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The Iron Room

Page 15

by Sarah Himebauch


  Amy could clearly see her words affected me and continued.

  “Yeah, Mark is now a prisoner as well. He gets to stay in the main house of course, but his regimen is quite similar to you whores. Two meals a day, constantly chained, oh and he gets his very own bucket as well!” Her eyes danced with excitement, and I was able to truly see the depths of her depravity.

  She wasn’t just hateful towards me, but everyone who got in her way. Even Mark.

  “Are you that vile of a person that you don’t even have loyalty towards your family? You make me fucking sick.” Just like last time, I ended my sentence with spitting in her face.

  She wiped the spit off, infuriated. She punched me, sending my head sideways, to which I felt Sharon rush up and kick me in the ribs.

  Don’t go for the ankle, please.

  They stayed away from my ankle, but only to batter my body and leave me bleeding everywhere else. Finally, Sharon ceased and moved on to Tara. Amy bent down and grabbed my face, so I was forced to look at her.

  “You have seemed to forget who the hell is in charge here. You see, I control your fate. Whether you live, die, eat. Don’t fuck with me Katie. You’re on thin ice.” She shoved my head and it hit the back of the post where I was chained at.

  Satisfied with their beatings, Amy and her mother headed towards the door. When they reached the door, Sharon began to head up as she wiped the blood off her face with a handkerchief. Amy grabbed the door and began closing it before she turned and looked at me.

  “Remember what I said Katie. I will kill you myself if you step out of line again. And that’s not a threat. It’s a promise.”

  She slammed the door shut, and Kim and Tara began to cry, as they used their clothes to mop up the blood dripping off of them.

  This was agonizing, and I wasn’t referring to the pain.

  They were mentally trying to break us.

  And I’m not going to let them.



  They were treating me like the trash we kept down in the Iron Room. They only brought me two meals today, not even allowing me to use my bathroom in my room. My chain only went so far as to let me use the bucket they so generously left for me.

  I can’t believe my family would be so angry with me as to treat me like the filthy girls I capture. I was better than them, and I think my family felt this tactic best to help me remember who I was.

  I was remembering all right. I was a part of this family, held to the highest esteem, and I wasn’t like that garbage. I was more furious than anything that they would choose to treat me as such.

  Amy had been a real pain in my ass lately, and I was even more infuriated when I saw the footage from today. I still had my iPad with me, directly linked to the camera in the Iron Room. It gave me full access to watch in current time, as well as past.

  I watched what her and my mother did to Katie, and I was enraged. How dare they treat her like dirt and literally kick her while she was down?

  I didn’t want to be a part of this family anymore.

  They thought keeping me in my room, chained, and imprisoned like this would bring me some sense of clarity. Well, it did. I don’t think it’s the kind they hoped for though.

  The only thing I am able to truly see now is just how toxic and horrendous my family is. It’s okay to treat Tara and Kim like this, but the way they were able to turn on Katie at the drop of a dime blows my mind.

  Katie is our friend.

  The truth had become quite clear to me- my family was willing to kill anyone who got in their way.

  Maybe even me.

  Being able to at least see Katie brought me a small sense of comfort. I hated seeing the way my family treated her but was glad to see my dad didn’t partake in this.

  Amy was all big and tough, but what if Katie didn’t have the chains on? Would she be so strong then? Katie kicked her ass before, while chained up. Not only was my sister weak minded, but she was weak physically.

  That’s probably why she loved torturing these girls so much. She had no control in her everyday life, letting people walk all over her. In the Iron Room, Amy had all the power against multiple defenseless women.

  I had wished more than anything that we had audio in the room, but it was solely the camera. Seeing Katie spit in Amy’s face was the highlight of my morning, which otherwise was quite dull.

  I saw Katie talk to Kim a lot more than she did with Tara. Tara didn’t really talk to either of them, or she didn’t say much at all. She had always been like that- meek and awkward.

  I felt like I was going stir crazy in here. I needed to get the hell out. Now.

  My bedroom door opened and my sister sauntered in.

  I hate you.

  “We need to talk.” She looked nervous and was wringing her hands.

  “I don’t really care to speak to you. As far as I’m concerned, you and I are done Amy.”

  “You don’t mean that. We’re family.” She sat down on the edge of my bed and I had an urge to lay her out after what she did to Katie.

  I didn’t even justify that bullshit with a response and stayed silent. She continued to stare at me, and I finally realized she wasn’t leaving.

  “What is it Amy?!”

  “I was being followed today.”

  “I’m supposed to care?”

  “This is serious Mark. It was Johnny.”

  “Johnny followed you where? At school?” I was a little pissed off, that he had heeded my warning. Once I was out of this prison lockdown, we would have another talk, one that was a lot less nice.

  “No. I was driving… my car, and I saw him behind me. I pulled across the road sideways, and he wasn’t able to pass. He got out of the car, so I asked him why he was following me.”

  “And?” My sister was the slowest storyteller, and I had very little patience as it was.

