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The Iron Room

Page 14

by Sarah Himebauch

  At the end of the day, he was still her son, and that meant something to her… and my dad. I thought after what he did, they would be so angry that they might kill him.

  No such luck.

  They thought it over alone and came to a decision that they felt would best benefit everybody involved. We all agreed that Mark had become too emotionally involved and needed to be removed from the situation. Enough time away from that room, and the clouded perceptions it brought, would surely reunite Mark with his old self.

  I had gone downstairs after locking Katie back up and retrieved a spare set of chains. Mark’s frame was steel enforced beneath the beams, and it would be sturdy enough to keep him in there. We added another security measure in the extra locks we added onto the outside of his door.

  He wasn’t getting out without us.

  Mom felt it best to leave a message with the school filling them in on Mark’s illness that came over quickly, and that he would need to be on bed rest for two weeks. They would send homework home for him that I would pick up, and no one would suspect anything.

  Luckily enough for me, I now had to face the hordes of gossip at school- alone.

  Mom was letting me drive Mark’s car, even though I didn’t have a license yet. The only person in this town who had any authority to do something about it was Sheriff Johnson, and I can safely assume my lack of a driving license would be the least of his worries.

  I still felt bad for him in a way. Katie on the other hand, not so much. When we were best friends, she was always timid, kind, and compassionate. Being here only brought out her true self, which is a combination of being calculated, rude, and unappreciative all rolled into one.

  Now that I knew how Mark truly felt about her, and how far he was willing to go to be with her, I knew she had to die.

  It’s the only way to save my family.

  With her out of the picture, Mark has no other girl to play hero for, and we can finally settle back into our life.

  This whole Katie mess had thrown us off balance, and out of center.

  I glanced at myself the mirror and was surprisingly impressed. I was able to clean up pretty good, even for someone who was up half the night reinforcing her brother’s door, because he tried to run away with one of her captives. Yeah, I know it sounded crazy.

  “Amy! Come down here.” My mom yelled up, and I collected the rest of my things for school and headed downstairs.

  Breakfast would be missing one this morning, and I didn’t really care all that much. I wish I was able to see the look on Mark’s face when he realized he was now also a prisoner. That served him right. What he chose to do with his freedom was atrocious and could have easily ruined our family.

  I was glad he now knew what it felt like to be isolated and alone, as he had made me feel recently.

  I walked into the dining room, and my mom’s face was clearly terse. She had taken this Mark situation harder than any of us, and I knew it was because she was struggling with her emotions on it. Truth is, she didn’t know how to handle it, and was facing an internal battle.

  “Sit. We need to go over what you will say when people ask about Mark.”

  “Nobody is going to ask about Mark…”

  “Yes, well, if they do, tell them that he has a nasty stomach bug. Don’t forget to add that it may be a few weeks before he is feeling back to normal. I don’t suspect this detox will take that long, but we must prepare.”

  “Okay, mom.”

  She smiled, clearly happy knowing that she got her point across. Her mood did a complete three-sixty and she clapped her hands together.

  “I have something that will cheer you up pumpkin.” She smiled at me, got up, and ran into the other room, coming back holding her iPad.

  She hovered next to me, handing me the iPad. She leaned down and whispered in my ear.

  “I thought you would want to see Katie’s reaction when she woke up and realized she didn’t escape.” My mother laughed and sat back down to resume eating her breakfast.

  I pressed play, anxiousness blooming in my stomach. The video started, and Katie was lying on the floor, still clearly unconscious.

  You could see her start to stir, her brown hair splayed against the metal floor.

  Finally, she sat up, rubbed her eyes, and realized the chain connected to her wrist.

  She looked absolutely panicked. She looked over at the other girls wide-eyed and started to cry. She then looked down at her purplish blue, swollen ankle.

  Serves you right for trying to escape.

  She then laid her head down in her lap, still clearly sobbing.

  The video ended.

  My mom was looking at me, smiling, and I handed the iPad back to her.

  She was right, that did make me feel better.

  My dad rolled his eyes, finding humor in my mom and I’s exchange, and stifled a laugh as well.

  Things were so much easier… so much better without Mark around.

  “I have to get to school. I’ll see you guys later… love you.”

  I was met with a chorus of “Love you too” as I made my way to the front door, keys in hand. If Mark knew I was about to drive his baby right now, he would blow a freaking lid. This car meant everything to him, and that made it that much more satisfying that I was about to get behind the wheel of it.

  I unlocked the car and slid into the driver’s seat.

  This felt awesome.

  I stuck the key in the ignition, starting the car. The engine began to hum with power, as I thrust the gear shift into reverse.

  Slowly, but surely Amy.

  I backed the car up ever so slowly and held the brake as I shifted back into drive.

  I pulled up to the attendant box, and George came out, clearly taken aback.

  “Where’s Mark?” George was laughing, knowing full well Mark would never let me drive his car.

  “Sick.” I shrugged my shoulders and gassed it as George let the gates open for me. I started cruising to school, confidence growing as I drove.

  I really should get my license.

