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Princes of Hell MC Set

Page 21

by KJ Dahlen

  Sevie nodded. “I am. Just the wrong place at the wrong time?”

  He sat forward. “Do you have any Id on you?”

  Sevie nodded and grabbed her small wallet from her pocket.

  “You don’t carry a purse?” Rogue asked.

  The prez eyed him.

  He shrugged. “Well, most chicks carry one, prez.”

  She shook her head. “Not today, everything was in my briefcase at the house, not that you allowed me anytime to retrieve it.”

  Rogue kept silent as she passed her wallet to the prez.

  He reached for it, then pressed a button on his landline phone. “Get in here. I want you to check someone out.”

  A minute later, the door opened and a man came in. He wore different clothes from the bikers. More...normal. Like regular jeans and a sports like shirt with an actual collar.

  The prez handed the wallet to him. “Check her out. Everything about her you can dig up.”

  The man nodded, never even looking at her or Rogue as he left the room.

  The big man at the door closed it after him.

  Sevie realized the guy at the door was a guard of some kind. She turned her head back to look at the prez. “So, if I check out. I can leave?”

  He raised a brow at her. “I don’t know. Are you the type to call the cops at the drop of a fucking hat?”

  Sevie blinked. “No. I’m not.”

  “I think she’s innocent, Eagle,” Rogue finally spoke.

  The prez, Eagle looked up at him with a doubtful expression. “Well, you didn’t think so earlier.”

  He shrugged. “It’s standard to grab a witnesses or accomplices at the scene if we don’t...” he paused. “Kill them right off.”

  Sevie blinked rapidly. Kill them?

  “Yeah, I know. But...” Eagle gazed long and hard at Rogue. “Your gut tells you she’s square?”

  Rogue looked over at her. “Yeah. Like she said, wrong place, wrong guy.”

  Sevie frowned. Wrong guy?

  “She got caught up in Devin’s plans. That’s the way I see it,” Rogue finished.

  Eagle nodded slowly. “Ok. Well...” He leaned forward and stared at her. “If Bytes, my IT guy comes back with a clean slate for you...”

  Sevie held her breath as he spoke.

  “We will let you go.” He nodded. “But...” he paused. “If you report Rogue here or the club to the cops? You will not live for even an hour afterward.” His bloodshot eyes bored into hers. “Your choice. We are many. So having a couple of us arrested will just bring down the wrath of the other hundred of us... onto you. You get what I’m sayin’?”

  Sevie stared at him. He was scary and menacing and she had seen many men here who were the same way. Like they could kill you and not even blink an eye. In fact, she felt like many of them wanted to for some reason. Though, Rogue didn’t seem like that... or did he? She shook off the thought. What did that matter about him? She nodded at the prez. “I will never say a thing to anyone. Not even my bosses.”

  Eagle nodded. “Ok. So when you get cleared, Rogue here will take you wherever you wanna go.”

  Sevie felt an immense relief. Thank god, this nightmare was almost over and she was still alive and in one piece. She swung her gaze up at Rogue. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged his wide shoulders.

  The door opened.

  Bytes, the IT guy came in and walked over laying several pieces of paper on Eagle’s desk. Then he set her wallet next to them. Still silent, he left the room.

  The prez looked down at the papers.

  Sevie sat forward waiting. She was almost free. She would be free of this horrible day and home within an hour.

  His large fingers tightened on one of the papers. He looked very pissed off.

  Suddenly, she felt scared all over again, as she stared at him. What is going on?

  Eagle raised his cold gaze to look at her. “Your DL says you are Sevannah Gregory, is that right?”

  Sevie nodded. “Yes, that’s right.”

  Rogue stepped close to the desk. “What is it prez?”

  Eagle looked up at him. “I hate to say this Rogue but this time, your gut failed you.” He slid the papers toward him.

  Rogue looked confused as he picked the papers up and read them. Then his body stiffened. He slowly turned his head to stare at her.

  Sevie almost jumped at the pure hatred in his now stone cold blue eyes. What the...?

  Rogue dropped the papers on the desk as if they’d burned his fingers then he reached around to the drawer and pulled it open, raising something up.

