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Stepbrother's Gift

Page 8

by Krista Lakes

  His hand strayed down even lower grasping my breasts. I writhed into him, and he broke from our kiss. “That feels so fucking good, Allie,” he moaned.

  I still couldn't get over how good my name sounded from him, but I was beyond words now. I just writhed more. His hand kept moving, next going to my belly. I moaned even louder, thinking about how his baby could already be growing within me. He must have noticed how I reacted, because he said, “I can't believe how sexy this tummy is.”

  With those words, I could feel the heat rising within me. My hand shot down over his, pressing his hand further into my belly. My body was opening up, the orgasm rising uncontrollably within me. He picked up his pace, swelling within me, and I knew what he wanted. What we both wanted. His seed deep within me. “Come in me,” I moaned. “Come in me, James.”

  He groaned and squeezed my tummy harder, thrusting even faster and shallower. I heard a couple of short, almost painful sounds come from him, followed by an animal roar of ecstasy. I could feel myself heating up immediately as his first spurt of semen shot into me. My own body contracted and drew him deeper within me as I came, and I pressed my body back into him. He continued to shoot sperm into me, his body making sure that he impregnated me. It was primal and unstoppable.

  I continued to spasm, and he eventually slowed and then stopped his pumping motion. I could still feel every inch of him inside of me. He was like a stopper in me, keeping his fluids from escaping. Eventually my own writhing slowed down, but still his hand remained on my tummy. I thought about that tummy swelling with my inevitable pregnancy, and it just sent more orgasmic aftershocks through my body.

  We laid there for a while, I couldn't be sure how long. His cock still seemed huge within me, and with every breath I felt him completely filling me. His mouth went to my ear again, and when I felt his breath at my ear, I moaned again. “Eventually, we're going to have to move to get something to eat.”

  I giggled. “I am famished,” I said.

  He slowly pulled his cock out of me, then sprang out of bed, grabbing me a tissue while I held my legs shut. I managed to wipe myself up a little bit before I leaked all over his fantastically expensive sheets. He laughed, then turned me around, his green eyes smoldering, and kissed me gently, thoughtfully, lovingly, as his hands stroked my hair. “I’m sorry,” he said.


  “I couldn’t help myself,” he said. “I wanted to take my time with you, to be gentle, but...”

  I kissed him. My heart was pounding in my chest with joy. This was how I had always imagined us to be. “It was exactly what I needed.”

  We kissed a little more, then he moved away, wrapping a sheet around his body like some kind of cheesy romcom. “Shower, if you want,” he said. “Then we can go out to dinner, if you like.”

  “I’d prefer to order in,” I said with a grin. I walked to his shower, naked, but gave him a little show as I walked.

  Chapter Twelve

  After my shower, I tied back my hair and poked around in James’s closets for something to wear. An old t-shirt and a pair of his boxers sounded good to me. I wanted to have his scent on me, and I always loved those parts in the movies. You know, the morning after, when the girl lies around all sexy in her man’s clothes. I wanted to be that girl for James.

  When I came out he was setting up Chinese food on the island that separated the kitchen from the rest of the house.

  He grinned. “You look much sexier in that than I do.”

  “I would have to disagree. Actually,” I said, thinking about it. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in your boxers since high school.”

  “Really?” he said, a playful smile curling his lips. “Because, I seem to remember just a couple weeks ago, you got a good look after I got out of the shower.”

  I laughed. “You were naked then, not in boxers. There's a certain allure about a man in his underwear.”

  He shrugged. “I guess those Calvin Klein models have it all figured out.” He set down the plates on the island and stepped out, his hands opening and pulling down his jeans until he stood in a pair of white boxers, just like the pair I wore, though mine were rolled at the waist so they wouldn't fall off.

  He kicked off his jeans and looked down at himself. “I think I like your legs better. They’re less hairy.”

  I giggled and lifted myself up on the balls of my feet for him to kiss me. He grabbed me and planted a soft kiss on my expectant lips.

