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Princes of Hell MC Set

Page 22

by KJ Dahlen

  What would an MC keep in the basement?

  I am probably better off not knowing. Fiona shook the thought away. She intended to focus on the most important thing in the world to her. Turning to smile at Brett, she watched him as he gulped down the rest of his root beer.

  She had her baby back! That was all that mattered right now.

  Chapter Four


  He had led a handcuffed mad woman down the hall to the lower floors.

  “You can’t do this!” she yelled as she struggled with him. “You were going to let me go! I don’t understand?”

  Rogue refused to look at her. It seems looking at her had messed with his instincts. It figured. See a pretty face and a banging body and your brain leaves and you are reduced to being just a hard cock. He’d seen it happen over and over... to other assholes but he’d felt good that it’d never happened to him. Now, his record was blown.

  Halting dead in her tracks, Sevannah screamed at the top of her lungs, “Please listen to me!”

  Rogue turned to face her.

  “Finally!” she exclaimed. “You have been totally ignoring me. I want to know what those papers said.”

  No way would he engage with her at all, he shook his head and scooped her up, tossing her over his shoulder.

  “Oooh!” she kept yelling.

  He came to the lower hall where the lights dimmed and the silence was nearly deafening.

  Suddenly, she quieted her ranting. Then she became completely still on his shoulder.

  Rogue sort of wondered why she’d shut up all the sudden. He refused to speak with her though. He was still fuming about being taken for a total fucking fool. He’d really believed that she’d been just an innocent bystander and had even told his prez that. Then come to find—

  “Oh, god! Please don’t kill me?” she cried from his shoulder.

  He almost stopped in his tracks at the change in her voice.

  “I never hurt anyone. I never did what you think. Please, please don’t kill me!” she cried out as her long red hair swung back and forth across his jean covered ass.

  She believes I am someone who would kill a woman in cold blood?

  “This is a kill place right?” she asked quietly as he stopped in front of a guarded door.

  “Hey, Sledge,” he greeted the enormous biker and tried hard to ignore the true fear in her voice.

  “Hey Rogue. Got another female prisoner? Damn, where are all the male Malefeasents?” Sledge joked.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Rogue grumbled, as he wanted to get this the hell over with. Leave her here then she would be Talon’s and Eagle’s problem and he would finally get his sanity back. “Just let us in.”

  Sledge nodded and unlocked the door.

  “Please Rogue?” Sevannah whispered from his shoulder. “You know I didn’t do this. You know—”

  He abruptly set her down.

  She wobbled a bit on her feet.

  He reached out to steady her. “I don’t know a god dammed thing, apparently.” He snapped as he walked her to a cell door.

  “Hey Rogue!”

  His head rose as he spotted Cat in another cell. He rolled his eyes as Sledge stepped up and unlocked the cage door.

  “You—you aren’t g-going to kill me?” Sevannah asked.

  Rogue pushed her in and then dug into his pocket fishing out the key to her cuffs. “Lady, I don’t kill females.”

  “Got that right!” Cat called over from the other cell. “He doesn’t. But there are others who will.”

  Sevannah started to shake really badly and when he uncuffed her, she simply fell to the floor with a cracking sound. “Ohhh!” she yelled.

  Rogue shook his head, angry with himself for looking over at Cat when he should have been there to catch Sevannah. “Fuck!” He bent down to see what the crack had been.

  “Oh, my god!” Sevannah screamed in pain as she rolled on the floor holding her knees up to her bountiful chest.

  He placed his hands on her body firmly. “Hold still!” He was attempting to see what had cracked. Then he saw it—blood poured from both knees. “Jesus fucking Christ!” He swung his head up. “Sledge! Call the doc, quick!”

  “She’s faking it, Rogue,” Cat called over at him. “You know she is!”

  He ignored the stupid bitch that he did feel like slapping at the present moment, and tore the sleeve of his t-shirt off. To try to wipe up the blood on her knees.

  Savannah had gone quiet except for whimpering sounds.

