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Stepbrother's Gift

Page 9

by Krista Lakes

  Hey. What are you up to tonight?

  I knew that whatever it was, it wouldn't be much. She was stuck in Springfield at community college while I was out exploring the great big world. I felt pretty guilty about it, but I felt even more guilty about the fact that I hadn't kept in touch with her when I went to college. My phone chirped with her response.

  Hey girl! Nothing much, just cleaning up and getting ready to head home. You?

  I didn't know how to respond, so I just lied.


  I immediately felt like an idiot. She knew I didn't have a job so there was nothing I could really be cleaning up, except for my dorm room. Still, she probably wouldn't call me out on it. My phone chirped.

  Oh, ok. Enjoying that New York City night life?

  I laughed. This next text wouldn't be a lie.

  Not tonight.

  Her next text caught me by surprise.

  Did you confess your love to James yet?

  That was Tessa, always blunt and to the point. I didn't love him, I just wanted to fuck him. I knew that. I knew it. I didn't know how to answer her, though. Should I just lie to her? Should I tell her that it was none of her business. Should I tell her everything?

  I fiddled with my phone while I decided, but apparently it was too long for Tessa to wait. Her face popped up and my ring tone went off. I sighed, thinking that the easiest thing for me to do would be to just hang up. That would be so rude, though, and it would just make things worse. She knew I was right here, we were just texting.

  Eventually I hit the green “Answer” button. “Hey Tessa!” I answered, sounding cheerful.

  “Dish,” she said in a deadpan voice.

  “About James?” I asked.

  “Who do you think I'm asking you about?” I paused as I thought about how to answer, but she spoke back up. “I thought you said you weren't going out tonight.”

  I realized she could hear the chatter of the coffee shop in the background. “I just went out for some coffee, that's all.”

  “Uh huh. What about James?”

  There was no avoiding this. “We talked,” I said slowly.

  I heard her do a squeeee sound. “And? Is he going to come to New York to see you?”

  If you only knew that I went to him, I thought to myself. “I still don't know where we stand, to tell you the truth.”

  “Well? Did he sound completely disgusted?”

  I hesitated, and I knew that that told Tessa everything anyway. “No. But I'm still very confused about how he feels.” That, at least, was the truth.

  “Well, you better make it clear before I call him up myself. I need a billionaire sugar daddy myself, and your brother might be able to get the job done. Might.”

  “Stepbrother,” I quickly corrected.

  “Stepbrother, right. I want you to let me know the minute he decides to come out to New York and sweep you off your feet,” Tessa said.

  “I'll do that,” I lied. “I've got to get some studying done, but I'll chat you up later.”

  “Sure thing, girl. And, if he does come out to New York, just make sure you're careful. He's got a reputation, and I'm not sure that you being his sister would stop James Coleman from being James Coleman.”

  “Stepsister. And I will be careful.”

  I thought that Tessa must have picked up the tone in my voice when I kept correcting her. “Is anything else wrong?”

  I wanted to spill everything to her. I wanted to tell her about how James had fucked me, how I was so confused, how I wished we could just cuddle on the couch and have a slumber party, but I couldn't. I couldn't tell her about the mixed emotions surging through my stomach every time I thought of James. “No,” I said.

  “Is it Dennis?” she asked,

  “It's not Dennis, I haven't heard from him since...” I trailed off.

  “Right. Well, whatever's bothering you, you take care of yourself.”

  “You take care, too,” I said, hanging up.

  I stared at the stage as I set my phone on the table and tried to think of what to do next. They were setting it up to be used for the poetry reading, and I didn't really want to stay for that. I threw the rest of the coffee down my throat, tucked the band schedule in my pocket, then made for the door. Anne caught my eye on the way out. “I'll see you Thursday?” she asked.

  I smiled. “I'd like that,” I said. She smiled even wider and turned to her next customer. I wasn't sure where I'd be on Thursday, but that didn't stop me from being nice.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was even colder out now, but luckily the walk was short back to James' apartment. When I got there, I kept all my clothes on. I sat on his beautiful sofa and turned on the TV, but I didn't recognize any of the local channels. Luckily, he had a premium movie channel, so I just turned that on and waited.

  I wasn't paying attention to the movie, but it was some kind of serious drama. It definitely wasn't a softcore porn, but there was one love-making scene right in the middle of it. The girl in the scene was in her mid-20s and beautiful, but I was definitely concentrating more on the guy.

  He was muscular, serious, and had just a hint of stubble. He was definitely older, but I couldn't help but look at the way he moved.

  The way that the actor on TV was kissing the actress, I knew that there was real chemistry between them, just the same way there was real chemistry between me and James. With every thrust, the girl seemed to be building in ecstasy.

  I imagined James, reliving the way his brows came together when he climaxed. The way his body took control of mine. I hated the way he was always in control, but I loved it, too.

  My eyes went back to the screen, but the good part was already ending and it was back to the drama. Figures, I thought. Just when it was getting good.

  I watched the rest of the movie, but didn't really have any idea what was going on it. My mind was still racing with thoughts about how the rest of the day had gone. About what was going on in my own body right now. As the credits started, I wondered what I would do next. My phone chirped. A message from James told me exactly how I'd be spending the rest of the evening.

