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Page 33

by Valentine, J. D.

  Who the fuck is shooting at us?

  A screeching of tires pulled Danny to the road. A red jeep had pulled off near the wreckage.


  "Left side of the trees," Eric yelled into his radio.

  "Eric, I’m right here," Danny yelled as he fired in the direction of the Jeep. His rounds hit the windshield just as the door shut closed.

  "In the treeline!" Eric screamed.

  Danny looked to his left and saw a man running to another tree. He raised his weapon and fired, making the man fall to the ground. He screamed out in pain as he raised his weapon.

  A round impacted just above Danny’s head peppering him with wood splinters.

  "Just fucking move, Dan!" Eric yelled as he fired in a steady rhythm.

  Danny took off up the hill. He could see the shadows running above him. He froze. The creatures sprinted on all fours but not towards him. He saw them going after the Marines that were shooting at them.

  What the fuck?

  Suddenly, a fierce grip pulled at Danny’s pack. Eric was dragging Danny up the hill now as both men took off up the hill. They didn’t stop as they kept moving over the top of the hill. Both of them nearly tumbled down the backside of the hill as the decline grew sharper. The pine needles were no longer cracking behind them.

  Danny was wheezing now as his legs were nearing giving out. Eric, on the other hand, slammed into the ground as he gasped for breath. He tried to stand up but nearly fell back to the floor. Danny pulled him to his feet.

  "Dan, I think we are good," Eric pleaded as he looked back up the hill.

  We need to keep moving.

  "It’s not safe here," Danny whispered as he shook Eric by his collar. Spit was falling from his mouth like an animal with rabies.

  In the distance, both men heard several gunshots.

  Eric leaned against a tree still gasping for breath as he pressed his hand to his chest in pain. He let his head rest on the tree now as he looked up. The sweat had caused the gash above his eyebrow to start bleeding again.

  Danny tried to calm himself, but he knew that they had to keep moving for at least a few more hours. He looked over at Eric only to see him whispering to himself.

  "Hey," Danny said.

  Eric’s head snapped back to Danny like a child getting caught during an act.

  Danny pushed up against the tree and walked up to Eric. "Who are you talking to?"

  The blood was starting to get into Eric’s eye making him close it. Danny noticed that his left eye was completely red.

  Eric licked the side of his lips. "Nothing...I just talk to myself when things get a little crazy. It’s something I do to calm myself down."

  Danny ran his hand through his hair. "Eric, you know we can’t stay here."

  Eric nodded as he patted away the blood near his eye. "I know, Dan. Just help my ass up."

  It took all Danny had to bend over and hold out his hand. Both men grunted in pain as Eric rose to his feet. Danny’s eyes moved back to scan the top of the hill. He sensed that they were watching him. It wasn’t helping that the sun would be setting in only a few hours. Even though he was sweating through his clothes, the hairs on his neck stood erect like little cell-towers broadcasting the emotion of fear and nothing accompanied fear better than darkness.


  THE RUSTLING OF leaves gave way to heavy breathing as branches snapped.

  Come on!

  Danny had to push Eric now, as the man’s breathing went from exhaustion to wheezing. Of course, Danny was nearing his own threshold of pain and suffering, but that was the least of his concern. He could feel them. They weren’t close, but then again they weren’t far. The question was how far?

  "Fuck this," Eric said still wheezing.

  It was apparent that Eric had ruptured some blood vessels in his left eye as it appeared to have blood pooled within his eye.

  "We gotta keep moving," Danny pleaded as he looked back at the thick pines.

  "Dan, we---." Eric winced in pain as he slowly slumped to the floor panting. "My goddamn ribs. We have been going at this shit for hours."

  "I know, Eric," Danny said as he tried to pull him to his feet. "We have no other choice."

  "Dan, whatever is out there went after those two dickheads that ambushed us."

  The harsh winds blew cold air as both men began to shiver violently.

  "Just a little further," Danny pleaded.

