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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 17

by Grayson, Alivia

  I can’t be lost anymore. I have to protect my daughter, no matter what it takes. It’s time for me to be a real mother.

  “I wouldn’t be asking this of you if I didn’t think it was the right thing. I know you’ve been amazing taking care of Ava all this time, but she needs to be with her family. Please, May?”

  She thinks about it for a moment. She then looks at Ava, still with her little head on my shoulder, clinging to me tightly. “If they catch me, they’ll kill me, Fallon.”

  “I know, but please, May, please get her away from Brick. He’s going to kill me; there is no way out of that. Do you really want Ava to be around for that? Because he’s just the kind of bastard that would make her watch.” I never believed that of him until now.

  “I don’t know about this, Fallon. However, I do know that you’re right; she can’t be here when the inevitable happens. I love her like my own, but she isn’t mine, she’s yours. Ava needs to be someplace safe, and that place isn’t here. I know that. What is it you need me to do?” My heart hammers in my chest. I don’t know how May is going to pull this off, but she has one shot, one shot at getting my baby to safety.

  “Take her to the Snakes Henchmen clubhouse,” May’s eyes widen. “My father and Scott’s are members. My man is a member also. Ava will be safe there. Take Ava to the gate, tell whoever is on the gate to take her to Roman. Okay? Roman is my father.”

  “You got a daddy, Mommy?”

  I nod at my baby now sitting up in front of me with wide eyes. “And he’s going to take good care of you for me, Ava.”

  “What about the baby in your tummy?” My eyes shoot to May. How the hell does she know?

  Okay, when Brick first brought me here and smacked me around, I begged him to stop because I was pregnant. I only said it so that he’d stop beating me. He forced me to take a pregnancy test, which was fucking humiliating because he watched me pee, then he took that test and left the room.

  I knew it would only be a matter of moments before he realized I’d lied. I don’t even know why it shot out of my mouth, but it did.

  He came back a couple of minutes later and threw the test at me. It was positive. Great! I swear to God, I almost died of shock on the spot. Only two men in my life have come inside of me, and both have gotten me pregnant. This is my own damn fault for not taking the pill regularly.

  There’s nothing I can do about it now, Brick is going to kill me, so there will be no baby.

  “Brick was angry,” May tells me, “He stormed out of this room in a rage telling everyone how you’d gotten knocked up by a filthy Snake.” She shrugs. Brick said that shit in front of my three-year-old? “Took some of the other guys a good while to calm him down. He wanted to storm over to the Snakes Henchman clubhouse and kill the guy.” Idiot of a man. The Snakes Henchmen are a massive club. Three times as big as these cunts. They’d kill Brick the second he gets to the gate.

  “What is the baby’s daddy called, Mommy?”

  I smile at my daughter. “His name is Trace. He’s a very nice man, Ava. You’ll like him.” I stroke her little face.

  “Will he like me?”

  I stroke her beautiful little cheek and smile. “Of course, baby. Everyone is going to love you.”

  Ava giggles shyly. “Can I meet your daddy, Mommy?”

  “Yes, baby, Miss May is gonna take you to your grandaddy. Aren’t you, May?” I’m not asking her, I’m telling her. She simply nods. Good.

  I sit for a few moments, showing my baby girl pictures of Red and Scott, and also teaching her how to read Roman’s name so she’ll recognize him. I don’t have a picture of him to show her, and I don’t want Ava to be scared of Roman when she gets there and meets him. I tell her about Trace, and how much I love him, and she is so excited to meet him.

  Then I kiss my baby, telling her again and again how much I love her, later I watch with tears in my eyes as May leaves with her. I only hope they make it to Snakes Henchmen clubhouse safely. All I need is the confirmation that Ava is safe with Roman, then I can die without regret.

  I don’t believe I was a terrible person throughout my life. I’ve done bad things, sure, but I don’t think bad enough to warrant the life God handed me at birth. The life he’s forced me to live ever since.

  Dumped by my mother, shoved into care home after, care home. My brother taking me from that place was a good thing. Him dying, no, him being murdered was the worst moment in my life.

  That night haunts me to this day.