  I'll be home in ten minutes. I want you in bed and ready for me.

  I thought about texting back something sarcastic, but I had felt robbed earlier when he had to leave and I didn't want anything to derail this.

  I stripped down to my underwear and bra and found myself back in his bed, wrapped in his sheets.

  I was ready for more.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I heard him open the door to the apartment and walk in. His footsteps were just as deliberate as they had been when he had come home earlier.

  “Allie?” he called.

  “In here,” I yelled back.

  “Good,” he said as he walked in the doorway. He had already thrown off his suit coat. Now he was unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt.

  “I was wondering if you were just going to tear off every one of those,” I said, smiling up at him.

  He laughed. “Do you have any idea how much these cost? They're monogrammed.”

  I pouted. “Oh, poor baby. I guess you'll just have to buy yourself some more.”

  “I guess so,” he said. He left his shirt open and kicked off his shoes. He crawled into bed with his shirt and pants still on.

  I licked my lips in anticipation as he crawled on to the bed until he was on all fours on top of me. I reached up and kissed him, running my tongue along his salty lower lip as my legs curled around him and my hands slid under his unbuttoned shirt and pushed it down his muscled arms. He was hot under my hands. I ran them back up over his strong shoulders, squeezing his muscles, then down his hard, toned chest. I slid them over his pants and felt the weight of his growing erection hanging down between his legs. I nipped his lip with my teeth.

  “Aren’t we feeling playful?” he asked, before pressing his lips to mine and kissing his way down to my neck. It tickled and I giggled, lifting my hips up into his as I felt his cock pres
sing into me, feeling him begin to thicken and grow with more urgency now I had hold of him.

  He reached down to unbutton himself, knowing that he was going to dive right into me as soon as our clothes were off. I pouted again. “I want to be on top.”

  “Oh? And why should I let you?”

  I ran my tongue along my upper lip. “Because I’m going to let you put this...” I gave his cock a gentle squeeze through his pants, then slipped a finger into my mouth, “ here.”

  He laughed. “I should hire you to negotiate for me,” he said, rolling over and collapsing heavily on his back in the mess of white sheets. “You’re a convincing girl.”

  I immediately went for his belt, pulling down his pants in one motion. I swung up and straddled him, his hairy muscled legs prickly against my smooth thighs. I ran my hands over this chest as he put his arms up behind his head. Looking at him, it was as if he was going to take a leisurely nap, not watching me suck his cock.

  I grinned at that dirty thought. My hands took his hard dick out of his cotton boxers, ready to suck him until he came in my mouth. The thought flamed my desire, and I could feel the heat and tension building between my thighs again.

  Well, maybe I wouldn’t let him come after all. At least not in my mouth.

  I pulled down his boxers far enough that his thick cock bounced free, straining toward the ceiling and standing before me like a statue. This was why men built obelisks and skyscrapers, I thought, sitting back and admiring him. I had been with enough guys to know James was blessed. Not only in size, but in appearance. His was a handsome cock, well-proportioned, thick and meaty. It was the sort of cock a girl looked forward to fondling and sucking on.

  I ran my hands down his length in a gentle caress, letting one hand slide under him to lift his balls while the other gripped his shaft and squeezed. I lifted with both hands in the same rhythm, stroking him up and down.

  “I told you I was going to spoil you,” he said with a cocky grin, thrusting his hips up for me.

  “I like being spoiled,” I said, leaning down and kissing his chest.

  I licked one nipple, then kissed over and licked the next, grinding my hips up towards my stroking hands. When I sat back up, a trickle of his milky pre-cum had spilled from the slit at the end of his engorged shaft. I slid back and leaned down, squeezing him as tightly as I dared, putting my tongue to his slit to lick the second bead of pre-cum that gathered there.

  I licked at him teasingly, loving the grimace of pleasure on his face, then took him in my mouth.

  I started shallow and slow, letting the flat of my tongue curl and rub under his velvety ridge, tugging on him gently with my mouth. I took my hand from his shaft and laid it palm down on his hard stomach, only holding him by his plum-shaped balls now, letting my sucking mouth provide the pleasure on its own.

  I looked up at him earnestly, wanting to see his pleasure in his face. His eyes stared back, full of passionate fire. I could feel the tension in his abs under my hand, and see the muscles flexed in his arms, as if he were ready to leap from the bed and fuck me hard at a moments' notice. But he stayed still and let me have my way with him for a little while.

  I decided to reward him for being such a good boy. I slid further down his legs, giving myself enough room for what I was about to do. I glanced up at him once more, and without taking my eyes form him slowly took him deeper, until the leaking head of his cock pressed the soft palate at the back of my mouth. I squeezed his balls gently and forced myself further down, until his head slid past my gag reflex. I heaved, feeling the walls of my throat squeeze his hardness as I gagged. I held myself there, slurping and choking on his length, for as long as I could take it. When I finally lifted myself off of him I coughed and wiped away the thick strings of spittle that still tied my mouth to his throbbing cock.