  "Dan, a little further won’t matter. We can’t get stuck out in the open at night."

  Goddamn it, Eric! This is life or death!

  Danny started to look around for anything that would give them safety.

  Come on, Dan, think. You know what you need. Just think.

  An off shade stuck out to Danny as his eyes searched frantically to find shelter. A black shadow looked like a gaping mouth, as he noticed some unnatural lines in the tree line. The outline of a cabin suddenly became clearer and clearer. Danny looked down at Eric who was still wheezing from the pain in his ribs.

  Okay. Shelter.

  "You picked a hell of a time to be a little bitch," Danny said as he squatted down. His side burned, making him bite his lower lip. He moved his eyes out to the trees.

  Eric’s eyes followed until they settled on the same thing Danny had.

  A smile came across Eric’s face as he held out his hand. "It was my plan all along."

  Danny pulled Eric to his feet. "Even in pain, you’re still a cocky little shit."

  A gruff laugh came from Eric as he was helped to his feet. He went first this time pulling his rifle stock into his shoulder. Danny followed, keeping his eyes on the trees behind them. Nothing moved from the shadows.

  The wood creaked from inside as they walked towards the open hole of darkness. Danny shined the light inside. The cabin wasn’t nearly as big as it had looked from the overgrown weeds and vegetation. Both rifles aimed into the darkness. Eric went first. Danny went second. Flashlights went left and right, then met in the middle revealing a fireplace. The doorway went dark and then both men emerged from the opening.

  "One night," Danny said as he looked over at Eric.

  "Just a night," Eric said, still wheezing as he leaned up on the wall.

  Danny nodded taking in the whole situation. With no supplies except for what was on their person, things were more dire then they had ever been.

  We have to get through tonight.


  Danny could see Eric’s heavy breath held back a faint shiver as he sat down next to him. They had their poncho liners, or woobies as Eric liked to call them, wrapped around their bodies for warmth. Both men sat in the far corner of the cabin shivering as the temperature continued to drop. The room was blacked out with only the light coming from the moon that was starting to get blocked out from some clouds overhead. Danny had found some fishing line that he put at the opening. A can full of rocks was tied to it as a way to let them know if someone was close. They both watched the opening with their weapons close to their bodies like it was a life raft in the open ocean.

  "Hey, Dan?" Eric asked.

  Danny took a deep breath trying to stop his body from shivering. He finally exhaled in defeat as he looked over at Eric. "Yeah?"

  "Remember how we met?"

  Danny chuckled slightly as he looked out the opening of the cabin. "It would be hard not to remember."

  "What did you end up writing in the police report?"

  Danny laughed as he shook even harder. "I wrote exactly what happened. Mr. Forbes entered the school restroom at around 12:15 p.m. It was reported that he told everyone that they should get out because he is, and I quote, ‘Going to blow this shit up’."

  Eric started to crack up, but his ribs made him wince in agony. Danny tried to stay composed, but both men began to laugh again so hard they both stopped shivering for a moment.

  "Oh God, it hurts," Eric said pleading.

  Danny pushed a tear away from his eye as he tried to regain composure.<
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  "The dean was so pissed."

  Eric kept laughing. "Didn’t they call SWAT or some shit?"

  Danny started laughing again. "Yeah, you’re lucky I pulled you off the shitter before the whole calvary showed up. Apparently, they had a bomb disposal unit that was en route with a SWAT team that was about to tear in there."

  "What idiots," Eric laughed. "God, you really saved my ass there."

  Danny shook his head smiling. "You saved mine too by being my sponsor. If anything, I owe you."

  They both were smiling as they started to shiver again. Eric pulled his rifle in closer.

  Danny took a swig of his canteen and offered it to Eric who brushed it off. They sat in silence for a while with smiles on their faces.

  "You know you were the family I never had," Eric said as he leaned forward.

  "We are brothers, in my opinion," Danny said, patting his shoulder.

