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Spirit (Legend of the Dragons Book 1)

Page 24

by Denelle Elison

  “Of course,” Briahnna nodded. “Can we send someone to inform Gabriela’s mother?”

  “I will have a messenger sent immediately, Princess. And I will have him bring her belongings as well.” Marta answered.

  Briahnna looked at the closed door that was Desmond’s across the corridor. She sighed and entered what was now hers. She stopped cold and looked around. It didn’t occur to her to ask where the King’s quarters had been. But upon entering, she knew this was it. Extravagant and much bigger than any room she had seen thus far, this was where the King and Queen had lived before both had passed.

  Briahnna turned immediately back to Marta. “I cannot stay here,” she said, barely above a whisper. Marta looked down sorrowfully. It was obvious that the King would be greatly missed. “I understand,” Marta said, not meeting Briahnna’s eyes, “but His Highness insisted that you be placed here. As close to him as possible.”

  “Then move my things to his quarters and I will stay in my old room till after we are wed,” Briahnna said firmly. Marta moved aside as a man’s belongings were being brought to another room attached to her own. Radal stepped to her, the once flirtatious guard all stoic and purely business now. “I also have a room joining your quarters, Your Highness. We will have guard changes and regular guard duty, but I will almost always be nearby.”

  “Thank you, Radal,” Briahnna said, nodding her head. Then she looked at Marta expectantly. “Am I not to be obeyed?” she asked.

  “He will not have it,” Marta said with a touch of defiance in her eyes. Briahnna was slightly taken aback. This woman, having obviously found out who she truly was, did not trust her either. Marta bowed low again, turned, and left her standing there.

  Radal took his position outside Briahnna’s door and closed it. Briahnna saw the Queen’s vanity, walked over, and sat down placing her head into her hands. “I can’t do this,” she moaned.

  Gabriela grabbed the brush off the desk and started brushing through her hair the way they did before bed every evening previous to their kidnapping. “Briahnna,” she said gently, “you made your choice. Do you think your father would agree?”

  “I don’t know!” Briahnna sobbed.

  “Why did you decide to proposition the Prince?” Gabriela asked gently prodding her to remember her reasoning.

  Briahnna sniffed and took a deep breath. “What the elders are doing isn’t right. The majority of the people here are content and happy with their circumstances. We have more people who are poor and in need than they do.” Briahnna shook her head. “To just take the rightful rulers away and claim them as our own will destroy this entire kingdom. I couldn’t let that happen.” Briahnna looked in the mirror at Gabriela. “I couldn’t,” she insisted.

  Gabriela nodded, bent down, and kissed the top of her head. “I know,” she said. “I just needed you to remember and to hold strong to your conviction.”

  Briahnna jumped when she heard a commotion outside her door. She stood and ran to it opening it without thought. Radal, having captured a very irate princess in his arms looked at Briahnna in exasperation. Obviously, she wasn’t supposed to just throw the door open without consent from her guard. Safety precautions she recalled from having grown up in a palace her entire life. She couldn’t help it, however, when she heard the all too familiar shriek of Princess Atira who was now trying to wrestle free of Radal’s stronghold.

  “How could you?” Atira yelled ferociously. “I trusted you! I trained you! You’re one of them?”

  “I’m a magik, yes.” Briahnna said calmly. Keeping her conviction strong and standing regally. “I understand why you’re mad, Atira.”

  “Don’t talk to me!” Atira yelled.

  Briahnna looked up to see Desmond standing in his doorway, staring at his sister. He looked at her just then, his eyes dark with loathing, and she looked away immediately, addressing Atira. “If you don’t want to talk to me, then why did you come?” Briahnna asked.

  Atira stopped fighting and glared up at Briahnna. Then she looked at Desmond. “I won’t go to the wedding in the morning. I don’t want to be there.”

  Desmond shrugged his shoulders. “I’m going to assign a few guards to you to make sure you don’t try to run away or do anything stupid then,” he said, leaning against the doorway, cane casually sitting on his shoulder.

  Atira scowled and walked away.