  Sevie stared at the object he held in his hands. Gasping, she stood on wobbly legs. “What is happening?”

  He stomped over and before she could react, Rogue clasped a pair of handcuffs onto her wrists.

  “Take her to the basement cells,” Eagle ordered in a disgusted tone.

  Chapter Three


  “Oh, my baby!” Fiona held him tight.

  “M-mom...” Brett mumbled. “I-I can’t...breathe.”

  Fiona paused and finally let go of him, yet she kept her hands on his arms. “I’m sorry sweet boy! I just...”

  Brett placed his small hands on her cheeks. “I-I’m sorry mom.”

  “Oh, baby! No... you didn’t do anything wrong!” She again, grabbed him up smothering him to her chest.

  Talon sat in a chair and had been watching Fiona as she held Brett with tears streaming down her cheeks. The poor kid needed a break. He chuckled as he got up and went over to the bed. “Sweetness, you gotta let the kid breathe.”

  Again, Fiona gasped and set him away from her bone crushing hug. “Are you hungry? Thirsty? Are you hurt at all? Did they—?”

  “Mom!” Brett interrupted. “I can’t answer that many questions.”

  Fiona smiled at him as tears still glittered in her eyes. “No sweetie. But are you hungry?”

  “Sevie gave me some cookies and milk. But I could eat something.”

  Fiona sat up straighter. “Who is Sevie?”

  Brett shrugged. “A really nice lady that took care of me after...” His voice faded out.

  “After what?”

  “After that bad demon, Devin took me.”

  Talon clenched his fists even as he carefully knelt down in front of the bed to look at Brett. “Did Devin hurt you?”

  Brett shook his head. “No, he just had a big man put me in his car.”

  “But he never hit you or anything?”

  Brett shook his head. “No, he seemed to be so happy. I ain’t never seen him happy before. Smiling at me and saying how my mom was going to...” Again, the kid faltered.

  “To what?” Fiona asked.

  Shaking his head, Brett replied, “Nothing... just a bunch of mean stuff.”

  Fiona opened her mouth to ask what he meant.

  Talon raised his hand up at her. “Babe, I don’t think he wants to talk about that.”

  “But...” She looked back and forth at the two of them.

  “It’s a guy thing,” Talon stated as he nodded at Brett. “We men sometimes don’t want to talk about certain things until we’re ready.”

  Brett’s eyes rounded at him. “Yes!” He nodded as he looked over at her. “He’s right mom. That is it.”

  Fiona stood and put her hands on her hips while looking disgusted. “But he shouldn’t keep it all in, he...”

  Both of the ‘men’ in her life looked up at her with determined expressions.

  Fiona blinked. They looked so alike. Their chins, their eyes, and wearing the exact same look. It actually stunned her speechless. She never realized just how ‘alike’ they were until this moment.

  Talon stood up. “Come on. Let’s all go and have something to eat.”

  Brett stood up too, and put his small hand inside Talon’s larger one.

  Fiona stared at the both of them. All these years she never realized it. Now with Brett standing here holding his dad’s hand, side by side—it hit her
full on. Tears slid down her cheeks. Guilt suddenly weighed her down so heavy she could barely breathe. All this time she’d kept his son from him, just because she’d caught him cheating on her. That wasn’t Brett’s fault, he shouldn’t have been without his dad. She could see now what a horrible mistake she’d made.

  “Mom?” Brett let go of Talon’s hand and stepped closer to her as he looked worried.

  She grabbed his hand and looked up at Talon. “I am so sorry.”

  Talon stared into her eyes looking confused.

  She let out a breath then swiped her tears away with her free hand. “Alright, I’m good now. Let’s go eat.”

  Brett stared up at her then over at Talon looking just as confused as his father was.

  Talon shrugged his wide shoulders. “Sorry kid, got no answers for ya. Women? You just never know what they’re thinking.”

  Brett seemed to think this over then he grinned. “He’s right again, mom!”

  They all looked at each other.

  Talon began to laugh and Brett joined him.

  Fiona tisked under her breath. “Yeah. Ha-ha. Like men aren’t just as confusing.”

