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Spirit (Legend of the Dragons Book 1)

Page 25

by Denelle Elison

  She nodded and had a hard time slowly sipping the water. She wanted to gulp it down and demand another glass.

  “Why did you do it?” Desmond asked, standing up and going to the door.

  Briahnna wasn’t sure how to answer him. She heard him tell Radal that she was awake and required some food then he turned, shut the door, and looked at her expectantly.

  “My magic’s been drawn to you for a while,” she answered. “Ever since you locked us in that closet.” He didn’t smile, and she looked down at her cup and took another sip aware of the tension filling the room.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Briahnna. I’ve wanted to be whole for a long time,” Desmond said slowly. “But had I known about your magic, I would not have asked it of you. It was dangerous. Your own lady’s maid said that she wasn’t sure if you could survive it.”

  Briahnna shrugged, a little annoyed that he was getting angry with her. “Which is why I made sure not to tell her either.”

  “I’m aware of that!” he growled. “You shouldn’t have done it!”

  “Your welcome!” she spat.

  “Did you think that I would suddenly forgive you for keeping your identity from me if you healed me? That I would suddenly trust you?”

  “I didn’t do it for any of those reasons! I did it because that’s what I do!” she paused. “I also knew that we’d be facing Jerrick together,” she said, lowering her gaze.

  “I see,” Desmond said. “So you didn’t want to face your lover with a broken man.” It wasn’t a question.

  Briahnna looked up immediately and glared. “That’s not what I said, and you know it. I’ve never felt anything but admiration for you and how you’ve been able to overcome your difficulties since I’ve gotten to know you. But I also know how you feel toward him, and I knew that you wouldn’t want to face him feeling broken!”

  Radal poked his head in letting them know that her food was there. “I can take care of myself now,” Briahnna said, walking to the door and holding it open for him to leave. “I don’t feel the need to explain myself to you any further.”

  Desmond nodded and was about to leave when Atira ran into the room. Her eyes were wide when she looked at Briahnna as if to reassure herself that Briahnna was ok.

  “Atira,” Briahnna said, taking a shaky step toward her. Atira stepped away from her then she looked down and left. Briahnna growled. “I’m sorry, ok? But what would you have done?” She asked looking at Desmond. It was a question to so many different things: to being kidnapped and faced with telling the enemy the truth, to knowing how angry everyone would be when they finally found out, to healing someone who so desperately needed it.

  Desmond was taken aback, and she saw understanding dawn in his eyes. And she knew then that he would have done the same things. “I’ll let you eat,” he said, and left without another word.

  Briahnna watched him close the door and sat back exhaustedly on her bed, looking up when Gabriela’s door suddenly opened. “Is he gone?” Gabriela asked in a whisper. Briahnna smiled and nodded.

  “Oh!” Gabriela rushed to her and gave her a fierce hug. “I could wring your neck! What were you thinking? I thought you were dying! I didn’t know what to do! You scared me to death!”

  “Do I really have to say it one more time?” Briahnna asked, exasperated. “I’m sorry.”

  Chapter 37

  After traveling for five days Desmond stopped their caravan of guards, soldiers, and representatives at Greenwich, the furthermost city of Thornhold. Greenwich was the last city before crossing the scorching desert. They had stopped to make camp while they replenished their supplies and prepared to cross the desert.

  Briahnna went straight into her tent to sleep. They had been traveling practically nonstop to make up for lost time. Lost time that was apparently her fault. The soldiers and guards, save for the ones who had to relieve Radal so he could rest, usually steered clear of her. Rumor of her power traveled fast, especially when the rumor was walking and running as if nothing had ever happened to him. If the Queen could heal, what else could she do? She rolled her eyes as she lay in bed thinking about it. She’d basically performed a miracle and they treated her like she was a walking disease. Maybe she should just walk out of her tent and show them all the full extent of her magic. Then they’d at least have something to be afraid of. It made little sense to be afraid of someone who could heal you. She closed her eyes thinking that sleep was probably pretty far off…

  . . .