  “Let’s eat. We’ll need the energy,” he said.

  We sat down and dug in. I was so hungry I barely spoke, devouring the noodles and chicken and broccoli as fast as he could scoop it out on my plate. James ate with more patience, spending as much time watching me shovel my mouth full as he did feeding himself.

  After I was full, I sat there and watched while he finished. He occasionally looked up and gave me a glance, smiling as he did so. I knew he intended to use my body again, and I practically shivered at the thought of it. When he was done, he pushed his plate to the side.

  “What now?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Leave the plates where they are.” The smile faded from his face, and I knew that he was giving me a command now. “Go to the bedroom and wait for me there.”

  I nodded and immediately moved to obey him, hurrying to his room. After rinsing out my mouth with minty wash, I jumped onto the bed. I rolled around in the sheets, my happiness overwhelming me. These sheets were fantastic, and I could definitely get used to being enveloped in them all the time. I closed my eyes and just drank in the sensation.

  I was eager to feel my skin on his once more. And even though I still felt full and sore between my legs, as if he were still deep inside of me, I ached with desire and was wet with anticipation. I heard a throat clearing, and when I opened my eyes, he was standing in the doorway, watching with a grin.

  I sat up. “What?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing, I just like watching your little body squirm like that.”

  If anything, that just made my body squirm even more. I borrowed a line from him as I began to writhe even more on the bed. “Then feast your eyes.”

  I heard him growl. “Unfortunately, I have bad news.”

  My eyes shot open and I stopped writhing. My heart sank. “What is it?”

  He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “One of the problems of owning my own company. The day is never over. I have to go back to the office to go put out fires.”

  I got up on my knees and looked at him. He was serious. I pouted at him. “I wanted you to put out my fire, though.”

  He kind of rolled his eyes at me. “Look, Allie. Just think of this as me stoking your fire until I'm able to take care of it for real.” He moved from the doorway, going to his closet. I watched him pick out a new shirt and button it up. I wondered how long that shirt would last around our lust.

  I watched as he put on his pants and began to tie his tie. The silence was deafening. “So, should I go?”

  “No!” he said a little too suddenly, then seemed to regain his cool. “No, stay here for at least the night. We have a lot to talk about.”

  I could at least agree with that. “Do you know when you're getting back?”

  He had a solemn look on his face as he shook his head.

  I waited for more but he didn't say anything. “Well, what should I do until you get back?”

  “There's a TV in the living room, you're welcome to order a pay-per-view movie if you'd like.”

  I laughed. “I didn't travel all the way to Boston in order to watch TV.”

  He laughed. “No, I know what you traveled all the way to Boston to do.” He left the rest unsaid, and I wondered if he knew all of it. I wondered if he suspected what I really wanted from him. Still, he walked over to his wallet and fished out a couple bills before putting it back in his pocket. “There's a coffee shop on the corner of 17th and Lake, just a couple blocks from here. They have great live music or poetry readings, depending on the night. I highly recommen
d it.”

  He held out his hand I saw that it was a couple of hundred dollar bills. I was hardly a stranger to money. My own father was upper-middle class himself, and I knew that if anyone could afford to give a couple hundred bucks for a night of fun, it was my billionaire stepbrother.

  I accepted the money with a shrug. I felt like letting him know just what I thought about him interrupting this evening with business, but I didn't. He seemed to accept that I was upset but even I knew that if he was doing this, it was probably something important.

  “Hey, chin up. I'll be back before you knew it.” He finished tying his tie and grabbed his suit coat, then was out the door before I knew it.

  I laid in his bed for a couple minutes, thinking I might just watch a movie or something on his TV. Then I rolled over and I smelled him on the pillow. I'd drive myself crazy if I sat here all night.