  Talon laughed as they walked to the door.

  Brett tugged on her hand. “Hurry! I wanna see Rogue and Sevie!”

  Fiona frowned. “Who is this Sevie?”

  Talon motioned them through to the hall. “I saw a woman in the backseat when Rogue came in with the little guy.”

  “Yeah! Rogue tied her up!”

  Fiona halted in the hallway. “What?”

  Brett nodded.

  She gazed over at Talon.

  He shrugged. “It is standard, Fi. If she was there, he had to bring her in. I’m sure he didn’t trust her either, since she had our boy.”

  Fiona blinked rapidly. Our boy...

  “I-I’m... your boy?” Brett stepped close and looked up at the big man in front of him.

  Talon gazed down at him.

  Fiona held her breath as she watched him closely.

  He knelt down and put his hand on Brett’s small shoulder. “You sure are. You, me and your mom are a family now.”

  Brett stared at him with wide eyed amazement. “B-but why?”

  Talon smiled. “I promise that your mom and I will sit down with you and explain it all. Ok? Right now, you need to eat then get some sleep.”

  Brett stared at him for a long moment, then he nodded.

  Fiona let out a breath of relief. She couldn’t deal with all that right now as she was entirely drained. It had been a long day and she was emotionally spent. She didn’t even know what time of day it was as she’d lost hours it seemed.

  She couldn’t remember much from the time she found out Brett was gone till the time when Talon showed up. She had no memory of the time between.

  Talon led them to the main room,

  The men either sat at tables or stood talking. Once they saw the kid and Talon, they all stood and cheered.

  Brett and Fiona halted in their tracks, stunned.

  Fiona was startled, as she’d been used to being ignored by most of them.

  Talon grinned at them all then turned and grabbed his son up, hiking him onto his shoulder.

  The men’s cheering grew louder.

  Brett lost his stunned look and smiled as he waved down to the bikers below him and Talon walked him through the throng of loud cheers.

  Eagle sauntered up and gazed at his VP then up at Brett. “I don’t know how anyone could’ve missed the fact that this boy is yours.”

  Then men all quieted down as a sudden quiet rippled through the large room.

  Fiona clasped her hands together tightly. It figures that this big oaf would go and ruin everything. Guilt again pushed its way into her brief happiness.

  Talon’s smile slipped a little as he stared into his president’s eyes. He shrugged. “Well, I am claiming him as my son.” He turned around to locate Fiona. Then he pulled her in. “I am also claiming Fiona as mine. I want the Princes of Hell to welcome Her as a Princess.” He gazed around at all the men who were staring hard at the small family. “She is not to be disrespected. As your VC, I am stating this as a mandate. My son and my woman fall under our protection as they are my family.”

  The men all nodded almost as one and then they let out more cheers.

  Talon was grinning again as he tugged Fiona along and sat them down at a table. “Hey Digger!” he called to a man who stood nearby. “Get us some...” He glanced over at Brett. “...You like pizza right?”

  Brett nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yeah, you do. Peperoni, right?”

  Again, Brett nodded.

  Talon turned to look at Digger again. “A large peperoni, a root beer and two tall ones.”

  Digger nodded and rushed toward the kitchen.

  Fiona stared at Talon. He seemed to be a new man or something. Like he’d changed since he went to prison. He all the sudden seemed to.... She shook her head.

  “What is it, Babe?” he asked her as his eyes were locked on her face.

  Shrugging, she really didn’t know how to voice it. “I-I don’t know. You just seem to be...”

  He smirked, as a beer was set in front of him and her. He popped the cap off and took a long swig. He swiped his mouth and let out a sigh. “I know what I want and what I need. I just had to clear up some old business. So now, I am focused again.” He looked over at her. “I want you and I want Brett... with me all the time...except when I’m working.” He leaned in and took her hand that lay on the table. “I mean this Fi. We should have been together all this time.”