  “He warned me. He said that he knows there’s something going on with our family and that we’re connected to the missing girls. He said he’s not going to stop until he found out the truth. I told him he was insane, and I got back in the car.” Amy let out a long breathe, almost like she had been holding it in for a while.

  I carefully mulled over this new information. Johnny was dangerously close to the truth. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he found those girls any day now. But that was no longer my problem. With me locked up, anything concerning the girls was none of my business, excluding Katie of course.

  “Say something Mark.”

  Why are you still in my room?

  “I hope he finds the girls. And I can’t wait to see you get led away in handcuffs.”

  Amy’s jaw dropped and she slapped me across the face.

  A one trick pony I see.

  “Get the hell out of my room.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Amy stomped towards the door, and slammed it shut. I could see tears streaming down her face. I can’t believe I ever considered her family. We were different in every sense of the word, and I couldn’t even stomach being in the same room as her anymore.

  I laid my head against the pillow. My head felt like it would explode any moment. I needed to get out of here. I couldn’t be a prisoner in my own home. I wondered how my Katie was doing.

  I pulled out my iPad again, and slid onto the camera app. There she was.

  She was sitting there, eyes closed. Part of me was bummed out because I wasn’t able to see her beautiful blue eyes, but her brown hair looked gorgeous as ever. God, she really was the most beautiful girl in the world.

  My girl.

  I rubbed my thumb over the screen, aching to touch her. I wondered if she missed me the same way I did her. Even as we were running through the forest, the chemistry was palpable, and the connection was absolutely electric.

  We belonged together.

  I couldn’t find my phone anywhere, but I knew the iPad could message people through apps. I got onto Facebook and looked up a name.

sp; Johnny Antin.

  I friended him, and impatiently waited for a response. He must have been on, because he almost immediately accepted it. Once I received that notification, my finger tapped the message icon, and I started typing.

  Mark Puntzer: Hi Johnny. I know this is really weird. My sister just came in my room about how you followed and threatened her today. The truth is, you are right. Katie, Kim, and Tara are all locked in an Iron Room which is completely soundproof. I tried to rescue Katie and now I am chained up in my room. I need to get her out, and I need your help.

  He read the message as soon as I sent it, and several minutes went by before I saw the typing icon.

  Johnny Antin: Is this a joke?

  Mark Puntzer: No, I wish it was. I need to think of a plan. I’ll message you later with the details. My parents are pissed. I don’t think Katie has much longer.

  Johnny Antin: Okay man. I’ll be waiting.

  I deleted the messages and hid the Facebook app behind a bunch of other ones in the rare possibility my mother was crazy enough to search my devices. It was hard to see the sweet mom I grew up with turning into a person who would chain her own son in his room.

  I didn’t care about the consequences that would surely follow if the girls were released or found anymore. I would serve my time, however long that may be, as long as it meant I was able to be with Katie.

  Knowing her, she might even find it noble or attractive that I would be willing to sacrifice my freedom, even if for a little bit, just to one day be with her.

  I knew she loved me. I just knew it. I checked my iPad. 6:24.

  My door cracked open, and my mother pushed her way in carrying a tray with my dinner on it. Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, and peas. My favorite.

  Nothing like a good home cooked meal to fix the fact that you locked your only son up.

  “Mark honey, I have dinner.”

  “I see that.”

  “Are you going to be upset with me forever? That’s not very fair.”

  “And this is?” I held up my chained arm.

  ‘Mark, that was necessary. We simply do not know where your head is at these days. It’s a precaution. But you are my son, and I love you.”

  “Is this how you show your love? A bucket? Two meals a day? You’re punishing me. I’m not one of your little captives. You seem to have forgotten that.” I shook my head. I couldn’t look at her. I couldn’t look at anyone in this family anymore.


  “Just leave the food and go. Please.”

  I heard the clatter of the plates, footsteps, and then a door opening and closing. Finally.

  I turned my attention to my dinner and started feasting at the speed of light. I was starving, and the stress of my family only exacerbated that.

  I cleared the plate within five minutes, and then lay in a food comatose watching Law and Order reruns for an hour after.

  I got lost in a few movies and started hearing my mom and dad go to bed. I checked the time. 11:04. Yeah, everyone was turning in for the night for sure. I heard Amy padding down the hall, followed by a door opening and closing.

  I pulled up the camera on my iPad once more. Katie was awake now and talking to Kim.

  I wish I could hear what you’re saying.

  Katie turned towards the camera. She was mouthing something, and I was desperately trying to make out what it was in the dimly lit room.

  I…love…you? I love you?

  I replayed the footage and confirmed that was indeed what she was trying to say. My heart swelled three sizes bigger, and I felt a grin spreading across my face.

  I knew it. I just knew it.

  Maybe it wasn’t meant for you.

  Well who the hell else would it be for? Everyone in this house abused and tortured Katie, but not me. I laid everything on the line and risked the love of my family for this girl. I would do it all again too, given the chance. I was just elated that she had realized the true depths of my love for her and returned those feelings.

