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For Auld Lang Syne [Cairngorm Dragons 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Clair de Lune

  “I’m sorry, Hamish, my love. I’m impatient. I don’t want to waste what little time we have together. Let’s forget all about it. Come, my love, kiss me.”

  Hamish kissed her hungrily, and she responded. She wanted to forget all her doubts and questions, and so she threw herself into their love-making with even more ardour than usual. His tongue danced over hers. She reciprocated, and he sucked the tip of hers into his mouth. She explored the hot wet cavern, loving the taste and the feel of him. The more she returned his caresses, the more heated they both became. She stripped off his plaid as he began to undress her. When they were both naked, they lay on his plaid on the sand. Her hands were busy with his cock, and his fingers tweaked and kneaded her breasts. Her nipples ached for more, and her hand speeded up, pumping his dick with greater intensity as his mouth found her nipples and he flicked first one then the other with the tip of his tongue, and then he blew softly over her heated flesh. She squirmed under him, wanting more. She was on fire, she burned, and she wanted him on top of her. She pulled him over her, and his hips rested between her thighs. They kissed, and she arched her back, spreading her legs wide he moved his body up to keep in contact with her mouth, and she felt something hot and hard push inside her. At first it hurt. It stung. She didn’t want it anymore. Then he withdrew. It was amazing. She clasped him with her pussy muscles and heard Hamish growl low in his throat as he pressed inside her. He withdrew again, but she rested her feet on his lower back and held on, and then she was lost. She wanted more. She needed more.

  “Yes, my love, harder and faster.”

  Something strange was happening. Hamish was inside her mind. She could feel his doubts. She knew he thought they weren’t doing right, but as their joint pleasure increased, those thoughts faded. She wondered if he could feel her mind and her pleasure.

  “Yes, I can. I can feel it when I give you the greatest pleasure. I know how to find the exact spot. My feelings are amplified by the addition of yours. It’s a wonderful thing.”

  Mairi’s climax began to gather. Hamish knew it, and she knew he knew. Together, they crested the wave of pleasure. United, they felt their orgasm flow over them. They were joined. What one felt, the other did, too. Hamish’s hot seed flowed into her willing body at the moment of their mutual climax. Mairi felt wonderful. Never in her life had anything affected her so profoundly.

  “My mate, until death,” Hamish said as he fell on top of her. She held him to her and kissed his lips.

  “My mate until death,” she repeated. Now she knew why she said that. After this, no other man would do. No other man could ever replace him.

  “How is such a thing possible? I could feel your pleasure as well as my own.”

  “Oh! What have we done, Mairi? We promised not to mate until we were of age for the dragon-mating. What will your parents say now?”

  “We haven’t really mated. We need to be in dragon-form for that. We need tell no one, and so we must keep it to ourselves until our dragon-mating. Then all will be well. You’ll see. It will all be all right, my love. We can’t undo what we’ve done, and I for one don’t want to. The feeling of you inside me and the moment when we came together with our minds joined was exquisite perfection. Now we know everything they didn’t tell us.”

  When she’d repeated the same thing a couple of times, she saw that Hamish was beginning to come around to her way of thinking. She snuggled into his arms and breathed in the mingled odour of his sweat and sex. She smiled a small, secret smile. She was no longer a maiden. This moment would remain with her for as long as she lived.

  The cave on Raasay became their refuge. They spent the afternoons there, exploring one another’s bodies and the delight of feeling not only their own pleasure but that of their partner. A little niggling doubt in the back of Mairi’s mind, telling her this was not what her parents wanted and expected, was ruthlessly supressed. She knew that Hamish was doubtful and wavered more often than she did. Something drove her on. Now that they had made love once, she wanted more. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  “Hamish, my love, why is it like this? We have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other. Dragon lords live long lives. Yet I feel an urgent need of you. I have a vague foreboding that you will be snatched away from me.”

  “I’ll never leave you. We’re joined now, and once the dragon-mating takes place, all will recognise that we’re mates. You must put all these vague notions behind you. Summer is upon us now, but the winter isn’t far away. It won’t be as pleasant in our cave in the cold months, if indeed we can use it then. We don’t know if the sea fills the cave then or not.”