  Why did I stupidly agree to meet my friend on that hill?

  Why did Scott not believe me when I told him whom I was meeting?

  Why did he follow me?

  The finer details are still a blur, but I do remember Scott yelling at me, a noise behind us, Scott pushing me to the ground. He turned around to face whomever it was coming towards us, someone I couldn’t see.

  ‘You’ll have to kill me because I will never allow you to claim her.’ That’s what Scott said to the man in the shadows. The man who laughed menacingly before opening fire on my big brother. Everything else in the world faded away. I heard nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing, but my dying brother.

  I crawled to him as fast as I could, pressing my hands to the wound on his chest. God, there was more than one, but in my terrified mind, the one on his chest seemed to be the one I needed to put pressure on, that’s where your heart is after all.

  Scott touched my face, but his eyes rolled as the effort proved too much, and his grip slackened. ‘Please don’t leave me, Scott!’ I wailed in pain. It didn’t even register in my mind that Scott’s attacker could have still been lurking in the shadows. ‘I need you! Ava needs you. I can’t do this without you!’ Ava was a tiny baby, Scott did everything for us. How would I cope if not for him? He was teaching me how to be a parent because, at the age of seventeen, I had a lot to learn.

  I wanted to be a mother to my little girl; I wanted to be better than my own mother. Scott was helping me achieve that. He was teaching me everything.

  ‘I... love you... both.’ He gasped out. His eyes so out of focus, it terrified me. ‘Don’t go to him.’

  ‘Go to who, Scott? Who?!’ But he didn’t answer me. I sat there for an age begging him to say something, to open his eyes, to get up and show me it was all a trick. But it wasn’t. My brother didn’t get up, and he never spoke again.

  Everything Brick did after that day should have told me he was no good. Like the slut I am, I fell into bed with him and then listened to him tell me after I refused to be his how Scott ended up the way he did because of me. Then I allowed him to fuck with my already grief-stricken mind even more.

  In many ways, I was glad Brick took Ava from me. There is no doubt in my mind that I would have lost her to the state if he hadn’t. However, I should have realized years ago that he was trying to control me.

  Brick may have tried to use Ava against me, to force me to be with him, and if I wasn’t so messed up over my brother, it might’ve worked. However, Brick’s plan backfired on him; that’s why he would reduce contact with Ava more and more. As evil as it might sound, the less I saw of Ava, the more I could breathe. That’s how badly Brick made me feel. It was not my baby’s fault; it was mine for being a coward.

  I needed a way to punish myself over what I believed was my fault, and I did that through my little girl. That was wrong of me, and I know that now. I knew before I died that I wanted to make things right for that baby. If I could do nothing else right in this life, I’d do that.

  I knew Roman – my Dad – would take good care of her, raise her as his own. She’s at the age she’ll forget all about me. She’ll grow up with Romany and Colt and all the kids of the MC. Yes, she’ll still be brought up in the life of motorcycles and criminals, but this time, with men who respect the women they’re with and love their children endlessly.

  I hope one day Trace can forgive me for keeping Ava a secret. I just didn’t know what or how to tell him. I was afraid of never being able to bring Av
a home. What hope would a twenty-year-old with no real home, no money, and no job ever be able to offer a little girl?

  Brick called Trace from my phone, and that’s when I found out he was the one who shot and killed my brother. The betrayal and pain were something else. He forced me to speak to Trace, in my groggy state, I told him how much I loved him, fearing I’d die. Brick smacked me across the face and knocked me out. Now he’s waking me by throwing cold water on my face. It shocks me awake with a huge gasp.

  “Get up, baby,” The sweet way Brick is talking to me, the sweet smile on his face as he crouches down is a lie. He’s up to something.

  “Brick, please. No more.” I’m not as weak as people think I am, but I’ve been beaten and shot, I just found out this man murdered my brother, and I don’t have the strength to fight him off should he wish to hurt me more.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want that key, Fallon.” Maybe I should give it to him; he’d let me go then. “It’s the least you could do after the stunt you pulled with Ava.” Yeah, my eyes widen. How on earth did he find out so quickly?

