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Page 34

by Valentine, J. D.

  There is a god.

  It took everything Danny had not to tear open the little envelope. He knew it was meant to be heated up in boiling water, but his mind just wanted it now. He bit at the hairs of his mustache to deal with the stress. Grudgingly, he stuffed the packages away and his hand fell onto Jazzy Bear. The fur was all matted and gritty. He rubbed the ear, which was still somewhat soft but had now been worn down a little. He walked out into the store.

  It’s okay. We are gonna get to our Susan there, Jazzy. I’m sure she misses us like crazy.

  A crackle of glass made him sink to the floor as he looked out at the window. He froze in place, as a man stood in the display window that had been shattered.

  The man took another step slowly into the store. The glint of a stainless steel revolver was aimed at Danny. The sudden click of a hammer made Danny’s right hand fall to the 1911’s grip. His rifle was slung on his side.

  "I never asked for this," the man said lowly.

  Danny’s knees felt like they were about to start shaking as he looked at the man in the eyes. He could see blue staring back at him and a beard that was thin and stringy.

  "We can just pretend we never saw each other," Danny said as he raised his left hand.

  The man laughed slightly as he shook his head. "No. See, I’ve come across a few of you. You think you are normal, but in reality, you are the demons. I’ve seen what people like you do."

  "I don’t know what you are talking about, but there doesn’t have to be bloodshed. Come on man, lower the weapon."

  The barrel raised higher on Danny as the man started to shake. "Don’t make this harder than it has to be."

  The cracking of glass came behind the man. Danny saw a blur come behind the man. The revolver went off. Danny could feel the overpressure of the round as it flew just past his head and impacted the wall behind him. When he looked back, Danny could see hands pulling the man to the ground as he cried out.

  Danny ran to his gear and threw the pack on his back. When he looked up, he saw the three crazies tearing into the man. Another shot went off and then Danny saw intestines being pulled from the man’s gut. The man cried out now like a maimed animal. The crazies laughed as they shoved intestines into their mouths and spit it back out.

  They are playing with him.

  Danny quietly grabbed his pack and headed for the back door. The crazies didn’t even realize he was there as they started to pull limbs off of the man. A soft thunk made him look back. Five more crazies stood over the man. A little boy was about to slam a brick down on the man’s head. He looked up into the store and a look of horror came across his face as he pointed at Danny.

  "It’s him," the boy yelled as he fell back. Bits of his lips flapped awkwardly as the skin held on a few bits of tissue.

  All eight crazies looked into the store at Danny. The laughing became screams as they all started to panic. The boy grabbed the stone and hurled it at Danny. He ducked quickly and bolted for the door. A shot echoed behind Danny as he sprinted through the storage room.

  Come on. Come on.

  Danny lowered his shoulder into the back door. He slammed into the metal latch making the door open violently and slam into the railing. Three more shots whizzed past him as he turned left down the ramp. He made a mad dash for the creek keeping his rifle secure with his right hand.

  Heavy steps were coming up behind him. Danny turned quickly to see one of the males coming right at him with a hand ax. Danny pivoted and raised his rifle. The safety clicked off and he pulled the trigger. The first round hit the man’s chest. He pulled the trigger again, but the man kept coming. The ax was raised now. Danny fired as fast as he could. The holographic sight jumped up the crazy’s body till Danny didn’t even have to aim.


  He fired one more time and the body finally slumped at his feet. The ax clanked on the asphalt as the crazy started to convulse. Danny looked up and saw the rest of the group standing outside the door. One of the crazies was still pulling the trigger on the revolver, but it had gone empty after the six shots. They all looked at him, staring.

  "What?" Danny yelled as he took a few steps forward. "You want me!"

  He raised his rifle and fired into the group. Two of them fell as rounds hit them in the head. The rest of the group just stood there, their torn faces all contorted in fear as they kept staring at Danny.

  "I’ll give you something to look at, you savages."

  The aluminum mag clattered on the floor. Danny grabbed a fresh magazine from his chest rig and slammed it home. All the crazies stood there.

  Danny screamed as he charged them. The entire group started to retreat as they screamed in terror. Danny fired while he ran at them.

  "Come on! COME ON!"

  The rifle kept recoiling as bodies fell. Finally, the rifle stopped cycling. Danny looked out at the group that stood before him. A woman was clawing away, but her leg was mangled and torn in awkward angles. The only one that was still standing was the boy. His eyes were bloodshot and his teeth showed through his bitten cheeks.

  "You monster," the boy yelled as he took off into the store.

  Danny could hear a high pitched scream as the boy ran off.

  No kid, you are the monster.

  The casings scraped on the floor as he walked back into the store. The man had been dismembered, but Danny could see condensation resonating with each shallow breath from the man.

  He’s still alive.

  Danny walked up slowly to the body. Little wisps of condensation came from the bludgeoned face. One blue eye looked up at Danny as the man coughed up blood.

  He sank low to the man. "You should have left me alone."

  The man spoke in a whisper that was quick. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." He said in a low wheezing voice.

  Danny grabbed the man’s hand as he looked down at him.