  Hamish silenced her doubts in the most effective way he knew by kissing her witless. Nevertheless she couldn’t be entirely at her ease. She knew he was worried, too. He’d learned to shield the worries from her, but when she couldn’t explore his whole mind, she knew what it was that he concealed.

  One fine afternoon they decided to take out a boat. This wasn’t the first time they’d borrowed a boat and sailed along the coast. The day was warm, and the hot sun was high in the sky. Mairi had brought food and ale. They lowered the small sail, once they were out in the sound, and then they sat cross-legged in the bottom of the boat on a pile of cushions she’d brought with her. They fed each other pieces of roast chicken and then strawberries. Soon they were covered in the sticky juice and giggling. Hamish leaned forward and licked the juice off Mairi’s lips. She shivered at the caress. Packing up the debris of the picnic with all haste, they then lay down on the cushions in the boat. They lay side-by-side, exchanging long heated looks as they kissed slowly but passionately. Hamish’s hand soon found her tight nipples, and he began to ramp up her pleasure. He unlaced her bodice and applied his mouth to first one then the other, licking, nipping, and suckling. Mairi’s hand found his straining cock under his plaid. First she rolled his balls in his sac and gently dug her fingers into them, giving him a nip of pain but never too much.

  “I wonder how people go on if they can’t read their partner’s mind? I expect they have to talk. What a bore it must be.” There was a muffled chuckle from Hamish as he suckled hard on her nipples, and the thought fled. She pumped his cock until his hips began to move of their own volition. He rolled on top of her, and she lifted her hips to welcome him in. He entered her slowly, and on his withdrawal, as her pussy muscles tried to hold onto him, he stroked over her sweet spot, giving her the maximum of pleasure. Mairi felt the boat rock, and she hoped that it wasn’t another boat passing close by. The rocking increased in violence, but they were too far along the road to fulfilment to stop and investigate. There was a massive flood of pleasure as they climaxed together. She screamed his name and felt his mind’s caress. The boat was still rocking, and when they had recovered themselves, Mairi opened her eyes to see a black and lowering sky overhead. She looked over the side of the boat only to see the storm approaching. She arranged her clothes as did Hamish, and then they took the oars and turned to boat for shore. In spite of all they could do, the storm overtook them before they reached the harbour. The wind howled. The rain lashed down, and the waves grew in size. It was going to be touch and go. Hamish took both oars and strained to row the boat. Mairi kept a lookout for the shore. Water streamed down and plastered her hair to her face, making it difficult to see anything. They had almost reached the shore. They could hear the pounding of the waves on the sand. Mairi was beginning to think they’d be safe, when a huge wave crashed down on the small boat. It capsized very quickly, and Mairi found herself in the water.

  “Hamish!” She felt herself being sucked under.

  “I’m coming, my darling.”

  She struck her head on a rock, and then she knew no more.

  * * * *

  Hamish heard the panic in her voice as his name reverberated in his head. He surfaced, and then he started to swim toward the place he knew she’d been when she sent the message. All was silent.

  “Mairi. Mairi, where are you, my love? Answer me. Wh
y don’t you answer?”

  The undertow sucked at him. He was losing the battle. He changed to his dragon-form and began to call her name. He dove down under the surface his great wings and powerful hind legs propelled him down. His mind sought hers but found only silence. He sought her everywhere until he was exhausted. He plunged deep into the trough that was carved out by the Skye ice-cap in the time before men. He had to face facts. If he couldn’t hear her mind, then she wasn’t alive.