  Eric nodded his head smiling. "Just got a lot of shit running through my head is all."

  "I know the feeling."

  Eric suddenly stood up and slung his rifle.

  "What are you doing?" Danny asked. "Sit down before you freeze your ass off."

  Eric put his hand up. "It’s all good. I need to walk around and get the muscles moving."

  "Why don’t I co----"

  "No need," Eric said, cutting him off. "I’ll check the perimeter, and I’ll wake you up at---" Eric looked down at his watch. "Let’s say, balls o’clock."

  "You sure?"

  "You old folks need all the sleep you can get," Eric replied as he stepped over the fishing line that cut across the opening.

  "Be careful out there," Danny said.

  "I’m just taking a shit is all," Eric whispered as he disappeared from view.

  Danny let himself sink to the floor as he faced the dark fireplace. His mind settled on his family. He could see Maria smiling at him as he crested a hill. Danny was going to make it. He had to make it. Gently, he closed his eyes letting the strains of the day force him into a deep sleep.


  The shutter slammed against the side of the cabin. Danny’s eyes shot open as he laid up.

  First night I didn't have a dream.

  Danny looked around the room for Eric, but it was empty. He stood up dusting off his pants as he picked up his rifle.

  Where the hell is he?

  "Eric!" Danny called out trying to not let his voice carry too far.

  A light crumple landed on the floor pulling Danny’s eyes to the ground. He stood on a small piece of paper that had a slight tan to it. Danny bent down and brought the paper close to his eyes.


  I know we had an agreement. There is no easy way to say this so I figured writing it would make things easier. The truth is that I am sick, Dan, and with me being around means I will only make it harder for you to get to your family. I know you promised to keep me from becoming one of those things, but you and I both know that is a promise you couldn’t keep. Don’t try to find me because you never will. I figured I would use what life I have left to find my peace in this world. Do me a favor and get to Maria and the kids. Find the light in all this darkness.

  Much Love Brother,


  Danny let the paper fall to the ground. He could feel it in his stomach. It was that ache that he had when bad things happened. His stomach lurched as though he was about to vomit. Danny’s lips began to tremble as he tried to keep the tears in his eyes at bay. He wanted to call out, but no one would hear. Suddenly, Danny could feel the isolation. It was like a crushing weight that had been put on his shoulders. He looked around the room like a lost child. All the emotions pooled in his blood and he could feel them ready to boil over. He frantically collected his things and ran out the door. The sun had barely started to return and the greying darkness was retreating as a light fog had begun to dissipate. Danny searched hectically for any trace of his dear friend. His panic was nearing the brim.

  Finally, Danny couldn’t hold it any longer. He called out at the top of his lungs. "Eric!"

  He heard his voice echo through the trees and in the small valley he occupied. When the echo died out nothing was left, but silence. Danny sank to the ground on his knees sobbing. The wind blew again this time letting little specks of snow coat the dirt around him.


  DANNY TOOK A deep breath. The condensation from his lungs left little wisps that slowly dissipated into thin air. The ground felt even colder on his exposed stomach. He could see the dark outlines that revealed a small town, but the sun hadn’t risen yet to show anything else. His night vision scope had run out of batteries and what batteries he had left he wanted to save for the radio. It had been a week and a half since Eric had left. Danny had been scavenging where he could, but it was pretty bare since he was truly out in the wilderness now. The only good news was that his wound on his side had begun to heal and the edges of it were not inflamed, which meant it wasn’t infected. He took a deep breath closing his eyes.

  Better to move under the cover of darkness.

  He pulled himself up from the ground still wincing from the crash. A small gully led him down toward the backside of the main street. Nothing stirred as he took a moment to let his surroundings register any sound. The sun had started its offensive, and Danny could just make out its slow rise from the east. With each minute, the shadows of the town were revealed. Those details became answers to where his safest bets were. After all, it was cold and winter was coming faster than he could walk. If the crazies didn’t get him, hypothermia would make quick work of him. He knew he needed cold weather gear to keep going.

