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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 18

by Grayson, Alivia

  “He got in the way of Brick and me. Then he betrayed his club so he could selfishly find his dad. Did Scott care about me when he was sneaking visits with Red? No. Selfish prick left me out!

  “Did Scott care when he beat Ava’s father to death for daring to touch me?” Isn’t that what a man does where his little sister is concerned? Not the killing, but the beating the shit out of any guy who dares touch her? Especially when someone knocks up that man’s underage sister. “Did he hell! That sonofabitch took things from me that I’ll never get back. That’s why I lured him to that hilltop. I told Scott that I loved Brick and wanted to be with him, that Brick would take care of Ava and me. Scott refused, he said he’d take Ava from me and kill Brick. So you see, it was self-defense.”

  “Bullshit!” I yell. Pile of shit! I’ve seen the way she’s grieved Scott, that wasn’t guilt, it was sadness. There’s no way Fallon would have kept Scott on life support for so long if she really felt this way.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but I guess I felt guilty for what happened. Scott was still my brother, and he raised me. Running into your club when I was down about everything was a fluke, but it was so easy to get you all to fall for my lies, my act, as it were.

  “It was fun fooling you all, making you fall for the sad little girl act I had down. Get close to Scott’s father, spin him a line, maybe he’ll know my father. Because that part was true, I did want to find my father.”

  None of this bullshit is the truth. It isn’t even making sense to the way she is around us. It’s no act. I don’t know what the hell Brick has told Fallon, but he’s forcing her to say all of this. He knows it will turn the Snakes on her. She’ll have no one but him.

  “Where the hell does Ava fit into all of this? Because if you are pregnant with that cunts kid...”

  “I am.” She butts in.

  I ignore her.

  “If you’re gonna be with him, why send your daughter to Roman? Why not keep her with you like any other good mother would?”

  “I don’t want her. Brick and I already had this conversation. He wanted me to keep her, too, but the truth is, I have no bond with her. I gave Ava away as a baby because the guilt I felt over what I did to Scott ate at me. Believe it or not, it was hard for me in the beginning, knowing Scott was dead because of me. Ava was just a bad memory of that time. I’ve moved on from everything, but I still don’t want Ava. I figured if I gave her to Roman at least, she’d be with blood. He can raise her as his own or give her to someone else. I don’t care either way.”

  Roman opens his mouth, eyes blazing, but I hold my hand up to him. There’s no point trying to talk her right now. I don’t know what she’s playing at, but there’s a reason behind it. I just have to work out what.

  “She asks for you, you know?” I’m playing to her softer side. Hoping she’ll crack even slightly, so I’ll know Fallon is still the girl we all know. “Asks if we’re gonna save her mommy.”

  “Aww!” She mocks. “She’ll get over it. Anyway, I have to go, Brick and I are getting married soon, so lots to sort out. See ya!” She says before slamming the phone down. I just stare at it while Red roars and pounds his fists against a nearby tree.

  Fuck it all to hell, that did not go according to plan!

  “What now?”

  I run my hands over my face. “I don’t know, Roman.”

  “We need to go get her.”

  “Can’t make the girl leave if she doesn’t want to.”

  “What the fuck, Prez?! I ain’t leavin’ my daughter with that cunt! Everythin’ she just said was bullshit!”

  “I agree,” I tell him. “But until we figure out why Fallon said it and what hold Brick has over her, there ain’t much we can do.”

  “We go in there and drag her the fuck out!”

  “She’s a mother, Roman!” Tank yells while grabbing Roman’s shoulders. “If Brick threatened Ava, Fallon would do anything he wanted her to do so that he’d leave her daughter alone. That’s why Fallon sent the kid to you, in the first place because she’s safe.”

  I agree with that, but there’s more. I know there is.

  “We’ll get Fallon back. We just need to figure out how.” Shepard says.

  Do I even want Fallon back? She’s been fucking Brick; she’s having his kid! Could be mine, but I guess I’ll never know unless Fallon tells me the truth.