  I need to get her out of here. And I need help.

  I closed down the camera footage and opened Facebook messenger once more. I typed compose, selected Johnny Antin and started typing.

  Mark Puntzer: I was thinking about it, and I definitely need your help. It will be a challenge. Our gate attendant is in on everything and will not let the girls escape.

  Johnny Antin: I don’t care. I want to help.

  Mark Puntzer: Glad to hear that. Now here’s the plan…



  I decided to take a risk, and slammed on the breaks of Mark’s car, turning it to the side. Whoever was following me was blocked off. They had no choice but to get out of the car.

  I parked and turned off the ignition. The person in the other car stalled theirs, and opened the front door, stepping out.

  Johnny Antin.

  I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.

  Why the hell was he following me?

  He started to walk towards the car, and a small part of me started to panic, unsure of what he was about to do.

  “Why are you following me?”

  He was getting closer and closer until he walked right up to the driver’s door of Mark’s car.

  “This is your brother’s car, isn’t it?”

  “And? You followed me over a car?”

  “No, I followed you because I was trying to see where you’re hiding the girls.” He eyed me suspiciously, casually glancing towards the backseat. As if they would be there!

  “What girls, Johnny?”

  “You know what girls. I’m going to find them and expose you.”

  With that being said, he turned and started off back towards his car.

  “Why don’t you stop trying to be a hero Johnny?”

  He stopped dead in his tracks, and I wondered if he would come back. He simply turned around, looked me right in my eyes, and spoke.

  “Because Tara deserves a hero. She deserves someone to save her. They all do.”


  He turned back around and got into his car. I started Mark’s car back up, fixing it so I was right side on the road again. I continued on my way home.

  He didn’t scare me. I mean, I didn’t think he would physically hurt me, but his threats about finding the girls sounded pretty real. He hasn’t let up since the first day of school when I met him, and I feared he never would… not until he found them.

  I can’t believe that after all this time, that people still pretended to care. They didn’t. They wanted to act like they were helping, just so they could sleep at night. Their efforts were useless. Take me for example, I know exactly where the girls are, and I sleep awesome at night.

  I felt myself visibly shaking, and I mentally chastised myself. I was in control. I wouldn’t allow myself to be feel weak or be intimidated by Johnny.

  Breathe Amy. Breathe.

  My hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles were turning white. I needed to get this anger out. And I knew just the way.

  I pulled up to the gate of my house, and George buzzed me in. I parked Mark’s car, and headed inside nearly tripping over my mother’s purse on the way in. She was home early.

  “Mom? Are you home?”

  “Yeah hon. I’m in the kitchen.”

  I walked into the kitchen to find my mother leaned against the island with her head in her hands.

  “What’s going on? Are you okay?”

  “Would you believe me if I told you I had the worst day? Marcy at the office was giving me crap again, and everyone else seemed to try and get on my bad side.”

  “Right there with you, Mom.”

  We looked at each other, an unspoken understanding passing between us. She grabbed the Iron Room keys out of her purse, and we headed out there.

  “I already brought them an early dinner.”

  “Yeah well they can starve for all I care.”

  My mom unlocked the door, and we headed downstairs. I coul
d feel the excitement building, as it always did before a session.

  When we stepped into the room, my mom started in on Kim. She always started with the girl closest to the door and worked her way down. Sometimes I would join in and help, and other times we would hurt different girls at different times.

  I helped her with that one, when to no surprise, Katie started mouthing off. I had already been feeling resentful towards her lately and beating the absolute shit out of her is exactly what I needed.

  Before I knew it, I was wailing on her. My mom started in too. She was no longer my ex best friend, but the bitch that brain washed my brother into turning on his own family. She couldn’t be trusted at all.

  I made sure to leave her with a warning.

  Katie’s time here wasn’t promised, and after what she did, it was also limited.

  My mom and I headed outside, feeling a million times better than we did when we stepped into the room. There was something about taking out your stress and anger in a physical way that really brought you a sense of inner peace.

  All the worries, and pent up aggression that had been slowly building the past few days was released, and I felt whole again.

  We could never lose this room. Or the girls.

  When my mom and I got back into the house, we went our separate ways to wash up before dinner. I stepped into my bathroom, turning the shower up all the way. The steam began to cascade throughout the entirety of the room, enveloping me in it.

  I loved hot showers, and today I felt especially dirty after being caked with blood.

  Katie’s blood.

  I stepped into the boiling shower and gasped at the stream hit my back. I began to cup water in my hands, and rinsed my face thoroughly making sure every last drop was gone. I decided to wash my hair as well, knowing that would make me feel even cleaner.

  I did that quickly, washed my face, then body, and turned off the shower. I stepped out and was completely in steam. I used my hand to wipe the mirror and began taking my makeup off with a wipe as I simultaneously started wrapping my hair in a towel. I wrapped my body with another, and opened the door letting all the steam out and feeling the instant rush of cold air.


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