  I found Mark’s sunglasses and slid them over my eyes.

  I continued my cruise down the open road, until the school came into view, and my mood simmered. Nothing to put you in a shitty mood after a great morning, like going to high school. I was so glad to almost be done with this place and all the judgment, drama, and issues that came with it.

  I parked the car perfectly between the two allotted lines given to us. Mark had his own specific spot since the beginning of the school year, when he was lucky enough to snag it at registration.

  It also may have had something to do with Mom and Dad’s generous donation to the school once again.

  Having money did have its perks.

  I locked the car, heading into school. Per usual, I was met with a lot of judgmental staring, and obvious whispers. These people truly had nothing better to do with their lives.

  I was sure that the absence of Mark who was usually joined at my hip was also a cause for gossip. In Prairie, everything was a cause for gossip.

  I settled into my first period class seat as Mr. Aryn took the time to set up his PowerPoint presentation which was guaranteed to be a snooze fest.

  I felt myself dozing off from sheer boredom, and due to the lack of sleep I got last night. Another thing to thank Mark for.

  The bell rang, and I finished writing down the homework assignment in my planner.

  I stood up, collected my things, and mentally prepared for mind-numbing Calculus. School wasn’t my forte, but third period Creative Writing was my favorite.

  Katie and I had signed up for it together.

  I pushed that manipulative bitch to the back of my mind as I stepped into my math class. Johnny was perched in his usual seat, looking surprisingly sober.

  I headed to the back and took my seat beside him without a glance or a single word.

  “Mark seems to be missing today. That wouldn’t be because he’s with Katie?”

  This kid had a death wish.

  “Not that it is any of your business, but he’s sick.” I wouldn’t entertain this bullshit, but couldn’t risk someone else hearing it, and spreading gossip.

  Johnny didn’t reply, but simply tut-tutted, and started on the problems the teacher was vigorously writing on the board.

  I figured that burying my thoughts in equations was also the way to go and followed suit.

  Creative Writing was the best class of the day by far, but no story I wrote could outdo the one I was living in right now. If it wasn’t my life, I wouldn’t believe it.

  The rest of the day droned on by.

  When the final bell rang, I practically sprinted to Mark’s car, eager to get home and kick my feet up.

  What a hard week so far, and it was only Wednesday!

  I started the car, turned to grab my seatbelt, and nearly had a heart attack at the sight of Johnny Antin standing outside my driver’s window.

  I rolled the window down.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Where are you going Amy?”

  “Home. Now stop being a creep before I file a restraining order.”

  I rolled the window up before he had the chance to reply. I threw the car in reverse and got the hell out of there.

  He really did make me uncomfortable and I wasn’t sure if it was because I knew he was onto me, or because he might know more than he should.

  I was casually driving, slower than usual, at an attempt to take in my surroundings. When I got home, I would be forced to deal with my actual problems, and I wanted to pretend for a while longer.

  I needed to stop for gas and pulled into the nearest one. A silver Chevy pulled in behind me, and I thought nothing of it.

  I also didn’t worry too much when the same car pulled back out behind me as I was leaving.

  I knew I was being paranoid, but I didn’t care.

  I did a test.

  I made a right. They did the same. Another right… same result. I made another two rights, completing a full circle.

  It wasn’t until I realized that they were still behind me that a harrowing truth set in.

  I was being followed.



  Defeated. Confused. Angry.

  I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of having freedom so close within my reach, to having it snatched away in the blink of an eye.

  I have no clue what happened to Mark, and that both equally terrified and worried me because he was my ticket out of here.

  I had never felt so alone before.

  Kim and Tara respected my not wanting to talk this morning, and quietly let me process everything. So many things were going through my head, since I woke up back in this room this morning.

  Would Sharon come down here and shoot me like she did Anna? For escaping?

  I guess I can’t even call it an escape, but rather a lack thereof. All I remember was seeing the open road, feeling elated and also having my ankle in a lot of pain. Then it all faded to black.

  My heart started beating out of control, listening for every small noise I could, terrified that each one would be someone unlocking the door to come down and kill me.

  We tried to get away, and we failed. I had no doubt there would be harsh, and cruel consequences to follow. That was this family’s style after all. I guess I would wait for Mark to come in tonight, and maybe he would be up to making a new game plan.

  Don’t fail me now Mark.

  The door unlocked, and I felt myself visibly tense up. I mentally prepared myself for the very real possibility that this could be one of the last moments of my life.

  I love you dad.

  It was none other than Paul who sauntered in the door. He had our food on a tray. Three plates. Okay, maybe they weren’t going to kill me.

  Or it was your last meal.

  Paul placed a plate in front of Kim, then Tara, and finally me. He looked me in my eyes and shook his head. I guess he was disappointed in me, and I couldn’t find a shit to give. Screw him, this psychotic family, and the horse they rode in on.

  I was so tired of being here, and more fed up with the fact that they felt they had a right to keep me here. They were horrendous people and didn’t deserve to have another day of blissful freedom, while I sat here, as a prisoner for a moment longer.