  “Now, you could save May’s life and the lives of your father, sister, brother, daughter, if only you do as I ask. If you do, I promise all will be forgiven. I won’t hurt May, or those kids, or even your father.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “What I want is that key, then I want you to agree to me claiming you.” I swallow hard. Being claimed by him is the last thing in the world I want. “Just think about it, Fallon. Little Ava will live a nice life with her grandfather, and I’ll never go near her again, she’ll be safe.” He takes my hand. I want to pull away, but I don’t. He could kill me here and then go after the family I never thought I’d have. I can’t risk that. “I’ll even let you keep the kid inside of you if that’s what you want. I’ll raise it as my own. I’ll give you the world, Fallon.”

  “What about Trace?”

  “Now him...”

  “Please...” I cut him off. I’ll do anything to protect Ava, anything. She’s going to need Trace as well as my father. He’s going to need her too; he just won’t know it right away. “I’ll do what you want,” He smiles smugly. “I’ll be yours, your wife if you want. We can raise this baby as ours and even add a couple more to the mix in time, but on the condition, you leave the Snakes Henchmen alone. Every last one of them, including Trace.”

  “You’re asking a lot, Fallon.”

  “I know.” I squeeze his hand. “But if you love me at all, if you really want me, you’ll grant me this wish. If you do, I swear, I will never see any of them again.”

  Brick looks at me, his eyes lost in thought before smiling, “You always did know how to pull my strings.”

  No, you just think with your dick.

  He leans into me and kisses me, and it takes all my strength not to cringe. I kiss him back, selling the lie. I want my family safe, but I need to make sure to keep myself safe long enough to get out of here because there is no way I’m staying with this monster.

  He pulls out of the kiss and strokes my cheek. It stings. I can tell it’s swollen. My thigh hurts too, but then it would, wouldn’t it?

  “Brick, if we do this, you have to promise me that you won’t hurt me like this again. You really scared me today. I thought you were going to kill me.” Fake tears. Good. He looks remorseful.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl, I got angry. I swear that I will never hurt you like this again. I promise.” Liar! He kisses me again swiftly. “Where’s the key, Fallon?”

  “I have it somewhere safe. There’s no need for you to meet with the Snakes, none of them know anything about the key.”

  “Is that so?”

  I nod.

  “I know you can take them,” I pull his hand against my chest, kissing his knuckles gently — anything to sell this shit to him. I need to keep him away from my family by any means possible. “I know how strong you are, but I don’t want anything to happen to you, Brick. They could attack you or shoot you. What would I do if I lost you?” I suck back a sob. God, I’m good.

  “Don’t cry, you know I hate that.” No, he doesn’t, he loves to make women cry. Not that it’s easy to make me cry, but I’m emotionally exhausted after the day I’ve had.

  “We’ll do this your way,” I smile. He doesn’t. “Don’t think about doing anything stupid, Fallon, I’d hate to think you’d lied to me.”

  “I haven’t. I know you have every right to do so, but please stop doubting me.” Something flashes past his eyes. I can’t have him doubting me; he’ll kill everyone I love. I yank on his hand with a seductive smile on my face. Try not to throw up, Fallon. I won’t. I can fake it well enough. “Kiss me again, but this time, kiss me like you mean it.”

  And he does. He kisses me so passionately, with so much want that I moan and curse myself for it at the same time. I do not want to feel anything when he kisses me, but I give myself props, he buys it.

  He pulls away, stroking my jaw with the back of his hand. “Where’s the key?”

  “I buried it under the old oak tree at the trailer park. It’s in a small wooden box about two feet down.”

  He breathes deeply through his nose. The pleased, contented smile on his face shows me the handsome man I used to see before all of this. He takes his cell from the inside of his cut and tells me, “You’re gonna be talking to the motherfucker who knocked you up.” His eyes scan me, he’s looking for a reaction that will tell him I’m lying. I won’t react the way he expects me to. I will say and do whatever I have to, to protect those I love.

  “I’m gonna tell him the meetings off, and then you’re gonna break his fuckin’ heart. I want you to tell him you’re pregnant with my kid, that you belong to me. He was just a pass time for you. Something to do until you were ready to come home to me.”