  I started to pull my clothes on. There was no way that the sweater and jeans would really protect me against the cold Boston winter, but I was hoping that this coffee shop was close as he said it was. Besides, I thought as I stole one last touch of my belly, I was being warmed from the inside by the hot liquid that James had put inside of me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The coffee shop was, according to my phone's GPS, only four blocks away. The walk seemed to take only an instant, as I was lost in my own thoughts the whole way anyway. It had a nice, easy-to-see sign out front, but my heart sank as soon as I saw the name of it.

  James' Joint

  Of course, it could have been another James. Somehow though, in my heart I knew that James had the gall to send me to his own establishment. If I was supposed to forget about him and enjoy the evening, it would be difficult to in a place that bore his name.

  I almost left and tried to find another place, but just as I turned around, someone left the place. I could feel the warmth of the place brush up against against the cold out here. And then there was the amazing smell of delicious coffee. I looked inside, noticing that the place was busy, but not crowded. The artwork on the walls was unique, but not pretentious. I loved it. I would kill for a place like this in New York.

  I quickly made the decision to come in from the cold and went inside. My fingers tingled with the warmth of the shop and I rubbed my hands up and down along my arms as I tried to shake the cold off. A chalk board had the special of the day, along with a trivia question for a free cup of coffee. There was a stage set up in one of the back corners that drew my eye. It was empty now, but the whole shop was obviously set up to focus on that stage.

  I staggered up to the counter, drinking it all in. When I got up there, the barrista was looking at me like I was a little crazy. To be honest, I probably was a little crazy. She was really cute, with intense green eyes and a shock of red hair splitting her brown hair into chunks. “Can I help you?”

  “Um, yeah. I'll take a chai latte.”

  “Ok, sure, anything else?”

  “No, that's it.”

  “It'll be $4.87.”

  I smiled a little to myself. It was expensive for a chai latte, but I'd expect nothing less from James. I opened my purse up and looked inside, seeing just the two bills that James had given me. My credit card was probably already turned off if my dad had seen what kind of bill I had already racked up on it. I gave a little bit of an apologetic smile to the barrista as I handed her the hundred dollar bill. “Sorry.”

  She laughed, then pulled out a marker to check if it were a forgery. “No problem, we see it all the time. You must be with Coleman?”

  My heart sank. Coleman was James' last name. How had people already found out that I was sleeping with my brother? It didn't seem possible. “Excuse me?” I asked.

  She must have sensed my concern. “Um, you know. Coleman Corp. Mr. Coleman likes to do business meetings here and I thought you might be here for one of them since you looked like you were from out of town.” Her eyes went to my weather inappropriate clothing.

  I sighed in relief. “Yeah, that's it. Sorry, it's been a long day.”

  She seemed to be relieved as well. “That's no problem.” She counted out my change and handed it back to me.

  I watched as she made the coffee drink. “Does he own this place?”

  She looked back over her shoulder. “Part owner. He's mostly hands-off but he occasionally brings in a piece of art that we absolutely have to display on the walls, or sends us a band that we must absolutely let have a gig.”

  I nodded, drinking it all in. Suddenly, my eyes fixated on something on one of the walls. “Let me guess. That's one of the pieces that he insisted on.”

  She followed my gaze to the wall. “Oh yeah, that license plate. He said it belonged to the only girl he ever loved.”

  I laughed. “It was on his old Mustang, one that he wrapped around a tree in his freshman year of college.”

  She laughed too. “Well, I always figured that it was something tragic. I'm glad it wasn't a person, but I'd probably be sad about it too.” She looked back at me. “Hey, you must know him pretty well if you know all that.”

  I smiled. I knew him all too well. “Yeah, we went to high school together. My name's Allie.” It was only a small lie, and I thought that maybe I'd be gone soon enough that it wouldn't get me into any trouble.

  She held out her hand and I shook it. Her smile was practically infectious. “Anne. So nice to meet a girl from James' past that didn't despise him. So many of his ex-girlfriends obviously hate him.”

  I laughed. “That sounds like James alright. Luckily, I'm not an ex-girlfriend, so I don't exactly hate him.” Not anymore, anyway.