  The man’s blue eyes dilated. Danny could smell that the man had soiled himself as his body started to shake. "You know what you are?"

  "What am I?"

  The man started to cry as he pushed Danny away. He took one more breath. "You’re the----"

  The man’s body went limp leaving Danny still clutching the man’s hand. He let it go resting it on the open mess of intestines that were strewn over his torso. Then, a sound came from behind. It rumbled Danny’s soul as he grabbed his pack. The rumbling was close now as Danny ran through the store.

  Someone’s here.

  He had to step on bodies as he could hear brakes squealing from the front door. The woman whose leg had been shredded was screaming at Danny. He didn’t bother to look at her as he made a beeline for the creek. A bundle of bushes sat to the left of a path that Danny immediately slid down. A few rocks tumbled down beside him, but once they stopped it was silent, except for Danny’s heavy breathing.

  Just a peak.

  Danny stuck his head up just enough so he could see through the top branches. The rumbling of the engine cut and Danny had to cover his mouth to prevent the cold air from giving away his position. One man came around the back alley. He had a slight limp and wore a grey coat that looked a size too big. He kept his rifle raised at the corpses and then scanned the surroundings. The crazy was still screaming as it reached out to the man. A shot rang out and the grey coated man looked over at the door. Danny looked back at the door and in the opening stood a taller, bulkier man. His demeanor and poise made him look as though he was in charge. He wore a tan jacket that was underneath a lighter tan plate carrier. A large pistol was strapped to the side of his leg and his face was covered by a light bandana. Behind him, an even larger man walked out. He was carrying a tan rifle that looked like an M1 Garand with a magazine sticking out the bottom. Danny noticed that the man had to nearly duck as he walked out from under the door.

  "Think we are on his trail," the towering man said, his voice carried across the ground with clarity as if he was right next to Danny.

  "We are close," t
he leader said. His voice was thick and husky.

  The man in the grey coat put his hand on the leader’s shoulder and then disappeared into the store. The other two followed in suit and the rumbling of the engine started up. Danny waited until the vehicle took off and was long gone before he rose. He could see a faded, red SUV drive by the alleyway, but it was too fast to see any details. He took a deep breath, letting his body sink back into the cold dirt.


  THE WIND BLEW the snow in sideways as Danny tried to shiver through the punishment. The snow was maybe six inches deep now, but that could all change. Another gust of wind sent Danny into a shivering spree.

  I just want to get there!

  Danny was close. So close, in fact, that he knew it would be only a day or so left to get to Southern Tahoe. Ever since he stopped at that town for supplies that group of three had been on his tail. He had to stay away from the roads just to avoid any confrontations. Fortunately, he had stayed off the radar, but the winter had caught up with him. Already, the tips of his fingers had that tingling feeling, and his feet were starting to have the same, but that was the sacrifice he had to make in order to keep moving. Now, though, Danny could tell that the suffering had caught up to him. He needed to rest his body and warm-up or he wouldn’t make it at all. Danny pushed along a small road until he found the outskirts of a small community of cabins. A large cabin closest to him called out like a McDonalds to a drunk driver.

  Here we go, Dan.

  He readied himself as he hunched over to tighten his snowshoes. His stomach ached and grumbled making him sigh heavily.


  Danny took off for the cabin. Every step he felt as though his body was eating itself just to supply him with energy to move. He approached the door with his rifle raised. His snowshoes were tossed on the snow and his boots lightly tapped the wood porch. A gloved hand touched the handle and turned the knob. It was locked.

  "When are they ever really open?" Danny muttered as he looked at the windows.

  The wind blew again, but more harshly this time. His whole body screamed in agony as he felt the chill sink down into his bones.

  Screw it.

  Danny unslung his rifle and looked around. The sun was just starting to set leaving an orange glaze on the surface of the thick snow. He reared back with the rifle and smashed the buttstock into the glass. The shatter was loud, but the glass shards hitting the floor were even louder.

  Nobody heard that. Please tell me nobody heard that.

  He reached his arm in, carefully this time, and opened it. The door hardly made a sound as it thumped against the wall. No matter how quiet Danny tried to be, his boots still made that dense thud with each step.

  If someone’s here they already know I’m coming.

  The last time he came across any crazies hadn’t been for a week. He saw a large pack of them trekking through the snow in a blizzard, but he figured they would be dead by now from exposure. Didn’t matter how unhuman those things were, eventually, every animal reached their limits. The crazies were the least of his worries now, especially with those creatures out there.

  Ever since that last day with Eric, Danny had yet to see another one of those creatures he saw at the cabin. There were a few times when he felt that something was watching him, but it didn’t last long. Still, Danny could feel them around and that made him never stay longer than half a day in one place.

  Danny kept his rifle leveled as he walked down the hallway. Old eighties photos of kids with bad haircuts lined each wall. Eventually, there were a few family photos of people smiling and holding one another. Danny’s heart began to ache just like his stomach as he came across a photo of a mother and father with their son and daughter.

  I’m almost there. Please be alive!

