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Surprise Bride and Groom

Page 10

by Iris Abbott

Daisy was overwhelmed, bombarded by a thousand sensations all at once. She rubbed her body against his, enjoying the heat created from the friction of their touching bodies. Daisy stilled when cool air rushed across her back. She realized Carson had removed her nightgown, exposing her body to the chilly night air of autumn. Her panties quickly followed.

  Daisy’s sensitive nipples throbbed and hardened even more. She ached for Carson and she had to have him, the sooner the better. She pulled away from his embrace and rolled onto her back. Daisy watched with rapidly widening eyes as Carson pulled the T-shirt he’d been sleeping in over his head.

  His broad shoulders and well-defined chest made her mouth water. It was obvious he took care of himself, despite a desk job that kept him sitting for many hours a day. She reached out to touch the hard, muscled body. Her fingers lightly stroked and rubbed everywhere she could reach.

  His lifted his hips and with quick jerky movements drew his briefs down and off his body.

  Daisy’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of the hard and swollen erection waiting for her.

  She opened both her arms and her body to the man who had quickly become her anchor. Carson was the only person who could bring her back from the brink and make her feel so much.

  Carson quickly covered her body with the weight of his own. The contrast in texture Daisy felt, hairy and smooth, hard and soft, was seductive and alluring.

  “Please, Carson,” she insisted. Her hand reached out and her fingers encircled the girth of his manhood. “Don’t make me wait anymore!” She was in so much need. Her body brushed enticingly against his, trying to push him into making his move.

  “What about protection? I didn’t come here for this, and I don’t have any condoms with me.”

  Daisy was a practical person but all her common sense fled the minute he touched her. “I’m on the pill to help regulate my cycle. And I haven’t been with anyone since the divorce. I’m clean.”

  Carson nodded. “I’m clean too and I want you too much to wait.” He lowered his forehead to hers and gathered her close in his arms.

  She felt the head of his erection nudge against the moist entrance of her core. A few seconds later and with a quick thrust of his hip, the large plum-shaped tip was sheathed inside Daisy. The stretch and slight burn felt good as he touched nerves that had been dormant for years. It wasn’t enough, however.

  “More!” She arched her hips and forced their bodies closer together.

  Carson’s hands came down on the bed next to her head and his mouth swooped down to claim hers in a passion-filled kiss. Tongues tangled and lips and teeth meshed together as both of them tried to get as close to the other as they could.

  Guided by instinct and the need to be filled completely by Carson, Daisy lifted her legs and wrapped them around his lower back. She arched her hips upward at the same time Carson thrust forward, completely sheathing himself inside her. Winding her arms around his neck, Daisy made sure they were as close as man and woman could be.

  The arching and flexing of their bodies took Daisy higher and higher. It felt like every sensitive nerve in her body was being caressed. She skyrocketed to a shattering orgasm. Her whole body shook, consumed with pleasure.

  Her feet slipped and fell down his body. Daisy was too sated to lift them. Wanting to maintain as much contact as possible, she glided her hands over Carson’s body. Daisy loved the feel of strong muscles beneath her fingertips and continued to skate her hands over his body.

  She felt him tense. His body grew even tauter. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed, pulling him closer.

  Carson suddenly jerked. Then he stilled inside her. Seconds later, he threw back his head and screamed her name during his release.

  He carefully lowered his weight to the side and pulled her into his embrace. Daisy felt cherished but, more than that, she felt loved. Her eyes slipped closed and she fell into a dreamless sleep, devoid of nightmares.


  Exhausted and heartbroken were the only words Daisy could use to describe herself. It didn’t change the fact that she didn’t want to sit in her house alone staring at the walls. That’s how Daisy found herself walking into the front door of Rancher’s Bend Community Bank. The bell chimed above her head when she pushed open the door. Several pairs of eyes looked her way when she entered the crisp air-conditioned interior of the building.

