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For Auld Lang Syne [Cairngorm Dragons 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Clair de Lune

  “Yes, my love. She has manners. She’s used to men who know how to treat her and how to behave in our circle. Let her get to know this young man. Let her see how gauche he is in company. She’s nice in her ways, and she will soon grow tired if he’s oafish.”

  “He may well not be oafish, my dear,” her husband suggested.

  “How can he be otherwise? If he’s been raised among the lowest, on the edge of the settlement, where would he learn manners? No, you mark my words, she’ll soon grow tired of him,” she said, more firmly than she felt. Mairi wasn’t stupid, and she hoped that she wouldn’t dig her heels in and insist on having this man.

  “Let’s go and hear what she has to say, and then we can act accordingly,” she suggested.

  * * * *

  Mairi had been intrigued and strangely attracted to the mind-voice. He, she was sure it was a male, aroused feelings in her she’d never experienced before. When one of his stray thoughts entered her mind, her belly clenched, moisture pooled between her legs, and her breasts ached. Her mother had told her that would happen. She hadn’t been able to wait. She wanted to meet him, and to see if he had the same effect in person. She’d not been disappointed. He was gorgeous. He was tall and well-built, with reddish-brown hair, pulled back off his face, and held at the nape of his neck in a leather thong. He had a strong, lean face with twinkling, hazel eyes and a determined chin. His plaid was old, but clean. His arms and chest were bronzed, with a sprinkling of reddish hair. Taut muscles on chest and belly added to his attraction. He obviously worked hard. His arms were muscled, and his whole body radiated health and strength. This is him. I know it is…

  Her day-dreaming was interrupted as her parents entered the solar together. This was her mother’s own room, and evidence of her presence was everywhere. Her embroidery was neatly folded and laid upon her special stool. Mairi had never seen such another. The body of the stool was a box which held her mother’s embroidery threads, needles, and scissors. There were comfortable chairs and a fireplace for the winter. She and the rest of the young ones had spent many happy hours in this room. Now she was nervous and held her hands clasped tightly in front of her. So much depended on the next few minutes.

  “Well, Mairi, my dear. Your mother tells me you think you’ve found your mate. What makes you think that?”

  “It started a year ago with thoughts entering my mind. I was afraid at first, but the thoughts were so ordinary, and they had a physical effect on me.” She lowered her gaze and hoped they didn’t want a further explanation of that.

  “Well, that’s a good indication. I always told you that would happen, my daughter.” Her mother smiled as she said it, and gently lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes.

  “There’s no need to be embarrassed, my dear Mairi. It’s all perfectly normal and I am delighted it has happened for you, at last.”

  “Well, that’s wonderful, my dear. Now I need to know who this man is. Do I know him?”

  “His name is Hamish. He lives at the edge of the settlement.” There I’ve said it. Now what will happen? She watched her parents as what she’d said sank in.

  “I know this man. Well, boy might be a better description. He’s not attained his majority yet. His family have no influence, connections or wealth. However, I’ve heard that he’s a credit to his family,” her father said.

  Wonderful, at least he hasn’t forbidden it outright. He doesn’t look too happy, but I expected worse.

  “You may meet this man and get to know him. You will go no further than that. When he becomes of age, if you are both still of the same mind, then there can be a dragon-mating and a proper mating ceremony. I know you will think this is harsh, but you are young and I want nothing but your happiness. You have many, many decades of life in front of you, so a year or two is not so long to wait. Neither of you are old enough or mature enough to be mated just yet. The discipline of self-control will stand you in good stead for later life,” her father said.

  “Your father and I have discussed this. We want you to know that our decision was reached before we knew the identity of the man you believe is your mate. An alliance with our family would be very advantageous for his. Are you sure you aren’t mistaken? Could they have chosen you for that very reason?” her mother asked in a concerned voice.

  “Mother, I’m sure. I caught his thoughts, and then I set out to discover who he was. He’d no idea who I was. I was in his mind. I’m convinced he is genuine,” Mairi said.