  I kept telling myself that they would receive their karma. It did slightly take the edge off, but I also was a realist who knew that the world wasn’t a perfect place where those who did wrong always paid the price for it.

  Paul delivered one last final look to all three of us, and head upstairs. Maybe Paul decided we were all more trouble than we were worth. Maybe we would all be on the chopping block because of Mark and I’s mistake.

  My stomach clenched.

  I had done nothing but get people hurt since I got here. Anna would have still been alive if it wasn’t for me. I hated myself.

  I wasn’t in the mood for food of any kind, but I knew I needed the sustenance, and forced myself to take a bite.

  Bread, and fruit. They really did try and give us the bare minimum to keep us alive, but not strong. Maybe it was my fault that Mark and I weren’t able to get away last night.

  Or it was Sharon’s fault for breaking my damn ankle.

  I wondered why she didn’t come downstairs herself this morning. Knowing full well what kind of person she was at this point, I found myself genuinely surprised that she passed on the opportunity to revel in my botched escape attempt.

  Maybe she was waiting until dinner time.

  “Are you okay Katie?” Kim’s words broke my thoughts, and for a small second, I was grateful. Despite these horrendous people that kept us here, I was my own worst enemy right now.

  “Not really. But there’s nothing I can do, can I?”

  Kim just gave me a small smile, and weirdly enough, Tara also looked sympathetic. She had to watch Anna try and escape twice, to which the second attempt resulted in her death, in front of our eyes. She knew exactly what it was like.

  I stopped eating when I felt like I couldn’t possibly stomach anymore food. Eating the same thing every day was hard enough, and each bite today felt like swallowing sand. I had a pit in my stomach over the whole thing last night, and not seeing Mark was throwing my anxiety into overdrive.

  As much as I thought he was a piece of crap for what he did to not only me, but every other girl he has taken, he seemed to be the only one who gave a damn about me. I needed him, even if it was hard to admit it.

  “I need to get the hell out of here.”

  “You tried. They won’t let us leave- ever.” Tara spoke, and I knew she was right. They would not ever let us leave. I didn’t care though. I would die trying to escape again before I spent another day, another week in here.

  I closed my eyes for a small millisecond to regain focus, and I was out. I was absolutely exhausted from the previous night, and whatever they gave us to knock us out still felt like some was leftover in my system.

  When I opened my eyes, it was dinner time.

  Did I sleep the whole day?

  Tara and Kim were already feasting their dinner plates which look to be haphazardly thrown.

  Sharon was here.

  Mine was thrown in front of me, obvious by the fact that half the food was off the plate. She was such a bitch.

  I started eating in silence, only just realizing how famished I was. There was a fresh bottle of water in front of me, and I started chugging that as well. I don’t remember getting water this morning, probably a punishment for trying to escape.

  They were nothing if not creative.

  When I finished my flavorless meal, I turned to Kim.

  “Was I out all day?”

  “Yeah you were actually slipping in and out of consciousness, mumbling about Mark. It’s okay. You were tired. Sharon brought the food down ten minutes or so ago.”

  “Did she say anything?”

  “Just that she would be back
. You know what that means.”

  I did know what that meant. She was feeling particularly evil today and wanted to inflict pain on us. I knew Mark wouldn’t come down for that, but I only hoped he would come down later tonight.

  Unless they were angry with him, which I knew without a doubt that they were. He was their family, but he had clearly chosen me last night over them, and that had to sting. Maybe his punishment would be no access to see me.

  In that case, I was screwed.

  “Yes, I do.” I shook my head, and mentally prepared myself for what was to come.

  It couldn’t have been more than an hour when the door opened. I braced myself and expected the worst. What would be the worst?

  You dead.

  I really hope not.

  I knew Sharon would be the one coming down, but accompanying her was her little psycho in training, Amy. Those two were cut from the same cloth in every way imaginable. The whole family was horrible, don’t get me wrong. These two however, had a special taste for violence and demeaning women.

  “I’m sure you both know that our little Katie tried to leave us last night. We all know that everyone in this room sans my daughter and I knew full well of whatever plan that it was. Therefore, everyone will be punished.” Sharon started walking toward Kim.

  Oh god, no!

  “No… please don’t!” Kim pulled her arms up cover her face, giving Sharon full access to her stomach which she greeted with a blow.

  As Kim doubled over in pain, Amy ran over and delivered another hit to the side of her head. Sharon grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, as Amy delivered punch after punch, bloodying Kim’s face.

  I can’t watch this shit.

  I turned away, to which Amy of course noticed. She walked over to me and rather than hitting me, she stood behind me, grabbing my head, and holding my eyes open.

  Cruel bitch.

  “Oh no Katie, you have to watch. See, you caused all of this. You.” Amy let out a cold laugh.

  “When I get out of here, I’ll make sure you and your whole family never see the light of day again.” I forcefully turned my heads, deadlocking with Amy’s eyes.

  “Whole family, huh? Even your little love Mark? Oh, you don’t really like him though, do you? Such a shame… that he’s being punished for someone who doesn’t even love him back.”


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