  It was late afternoon and there were only a handful of customers in the bank. One of the tellers and Renee, Carson’s personal assistant, hurried toward her. Susan, the head teller hugged Daisy. “We’re glad you’re back and everyone is thinking of you,” she greeted. She gave Daisy a supportive squeeze on the shoulder before returning behind the counter.

  Renee ushered Daisy to a chair in front of her desk. “Have a seat, dear. I really wasn’t expecting to see you today. Carson made it sound like you might be out for at least another day or two.”

  Daisy didn’t miss the inquisitive stare the older woman gave her. She chose to ignore it. Her feelings about Carson were so mixed up she didn’t have a handle on them yet. She didn’t need gossip about Carson and her clouding the situation and confusing things even more. Not to mention the fact that she had enough problems in her personal life without creating strife in her working world.

  “I met with Kyle Manning for most of the morning.” Daisy shrugged. “I started to go home, but I just couldn’t make myself drive there. Before I knew it, I was sitting outside in the parking lot staring at the bank. I figured I could at least check and sort through voicemail and emails while I’m here.”

  The older woman gave her a motherly smile. “It’s hard to be alone right now, I’m sure.”

  “Renee!” Carson’s deep voice boomed from inside his office.

  “That man sure loves to bellow,” the personal assistant said with a disapproving cluck of her tongue. “You would think he’d learn to use the phone instead of projecting his voice through half the bank.”

  Knowing about Carson’s lack of sleep the night before, Daisy wasn’t surprised he was a little on the grumpy side. She stood. “I don’t want to keep you from doing your job. I’ll just go to my desk and get to work myself.”

  “I asked for that report five minutes ago.” Carson’s voice was much closer this time.

  The smooth timbre of his voice skated down Daisy’s spine. Goosebumps erupted along her flesh in response to the sound. Great, this was exactly what she didn’t need, an acute sexual awareness of her boss at work. Daisy shivered and dropped back into the seat.

  “What’s taking so…” Carson abruptly stopped talking. His dark brown eyes peered at Daisy with a strong and steady gaze that didn’t falter.

  She met his stare through lowered lashes. Heat flushed her face at remembrance of what they’d done to each other the night before.

  As if he could read her mind, Carson flashed Daisy a cocky grin. He casually leaned a hip on the edge of Renee’s desk. His assistant cleared her throat, but Carson’s eyes never left Daisy’s face.

  “I’m pretty sure I told you to take the day off,” Carson reminded her in a voice laden with concern.

  “And I’m pretty sure I said I would think about it. Well, I thought about it, and being here is better than sitting inside an empty house staring at the four walls.”

  “No news then?” His grin faded to a grim frown.

  “No.” Daisy tried her best to keep the pain and frustration from sounding in her voice. She guessed she failed when she saw both Carson and Renee wince.

  “All right then,” Carson agreed. “The bank probably is the best place for you. At least here you’re not alone. I want you to promise me that if being at work becomes too much for you, you’ll leave.”

  She nodded. “I promise.”

  “And if you hear anything at all let me know.”

  “Thanks, Carson. I will, and now I’ll get out of your hair so both of us can get some work done.” She didn’t make the mistake of looking at him again. If she kept blus
hing in his presence, the very perceptive Renee would know something was going on. And it wouldn’t take much for her to jump to the right conclusion.

  Carson was all business as soon as Daisy started to walk away. She could hear him barking orders at his assistant. “Renee, I need those numbers now. The board meeting is tomorrow and I want to be prepared.”

  “When are you not,” Daisy mumbled under her breath as she reached her desk. At least some things never changed. It was a comforting thought during this time of turmoil. That thought and Carson’s confident presence calmed her like nothing else could have. It was why she was at work instead of wallowing in misery at home.

  Charles Jenson, the recently appointed vice president and Daisy’s direct supervisor, looked up from his desk. Surprise closely followed by concern flickered across his face. “Carson told everyone that you wouldn’t be in today.” His brow wrinkled in concern before he offered her a friendly and welcoming smile.