  Just get there. I just need to get there.

  The sun was halfway up on the horizon when Danny decided it was time. A sporting goods store was on the far end, which would hopefully have everything he could ever need. It was still a gamble, but there was enough cover for him to get within a hundred meters of the store before he had to make a mad dash out in the open. The back door was covered by a steel grate, which Danny figured would give him away before he could even get the damn thing open. That meant he had to sprint down the alley to the front.

  Show time Dan.

  Danny snuck up to the opening of the treeline. He cinched down his pack and took one final breath.


  He moved as fast as he could. Danny’s breathing became labored as the lack of food had dwindled all his energy. The alleyway was twenty feet away now. When he reached it, he slowed his pace and raised his rifle. A dumpster sat on the left side and Danny could see a decaying hand that was outstretched on the backside. He sidestepped slowly keeping his rifle aimed at the body. When he finally saw the corpse, there was hardly anything left. The sidewall was spackled with old dried blood and the light coating of snow had covered what was left of the remains.

  The sound of a tumbling glass bottle came from the main street. Danny pushed himself against the wall and sank behind a metal trash bin that was chained to a telephone pole. A few hoarse screams came from across the street.

  Just a quick peek, Dan.

  He poked his head around the bin. It all was still. Another scream came and pushed Danny back behind his cover. A stream of condensation came from his mouth.

  Calm down, Dan.

  He took a deep breath and peeked one more time. A deer bolted out of an alleyway on the left. It moved with absolute panic as three crazies rushed after it.

  "Bambi!" one of the crazies yelled at the top of his lungs.

  The young boy and woman clapped and cheered as they took off in a screaming fit after the animal.

  They all had sunken cheeks, and from what was seen of their bodies, it was obvious the three of them hadn’t eaten in a few weeks now. Danny had noticed that the few crazies he had encountered lately had all looked malnourished.

  Maybe it will end eventually.

  The three ran down the main street and quickly cut left behind an old antique store that was now an antique itsel
f. Danny slowly stood and walked out of the alleyway. He rounded the bend and stopped just before his boots stepped on the glass that had been shattered on the floor.

  Easy, Dan.

  He lifted his foot up and slowly moved through the maze. The windows to the store had been long gone as little mounds of snow and dirt had built up on the showcase’s wooden stage. The inside of the store wasn’t much better as shelves were tossed on top of each other and the items were strewn all over the floor. The gun rack behind the register was completely empty except for a few shattered wooden arms that once held rifles in place. On the floor, were a few bodies that looked to have been decaying for some time. They had blackened and a dark goo had secreted onto the floor around them. A shell skipped across the laminate tile as Danny accidentally kicked spent casings that littered the floor.

  Danny’s eyes looked for the precious items that he needed. It would be difficult considering that everything was tossed around.

  It’s all chaos now.

  "There we go," Danny whispered to himself as he pulled a thick coat from under an overturned clothing rack.

  It was a heavy canvas jacket that he knew would hold up in the harsh weather. He quickly grabbed it and continued rummaging through the pile of clothes. A nice pair of bottoms had a slight tear on the leg, but he took them anyway. Some thick snowboarding gloves were still hanging on a rack, which he took, too. The big ticket items though were a pair of snowshoes and a small propane stove, both of which were untouched in the back. Danny even found a larger pack that he transferred all his new found belongings into. He retired his old hiking pack in the corner.

  A loud rumbling came from Danny’s stomach. He felt a little light-headed as he leaned on the wall.

  I need to find something to eat.

  All the food had been picked clean. He went back into the storage room where he found the stove. Big metal shelves lined the walls. Danny felt around on the top shelves, finding useless items. He was about to give up when his hand hit something on the shelf he was leaning on. A large smile had come across his face as he scratched his beard. He pulled down two freeze-dried meals from the top shelf. They were well past their expiration date, but that didn’t mean anything to Danny right now.


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