  “Very well then. That was our only concern. We shall expect you to do as you have been asked, my dear. Difficult as it will be, you can do it,” her father said. Then he took her in his arms and cuddled her close.

  That’s all very well, but Hamish is so handsome and all those girls who saw him with me have done nothing but chatter about him. He’s mine. I know he is and I have to bind him to me before some other tries to do that. I won’t let him take me, we won’t mate, but we will get close.

  Chapter Three

  They all left the solar together. Mairi received permission to go and speak to Hamish. She left the house and set off on the path to the loch.

  “Can you get away now? We need to talk.”

  “Yes, give me a few minutes. Where are you?”

  “Near the loch, where we met last night.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  He was true to his word. She hadn’t been waiting long when she saw him striding down the path. She drew in a sharp breath. Why does he have this effect on me? I can’t think straight. I’ve never known anything like it, but it’s so pleasant. I want more of it.

  “I’m so pleased that you came. I didn’t expect ever to see you again,” Hamish said.

  “I said I would come back and here I am,” Mairi replied.

  “I thought that your parents would keep us apart.”

  “I told them that you’re my mate. They said we can meet to get to know one another.”

  “But they don’t know me. Surely they want a wealthy man for their daughter and I’m poor,” Hamish said.

  “They love me, and they want my happiness. If it lies with you, then they are content. They did insist that we must wait until we are of age and can have a dragon-mating. They will allow us to meet and talk, but not to mate. Is that acceptable to you?” she asked. She’d made up her mind to be bold. He was so concerned with the difference in their circumstances that they’d never get anywhere if it was left to him.

  “We’re too young for the dragon-mating as yet. I agree to wait. It will be a long time, Mairi,” Hamish said.

  “Good, now we have that cleared up, let’s go for a long walk by the lake,” Mairi suggested. She was longing for their first kiss, but not here where they might be overlooked. She held out her hand, and Hamish took it in his. The thrill she felt was electric, and she knew he felt it, too. They walked along the path that skirted the loch until they came to a coppice. The trees were thick, but they didn’t reach all the way to the loch. They formed a horseshoe around a clearing of grass, which sloped down to end in a sandy beach at the loch-side. Mairi led Hamish to the edge of the grass, kicked off her shoes, and sat down to bury her toes in the sand. Hamish imitated her, and they sat in companionable silence looking out over the loch. It seems that I’m going to have to take the initiative again if ever we are to make progress. She looked up at him out of the corner of her eye. My but he’s gorgeous. I’m so glad he said he’d wait. I just couldn’t bear it if he chose someone else. I wonder what that mouth tastes like. His lips are full and sensual. They’re just made for kissing. I’m so glad he can’t read my thoughts. I’m being far too bold for a respectable maiden.

  “Mairi.” She turned as he said her name and was gathered into his arms. His lips met hers a little tentatively at first, but as she responded, he grew bolder. His thought touched her mind.

  “You can’t shield your thoughts from me anymore, my love.”


  “Yes, ‘oh.’ Now, stop thinkin
g and let’s enjoy this.”

  She lay back on the grass, and he followed her, never breaking the contact of their mouths. His tongue invaded her mouth and stroked hers, and as she returned the caress, he redoubled his efforts. She felt her nipples peak and ache. Moisture pooled in her pussy and slipped down to coat her thighs and bottom.

  “Oh but this is wonderful.”

  “Yes, my little love, it is. You taste just as I’d imagined you would.”

  She felt the hot, hard cock press into her belly and she wriggled to get it between them, and then she undulated and he gasped. She reached down between them and into his plaid. She took his cock into her hand. Wrapping her fingers gently but firmly about it, she pumped her hand up and down. Soon he was thrusting in time with her strokes, until he groaned and she felt the hot seed overflow into her hand. She smiled as he collapsed on top of her. He would have dropped to his side on the grass beside her, but she held him in her arms and enjoyed the delicious sensation of his weight pressing her into the grass. He lifted his weight onto his elbows and rained tender kisses all over her face.

