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Page 35

by Valentine, J. D.

  Danny’s hands found the cold metal, and he grabbed his rifle and his last spare magazine. He shoved his 1911 into his holster as he backpedaled. Danny’s leg hit something hard that sent him slamming into the rear wall. The footfalls rumbled down the stairs. His breathing was uncontrollable now as he fumbled to chamber a round in his rifle. His eyes followed the noise. The thundering of several footsteps rounded the staircase. Danny could almost hear it breathing as another creature was behind the door. He watched as the brass colored door knob turned left, then right. It was locked, but Danny knew he had seconds before it was no longer that way. He flicked the safety off the weapon and shouldered it.

  Danny started to cry. "God, please----"

  A laugh came from behind the door. "God---no, God," a hoarse voice said. The laughing grew louder now.

  Danny’s breathing was heavy now and he felt like he was about to have a heart attack. He shouldered the weapon as a heavy thud cracked the door.

  Please, please, go away. GO AWAY!

  The laughing stopped awkwardly, leaving Danny in silence for a moment. He took a breath and then without another warning the door splintered in the center. He fired until he felt he had expended half a magazine. The smoke started to billow into the room now. The door was peppered with tiny holes. It was bowed awkwardly in the middle. An elongated pale hand stuck out from the bottom, but it was still and lifeless.

  Is that it? Please tell me that’s it.

  Danny heard more thundering upstairs. The door was busted open and Danny saw two more come through. He fired as fast as he could now. A dark shadow moved up and started climbing towards Danny on the ceiling. He aimed up and fired. The creature kept coming. Danny fired as fast as he could until the weapon stopped. The creature fell to the floor but was crawling limply toward him.

  Just die!

  Three bodies laid on the floor now, their contorted frames still writhing on the outdated carpet. Danny ran forward and slammed the rifle butt over the creature’s head. It cried out as it grabbed Danny’s leg. The sharp claws pulled him to the floor like he was an insect and dragged it close.


  Danny felt its teeth bury into his leg. He cried out reaching for his pistol. He grabbed it, pulled it from its holster and aimed in the direction of the creature. Without even thinking, he pulled the trigger. The fireball flashed in the room showing a large jaw full of teeth. The grip loosened.

  "Oh, God!" he cried out.

  Danny pulled his burning leg from its grip. The creature's jaw had been blown off from its face, and it hung lazily like chopped meat. He crawled backward dragging his injured leg across the blood-soaked carpet. He knew he had to leave now. Danny jumped up and was about to grab his rifle when he heard more screaming upstairs.

  "No. No. Please, God," Danny mumbled.

  Leave now. The rifle won’t save you now.

  His eyes darted to the window. He had fought, now it was time for flight. He ran for the open window limping heavily. He pulled it open and jumped up kicking his legs just to get through. The cold breeze attacked his senses as he ran for dear life. He could feel loose skin on his leg as it flopped against the torn fabric of his pants. Danny could hear rumbling behind him and he looked back to see a red jeep rolling up to the front door. The three men jumped out and ran after him. Danny fired at them wildly as he sprinted through the deep snow. He finally made it to the tree-line and he kept going. He could hear screaming behind him, but he kept moving as fast as he could. The screams grew faint as Danny disappeared into the darkness.


  THE STRAIN WAS weighing on Danny as he tried to keep a steady pace. His left leg burned with each aching step making him want to scream in agony. Spit started to foam on the sides of his mouth as he pushed harder and harder, but he knew he was close. This fact alone pushed him to go as fast as he could. Danny had been running for hours and the sun was starting to rise in the east now. All he had to do was get away from those things.

  Those horrible creatures.

  He holstered his pistol so he could swing his arms to get more momentum.

  "Come on, Dan," he mumbled to himself through barred teeth. "We got this far and you are gonna quit on a bum leg?"

  The pain was so intense that he found himself nibbling on the long strands that became stuck in his mouth. His breath became a wheeze as he started to climb a slight incline. He had to pull his body up using the trees making his arms start to burn like they were filling with lactic acid. His foot caught a root and Danny slammed face-first on the ground.