  Briahnna stood and watched then dared a look at Desmond who was staring at her. They stood watching each other in tense silence for what seemed like an eternity, Briahnna waiting for him to say something to her, anything. But he swung his cane down from his shoulder, turned, and slammed his door.

  Chapter 36

  With little to no sleep, Briahnna watched the high priest as she stood by Desmond’s side to be married not hearing a word he was saying. Citizens of Thornhold gathered in abundance with glares hitting her from every direction. Word had spread quickly. The only friendly faces were Daniel and Gabriela who stood close behind her, Gabriela encouraging her with her smiles. Desmond hadn’t afforded her a single glance, and she felt her magic tingling from anxiety.

  She saw Desmond reach for a cup that the high priest handed to him. She looked at him and for the first time that morning, he looked at her. She saw the briefest glimpse of compassion pass through his eyes as he gestured for her to do the same. She looked at the high priest and took the other outstretched cup he held. Desmond took her arm and linked it with his then he gestured for her to drink at the same time he did. After, he turned her to the audience who all bowed in unison. They were married.

  After they were married Desmond was crowned the King as Briahnna stood a step lower than him. After which he reached for her hand, and she knelt before the high priest as he crowned her Desmond’s Queen. The high priest placed the crown on her head then gestured for her to stand as Desmond knelt before her and kissed her hand gently. “The Queen is a mother to her people. She nourishes without thought, serves without complaint, and is an influence of good,” he murmured as he knelt in front of her, the words penetrating to her core. She was the Queen of Thornhold.

  The high priest bade them both to stand together and turn as the audience once again knelt in unison. “King Desmond,” the high priest said loudly, and they all followed suit. “Queen Briahnna,” he said, and the audience did the same. Briahnna wanted to run straight through the back doors from whence she came.

  . . .

  Desmond and Briahnna stood in front of the doors to their rooms. “Are you ready to go?” Desmond asked quietly. Briahnna nodded, still shocked at what had just transpired. “We have a few more things to take care of then we will be on our way. I’ll have you summoned as soon as it’s time,” he said, opening his door. He was shocked when she suddenly took hold of his arm.

  “May I have a moment of your time first?” Briahnna asked.

  Desmond clenched his jaw tight. “We can talk on the way.”

  “No,” Briahnna insisted. “There are things you need to know now. Please?”

  He gestured toward her door. She entered with him right behind her then she took it upon herself to close it behind him. Desmond gave her a warning look that she ignored.

  “What more do I need to know?” he asked in a tight voice.

  She stepped closer to him and his glare intensified. “Ahnna – Briahnna…” he said slightly off kilter but warningly just the same.

  She took his face in her hands and he sucked in a sharp breath. “Don’t–” he started but was unable to finish when he felt the bones in his leg tighten and snap. He screamed as she collapsed to the floor with him, hands glued to his face. His entire body was on fire with pain. He couldn’t think; couldn’t recall who the person in front of him was. She looked like she was drowning in her own agony only he couldn’t hear her amid his own screams.

  Liam and Radal ran into the Royal quarters and found both Briahnna and Desmond writhing on the floor. Liam saw Desmond’s face clasped in Briahnna’s hands and took his sword out,
ready to run his Queen through.


  Liam looked up to see Gabriela running toward him. She stepped in front of Briahnna and held up her hands. “You can’t! He may not live if you kill her!”

  “What do you mean?” he shouted. “Get out of the way, or I won’t hesitate to kill you, too!”

  “She’s healing him!” Gabriela screamed at Liam.

  “Liar!” Liam yelled, grabbing her arm and yanking her out of the way, his prince jerking wildly under Briahnna’s grasp. He took his sword again but water encircled him on all sides, closing in quickly. He tried to jump through, but was suddenly floating in a sphere of water within Briahnna’s room. He cursed in his head for he couldn’t breathe. Gabriela had caught him off guard. Every movement within was slow and difficult. He watched the blurred form of Radal leap as water soared toward him. Radal leapt and rolled out of the water’s way then ran straight to Gabriela who was screaming at him. Liam couldn’t make out the words inside the water.