  Didn’t he just tell Trace that I was pregnant with his kid and that Brick had probably killed it? Now he wants me to tell Trace that I’m still pregnant, but the baby is Brick’s?

  Then again, he told me that Trace was dead then had me talking to him on the phone. Lunatic.

  I smirk at Brick and tell him, “I can do that.” And then he kisses me again. His hands are fighting not to touch me sexually due to my injuries. Injuries he gave me.

  Here’s where I metaphorically climb into bed with my brother’s murderer.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  He’s late. Ten minutes late. Brick demanded we meet at Wilson Valley, a picnic spot of all top places. I don’t know what that motherfucker is playing at, but I’m beyond pissed off. I want my girl back safely. I should never have let her go the way I did. I should have fought for us. I knew she was hurting and pushing me away, but I should have made her see that we belong together. Whatever Fallon said that day was designed to hurt me, I knew that. Shit, I’m a big guy, I could take it.

  I have to see that Fallon is okay for myself. I couldn’t bear it if I lost her. Brick the bastard shot Fallon, and I don’t know how bad it is, or if Brick has even gotten treatment for her. I doubt it, but I do know that I’m going to kill the cunt, there is no doubt about that.

  Half my club is with me, including Roman, of course. Whomever Brick brings with him will be put down like damn dogs. Brick will watch the whole thing before I kill him. He’ll see why messing with us is a fucking death sentence and then some.

  I already know that he’s going to play the ‘Kill me, and you’ll never find her,’ card. I won’t buy that bullshit. I’ll find Fallon; I will always find her.

  My phone rings. I snatch it from my inside pocket, shushing everyone at the same time. They crowd around me as I answer, putting it on speaker so they can all hear what that cunt has to say.

  “Where the fuck are you?” I snap. “I thought you wanted to get this over with?”

  “Now, now. No need to snap. Ain’t gonna be any meeting,” What the fuck is this cunt playing at? “My girl gave me what I wanted. Ain’t no need to start a war with you motherfuc
kers over it.”

  Oh, war has already started, cunt!

  The fact he referred to Fallon as his girl isn’t lost on me. Shepard catches my eye and mouths, “Keep your cool.” Easy for him to say.

  “We’ll see about that, Brick. It all hinges on whether or not you’re gonna hand Fallon over.”

  “Oh no, motherfucker,” He laughs, cackles actually. “You really are stupid. Fallon is a good actress and knows how to use what she’s got to get what she wants. She was using you, man. All the time she was with you, and especially when she wasn’t, she was with me.”

  “He’s lying.” Roman grumbles. Yes, I know that he is. Fallon would never do that to me. Aside from the time she did. Fuck!

  “It’s no lie. She’s pregnant with my kid.” Bile rises in my throat. “She’s come home to me.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I grit my teeth. What the hell kind of hold does he have over her?

  “Fine.” He says nonchalantly.

  “Hi, Trace!” Fallon. She sounds chirpy, happy. What the fuck?

  “Fallon? Are you okay?”

  “I’m great!” She giggles. She sounds happy, but something isn’t right, she’s trying too hard. “I trust Ava is okay with Roman? I wouldn’t have sent her, but Brick and I know she’ll be better off with Roman and Marley.”

  “I see. Tell me where you are, and I’ll come get you.”

  “Oh, Trace,” She laughs loudly, and it punches right through my gut. “I’m Brick’s girl. I always have been. Don’t get me wrong, we had fun you and me, but you were just a distraction.”

  “What the hell are you talkin’ about? He killed your brother! How could you even bear to be near him?” There’s no way she’d willingly be with the man who killed the brother she loved more than anything.

  “Okay. I’ll tell you the truth.”

  “Would be a good start.”

  “Scott got what he deserved.” My blood runs cold. Red’s eyes are so wide; everyone else is watching him. He’s liable to flip the fuck out. I can’t afford for that to happen until I know everything. Jesus fuck, he took this girl into his home around his children! If whatever she’s about to tell me turns out to be true, nothing Roman or I do will save her from what Red will do to her.


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