  Fiona squeezed his hand. The warmth there in just his palm seemed to make her entire body burn. She had wished so many times to hear this from him. She had sometimes dreamed that things could have been different. The three of them together as a happy family unit. But now that he was embracing it, she was scared suddenly. She might admit she was afraid of getting hurt again. Like being his old lady but yet, he might have other women. He never was a one man woman. He’d said so time and again. Now, he just assumed she was gonna accept that? “Well, we can’t talk about that right now.”

  Talon raised a dark brow at her. “What is there to talk about?”

  Fiona was getting uncomfortable with this subject. He seemed to have it all tied up in a bow.... all nice and neat. Her, on the other hand? She didn’t know what her future held. She was here under the safety of Talon’s MC until she could figure a way to get away from Devin. She’d done it to protect little brett as that had been her only concern at the time. Then Talon had said don’t fall in love with me again and she had agreed. Why did she agree? Cause she’d never fallen out of love with him. Beyond that...She hadn’t thought of her future yet.

  Talon shook his head and tightened his grip on her hand. “You’re thinking too hard again, Fi.”

  Her eyes swung up to meet his.

  “You and Brett will stay with me.” His intense gaze bored into hers.

  She nodded. Only until this is over. She loved Talon...of that, there was no doubt. She had always loved him and would probably love him till the day she died. And she agreed he should be near his son. But... she remembered why they were broken apart all those years ago. This! She gazed around. The biker life. Drink, women. Yes, the women. Like the one, she’d caught him with that fateful night when she ran away.

  Talon’s gaze remained on her.

  Fiona wanted to squirm in her chair, though she fought showing any nervousness. It felt like he could read her mind.

  The pizza arrived.

  “Yay!” Brett cheered.

  Talon let go of her hand and began serving Brett pizza. “Here ya go. Peperoni is my favorite.”

  “Yes! Mine too!” Brett picked up his slice and began cramming it in to his little mouth.

  Fiona smiled and just watched him enjoy it.

  “Here’s a slice for you, Fi.” Talon handed her a plate.

  She looked down at it.

  “Yes, I took the peper
oni off, cause I know you don’t like it.”

  Her gaze swung up.

  He was grinning at her. “I bet you haven’t eaten all day, have you?”

  She furrowed her brows. “I’m not sure?”

  Talon waved his hand at her. “Eat, Babe. You’ll feel better if you do.”

  She took a bite and then realized she was in fact, starving. She ate her slice up.

  Talon grabbed a piece and ate some, then sipped at his beer.

  Fiona took a sip of hers. He was right she was beginning to feel a little clearer.

  The music was low and the men were all fairly quiet. Fiona felt glad it was so low-key in here with no biker bunnies in sight. She paused as she thought of Beth and Cat. Where did they put those two? She seethed a little. Those bitches almost cost her the life of her son. She looked around wondering why she didn’t see any women at all then she spotted Eagle sitting at the bar.

  Just then, Eagle swung his gaze over at Talon.

  Talon finished his beer and met his gaze.

  Fiona noted that something exchanged between them.

  Talon set his bottle down. Then nodded at the man he called Falcon.

  Falcon, a rather large dark haired man with startling blue eyes came over to stand at the table.

  “I need to speak with Prez. So can you get my woman and Brett here back to their rooms? Then have Condor stand guard at the door till I get back to them.”

  “Sure Talon. Of course.” Falcon smiled at little Brett.

  Talon patted Fiona’s hand and stood. “I won’t be but maybe a half hour, Fi. I’ll be with you and Brett soon.”

  Fiona simply nodded as she finished her pizza. She figured that he would be meeting with Eagle and she knew it was about Devin and the woman Brett had called Sevie. She didn’t know whether she needed to thank this woman or slap her face.

  Before Talon walked away, he bent down to whisper into Fiona’s ear, “Don’t overthink everything Sweetness. This is all supposed to be. Just slow those thoughts down and rest, ok?”

  His hot breath made her shiver in a good way. Fiona nodded her head.

  Talon then stalked away from the table.

  Eagle joined him and they headed toward the outer hallway.

  Fiona narrowed her eyes. That wasn’t where Eagle’s office was. That hall she found out a few days ago had led her to the basement. A huge guard was there when she a had gotten down there and he told her to just go the hell back up as no one was allowed there.


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