  "Come on," Danny wheezed as he rolled on his back.

  Blood had caked his face and hands. The tiny scrapes on his hands now stung as the harsh bark torn into them even deeper. He pushed harder now. The sense of vertigo started to overpower his senses. The peak was nearly there, as grey blinders started to appear in his peripherals.

  Not now! NOT NOW!

  The ground fell flat and Danny crawled to the ground like a child. A stream of thick peanut butter vomit fell from his mouth into a gooey mush on the dirt.

  "I’m too old for this shit," Danny said wheezing in between his hurling.

  He tried to stand up, but the throbbing in his leg was too much to bear. He looked down and saw that a chunk of his calf had been missing with a flap of skin that hung awkwardly.

  "That’s raw," Danny reeled as he ripped a rag from his undershirt.

  He wrapped his leg with it wincing at the pain. The blood felt like it was racing to his head as the vein in his forehead pulsed. Speckles of snow and pine needles clung to his beard as he tightened down the rag over the flap of skin. This time, he did cry out.

  Danny rolled on the ground until the pain started to fade away. He exhaled as he dragged himself up to a tree. With a moan, he propped himself against a tree with his eyes overlooking the vast lake.

  "We are almost there Jazzy Bear," he whispered to himself. "It’s all downhill from here," he laughed as he let his head fall limp against the stump. "Just down a hill. It’s just a little ole hill."

  Danny’s eyes searched the lake below. He could see something that stuck out to him as odd, to say the least. Two perfect little tracks wove along a small road. He followed the small tracks until they stopped abruptly. An off shade of red sat hidden in the woods no more than a hundred yards from him. He could see the slight reflection that nearly blinded him as he tried to look deeper through the trees.

  It can’t be. How did they find me?

  Three men were walking up the hill. The tall one was on the left. On the right was the shorter man with the limp. In the middle was the leader in a tan coat.

  "No," Danny said as he sank to the floor.

  Please, God!

  Tears swelled in Danny’s eyes as he checked his pistol. He counted four rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber. Three men, five rounds. He would be lucky if he got two rounds off before they shot him.

  He pulled the picture from his chest pocket. It showed Susan, Lucas, and Maria all there. Danny was on the left with his arms around everyone. They all smiled at him and he smiled back.

  "I’m sorry, baby," Danny whispered as tears fell onto the picture.

  He took a big heavy breath sobbing as he let it go. He raised the weapon and sighted in on the bearded man in the middle with the tan coat. His finger started that slow steady squeeze as he focused that front sight on the man wearing a tan coat, but a twig snapped behind him.

  They’re here.

  Danny’s finger released.

  Another snap tightened his entire body, and he knew the three men were no longer his concern. He quickly pivoted his body around the tree with his weapon raised. Nothing stirred between the trees.

  They are coming!

  Danny cried as he pulled himself to his feet.

  I just want to live!

  He moved as fast as he could, but his leg had seized up as the crack of a gunshot erupted. It was pure agony when he tried to put weight on the leg. When his eyes pu
lled back, he could see something in the shadows.

  Something moved. Danny’s breathing quieted as his eyes darted amongst the shadows. A figure dashed from one tree to another far away. Then, another dashed. Danny started to sob. He tried to quiet his breathing as he stood in place.

  Then, Danny heard it.

  "Stop running!" a hoarse voice called out.

  The voice started to laugh. That’s when the others started to laugh as well. All of them joined in on a chorus of horrifying laughter.

  Danny started to cry as he aimed his 1911 towards the shadows trying to find a target.

  "We are the darkness, Dan. The darkness that you stared at since you were a little boy. We are what's waiting for you when the lights go out."

  Danny’s hands were shaking violently as he struggled to hold the weapon. His heart was beating faster than it ever had. Danny bit at his lip with vicious intent as he looked around panicking.


  Danny’s eyes shot to the sound and he froze. No more than a foot above him was an elongated face. Spit started to drip from its mouth as it showed teeth with rotting flesh. It’s head cocked to the side with black eyes that were laced with blood.