  The rooms were old with that wood paneling that reminded Danny of a mobile home. It felt cheap, but then again he was just looking for a place to rest his eyes. Danny stepped into the small sectioned off kitchen. The cabinets had been ransacked and the back door swung freely in the wind. He did manage to find a tub of peanut butter that he cradled under his arm like a baby as he cleared the rest of the house. He found a downstairs basement that stretched down a long staircase.

  Basements are never a good idea, but a one story house didn’t leave much of a tactical advantage.

  A warm gust of wind kept him from shutting the door.

  It’s worth a look.

  He walked down the stairs slowly holding his rifle at the ready. He walked up to the door and turned the knob. The door creaked open, revealing a bright room. The high windows let the setting sun light up the room. A mattress sat in the middle and everything looked neat and organized.

  Home sweet home.

  Danny sealed up the door and laid out his poncho liner on the mattress. He threw a couple of comforters on top just to make it extra cozy. A smile came across his face as he thought about Eric’s saying.

  "Creature comforts," Danny said smiling.

  The loneliness suddenly hit Danny again as his head sunk to the floor. He staged all his gear and zipped up his jacket as he sat on the edge of the bed. The tub of peanut butter sat in his lap as he reached in with his hand with big scoops of tan, creamy goodness. The tips of his fingers were red and it felt tingly now.

  Just a night. I’m so close.

  Danny looked at the sliding mirror doors that sat parallel to the foot of the bed. He had a full beard now and his hair had grown out. His plump face was now angled and sharp. His body looked thin and chiseled. Danny smiled at himself as he stuffed his face with peanut butter.

  You look like shit, Dan.

  He scooped a giant heap of peanut butter and shoved it in his mouth.

  "Why thank you, Dan," he said to himself.

  He ate until it was all gone. He let the tub fall to the ground as he cleaned off his hand and put it back in his glove. He bundled himself in the blankets and pulled the map out from his chest pocket.

  Couldn’t be more than a day’s hike away.

  The black sharpie line occasionally had a blue star that marked his position. The last star was almost right on top of the final point. He was almost there. His family had to still be there. Maria’s brother was a prick, but he was as tough as they came and that meant something in this world.

  Danny couldn’t stop from smiling as he chewed the long mustache hairs that rubbed on his lip. He was so close. Finally, Danny fell back on the mattress. His stomach almost hurt from eating that much, but he felt warm and dopey. Truth be told, he hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, which sent him into a state of absolute nirvana. His hand rubbed Jazzy’s ear, which was starting to show its wear.

  I’m almost home, Susan.


  A cold breeze woke Danny. He opened his eyes. The mirror that was facing him showed the entire room. The curtains fluttered as snow blew in from the window. Danny could see a pile of it built up on the floor.

  I never left the window open.

  Danny’s eyes followed the mirror. The ambient light flooded the room and something stood next to the bed. That something was what had been in the shadows following him. That something was the creature.


  It was looking at Danny. Suddenly, its large hand was reaching out at him. He could see the long fingers that looked like sharp talons. It climbed on the bed barely making the mattress move.

  Don’t breathe.

  Danny didn’t move. He just stared at the hunched over animal. Its bare skin was exposed showing vertebrae that looked like it wanted to puncture the skin. Danny’s hand gripped the handle of his 1911. The safety snapped off, which made the creature jump back.

  It approached more cautiously now, its hand reaching out towards Danny. He felt a sharp claw as it tore the fabric like a razor blade on paper making him want to scream. He watched in horror as the creature started to creep on top of him, its eyes looking down at him like he was a small animal. Worthless, helpless.

>   Danny’s heart nearly leaped from his chest. He held the pistol under the covers aimed at the creature. His hand started to shake as he looked down at it just to make sure it was placed properly. Danny’s eyes darted back to the mirror. He could see something in the corner of his eye. The creature was on him now. He moved his head a little. A few inches from his face a smile greeted him, but it wasn’t a smile. No, it was sharpened teeth that protruded from a jaw that hung so low that it touched his shoulder. He could smell the rotting flesh and meat as the creature took a breath.

  "No sleep," a horrible voice whispered.

  A flash erupted from under the blanket as a round hit the creature. It let out a blood-curdling scream as its face jolted back. Danny threw the blanket to the side scrambling away from the creature. He raised the pistol level with its face. Its elongated mouth snapped as the jaw dislocated from its socket. It screamed again making Danny backpedal as he pulled the trigger in fear. The fireball flashed the whole room like a flash from a camera and Danny’s ears started to ring. The weapon kept recoiling until the slide locked back to the rear. Smoke started to dissipate, and when it did, he saw the creature was on the bed. Its nerves were still firing as it spasmed, but it was clearly dead.

  Reload! RELOAD!

  Danny’s hands shook violently as he reached for a spare magazine on his belt. He found it and quickly slid the fresh mag into the magazine well of the pistol and depressed the slide release, sending the slide forward.

  Where’s my rifle?

  Danny fell to the floor reaching for his rifle. Heavy footfalls rumbled upstairs as they headed towards the basement.

  Where? WHERE? WHERE!


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