  Briahnna woke with a jerk. She looked around her tent and figured that she’d actually fallen asleep for a couple of hours. The light was dimming outside. She cleared her vision and sat up noticing that Gabriela had come in sometime during her rest and had also begun to stir. There was loud yelling within the camp, not bad, just loud. She heard jeers, catcalls, and thunderous applause. Briahnna smoothed her hair down and exited the tent. Over a hundred men crowded in a circle, yelling at something happening in the middle.

  Briahnna quietly crowded into the circle to see what all the fuss was about and sucked in a breath. Desmond and Liam were sparring in the center. They were magnificent; so fast and fluid, almost too fast for the eye to see. Their movements seemed almost synchronized as they danced around each other. Suddenly Liam twisted to the left and somersaulted as Desmond went for the strike, jabbing Desmond in the side when he stood. He jumped back when Desmond playfully swung at him. “Five to three, Liam!” yelled a guard at the far end of the circle. “Your laziness over the past six months has not served you well, my King!” Liam yelled, harassing Desmond. Desmond shook his head and smiled, then lunged forward to start another round.

  When Desmond lunged, Liam twisted to the right, and Desmond aerialed to face him before Liam could strike, starting another dance of swords. Briahnna was transfixed. This was the Desmond she had witnessed on the battlefield when he had fought Jerrick. Liam was a brute. He was magnificent in his own right, but Desmond was an artist: precise and graceful…lethal. She knew the only reason he was losing to Liam was because this was the first time he’d sparred in over six months. He must have been truly deadly before he had been hurt. Everybody groaned when Desmond ended up on the ground with Liam’s sword pointed at his throat. “Six to three, Liam!” the guard yelled again. “Come on, Your Majesty!” yelled another guard. “I bet double duty that you would win!” More jeers and yelling from the crowd.

  Desmond laughed when Liam faked trying to help him up. When Liam turned and raised his hands in the air to get a rise out of the crown, Desmond swiped his feet out from underneath of him and held his sword at Liam’s throat. “Cheat!” Liam yelled. “Six to four, Liam!” yelled the guard.

  Briahnna smiled at their banter. This was a side to Desmond that she’d only glimpsed a few times, and she knew that it would be a while before he showed it to her again, if he ever did.

  Both Desmond and Liam jumped up and began again, lunging and deflecting. This time their dance was lengthened considerably. It kept going and going. They flipped and twisted, swords clanging loudly with each lunge and attack. Sweat poured down each of their faces until Liam once again found a hole and struck. A majority of the crowd groaned as the guard keeping score yelled, “seven to four! Liam wins!”

  Liam laughed loudly. “Who was fool enough to bet against me?” Most of the soldiers raised their hands as they passed around their bets. Liam crushed Desmond in a hug and they slapped each other on the back. “It’s good to have you back, my friend!”

  . . .

  They were almost there with only a handful of magiks. Nervous didn’t even cover half of the emotions boiling inside Briahnna. It didn’t help that her husband wasn’t speaking to her. He was kind and attentive to everyone else but had managed to avoid her. She honestly didn’t know what she would have said to him if he had spoken to her, but it hurt just the same. The entire journey across the desert was considerably stifling and tedious. She remembered why being completely prepared was a necessity. They usually tried to travel
through the night and rest during the day. It was a difficult and tiring way to travel. And it left little time for anything but eating and sleeping. She had not been able to witness anymore sparring. They were in too much of a hurry to get across the heat.

  Gabriela was with her as well as her mother Gweneth. Gweneth had planned to go back to Mageia. There were a few majiks who stayed behind because they didn’t really have any life to return to. The number of majiks within Thornhold was few, however, which caused concern. Briahnna wasn’t sure her alliance with Desmond would hold if Mageia still thought that Thornhold had Mageia’s people. As a precaution, they had sent Daniel to scout out the surrounding cities. See if he could trace any more magiks within Thornhold.