  Rogue felt his chest getting all tight like he couldn’t breathe. He felt like shit that this had happened to her under his watch. He’d let go of her while her feet had still been bound and she fell knee first onto the cement floor. Dammit, why hadn’t he been paying fucking attention?

  He wiped gently at her knees and then raised his gaze up to finally meet her eyes.

  A deep emerald glittering green gaze met his.

  He felt like he’d just gotten punched in the solar plexus. Rogue had never seen eyes this color. They were like jewels. The feeling in them, the depth of pain and fear there.

  Tears slipped over her lower lids and coursed down her cheeks.

  He couldn’t seem to look away. He waited for her to yell again, or scream.

  She did neither.

  He was lost in those eyes. He saw so much there. Fear, pain, misery, terror. Rogue shook himself to pull his gaze from hers. God dammit...He’d never let a female get to him. This one had when he hadn’t been paying attention and she was their number one enemy. The Princes of Hell’s enemy. A deathly one too. How could he square that? The way he felt when he looked at her, really looked at her. Then the fact of who she was? He’d never been so wrong about a person like this before. It was a first.

  “Doc coming through!” Sledge announced loudly.

  Rogue stood up and broke eye contact with her. “Good. Doc she fell on her knees and I think...” He didn’t finish as a thought occurred to him. He tuned to look down at her. “Why in the hell didn’t you land on your hands?”

  Sniffling, she peered up at him. “I-I d-don’t know. My hands and arms were still numb from being tied...” She gasped as the doc grabbed her knee to examine it.

  Rogue tried to swallow. She had been tied up with her hands behind her for almost two hours then he’d handcuffed her. Fuck. It was all his fault. He was so busy trying to get her here and then get the fuck away from her before she could influence him anymore that he’d gotten careless.

  The doc took his bag out. “She’s cracked her kneecaps, Rogue. How the fuck did this happen?”

  Rogue let out a hard breath. “I don’t fucking know. I uncuffed her then she fell.”

  The doc grunted as he got out some antiseptic. “She may need splints and I will have to get her on antibiotics to make sure she doesn’t get septic.”

  “Why?” Cat called out from her cell. “They are just gonna kill all of us anyways.”

  The doc raised his glare up at Rogue. “Is that right? You’re gonna kill these women?”

  Rogue sucked in air. “Fuck no! I don’t...” He growled and stepped out of the cell. “I’ve never even hit a fucking woman in my life!”

  “Yet, you tossed her down into her cell though didn’t you?” Cat called out in a nasty tone.

  He turned his glare to her. “I said I hadn’t yet hit a woman. But bitch, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I might start today!”

  Cat’s eyes widened as she stepped back and stood quietly.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Eagle called out.

  Rogue looked over to see his prez and his VC coming in. “Oh, fuck.” He let out a disgusted sigh.

  “What have you done to her Rogue?” Eagle stared from the girl up to his face.

  “I didn’t do anything to her, dammit!”

  Eagle raised a brow at his yelling.

  Talon stepped over and grasped Rogue’s arm, giving him a warning glance. He’d yelled or had smarted off to the prez on more tha
n one occasion. “What happened man?” Talon asked softly.

  “Ok, fuckers... I am going to state this one last fucking time. I uncuffed her when I got her to the cell. Then I let her go and she fell straight to her damn knees onto the cement floor and cracked her fucking kneecaps!” By the end of his explanation, he was shouting.

  “Whoa, whoa...” Talon shook his head at him. “Just tamp it the fuck down.”

  “Well, shit Talon. I’ve never hurt a female in my life. It was a fucking accident!”

  “Yeah, well we shall see when her uncle finds out if he will believe that shit,” Eagle grumbled.

  “What?” Talon turned to stare at him. “Her uncle?”

  Rogue sighed. “Yeah... I know.” This wouldn’t go over well at all.

  “My what?” Sevannah broke into their conversation.

  The men all peered down at her.

  “I-I don’t have any family.” She sniffled and pushed her hair back from her face.

  Eagle narrowed his eyes at her. “You fucking lie!”

  Sevannah blinked her eyes. “Look. I am sick of your accusations! I had a grandmother that raised me and she died. I had no parents, no aunts and NO uncles!” she shouted.