  It climbed down the tree slowly on all fours. It made a slight arc around Danny as it sized him up and down smiling. It started to tense up and its weight shifted backward ready to strike.

  Danny took one final breath. He raised his weapon and fired, trying to make each shot count. The creature fell back convulsing as it let out a nightmarish howl. The pistol went empty as Danny moved as fast as he could down the hill. The three men were running right at him with weapons raised. Danny didn’t bat an eye at them as he looked back and saw dozens of shadows coming after him. When he looked forward, he saw the tall man raise his weapon.

  Shoot them! Please, God! Shoot those fucking things!

  Danny’s right shin splintered as the man’s muzzle sparked a fireball.


  The ground slammed into Danny’s face as he started to tumble down the hill. The horizon started to spin from sky to ground and tumbled faster and faster until it all became just a whirlpool of chaos. Something cracked inside his body like glass and the pain started to ooze throughout his body.

  Suddenly, it was dark.

  Danny was a kid again looking down his parent’s basement where the darkness greeted him. Something moved in the shadows. He could feel his body tingle with coldness. The darkness then gave way to a face. A face that looked so familiar. It was Kevin and then it was Ken. The face shifted again and Chaps smiled at him.


  The darkness suddenly lit up in a blinding light that made Danny cover his eyes.

  "You didn’t have to shoot him, you asshole!" a woman yelled.

  "What the fuck are you gonna do?" a deep voice called out.

  "Both of you cut it!" a grizzled voice yelled. It was much harsher than the other two. "Go get her right now, Mike," the grizzled voice said. "I said now!"

  Danny’s eyes finally adjusted to the light and what he saw was something he had seen before. A tree sat beside a lake. Around it were small boulders that seemed to guard the base of it.

  I’ve seen this.

  Danny blinked and his eyes revealed the crisp blue water of the lake. He cried out as he started to move his body. His legs were useless as they dragged along the ground.

  "It’s alright, chief," the grizzled voice called out.

  It’s not alright.

  Danny blinked heavily as he looked up at the voice.

  "Dan, it’s alright. It’s all going to be alright," a woman called out.

  A figure stood over him now wearing a tan coat. Danny blinked rapidly trying to focus. The figures started to have detail and when Danny blinked again Eric stood over him now. His eyes looked at another figure in a grey coat. He blinked again and Sophia was next to him.

  "You made it, chief," Eric smiled as he took a knee next to Danny.

  "Eric?" Danny said. Tears ran down his blood vein eyes. "How?" His voice trailed off as he spit up blood.

  Eric smiled through tears. "I never left, Dan." Eric looked up at Sophia who had her hand over her mouth. She sobbed violently as she rubbed Eric’s shoulder.

  "I woke up and you were gone," Danny said.


  Eric swallowed heavily as he looked down at Danny. "You and I made a deal with each other and--- " Eric shook his head slightly. "And I don’t let those I love down." He started to cry heavily.

  Danny looked over at Sophia now. She was sobbing as she tried to calm down. Eric patted her back gently as they both looked down at Danny.

  This can’t be. I must be dreaming. I’m dead.

  "This is a dream or I’ve died," Danny said.

  "It’s not a dream and you are not dead, Dan," Sophia said, her face contorted when she said the words dead.

  Danny’s mouth tasted like iron as he spoke. "Soph." His eyes started to tear up heavily now. "We thought you died."

  Sophia shook her head. "Dan, I’m okay. It was easier for you and Eric to go on. I was right behind you two after the cabin."

  The cabin. The red jeep at the cabin.

  Sophia patted Eric as she looked down at Danny. "We are all here for you, Dan."

  Both Eric and Sophia looked up as the sound of a car engine drew nearer. It pulled up and the engine was turned off. Two car doors opened and then were slammed shut.

  Eric looked back at Danny smiling. "Hey, chief, we have someone who wants to see you."

  Danny’s eyes tried to find what Eric was talking about until someone walked up to them. Eric and Sophia stood up and walked away. A beautifully tan-skinned woman with flowing black hair knelt down next Danny.

  Tears flooded her eyes as she sniffled heavily "Danny," she said in a soothing voice.