  She was lost in thought when she saw them, the towering walls of Thornhold. What would her father think? What would her mother think? Worst of all, what would Jerrick think? He wouldn’t think, she knew. He would act. He wasn’t the type to analyze why people did what they did anymore. And she did what she had done for a reason, her reason being his thirst for power and dominance. She knew why she united Thornhold and Mageia through marriage, but he would not understand.

  Thoughts waged war inside her head. Then Desmond appeared on his steed, his expression inscrutable as he rode toward her. “We should ride together into both our camps,” he said as he dismounted smoothly. She had such a difficult time watching his fluidity. It was disconcerting, and she found herself glued to his every movement lately, especially after his and Liam’s sparring match.

  He motioned for Liam and she grimaced when Liam pulled out the queen’s crown. Desmond grabbed it and brought it to her, placing his hand on her calf as he handed it to her. She looked down at his hand until he cleared his throat, and she took the crown from him. “You won’t always have to wear it,” he said, still watching her with his guarded expression. “Right now we need to show unity, however, and I think the crown will help.”

  She nodded and placed the crown atop her head, raising her eyebrows to Gabriela. Gabriela nodded and leaned over to straighten the crown. Briahnna looked down at Desmond with his hand still on her calf, making her blood run hot around the muscle. “Do you want me to ride on Othur with you?”

  Desmond released her leg and shook his head. “No,” he answered. “I think if you were to actually ride on the horse with me, you would look forced into your position. If we ride side by side, it will look more like a united front.”

  Briahnna searched his face. “Look?” she repeated. “Are we not truly united?”

  Desmond watched her for a bit then turned, walked back, and mounted his horse. Briahnna bit her lip. “Ready?” he asked.

  She shrugged feigning indifference. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Thornhold’s camp buzzed as they rode through. Everyone bowed on one knee as they passed, gazing at her under their lashes. Desmond sent a runner to the Mageian camp and Briahnna wanted to throw up. The time was at hand and even though she had said she was as ready as she would ever be, she wished that she had at least one more day.

  They rode out of the Thornhold camp, and she could see the runner coming back on his horse. “They’re gathering a few men and the King to meet you Your Majesty,” the runner said, out of breath.

  Briahnna was tense with dreaded anticipation. Who would her father bring with him to meet them? What would he do when he saw her? The runner was instructed not to tell the King the nature of Desmond’s situation so her father was not informed that Desmond did not intend to turn himself in. Would Jerrick be with them? She was more anxious about him than anyone else.

  They stopped and waited in the middle of an open field for Briahnna’s father. They weren’t about to cross into the Mageian camp before speaking with the king. So they waited, not seeing any sign of a greeting party. It was the worst kind of agony. Briahnna’s mind wouldn’t stop spinning with all sorts of scenarios.

  Finally, she saw them in the distance and her heart raced uncontrollably. Desmond looked at her just then as if he could hear it. What was he thinking? Did he actually think that she would betray him after all she’d done? Desmond had asked her to remain on her horse and wait while he spoke and explained. She knew it would be hard but nodded, positive that she would probably be frozen on her horse anyway.

  First she saw Reed. He was squinting at her, obviously trying to decide if it was actually her. He looked at Briahnna’s father who only had eyes for Desmond.

  Rinald was looking at Desmond in consternation. Why would Desmond come here? Why wouldn’t he leave as Rinald had instructed. Was he going to sentence his people to death by the hand of Jerrick? It was the last thing Rinald wanted to happen. He had to somehow keep some blood off of his future son-in-law’s hands. Rinald shook his head, glad that he had convinced Jerrick to stay in camp. That it would be better if Rinald brought him back and that Jerrick have as little contact with Desmond as possible. So Jerrick insisted that Samson ride in his stead. Then Rinald noticed the crown on Desmond’s head and groaned inwardly. Desmond obviously was not going to turn his kingdom over. A continued blood bath it would be then. He bowed his head toward his horse.

  “Briahnna!” Rinald heard Darian whisper beside him. Rinald’s head snapped up, and he looked at Darian who stared straight ahead in shock. Rinald looked and stilled his horse. The guard and Elders beside him stopped. He looked at Briahnna with the crown on her head and then at Desmond again, understanding dawning as Desmond and Briahnna urged their horses forward to meet them.