  Oh, I don’t want to believe she’d do something like that. I want to believe she loves me the way she promised, but how can a cheat believe that he won’t be cheated on?

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Telling Trace those lies was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I knew I was on speaker, and I knew my Dad and Scott’s would be with him, listening. That’s why I said all that stuff about betraying Scott. Oh, I might have been laughing as I said it, but I was dying inside, and I have been for the past few weeks I’ve been here at Satans Cutthroat clubhouse.

  Yeah. I’m Brick’s prisoner. My face may have healed, and my thigh is feeling much better, even though I still limp a little, but I’m stuck here doing nothing. I’m not even allowed outside unless I stay right by the front door.

  Brick is organizing our wedding, and he’s so excited about it. I am not. I’ve been sworn into the club officially as his old lady. The only reason I’m not branded with his mark is that I’m pregnant and made Brick see that it could be dangerous for the baby.

  Brick found his key, never told me what was inside the safe deposit box, but I imagine it was something of great importance. I have no idea why Scott took that key, and I’ll never know why, but I’m assuming it was his insurance that Brick wouldn’t come for me. My brother’s way of protecting me from the pig.

  Brick certainly came back in a great mood after emptying that box. He wanted us to have sex, but I couldn’t stomach it. I knew I couldn’t put it off forever, but I told Brick that I didn’t feel up to it because of my leg. So he forced me to suck his cock until he shot his salty load down my throat, and he made damn sure that I swallowed every last drop.

  I acted like the slut he wanted me to be, told him his cock was the biggest and best I’d ever had. He left me right after to get drunk with his friends while I threw my guts up so much there was nothing left inside of me. I’ll admit that I cried that night, I cried so hard that I thought my head would explode. However, I knew I needed to pull myself together because if Brick found me like that, he’d beat the crap out of me.

  The trouble with a man like Brick, however, is that it’s hard to fob him off each night he wants sex. I’ve used the pregnancy thing a few times, the headache excuse, even pretended to be asleep once or twice. I don’t know. I guess I thought I could wing it until I figured out a way to get out of here. It’s hard enough having to share a bed with the pig. However, I came unstuck the other night. No excuse I gave him worked.

  His hands were everywhere, his mouth, all over me, and I cringed inside while acting like I was so into it just to keep him from getting angry. I begged him to take me from behind. I didn’t want to look at him, and I definitely didn’t want him to see the tears I was fighting. It didn’t matter how much it hurt my leg to be in that position; I couldn’t face Brick.

  He took me rough, hard, fast, aggressively. I moaned at the right times, faked an orgasm, tightened my pussy around him to make it feel real for him. He came hard with my hair wound around his hand. I was only grateful that he wore a condom. Not that I could get pregnant twice, but he’s a man who likes to sleep around. I didn’t much fancy catching an STI.

  Brick slept right beside me, both of us naked because he wouldn’t allow me to shower or get dressed, and it’s been the same thing almost every night for over a week. I’m exhausted, and I feel dirty, and I fucking hate myself.

  When I woke up this morning, Brick was already inside of me. Who the hell has sex with a woman while she’s sleeping? That’s fucking rape! I had no choice but to look at him because he had his hand around my throat while fucki
ng me savagely.

  Brick left as soon as he’d showered. Club business., and he won’t be back ’til this evening. He kissed me, told me he loved me, and yes, I said it back, but I didn’t mean it. I have to make him believe my love for him is real, just until I find a way out of this mess.

  I showered and changed soon after Brick left. I haven’t eaten anything because I’m just not hungry. There’s no one around the clubhouse, just Mortar as far as I can see. My jailer for the day, I suppose.

  “Hey, Mortar.” I greet him as I take a seat at the table he’s sitting at, reading a newspaper.


  “Where is everyone?”


  He’s not a man of many words today, I see. He hasn’t really spoken to me since May took Ava to Roman. I almost got her killed. No wonder he’s pissed with me.

