was sitting up in bed. The sheet was clutched in both her dainty hands and pulled all the way up to her chin.

  She glanced his way with eyes he assumed were wide with fear. “It’s Carson,” he identified himself right, so she didn’t mistake him for an intruder. “I heard you scream. Is everything okay?” He felt like an insensitive jerk as soon as the words left his mouth. Of course it wasn’t, Lucas was still missing.

  Daisy sniffed. “I had a nightmare,” she finally admitted in a small and shaky voice.

  Carson walked further into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. He took it as a positive sign when Daisy didn’t move away from him or demand that he leave. “Want to talk about it? You might feel better if you get it out in the open,” he suggested.

  The truth was he’d feel better if she confided in him. Her wound was raw and the emotional anguish wouldn’t go away anytime soon, even if Lucas came home today. And it was killing him that he couldn’t do anything to make it right for her.

  Carson swung his feet onto the bed until he was half-sitting, half-lying next to Daisy. And he waited. After several tense seconds his patience was rewarded. Daisy began to talk.

  “I was in the daycare center by myself. It must have been nighttime, because it was dark. I was running from room to room, screaming Lucas’s name as I went.” Daisy leaned into Carson’s shoulder. He could feel her shivering.

  He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close until she was sheltered by the warmth of his body. He wished he could offer her comforting words and tell her it was just a dream. But the truth of the matter was that Lucas was missing and they didn’t know when, or even if, he’d be coming home. So he held her tighter and rubbed a soothing hand up and down her back.

  “No matter how fast I ran or how loud I called for Lucas, deep down inside I knew I wasn’t going to find him. And my feet kept getting heavier and heavier until I was so weighed down I couldn’t move at all. I was just standing there frozen and I felt nothing. It was like I was dead inside.”

  A shudder caused her whole body to shake. A jagged and raw so
b escaped from Daisy. The tortured sound went straight to Carson’s heart and ripped it to shreds. He ached for the pain the woman in his arms was feeling. And he ached for the little boy who was surely missing his aunt.

  Carson rocked her in his arms. “Lucas’s mom wouldn’t hurt him. And we’re going to find him, soon.” He could only hope and pray he was speaking the truth. It was one promise he’d go to the ends of the Earth to keep.


  Daisy shook of the last vestiges of the nightmare. Her body was pressed close to Carson and she felt anything but dead. Her heart was racing fast. She was sure Carson could feel it where her chest touched his.

  Her breathing became shallow and ragged and seemed unusually loud in the otherwise eerie quiet of the bedroom. Desire seeped through Daisy’s body all the way to her bones. A languid sensation made her body feel swollen and heavy. Her eyelids drifted shut and a low, slow moan escaped from between her parted lips.

  A part of Daisy felt guilty for wanting the man next to her so much when her nephew was missing and could be fighting for his very survival. Another part of her, the part ruled by instinct and sensations lived only for that moment in time. Daisy needed to feel loved, be loved. She needed Carson.

  She lifted her head from his shoulder and strained to see his features in the pale light filtering into the room. Her light-brown eyes searched the much darker eyes of the man holding her. “I need you, Carson! Please make love to me.” Her whisper was so soft she wasn’t sure if he heard her until she felt the light, exploratory caress of his fingers.

  The large digits cupped her face before trailing down her neck and across her back. The fingers incited a riot of feeling in her body and inflamed nerve endings as they touched and stroked almost every inch of her body. Her body burned for Carson and she didn’t think she could wait much longer.

  “Please,” she begged on a broken sob of need.

  “I want you so much it hurts,” Carson told her. “But I want to savor our first time together, make it last as long as possible.”


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