  Guards started swarming in, trying to assess the situation. It was obvious that they didn’t know what to do. The shock of seeing someone floating in water was enough, let alone hearing their prince screaming on the floor. Finally an arm reached into his bubble of water and pulled him out. Liam collapsed onto the floor and sucked in a huge breath of revitalizing air. He turned again to run Briahnna through but stopped.

  Desmond suddenly stilled on the floor, shaking in his sweat. He was breathing heavily, looking around wildly in shock at all of the guards filling the room, not comprehending what had just taken place. Then he came to his senses and snapped his head to the screaming woman beside him. He stared at her and finally realized who she was. He knelt beside Briahnna as she twisted and jerked in immense pain, her screams diminishing then building. She screamed and jerked then go silent and shake. It just kept going.

  “What’s happening to her?” he shouted. “What should I do?” he bent to pick her up, but Gabriela yelled at him to stop, Radal’s sword pointed at her throat.

  “I don’t know where her body is healing. You have to leave her,” she said.

  Desmond finally looked up at the lady’s maid. “What? What do you mean?” Radal’s sword point pricked Gabriela’s skin.

  Gabriela looked to Radal. “I’m not going to use anymore magic,” she said quietly. Radal shook his head, not relenting. “Put your sword down, Radal,” Desmond commanded the guard. Gabriela released her breath, knelt down on the other side of Briahnna, and began stroking her hair, murmuring words of encouragement and love.

  “Tell me what’s happening,” Desmond growled, his patience thinning.

  Briahnna finally stilled after what seemed an eternity and everyone heard her sigh in relief her breathing deepening. She lay on the floor, unmoving. Desmond looked at Gabriela for permission to pick her up. She nodded her head. He lifted her easily and took her to her bed, laying her down gently. He then turned around and saw every eye on him staring in shock. Water was spraying out of pipes from the ceiling, and he had just now noticed how soaked Liam was. Then he realized that he had laid Briahnna down in a bed that was clearly just as wet as his captain. He immediately took her in his arms again and walked out, ordering the rest of the guard to return to their duties. Desmond took Briahnna to his room and laid her down in his bed. He took a deep breath and looked at the cane that Liam had just handed to him. Then he looked up at everyone, his eyes settling on Gabriela.

  “What did she do?” he asked quietly.

  “She healed you,” Gabriela answered.

  Desmond looked once again at the now useless cane. “Why was she in so much pain?”

  “Because when she heals, she takes on the person’s ailment…and then her body heals itself,” Gabriela went and sat next to Briahnna, putting a motherly hand on her face. “I’ve never seen her heal someone so…”

  “Broken,” Desmond finished for her.

  Gabriela nodded and looked down. “I’m sure the bones that weren’t set right were braking and resetting. I’ve never seen her go through so much before. I wasn’t sure if she could survive it. Anything that was wrong with you, she took away, even if it wasn’t from your fall.”

  It was true, he couldn’t remember ever feeling this good. “Will she wake up?”

  “Yes. However, I don’t know how long it will take. Major healing usually takes a day of rest. But this was so much more.”

  Gabriela looked up at Liam. “I’m sorry,” she said, looking slightly exhausted herself. Liam nodded once. “You were just trying to protect your princess.” He grinned slightly. “Just…keep your distance for a little while. That was slightly disconcerting.”

  Desmond took a deep breath and released it. Gabriela had obviously done something that he had failed to notice. Two majiks within his own home; the thought was not comforting.

  Desmond nodded. “Leave. Everyone,” he said, looking at Radal, Liam, and then at Gabriela who hesitated. “I will sit with her for a time and retrieve you when I leave,” he reassured her. “Besides,” he continued, “you look like you could use some rest.” He looked at Liam. “Go dry off. You can fill me in when you’re not dripping on my floor. And have someone take care of the queen’s quarters. Hopefully it’s not completely unsalvageable.”

  . . .