  “I need to be here.” A simple statement, but it was the truth. She sat down at her desk and logged on to the desktop computer.

  “I’m glad you’re back, Daisy.” He paused before laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. “If you need anything, let me know.” He went back inside his office and resumed whatever task he’d been working on before she arrived.

  Daisy liked Charles. He was a nice man and a hard worker. Working for Mr. Jenson was a piece of cake compared to her previous boss. Thank goodness he no longer worked for the bank. Daisy would almost prefer an empty house and four silent walls than the presence of her old boss.

  No more wasting time. She wasn’t there to take advantage of Carson’s goodwill. She planned to work as hard as she could for as long as she could. Logging into the email program, Daisy took a deep breath and became immersed in work. She’d only been away for a little over half a day, but there were several emails waiting for her attention.

  She deleted the spam and junk mail and flagged the messages that needed her immediate attention. Once she responded to those, she focused her attention on the phone system.

  Daisy listened to each of the fifteen voicemails. She took careful notes in her agenda for each one. Once the calls were prioritized and her notes were complete, she returned the most urgent calls, one by one. Time flew by and the workday was over before Daisy even realized it.


  The interior of the bank was quiet and dimly lit when Carson finally exited his office. There was nothing unusual about that. He was used to being the last person out the door. A faint tapping sound that he wasn’t used to hearing after hours immediately drew his attention to the other side of the bank.

  Pale blonde wavy hair cascaded around the face of the person bent over the computer keyboard. It didn’t matter. Carson didn’t need to see the delicate face to know that the glorious fall of hair belonged to Daisy. He cleared his throat. The rough sound echoed through the empty bank.

  Startled by the harsh and unexpected sound Daisy’s head snapped back and she frantically looked around. She relaxed when her eyes made contact with Carson. A hand fluttered to her breast. “You scared the daylights out of me!”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you, but I am used to being the last one to leave for the day.” He gave her a long and measured look. “I don’t ever remember you pulling a late day.”

  No, she never had. “You caught me.” She gave a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “It’s no state secret. Everyone at the bank knows I used to rush to the daycare center to pick up Lucas as soon as I could.”

  Daisy shivered. “Once I had him settled at home I’d start dinner.” She shrugged. “There’s nowhere for me to rush off to today. And no one to cook for,” she reminded him.

  The stark pain so plain to see on her face drove an invisible dagger through Carson’s heart. He couldn’t let her stay at the bank alone. He didn’t relish sending her home to an empty house either. “I was just heading across the street to have dinner at the café. Why don’t you join me?”

  Daisy looked surprised by the invitation. Carson wasn’t exactly sure why, especially after all they’d shared together last night. It was true that they rarely crossed paths before the attempted bank robbery despite the fact that they worked together. A lot had changed since then. As far as Carson was concerned everything was different now.

  Instead of the quick acceptance he’d been expecting, her beautiful light-brown eyes narrowed on him. “I don’t need a keeper, Carson. Nor do I want to be merely tolerated out of a wayward sense of responsibility, or even worse, pity.”

  She logged off and shut down the computer. “I know you need me to clear out so that you can lock up the bank. Just give me a couple of minutes to gather my things and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  A long-suffering sigh was Carson’s only response. He bit back the sharp retort he would have gladly dished out to anyone else. There was no need to make the already strained tension between them worse.

  He calmly waited until Daisy was ready then he followed her to the front door. Watching her slow steps and slumped shoulders was torture for him. Before she could disappear into the hot muggy evening, he grasped her elbow to hold her back.

  “The dinner invitation still stands.” He gave her a sincere look with wide, dark eyes that would be hard for any woman to turn down. “I would really appreciate it if you saved me from the boring ordeal of having to eat out alone.”

  Daisy gave him a halfhearted smile. “I’m stressed and worried sick about Lucas. But that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly dumb or blind.”