  “My love. That was amazing.”

  “Haven’t you done it before?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes, but when I do it myself it’s never as pleasurable as that,” he said, grinning.

  He began to kiss her again. She felt hot. She arched her back, rubbing her nipples against his chest to get some relief. To her delight he took the hint and one hand cupped her breast through her bodice. He pinched and squeezed her taut nipple, and it was as if a jolt of liquid fire ran from her breast to her pussy. Her little bud began to throb, and she tried to rub it against his firm thigh to ease the sensation. He chuckled and slid off her. Setting himself between her thighs, he pushed her legs apart.

  “My but you’re beautiful. Your scent is as sweet as the heather in bloom,” he said in a strange, thick voice. Then she screamed as his mouth took her pussy lips and her pearl into his mouth and he suckled. She writhed as exquisite, and until now unknown, sensations racked her body. She was in a fever. Her body burned, and her breasts and pussy throbbed. He allowed her pussy lips to slip from his mouth and with one hand parted them to let his tongue play freely. He stroked over her clit as she moaned in appreciation. Soon she was lifting her hips to get his tongue exactly where she needed it, where it produced the most acute pleasure. He maintained a steady rhythm. The pressure built and built, and she didn’t know what was happening to her. She wanted to escape, but she wanted to remain where she was. She lost all control, and her head thrashed from side to side as the sensations gathered. Until, with a scream of ecstasy, waves of pleasure so intense it bordered on pain washed over her. She felt her body grow rigid and spasm as the flow began to recede. She tried to hold onto the sensations, but gradually they ebbed and she lay spent on the grass. Hamish lifted her into his arms and kissed her. She clung to him as she returned the kiss, and he tasted different. Then she realised that must be her juices, and she blushed hotly.

  “What is it, my sweet? Why are you blushing? Why won’t you look me in the eye?” Hamish asked in a concerned voice.

  “I…you…taste different,” she managed to say at last.

  “Yes, my love, that’s your taste. I love it. Now let’s go and clean up in the loch.” He pulled her to her feet, and they undressed slowly. She felt his eyes on her and heard the sharp indrawn breath as she slipped off her shift and stood before him. She couldn’t meet his eyes. Never in her life had a man seen her naked, and yet she had shed her clothes at his suggestion. Now she turned and ran down to the loch. Squealing as she immersed herself in the cold water, she splashed about to get warm. Soon he joined her, and they played in the water, splashing each other until they had to get out, in order to get warm. She would have run up the shore to the grass where her clothes lay, because she was shivering with cold, but he caught her hand and drew her to him. The meeting of chilled flesh was somehow chaste. He held her in his arms and kissed her cheek.

  “I will never leave you. You’re mine now. You’re my mate. We’re mated for life.” Little did she know it, but those words were to shape the rest of her life.

  * * * *

  Hamish watched as she walked away to her home, and then he turned and strode off to his. He was elated and walked with a spring in his step. I’ve found her. She’s mine. My mate is the most beautiful woman in the whole of the island, and she’s chosen me. We have to be strong and resist our feelings as her parents asked. That’s not easy with the way she makes me feel. He felt his cock swelling as he thought of her. The sight of her curvaceous, naked body had stunned him. She was a little shy, but that was no bad thing in a woman. The afternoon had been one of the happiest in his life. He vowed to complete all his chores as early as he could each day so that he could meet her as often as possible. Before he knew it he was home.

  “Hamish, is that you?” his mother called.

  “There’s bread and cheese on the table and a pitcher of milk. Where have you been? It’s late now.” His mother came into the main room and looked at him. “What is it my son?”

  “Mother. I’ve found her. I’ve found my mate.” He sat at the table and drew the trencher toward him. Picking up the bread and cheese, he filled his mouth. Suddenly he was ravenous.

  “Who is she?” his mother asked, her voice full of amusement.

  “Mairi,” Hamish said.