  Desmond stopped his horse and bowed his head slightly. “King Rinald,” Desmond began, “allow me to present my wife, Queen Briahnna now of Fenhalden.”

  Rinald sucked in a breath, to actually hear it said out loud, tears pricked the corners of his eyes, and he blinked them back. “Queen Briahnna,” he said, barely above a whisper as he slightly inclined his head to her. Her eyes were wide with worry and apology but Rinald nodded and smiled slightly.

  “What is the meaning of this?” roared Lord Braxton, slightly behind Rinald. “You thought a marriage to a daughter of Mageia would somehow ensure your reign?”

  “Not just any daughter of Mageia, My Lord,” said Desmond calmly. “A princess of Mageia. And I married her to ensure peace and an alliance.”

  “Did you kidnap her for this reason? And what of the other magiks that you have taken?” Braxton growled. “Did you think that marrying one would make up for the thousands upon thousands of magiks that have been taken from us? Do you intend to use them for yourselves, make an army of slaves?”

  Desmond just looked at Braxton then addressed Rinald. “I did not kidnap your daughter. Her presence within my own home was a complete coincidence. And we have brought whatever magiks we could find.” he said, gesturing to the few magiks who were with them. “Those, at least, who wanted to come, and we have the names of those who wished to stay.”

  “Ha!” Lord Braxton scoffed. “As if any magik would wish to be a slave!”

  Rinald watched Desmond’s jaw clench. “We do not keep slaves, and those who do are not in accordance with our law,” Desmond said. “However, we are trying to rectify the black market slave traders situation. And dealing with those who feel themselves above the law. We have many in custody and they will be dealt with.”

  “How are you certain that you do not have our magiks?” Rinald asked cautiously as he kept glancing at his daughter.

  “We have sent a decree everywhere,” Desmond answered. “If they were in my kingdom, don’t you think they would have answered it, at least to let you know that they are there and wish to stay? Plus we have asked Daniel to stay behind and track any that may have been overlooked.” Rinald nodded and Desmond continued. “I have been visited by Hyperborea. They have offered their assistance in this war. They wish to destroy Mageia. Is it not possible that they could have set us up so as to catch us at our weakest? Offer assistance when they know that I probably have no other alternative?”

  “That’s quite an accusation,” Rinald said.r />
  “I’m just trying to come up with an explanation,” Desmond said. “I would also like to know why your people have disappeared for I am now connected to them,” he said, inclining his head toward Briahnna. Lord Kirtzene snorted and was about to say something when Rinald stopped him by putting up his hand.

  “We will wait for Daniel to return and confirm what you have just told us before we make a final decision,” he said.

  Desmond nodded. “A wise decision. And until then?”

  Rinald smiled. “You have married my daughter. I do not wish to treat her as my enemy. For now we have made peace.”

  Desmond dismounted and held out his hand to Rinald. Rinald dismounted and took it. “I am truly sorry about your father, Desmond,” he said.

  “Thank you,” Desmond said quietly. He looked up at Briahnna and nodded to the question in her eyes. She dismounted and ran into her father’s arms, her crown falling on the ground near her horse’s hooves.

  “Oh Bumble Bee,” Rinald breathed into her hair. “Still working to keep everything as it should be.”

  “I’m sorry, father!” Briahnna cried. “I couldn’t let Mageia have Thornhold. They are good people and hard workers. They have a system that Mageia would break, and the whole kingdom would be left in shambles. I honestly don’t know if it could have been salvaged.”

  “Briahnna,” Rinald said gently stepping back to look at her, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I am so proud of you and the choice you made. You have saved both our kingdoms.”

  Darian took Briahnna from her father and twirled her around in his arms. “You’re alive! And full of surprises!” he laughed. Then he clasped Desmond’s hand, “It is good to meet you King Desmond. I am Darian.”

  “It is good to meet you as well, Darian,” Desmond said not quite sure how to react to this happy family reunion. He still wasn’t sure if he trusted these people, no matter how friendly they appeared.


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