  Danny smiled now and the aching feeling in his body went away. "Mar...I..." He spit up blood as he looked back up at her. "I made it."

  Maria smiled back as wet marks streaked down her face. "You made it."

  Danny was crying hysterically now. "I did. I tried so hard to get back to you, Mar. I’m so sorry."

  "Shh," Maria replied as she looked down at him. "All is forgiven. You are. "

  "Where are the kids?" Danny tried to sit up, but his arm screamed in pain. He fell to the ground moaning. "Whe…where are the ki---"

  Maria started to tear up. "They are okay, baby. They just can’t see you right now is all."

  Danny coughed making him convulse in pain. "Eric!"

  "Yeah, chief," Eric said as he sank down lower.

  "Can you give her the bear?"

  Danny felt Eric grab at his waist and he finally pulled out the bear. It’s black fur was brown and stained with blood. The left ear had no fur left.

  Danny looked over at Maria. "Let Susan know it’s all okay."

  "Dad!" A voice called out.

  Danny turned and saw Lucas running from a vehicle. He could see Susan crying from the window.

  "Dad!’ Lucas screamed as he ran up to his father.

  Danny was crying hysterically now. "Lucas!"

  The boy fell to his knees as he looked down at Danny. "I’m so sorry for everything! I didn’t mean---"

  "Lucas. It’s okay. It’s all okay, son. I’m here now and everything will be alright."

  The tall man came into view. Danny noticed it was Mike, Maria’s brother. Next to him a little girl held his hand and was crying hysterically.

  "Susan!" Danny yelled.

  "Daddy," Susan screamed as she tried to run to her father.

  "Don’t let her touch him," Maria yelled.

  Mike pulled her back and quickly scooped her up.

  Danny tried to stand, but his whole body screamed.

  "Dad. Don’t move okay," Lucas pleaded.

  Danny looked at his son in the eyes and then at Maria. "I am ready to start being the husband and father that I should have been."

  A twig snapped out in t
he distance. A scream erupted from far away. Danny tried to look up, but his whole body burned. He looked to his left where the dead tree rested by the water. His eyes started to jump from the water to the tree. They jumped back at Maria.

  "Mar, they are coming! Get Lucas out of here! We have to leave!" Danny cried out.

  "Danny, sweetie. Nothing is coming."

  The screaming grew louder. Danny’s eyes jumped around looking for where the monsters were coming from.

  "WE HAVE TO GO!" Danny screamed. He tried to move but his body screamed in pain.

  Maria started to cry hysterically now as she covered her face. "Danny, I’m so sorry."

  "Help him," Lucas screamed as someone pulled him away. "Somebody help him!"

  The screaming grew louder now. Danny could hear Eric call out. He reached for his pistol, but nothing was there. Panic set in. The screams died out now and when he looked up there were hollow eyes that looked down on him. The monsters were all around him. Danny screamed at the top of his lungs now. He could feel bits of his throat tear and rip as he tried to survive. He broke free and crawled to the water. The tree overhead looked like the fingers of death in the reflection of the water.

  "Mike, get them the fuck out of here!" Eric yelled from behind him.

  Maria screamed for Danny, as her towering brother pulled her away. Lucas was pulled back by Sophia.

  Danny clawed at the snow and dirt until his hands felt wet. The cold water was inches from his face as he panicked trying to get away. Danny’s eyes stopped their violent movements and focused on the reflection of the water. A man looked back, but barely recognizable as a man. The corners of the man’s mouth were torn and gashes covered his face.


  Danny blinked again and realized that it wasn’t a man, but a crazy that looked back.

  I’m the monster.

  He started to sob. In the reflection, he could see Eric standing over him. Tears were running down his dear friend’s face.

  "No!" Danny cried violently. "NO!"

  Tears fell into the water.

  "You loved your family so much that even this sickness couldn’t stop you." Eric sobbed. He sank down to Danny’s level. "Dan, you are the father I never had." He stared at the ground for a moment. "You saved me. I wish I could do the same for you, but I tried to at least do as I promised. We got you back to them."


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