  That seemed to surprise Anne. “I'm shocked. You're exactly his type.”

  I'm exactly his type, I thought to myself. Considering he had just fucked me senseless a couple of hours ago, I could have guessed at that. I shrugged. “We never hit it off.” Also not technically a lie.

  She turned around and put a spritz of whipped cream on my coffee. “Didn't hit it off with Mr. Coleman, huh? Well, maybe you're more my type, then.” She handed me the cup of coffee. “If you're in town for a little longer, you should come see my band play,” she offered.

  “When are you playing?” I asked.

  She gestured to the stand next to the register. “The schedules are all right there, but I play this Thursday night.”

  I grabbed the paper and gave it a quick look. “Maybe I will,” I said.

  She smiled. “I'll see you there,” she said, giving me a wink.

  I walked away with the steaming mug of coffee. There was a small open table by the window and I sat down. I began idly looking over the schedule, noticing that there was a poetry reading later tonight.

  I'm exactly his type, I thought again. Did that mean he had been picking up on girls that looked like me? Or acted like me? I kind of wanted to talk about it with Anne, but I didn't want to give up the fact that I was interested or that I was his stepsister.

  I thought of James, laying down with a blonde girl that looked close to me. I imagined him fucking her like he had fucked me earlier, feeling the need to spurt his seed inside of her, maybe even imagining that the girl was me.

  Fair is fair, I thought. I had done the same thing with every guy I had ever been with.

  I looked up and saw Anne glancing at me. She was the polar opposite of me in appearance. Skinnier than me, much darker hair, the wild streak of color in her hair, the intense green eyes. I wondered if James had ever turned her down. I wondered if that's what she meant by “you're my type” when I said James and I had never hit it off. Suddenly, it dawned on me.

  She meant that I'd have to be a lesbian to not hit it off with James.

  I caught her looking over at me again, and this time I saw the crack of a smile as she looked away. I was no stranger to the LGBT community, but it was still weird for me to be hit on by a girl. A girlfriend of mine in high school had tried to talk me into having a threesome with her boyfriend once. I was curious, and I had seriously considered it, bu
t in the end I had declined because I thought her boyfriend was gross.

  I thought about what Anne had meant. If I had to be a lesbian to not hit it off with James, that meant that he had to bring home tons of women. Part of me realized I should be worried about it, but I had never seen any evidence that he was a cheater. He had specifically said that he was single when he was home for Christmas. Maybe he was loyal, but he just drove women away. When I thought of what a jerk he had been to me when we had lived together, that explanation wouldn't have surprised me at all.

  My phone chirped. I pulled it out of my purse and looked at it. It was Nicole, my roommate at college.

  Are you coming home tonight?

  She was probably planning on having a boy over tonight. I hated it when she brought boys over, but the boys loved the California girl with the curly blonde hair. Still, I hated that they always left the seat up and ate all my chips. But, it would be really rude of me to lie. I sent back a text.

  No, I'll be gone for the night.

  I waited for a response, but none came. She was probably already making out with whatever guy she had picked up for the night. I started messing around with my phone, looking at stuff on myFace, doing whatever I could to stop from thinking of James. Stop from thinking of what our future could look like.

  It was funny. Part of me thought that as soon as he fucked me or rejected me that I would get this out of my system. That one time was all I needed. Like I could have him once, and it would just wash the need right out of my system. I wished that it could be that easy, that I could get on the train back to my college and forget that tonight had ever happened. That I could forget how much I ached for him to touch me. The thrill I got off just his fingertips on my skin. He was a drug, and now I was hooked.

  I knew that I couldn't go back to the way things were, at least for the moment. I thought of his eyes when dilating when he looked at me and I knew I didn't want to, but I needed something to keep me distracted until I could get my next fix of him again. I ran across a picture of Tessa. She had been the one who had convinced me to tell James how I felt about him. I doubted that she could have predicted that I would travel to Boston, demand that he fuck me, and possibly already be carrying his baby. I sighed to myself, then texted her.


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