  “Mortar, I’m sorry about what happened. I just needed to get Ava away from here. She wasn’t safe around Brick.”

  “Then why the hell are you here, Fallon?” He closes the newspaper, folds it in half and places it on the seat beside him before leaning his arms on the table, leaning closer to me.

  “Because I have to keep my family safe, Mortar.” I shouldn’t be saying this to him, his loyalty is to Brick, but Mortar was a good friend of Scott’s, he was like a big brother to me growing up. I think I can trust him.

  “You really think sleeping with Brick is keeping your family safe?”

  I should have known he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut about us having sex!

  “What else am I supposed to do, Mortar? You think I want this? You think I like lying there while he forces himself on me every damn night? Because I don’t. I don’t belong here. I belong with Trace and my daughter, but Brick will kill them if I leave.”

  “You think the Snakes couldn’t protect you?” I shrug. “Brick is just one man, Fallon.”

  “The president of this whole MC.”

  “Not for long.” I narrow my eyes. What the hell does he mean by that? Are his own men going to overthrow him? “Do you want to go home, Fallon?”

  What am I supposed to say to that? For all I know, Brick has put Mortar up to this. Question me, lure me into a false sense of security, and then he’ll go back and tell Brick everything. Suddenly everyone I’m trying to protect will be killed if I’m not first.

  “What I want is vodka.”

  “I won’t stop you.” Figures. It is a test. There’s no way he’d allow me to drink vodka in my condition. “You can pretend all you like, Fallon. However, the reality of it all is that Brick has planned your wedding to a tee. You will be his wife in four short weeks. There’ll be nothing I can do to help you then. I’ve done all I can to push this damn wedding back as far as I can to buy you some time. However, once those twenty-eight days are over, so is your freedom.”

  It doesn’t come as any surprise to me, it’s not like I didn’t know this was coming, but I thought Brick would have wanted to get married right away. Now I know it’s Mortar who’s been convincing Brick to keep putting the wedding off. I have no one idea why, and no one to blame but myself for all of this. All I have to keep telling myself is this is all for my family. Doesn’t make it any easier, however.

  “I think I’m going to lie down. I have a headache.”

  Mortar doesn’t try to stop me; he lets me go. I get to Brick’s room and crumble. I can cry when I’m alone. If Brick catches me, I’ll tell him it’s just my hormones.

  I can’t marry Brick; I know that much. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that. I won’t have this baby here. I won’t pass it off as Brick’s; this baby is Trace’s. I’ve already committed a vile sin by sleeping with Brick while carrying Trace’s baby. I don’t think Trace will ever forgive me, but he needs to know the truth that he is the baby’s father. My unborn child deserves to know its Daddy, and I won’t stop until I make that happen. I have to get out of here. One way or another, I do.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I have no clue what to do with myself anymore. Fallon chose to stay with Brick and has been there for the past couple of weeks. No contact with anyone to check on her daughter, nothing. How the fuck could she do that? How could she carry on like Ava doesn’t exist?

  Inside, I’m a mess. Fallon swore to me that she loved me, that her heart belonged to me. All that bullshit she fed me at the lake and over the phone was just that, bullshit. She was upset, and she didn’t mean any of it. I know that deep in my heart.

  So why all of this? Why would Fallon stay with Brick when she could have come home to me, home to her little girl?

  I’ve been an utter cunt this past few weeks, not wanting anything to do with anyone. I tried to make Shepard see that we needed to make Fallon come home, this shit has gone on long enough. We walk into their shit clubhouse and take her, but he refused to do anything that could get her killed. Stupid moron thinks she just needs time. Any idiot can see that she doesn’t have time! We could wipe the motherfucking Cutthroats off the face of the earth, but something is stopping Shepard from acting.

  It’s not like Brick will be alive much longer; Red wants him dead for what he confessed doing to Scott. Nothing Shepard says, will stop Red getting revenge for his son. Jesus, Brick admitted to fucking killed Scott because he wouldn’t let him claim Fallon. The girl was seventeen, and Brick was in his mid-thirties! What kind of sick fuck is he?