  Carson was horrified by her accusation. “I don’t think that and I would never imply it. What makes you think otherwise?” The seething tension between them inched up another notch.

  Daisy flipped her hair over her shoulder. “You, Carson Miller, have always been popular with the opposite sex. If you go out unaccompanied, it’s by choice.”

  He nodded. “Well, I’m choosing to be with you. You’re the only woman I want to have dinner with tonight or any other night.”

  “I just can’t bear to go home right now. And you’re right, there’s no reason both of us should dine alone. Thank you, Carson. I gladly accept your dinner invitation.” Without waiting for a reply she walked through the door and stood on the sidewalk while he engaged the lock and alarm system.

  When he was done, Carson used a light arm at her elbow to guide her toward the parking lot behind the bank. He knew she was perfectly capable of walking unassisted. He just wanted a reason to touch her.

  Daisy gave him a questioning look. “The café is right across the street. I just assumed we’d walk.” She dug her heels into the sidewalk to halt their progress.

  “I know it’s usually the woman’s prerogative to change her mind, but I just remembered that I have a couple of steaks in my refrigerator that need to be cooked. I’d really hate to have to throw them away.”


  Carson hated that she was so hesitant around him. “You know how fast news travels in Rancher’s Bend. If we eat at the diner several people may want to talk to you about Lucas.” He cupped her face with both his hands and tilted it so that she had to look him in his eyes. “Do you really want to have to rehash the horrible details over and over again?”

  “No!” she shuddered and shared a haunted look with him. “I’m sure they’d mean well, but I’m not ready for that.”

  “My house it is then.” Carson tried not to sound too happy at getting his way.

  “I’ll follow in my car.” Daisy started walking toward the parking lot.

  Carson watched her for a second before following. He had a private parking spot at the front closest to the bank. He noticed that Daisy’s compact car was parked all the way in the back of the lot. He frowned.

  It got darker earlier and earlier this time of the year. By the time winter arrived it would be dark when most of the employees left the bank. He couldn’t help but notice that there weren’t any streetlights in the back of the par
king lot either.

  He unlocked his SUV and slid inside. Carson backed out of the coveted space right up front and waited for Daisy to pull in behind him. It took several seconds for her to catch up to him. His frown deepened as he drove out of the lot and into evening traffic. The dimly lit parking lot was a problem that needed to be fixed.

  He wouldn’t want his loved ones walking through a deserted parking lot in the dark. He most certainly didn’t want Daisy to do it. He would talk to the mayor about adding more lights tomorrow. If that didn’t achieve the results he wanted, Carson would bring it up at the next board meeting. A well-lighted parking lot wasn’t too much to ask for. He was just irked that he hadn’t noticed the problem before now.

  Of course Daisy had a way of making him see things from a different point of view. She also made him feel things that he thought he’d never feel again. Carson dated on a regular basis, but he always walked away before things got too serious. He got out while common sense still outweighed emotions.

  It was already too late for that. His emotions were all over the place when it came to Daisy. One thing was for sure, however. His feelings for her were too strong to be ignored, which is how he found himself in this latest predicament.

  Carson hated to fail at anything. One broken marriage in the books was more than enough. He couldn’t contemplate having two. The thought of failure always held him back. It kept him from taking the next step forward in any relationship. This time the feelings of need, desire, and even love outweighed the doubt and fear.

  Daisy was different. She made him want more, feel more, be more. She was also sweet and vulnerable, the exact opposite of his career-obsessed ex-wife. That sweetness and vulnerability heightened his own limitations. And made him take a good look at his life and where he was headed.

  It was more than that, however. Something about Daisy Carter called to him. An undeniable attraction existed between them. It made his breath catch sometimes, especially when he caught the first sight of her at the start of a workweek. It warmed his blood and heated his senses. Carson had been fighting those feelings ever since she returned to Rancher’s Bend. Due to circumstances beyond his control she needed him. And Carson could no more turn his back and walk away than he could cut off his own hand. It wasn’t going to happen.


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