  The huge, green dragon shot out of the sea and bellowed his anguish and pain. The storm raged around him, but he didn’t care. He flew along the coast back and forth, again and again searching for his mate. He soared up to the top of Dun Caan. There he roared out her name. He searched with his mind. In his sorrow and desperation, he pushed himself to the limit, but to no avail. There was no answer. He couldn’t find even a faint trace of her mind, or of the essence of her. She’s dead, and it’s my fault. He gave one more bellow of despair, and then he gave up. I can’t stay here. I can’t go home and live on without her. There’s nothing left for me now, and I have no reason to live. With a final roar, he powered into the air on his huge wings and arrowed north in a manic flight. He didn’t know where he was going or why he flew, but he had to get away from the place where she’d died. I can’t face them. I can’t look her family and mine in the eyes. I should have kept her safe. I ought to have felt the storm coming and done something earlier. I ought never to have claimed her before the mating ceremony. It was all wrong. This is all due to my loss of control, to my wrongdoing, and she has paid the price. My lovely Mairi, I will never see you again. These thoughts and others of the same sort went round and round in his head. His wings beat increasingly fast, and he flew straight as an arrow toward the north. He’d never left his native land, and now he was on his way. Where was he going? He didn’t care. He just wanted to fly so far and so fast that he escaped the pain. His wings began to feel like lead. I can’t fly much further. It’s time, my love. I’m coming to join you. He began to drop through the clouds, plunging down. To his surprise, he exploded into the clear air above a settlement. He used his wings to brake, and the powerful downdraft made the inhabitants look up at him.

  He looked down on them in consternation. I can’t do anything right, can I? I failed to look after her. I didn’t find her body, and now I can’t even end my life. He landed and changed to his man-shape. The locals were oddly dressed to his eyes, but they looked askance at his plaid. They wore beautifully embroidered clothes, and all were smiling and happy. He resented that. His world had come to an end, and still people smiled. It wasn’t right. Don’t they see that she’s gone and my life has no meaning?

  “Welcome to Alesund, stranger. Where are you from?” a tall blond man asked.

  “My name is Hamish, and I come from the Isle of Skye, far south from here.”

  “My name is Knut. I see that you are a dragon shape-shifter. Some of our people still have the ability, but they can’t fly long distances anymore.”

  “We’re celebrating my son’s wedding today. Would you like to join us? You will be very welcome,” Knut said.

  The thought of a wedding made Hamish cringe. The happy couple waiting to be united. He couldn’t do that. He didn’t want to offend Knut, but he just couldn’t hold himself together through all of that, and he wouldn’t disgrace himself by crying in front of these strangers.

  “I’m sorry, but I have just experienced the loss of the love of my life and I can’t join you in your celebration. I have no wish to cast a pall over the festivities,” Hamish said, and he was hard put to it not to lose control of his voice.

  “Surely…” Knut began, but he got no further.

  “No! Go and enjoy your wedding. I must go,” Hamish almost shouted, and Knut didn’t finish what he was going to say as he recoiled from the vehemence of the refusal.

  Hamish ran out of the settlement to a clearing where he changed into dragon-form, and where the downdraft from his wings wouldn’t harm anyone one. He’d done enough damage already, and he didn’t want to do any more. He rose swiftly into the air. And where am I to go now? My wings are like lead. They won’t carry me far. That mountain seems a bleak place. Maybe there’s a cave I can rest in until I get my strength back. He flew toward the mountain and landed on a sloping meadow. He changed to his man-shape and walked laboriously up the slope to a narrow, dark slit he could just see. When he arrived, he found that it was the narrow entrance to a tunnel. He slipped inside and slowly made his way along the dark passage. He was exhausted, but he was curious, too. Where will this lead? I wonder if it’s just a passage or if there will be a cave. After walking for a few minutes, stumbling over loose rock, occasionally barking his shins on an outcrop, and once hitting his head so hard he almost lost his senses, at last he felt the tunnel change. He’d been following the sides with his hands when he came to an opening. Blindly he tried to follow the rock but realised he had to turn a sharp right, so he backtracked and felt for the other side of the passage. Panic struck as he couldn’t find it. He turned around and walked back the way he thought he’d come. He stretched out his hands in front of him, so as not to walk into the solid rock, but they found nothing. He missed his footing, and then he fell. He rolled down a slope until he came to rest with a thump, but his hand hit water with a splash. Winded as he was, he sat up and felt around him. He was on some rocky shore, and water lapped at the small pebbles under his hand. The air pressure felt different. No longer did the ceiling of the tunnel oppress him. A fine mess I’m in. Why couldn’t I think for once in my life? A torch would have been a good idea. What an idiot I am. Now I’m lost underground. I’m going to have to risk it and change to my dragon. What if this cavern isn’t large enough? I’ve no idea what the outcome will be, but I can’t blunder about here in the dark. Why not? Why can’t I just lie down and die here? I’d have peace that way and join my Mairi in paradise. Why didn’t I die before? Maybe it’s a sign and there is still something for me to do in this life. Maybe I have to atone for what I did to her. Maybe I’ll only find peace and a place with her if I make up for what I did. Gah, I can’t think anymore. I’d better take a chance.