  A knock sounded at the door. Desmond didn’t know how long he had sat there, listening to the deep breathing of…his wife. He couldn’t comprehend what had happened. He couldn’t comprehend not having to ever use that wretched cane again. This woman he sat so close to had healed him. Actually taken his broken bones and made them whole. She was powerful. Yet she had never used her power, to his knowledge at least, within his kingdom before. What else could she do? What else was she keeping from him? He was anxious to have her wake up.

  Liam poked his head in. “Are you going to spend the rest of the night in here as well?” he asked.

  “I want to be in here when she awakens,” Desmond answered.

  “I can imagine,” Liam said, walking in and leaning against one of the four-poster columns of the bed. “Her lady’s maid seemed pretty positive that she wouldn’t wake up any time soon, however, and you probably need to rest as well, Your Majesty.”

  “Don’t call me that,” Desmond growled.

  “You are my King and therefore demand the respect of your title,” Liam said casually.

  “Not between friends,” Desmond said. “Not within the walls of privacy.”

  Liam shrugged. “Fine. Go to bed Desmond. If she awakens, which I doubt she will, I will have you fetched. I watched you both screaming on her floor remember? I’m fairly certain she’s out for the rest of the night. And I believe you are in need of a recovery rest as well.”

  “I’ve never felt so rested in my entire life,” Desmond said in amazement.

  “Well try,” Liam said.

  Desmond looked at his friend. “It must have been an interesting scene to behold. Walking in on us the way we were.”

  Liam clenched his jaw. “Besides watching you fall to your certain death on the battlefield, I’ve never been so scared.” He paused. “I was going to kill her. I was ready to. I didn’t think that she would ever do anything to hurt you, or anyone for that matter. But seeing you that way, knowing it was her that was causing it, I just knew that I had been totally deceived.”

  “It’s a good thing that Gabriela was around then,” Desmond said, not sure why his heart sank at the thought of Briahnna suddenly being ripped from his life. He still didn’t trust her, still didn’t know what kind of power was lurking under that beautiful exterior. She was obviously dangerous.

  “Let Gabriela know that I have retired for the night, but I will be in again as soon I wake up in the morning,” Desmond said, easily standing from his seat next to the bed. He still wasn’t used to the ease and comfort of his new body. He didn’t feel a single ache. It was a difficult thing to get used to. He kept expecting the popping of joints and dull throbs of pain, yet he felt nothing.

  . . .

  Briahnna pried her eyes open. They felt glued together. She turned her head toward the window in the room and felt the soreness in her neck. She was sore, completely and utterly sore. It was her first day of training with Atira all over again. Maybe she should just roll over and go back to sleep. She rolled the other way and stopped breathing all together. Desmond was sitting so close, watching her every move. “Hello,” she squeaked out through an unused, scratchy voice.

  “Two-and-a-half days,” he said, and she looked at him confused. “We’ve had to delay our trip to the warfront two-and-a-half days. I sent a messenger to inform the Elders that I am on my way. I haven’t informed them of our…agreement. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about your father finding out that way.”

  “Thank you,” Briahnna said. “Although, I don’t really know if surprising him is ideal either.” She shook her head. “I guess it would be a surprise either way.”

  “You should have told me,” Desmond looked at her intently. “You should have let me know that you could heal before healing me. Liam almost killed you.”

  “Had I told you, would you have let me do it?” she asked.

  He gave her a look that said of course not, and she raised her eyebrows as she began to sit up, not even bothering to say, exactly. She struggled, and he leaned forward, ready to help but she held up a hand. “I’m fine,” she said. “I’m just a little sore.”

  He watched her move. “Just a little?”

  Briahnna shook her head. “I honestly didn’t realize how much your body hadn’t healed. You did so well at hiding it.”

  “I think you become used to pain when dealing with it every day,” he said. “I’m still not used to not having pain. It’s a strange phenomenon.”

  Briahnna’s stomach growled loudly, and she placed her head in her hands. Her head felt as if it was about to explode. She opened her eyes and saw a glass of water that Desmond was holding out to her. “Drink slowly,” he said as she took it from him. “That’s an order from my personal physician. Your body is severely dehydrated.”


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