  Am I any different? She’s twenty years old to my thirty-one years. Okay, I’m eleven years older, but that sick fuck is as old as her father!

  Is the baby she’s carrying really his?

  Was Fallon really sleeping with Brick the whole time she was with me?

  I can’t fucking bear the thought; it’s driving me crazy!

  Tammy hands me another beer. I’ve lost count of how many I’ve already had tonight. She rolls her eyes at me, but I’m not in the mood for a lecture!

  “Hi,” Comes a tiny voice from beside me. I turn my head to the left and look down at little Ava. Why does it hurt so much to look at her? “Can I sit by you, please?”

  The last thing I want is this kid sitting with me, but those big green eyes of hers seem to draw me in just like her mothers used to. She’s so tiny, and it’s hard to believe she’s three.

  Her little arms reach in the air, and against my better judgment, I lift her and sit her down on the stool next to me, making sure she’s settled before I move my hands away. The last thing I want is her falling and hurting herself.

  “Aunt Tammy?”

  “Yes, Ava?” Tammy chuckles to herself and leans over the bar in front of little Ava.

  “Can I please have apple juicy?”

  “Sure you can, sweetie.”

  “Sank you.” Tammy sets an apple juice down in front of the kid before asking if she’d like her to find Roman. Ava shakes her head and tells Tammy, “I want to stay with Twace.”

  Why the hell she wants to sit with me is beyond me, I’ve spent no time with her, I haven’t said more than a handful of words to her since she arrived. Even when Ava repeatedly tried to get close to me. I can only imagine she was doing that because Fallon told her that I’d help take care of her. Which only makes me think Fallon didn’t do any of this because she wants to.

  “Twace, do you got a mommy?”

  “Yeah, I got a mom.”

  “You got a daddy?”

  “Yeah, I got one of them, too. Got grandparents as well.” I swig my beer and wish I was anywhere but here right now. I know I need to pull my shit together, I know I can’t go on drinking myself stupid every damn night. Not when I have a job to do. But it’s hard.

  I need to work out a plan to get my girl back before Red finally off’s that SOB. I don’t want Fallon caught up in it all. As much as the brothers will try to keep her out of it, the way she’s acting right now, I wouldn’t put it past her to fucking stand in front of the bullet meant for that cunt.

  “I got a mommy and a grandaddy and a grandma, but I don’t got a daddy
. Do your mommy and daddy love you?”

  “What’s with all the questions, kid?” I still haven’t looked at her. The poor kid doesn’t have any real family but Roman and Marley.

  All right, that’s not technically true; she’s got Hawk and Brooke, Wrench and Elie, Ace and Tessa, BlackJack and Taylor, and by extension, Coral and Stryker, Marine and Draven Vidal. Hell, she’s got this whole MC to look out for her. We’re her family now.

  I’m her family. I love her mother, and her mother loves me. Brick has something over Fallon for her to stay with him; I just have to figure out what. She will come back to me; I’ll make sure of it, and when she does, she’s going to see that I am everything she needs, everything that Ava needs.

  Everything that’s happened is in no way this little girls fault. She didn’t ask to be born, and I don’t know yet how she came to be, or why Fallon felt the need to give her child to a man like Brick, but if Roman’s guess is right, Brick convinced her it would be for the best after Scott was shot. Fallon had no one, no money, no one to help her. He fucked with her already fragile mind and took her child to keep her in his debt.

  That bastard will pay for what he’s done to Fallon. You mark my words.

  “I just wondering, vats all.” Finally, I turn to look at Ava. She’s looking at me. She’s so damn cute, looks so much like her mom. “Is it nice to be loved?”

  “Of course. You have people that love you, Ava. Why don’t you tell me what it feels like.”

  “Only Mommy loves me.” She shrugs her little shoulders. “Uncle Brick said I don’t got a nice face. I got a face only Mommy can love.”


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