  He changed to his dragon-form and looked about him. With his keen night-sight, he saw the passage through which he’d entered the cavern. The incline was littered with rocks and boulders, and it sloped down to a lake. He bent and sniffed. Fresh water. That was a bonus. He drank deeply, and then he waddled wearily up to a ledge and lay down. I’m so tired. Later I can carry brushwood and straw or some other vegetation to make this ledge more comfortable. For now I need to sleep. It seems I shall be staying here for a while. I wonder what life has in store for me.

  Chapter Five

  Mairi came to her senses slowly. Her head throbbed, and when she opened her eyes a little way, the stab of pain that the firelight caused her made her hastily close them again. Where am I? Why does everything smell so of fish? This blanket feels very coarse. I can’t be in my own bed, but if I’m not, then where am I? Putting one hand over her eyes to cut out some of the glow from the flames, she cracked open her lids again. Nothing was familiar. This wasn’t the light, airy room she slept in. The overpowering smell of fish made her retch. She tried to sit up, but the fierce stab of pain in her head made her cry out.

  “Dinna fash yersel’. Ye are safe here,” a gentle voice said. Mairi tried to turn her head, but again pain struck.

  “Rest ye, my lady ye’ve ta’en a girt blow to the heid. Ye have need o’ rest.”

  “Where am I? What happened? Who are you?”

  “Janet. My man’s Dougie. He was efter fishing the loch and he found ye on the shore. Who are ye?” Janet asked.

  “My name is…” Mairi stopped. “My name is…” She gave a cry of frustration. “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”

  “Och weel, ’tis ofen so efter a skelp to the heid sich as ye had. Do ye lie still. I will fetch water.” Janet left the house and soon returned. She held a cup to Mairi’s lips. Mair
i would have swallowed it all greedily, but Janet would permit only sips.

  In spite of Janet’s assurances that her memory would return with time, Mairi was impatient. Something was tugging at the back of her mind, and she’d get no rest until she remembered what it was. The days passed slowly at first. Her head ached, and she was glad to lie still and be fed roast fish and water. When her head was no longer aching so much, she ventured to sit up, and, eventually, with Janet’s help she went outside to sit in the sun. The house was very small, and the beds were no more than alcoves in the wall with thick curtains over them. She so wanted to remember. She felt she was in the way here. Janet, Dougie, and the bairns all slept in the one bed in order to allow her the other for her sole use. She felt she was a burden, but when she ventured to say so, she was told that she was no burden and it was their duty and their pleasure to care for her. She knew that she stretched their meagre resources, so it was with great relief that she began to remember scenes. At first they vanished like the smoke from the peat fire in the morning air as, desperately, she pursued them. She soon discovered that she fared better if she allowed them to drift into her mind. Hamish. Who is he? Where is he? What does he mean to me? She asked Dougie and Janet, but they knew no Hamish, so she had to be content to wait.

  It was a slow process, but it did all come back to her. Hamish, my love. I’ve lost you. In vain she tried to contact him, but she was weak and her head soon ached. She needed to get better and stronger. The day she remembered her name and who she was and what had happened was a bittersweet one. At last she knew her name, but the sadness and loss of her life-mate was too much for her. I can’t stay with these good folk any longer. I must get back to my parents. They’ll be frantic, and maybe they’ll have news of Hamish. Oh, I must go now!


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