  Eagle scoffed. “Yeah and your name is Sevannah Gregory and you’re just a real estate agent.”

  “Yes!” She looked even more upset and tried to rise up. Then she winced and gasped as she leaned on her hands. “You have made a huge mistake! Whomever you think I am!”

  “No, little girl. You made a mistake by trying to lie to us!” Eagle countered.

  Talon stepped closer and asked Eagle, “What the hell are you saying, prez?”

  Eagle looked up at him and then over at Rogue. “You ain’t gonna like this Talon. Not a damn bit.”

  “What? What has this got to do with me?”

  Rogue let out a long breath. “Dmitri.”

  Talon’s body seemed to go entirely rigid. “What?”

  “She’s Svetlannah Grigori.”

  “What?” Sevananah asked as she had gone entirely pale. Grunting hard, she grabbed one of the cage bars and tugged herself up. “That is not my name. I...” Her eyes seemed to dilate as she swayed.

  “Oh, shit,” the doc muttered as he stepped forward and tried to catch her.

  Rogue pushed Talon aside and rushed to catch her.

  He and the doc both missed as her forehead hit the bars and she fell in a half heap onto the doc.

  “Dammit!” Rogue swore as he grabbed her from the doc. He scooped her up. “No more of this shit!” He carried her out of the cell.

  “Hey!” Eagle yelled at his retreating back. “Where the hell do you think you’re—”

  “She will be in my room,” Rogue called back. “Doc! Come the fuck on!”

  The doc gathered his bag and scrambled out after him.

  Chapter Five


  “What the hell just happened?” he asked Eagle.

  “Fuck if I know. Rogue has gone...” Eagle paused as he realized what he’d been about to say and shook his bald head.

  Talon almost smiled at the slip. “Yes, he’s gone rogue. He earns his name every god dammed day. Like taking off on his own with no back up to get my son. But Prez, this is what makes him the best. He saved my kid. I’m not going to question him.”

  Eagle stepped back from the cells. “Well, you’d damn well better. That woman is poison for us! Like having a stick of dynamite in your hands while walking through a fucking firestorm and hoping it won’t go off!”

  Talon sighed. He wondered for a second how all this had happened and how Rogue seemed to be losing it. Then he realized how quiet it was in here. He turned slowly around and his gaze landed on Cat.

  She squeaked and scurried to the far back corner of her cell.

  “Yeah scurry to hide, just like the rat you are.” He marched over to her cell. “They named you wrong. You ain’t no cat. You’re a fucking rat!”

  Cat just wedged herself into a corner as she trembled while covering her body with both arms as if to shield herself from his wrath.

  “Stealing my fucking kid right from my fucking clubhouse?” he shouted.

  Cat whimpered. “I didn’t know he was your kid!”

  Eagle stepped up. “Shut the fuck up with your lies! Anyone with eyes in their dammed head could see that kid looks exactly like Talon!”

  Talon turned his head to stare at his prez for a few seconds. He then swung his glare back to Cat. “You consorted with a known enemy of the Princes. You let them on the fucking property. You sold out one of our members.”

  Cat had gone ashen. “I-I didn’t sell no one out!”

  Eagle stepped closer. “You fucking did. You sold Talon out and he is the dammed VP, you dumb bitch!” He swung his gaze over to Beth who hadn’t uttered a word. “And this even dumber bitch helped you.”

  Beth stepped forward out of the shadows of her cell and spoke for the first time since they’d arrived, “I did. I admit to it. I believed her and that fucker with his sob story. I-I...” Her voice faded away. “I will face my punishment. I shouldn’t have gone along with it,” she admitted.

  “Oh, really?” Cat spat at her. “So you’re fine with all of this, eh? You do know they will kill us right? You willing to accept that?”

  Eagle pulled his head back. “We don’t kill females.” His eyes narrowing at her. “Even traitorous bitches like you.”

  Cat swallowed heavily. “Then what—“

  “You get the tribunal.” Talon glared at her.

  Cat swung her gaze up to his. “And then what?”