  “Well?” I asked, coughing and wiping away the tears that had welled in my eyes.

  “That was pretty good, I guess,” he said.

  My jaw dropped. I had never deep throated a guy before, and now I might never do it again.

  He seemed to sense that he had said the wrong thing. “But I’d like it better if you’d put that little pussy on my face while you did it.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Nice recovery,” I said, and before I could obey he leaned forward, pulling me up so he could grab me by the waist and hurry me into position, my legs straddling his head. I could feel his hot breath on my slick and puffy folds, still engorged from being fucked so roughly over the back of the couch.

  “Let’s see who comes first,” he said.

  “It's not a race—” I said, my voice rising to a squeak as he began. He ran the flat part of his tongue from my clit to my perineum. I squeezed my butt cheeks tight as his tongue came so near my other hole, the surprising sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through my core as his tongue laved my swollen lips.

  He struck my butt cheek with a playful smack that made me yelp, then groaned into my pussy. “Are you going to suck that cock or just look at it?”

  I descended on him, mad with lust and desire. It was difficult to focus with his mouth licking and sucking at my pussy. He slipped fingers in and out of my wet folds, his moans sending little vibrations through me. I felt myself softening, getting unbelievable wet for him. My hips ground down on their own, until his chin pressed hard against my clit. The pressure provided some relief, but what I craved desperately was for him to put his big cock deep inside of me again.

  He spanked my ass again, hard enough to make me cry out in pain. I realized I had stopped sucking him. I put my mouth on him, mindlessly choking myself on his cock now, slurping and moaning loudly, too distracted as he brought my own pleasure to a crest to be subtle or skilled. I cried out, squeezing his cock with both hands. I went down on him with all my strength as I orgasmed over his lapping tongue, my pussy clenching and quivering as he licked the juices from my oversensitive lips.

  “Down,” he grunted, pushing my hips. I slid myself along his chest until I laid between his legs, my head between his feet. My breasts pressed against his legs, and I knew that he must enjoy that sensation.

  I felt his cock at my entrance. I tried to grind into him, to take him. I could feel his want, his need. “Do you want this cock, Allie?”

  I looked back at him, seeing his lust. I was full of raw desire as well, and I needed that cock inside of me. My body ached to have that cock inside of me. “I want it so bad, James...”

  I heard him growl, and a second later he was pushing past my folds and inside of me. I put my head back between his legs, my tits resting on his feet. The ache of being stretched so hard was sweet. I began to grind my hips down on him, making his head rub little circles all over inside of me.

  I lifted my hips, squeezing his cock with my little pussy as I rode him up and down, crying out as the swells of pleasure literally made my legs shake. I felt his hands grip my petite ass, his fingers digging hard into the soft flesh there as he urged me up and down harder and harder, forcing more and more of himself inside of me with every downward thrust of my hips. I felt him spreading me, watching my ass and pussy as I bounced.

  I felt as his thumb began to stray toward my asshole. I had never let a man take me there before, but at that moment I was so full of lust that it would have been difficult to stop him. As he brushed his thumb over my asshole, I felt my whole body contract. I didn't know if it was to keep him out or because what he did turned me on, though.

  As he continued to rub ever so lightly, I knew that I didn't really want to stop him. If he wanted to fuck me there as well, I would allow him. In fact, I would relish every moment. Like I did everything he did.

  “You like that, don't you? You want me to fuck you there, too?” he asked.

  The arrogance had crept back into his voice, and now that I had been asked, I definitely didn't want to say yes. At least not right now. I looked back at him and batted my eyelashes. “I think the hole you're fucking right now feels pretty nice, don't you?�

  He seemed to get the message loud and clear. “Absolutely,” he agreed. His hands went back to my ass cheeks, spreading me wider as he began thrusting into me even harder. I fell forward onto his legs again and hugged them as he went deeper inside of me. It felt absolutely amazing.

  Suddenly, he pulled out of me, then moved his legs out from under me. I fell to the bed, then started to turn over to see what he had planned. A forceful hand on my shoulder pinned me to the bed.

  “Don't. Fucking. Move.”

  I moaned as he took charge, putting me exactly where he wanted me. As I laid face down on the bed, I felt him position himself over me, his hand never leaving my shoulder. I was pinned. His cock moved between my ass cheeks, and for a moment, I thought he was going to fuck my ass anyway. However, his huge dick found my pussy, and he slid into me easily.

  As I felt my body stretch to accommodate him, I knew I had never been fuller. I cried out, struggling against his grip, but not in an attempt to get away. I wanted more. With every thrust, he used my small body to satisfy his own primal urges. I could hear him grunting behind me, and my own involuntary moans let both of us know how well he was doing.

  He lowered himself down to me, and his muscular chest made contact with every inch of my back. I shuddered with pleasure as he lowered his lips to my ear. “You've been dreaming of this since the day you met me, all those years ago on your deck, haven't you?”

  “Yes,” I said breathlessly.

  “This is your dream come true,” he said. He moved his hand that was on my shoulder to my hair and scrunched it up, pulled gently. “Me fucking you until you come is your dream come true.”


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