  “Hamish! Her family will never countenance a match between you. They’re wealthy dragon lords. We’re poor. Her parents will want a wealthy man for their daughter, a man who has land or coin and can give her an easy life.” His mother’s voice was full of concern. He’d expected her to say something like that.

  “They said that we can see each other, but we must wait to mate, and then we can have a proper dragon-mating,” Hamish replied. He could see his mother intended to say something else, but then she thought better of it. He knew she was concerned for him, but he was sure it would all go well. He didn’t want to think of difficulties. All he could see was Mairi’s lovely face. All he could taste were her kisses. Could life get any better?

  In the next couple months they met each afternoon. Hamish completed all the tasks set him in record time, and he did them well. He’d no wish to waste time by having to repeat any of them. Once he’d finished, he’d be ready to go and meet her. His mother would have a hunk of bread, fruit, and cheese ready for him, and he’d eat them as his long legs ate up the path to the loch. They pleasured each other, bathed in the loch, and lay in each other’s arms on the warm, dry grass. The summer was being particularly kind to them. A spell of hot, dry weather had arrived, to the delight of most on the island of Skye. The crops were ripening, and houses, bedding, and such like were getting a good airing.

  Mairi was restless today, and Hamish wondered what was wrong. In the end he decided to ask, as it seemed she wasn’t going to tell him.

  “What is it, my love? Why are you so ill-at-ease today?” he asked.

  “Oh, I want to spend more time with you, Hamish. I love our afternoons together, but I want to go somewhere else,” she said a little pettishly. He supposed that she was used to getting her own way.

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “I want to change to dragon-form and fly off until we find somewhere we can be alone, out of sight of everyone.”

  “What is it, love? Has something happened? Has someone said something?”

  “Yes, a couple of my friends have started hinting about the loch and are teasing me about how often I come here. I would hate them to discover us.”

  “Well, then tomorrow we meet here, change into dragon-form, and fly off together. I can’t get here before the noon meal. I have tasks I have to complete, but we can try to find somewhere where there is no one at all.” She smiled at him then.

  “I’m sorry to be so ill-tempered. I want to be alone with you and I don’t want to be worrying that one of my friends is spying on us from the trees.”

  Hamish could well understand t
hat. He didn’t want to share his time with her, and he knew her friends wouldn’t approve of him. He took her in his arms, and then he released her and took her face between his hands. He looked deep into her eyes and placed soft butterfly kisses all over her forehead, cheeks, and nose until she smiled then giggled as his mouth tickled her. His hands left her face, and he began to tickle her in earnest until, panting and breathless, she begged for mercy, all annoyance gone. Hamish promised himself he’d find a secluded place for them. He’d do anything in his power to make her happy.

  Chapter Four

  She met Hamish the next day as usual. Changing into dragon-form, they flew off together. They left Skye behind, and then they flew over to Raasay. Landing on the west of the island, they changed back to their human-form. As they walked along the shore, they discovered the entrances to some caves. Squealing with delight, Mairi entered one, but she soon came out. She said it smelled dreadful. The next one was better. It had a sloping, sandy floor, and the cave mouth was big enough for them to sit and look out at the sea. Mairi pulled Hamish down to sit beside her. He placed his arm around her, and she rested her head on his shoulder. For a while they sat in silence looking out to sea.

  “Have you any idea what the dragon-mating is like?” Mairi asked at last.

  “No, I’m too young to be present, and no one tells me anything if I ask. What do you want to know?”

  “I just wonder what else we can do that they haven’t told us. We can communicate with each other over a long distance. At the moment we can’t shield our thoughts from each other. It’s not that I want to shield my thoughts from you, but I wonder if anyone else can read some of what I think. What happens if one of us is hurt? Does the other feel it? I’ve so many questions that no one will answer,” Mairi said in a petulant voice. Immediately she regretted her tone. It’s not his fault. He doesn’t know either. We have so little time together. What am I about wasting it on things I can’t change? Even one year is such a long time, and we have to wait longer. The time passes so slowly.


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