  Eagle smirked as he answered this, “Well, if you are found guilty. We first off, strip you of any tatts you have from this club.”

  Cat gasped and held her hand over her left breast.

  Beth gasped too and then sat down hard on the cement bench in her cell as shock ruled her world now.

  Eagle let this sink in for a moment, as the cell room grew quiet. “And then...”

  The two women raised their heads up and stared fearfully at him.

  Eagle nodded his head at Talon.

  Talon had been silent though both hands were in tight fists at his sides. “We give you to the Pistols.”

  Both women gasped loudly.

  Beth started to cry.

  “You can’t do that!” Cat screamed as she forgot her fear and rushed forward to the bars to grip them with both hands. Her knuckles had gone white as she held onto them with seemingly all her might.

  Talon glared at her as he stepped closer to her cell.

  Shrinking back, Cat let go of the bars and tried to make herself disappear into the shadows again.

  He literally growled at her, “You gave my kid to a filthy piece of scum. He intended to sell the kid off to the slave market. What do you think Brett would have suffered?” He now grabbed the bars himself. “You did that to my blood! My son!” he shouted.

  Cat began to cry.

  Eagle grabbed his arm. “Come on Talon. We gotta leave this to MC Justice. You got your woman and your kid waiting for you. Leave this to the club.”

  “Please!” Cat screamed at his retreating form. “You can’t let them do this! Please?” Her screams grew louder.

  Talon did as his prez asked. He had to. He wanted to strangle Cat till she didn’t breathe anymore. He knew he had to get out of here before he went on and did just that.

  Eagle followed him to the door, then he finally turned to face the women in the cells. “You will get a fair hearing and have your say.”

  “Fair?” Cat shouted. “You’ve already convicted us and you damn well know it!”

  Eagle glared at her. “You did this to yourself you dumb bitch. Jealousy won this hand. You let that cloud your fucking head. Hope it was worth it.” He then headed out.

  Talon could hear both women weeping as Sledge shut the door behind them. He felt such rage, so much anger that his large body shook with it.

  Eagle slapped him on the back. “Just take
it easy Talon.”

  Talon halted and turned to glare at him. “I’m fucking trying!” He gritted between clenched teeth. “But until Devin is six feet under, I can’t promise anything.”

  Eagle nodded. “Yeah, I hear ya. I can’t blame you. But we gotta figure out just what Devin has to do with Dmitri. Those two have to be working together somehow. Then now we got a Grigori family member? Here in the club? What the fuck are we gonna do about that?”

  Talon fought to get control back. He focused on what the prez was saying. “I don’t know. I mean I saw her reaction just like you did. She looked like she didn’t know what the fuck you were talking about. Then it’s obvious that Rogue sees something there redeemable. He has never taken a woman to his room.”

  Eagle snickered. “Yeah, some rule about his space. Not fucking where you sleep or some shit?”

  Talon shook his head. “That’s not our business, prez.”

  “Maybe not but that woman he has in his bed right this fucking minute IS our business, Talon. We gotta decide what to do with her.”

  “Well first, I wanna see the file Bytes got on her. You also need to have Bytes pull up Dmitri’s entire history. Like when he came here from Russia, all his family members. His entire life story. We need to piece together how she fits in with him. How she got to be there in that house with Devin.”

  Eagle took out his cell as they headed toward the main hall of the club.” Bytes. I need an entire history on this girl. This Svetlannah and I need all you can get on Dmitri Grigori. I mean everything. I wanna know what that fucker had for breakfast this morning.” He paused and then grinned. “Damn, you are always ahead of me, you little fucker.” He paused again to listen. “Alright. Put out an announcement for all the lieutenants to come to Church in an hour.” He slid his phone screen closed then looked over at Talon. “Bytes has it all already, sayin’ he knew what I would want. He said he had a shit ton of shockers for us.”

  Talon walked toward his hall. “Shockers we don’t want probably.”

  “I don’t know, maybe we now have a way out of this fucking dilemma with Grigori.” Eagle walked on to the main room. “Church in an hour Talon.”


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