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Claiming Their Mate

Page 5

by Vella Day

  He set down the luggage. “I’ll be next door if you need anything.”

  “Thanks.” She faced him, about to say more, but after seeing his slightly bloodshot eyes, she figured conversation could wait until tomorrow.

  He stepped out and closed the door.

  She rushed after him. “Can I leave it open? I feel safer that way.”

  He smiled and her insides melted. Except when she’d met him at the party, this might have been the first time he’d shown her any pleasant emotion.

  “Sure. Just be careful when Drake comes. He might consider it an open invitation.”

  She hadn’t expected contractions to race down her pussy. Well, if he did need some comfort, she might be willing to give him some. After all, both men had risked their lives to save hers—again.

  The clock next to the bed read 4:32 a.m.. She knew she wouldn’t get any sleep until Drake arrived, but since she was already in her pajamas, she turned off the lights and slipped into bed. A minute later, she jumped up and turned the lights back on. If Drake came in, she didn’t want to be wearing crappy pajamas. Sure, he’d seen her in these light sweats before, but he wouldn’t think it odd if she wore a tank instead of her baggy long-sleeved tee.

  It took her a minute to search through her case, but eventually she found the perfect top. She glanced into the bathroom mirror. He’d never be able to resist her.

  What are you doing? You’ve never seduced a guy in your life.

  Her near-death experience made her realize life was too short to deny her urges. At thirty years old, with no prospects of ever finding the perfect man, she suddenly met these two. Although Drake seemed interested, Kurt acted restrained. She might have set her sights on just one of them, only there was a deep passion burning inside Kurt she wanted to explore.

  Happy with her totally out-of-character decision, she returned to bed, leaving the top half of her body uncovered. Only one sconce remained lit on the far side of the room. With the light on, Drake might spot her in bed. She wasn’t sure how she’d entice him in. If all else failed, she’d go into his room to make sure he wasn’t too seriously wounded.

  She must have dozed for a little while but awoke when a door opened. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, she got out of bed and headed into the living room.

  When Drake came in looking unscathed, relief washed over her and she rushed to him. He just had time to set down his case when she basically threw herself at him and plastered her face against his strong chest. “I was so worried about you.”

  “Aw, darlin’, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.” He leaned her back. “I wouldn’t get too close. I’ve got blood on me.”

  She gasped without meaning to. “Are you injured?”

  “It’s not my blood.” He tilted her chin and leaned close. “Want to take a shower with me and help me wash it off?”

  Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This was what she wanted, but now that the opportunity had presented itself, she wasn’t sure she could go through with it. “Could I just watch?”

  He laughed. “You just made fighting for my life worth it. Come on.” He held out his hand and guided her into a world she couldn’t wait to explore.

  After her room, they walked past one closed door, which she suspected might belong to Kurt. The door to the next room stood open. The light illuminated a room meant for a man. The king-size bed was covered in a plaid comforter, and the furniture was made from pine. Like her room, there was a sitting area with the typical leather sofa, chairs, and large screen television. She had to say, she was impressed.

  “Do you come here often?” she asked, noting how he moved around the room with familiarity.

  “Often enough. Kurt and I own this place. It’s nice to have a retreat when things get stressful.”

  He put down his suitcase and checked her out. When his gaze reached her tits, his eyes pooled with lust. She desperately wanted to check his cock to see if he was hard, but she’d find out in a few seconds.

  “Ah, darlin’? You’re staring.”

  Heat raced up her body. “Didn’t you say you needed to take a shower?”

  He grinned and pulled off his shirt. Her breath caught. Dried blood was caked down his side, and she hoped he was telling the truth about it not being his blood. A quick once-over confirmed he had no cuts or bruising. She wasn’t sure how that was possible.

  “Like what you see?”

  His question jarred her back to reality.

  “Huh? Oh, yes. You have a nice body, but I bet all the girls tell you that.”

  He moved closer. “I don’t care what all the girls say. I only care what you say.”

  That might have been a line, but she didn’t care. No man had treated her so well. “Go. Get naked. I want to watch.” A giggle actually bubbled up. Christ. She acted like a teenager with a front row seat at a Justin Bieber concert.

  Drake didn’t even flinch. He undid his laces and tugged off his boots. His jeans disappeared in a flash. She hadn’t expected him not to be wearing any underwear, nor did she expect to see a cock that big. “Uh, oh.”

  “I can be gentle if you’re interested.”

  Could this get more uncomfortable? He knew what she wanted and didn’t seem in the least surprised. How had he figured out they were meant to be together before she did?

  “Shower.” At least she would watch his ass instead of his cock.

  He grinned. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  She might have to find out as soon as he rinsed that nasty Colter blood off. He stepped into the bathroom and turned on the water in the huge walk-in shower. He then strutted over to her as gloriously naked as could be. Her mouth dried.

  “You sure I can’t change your mind?”

  Before she had a chance to answer, he thumbed one nipple through the thin material, and the traitorous tip hardened. Her gaze never left his face as he lifted the bottom of her tank and discarded it.

  “You are so gorgeous.”

  She swallowed. The room was beginning to steam, but that wasn’t what radiated heat through her. He tugged down her pajama bottoms until they cleared her ass. He lowered his gaze and whistled.

  “Holy fuck. You’re naked.”

  She guessed he was talking about her waxed pussy and not that he’d just exposed her. “You like?”

  He dropped to his knees and pulled her pants around her ankles. She willed him to lick her. Just once. His tongue darted out, and he slowly dragged it across her opening. Intense sparks of need rippled through her. Her knees bent, and she yearned for more. As if her hands had a will of their own, she palmed his head.

  He sat back on his heels. “Step out of these.”

  As he took off her pajama bottoms, her heart raced. Yes, she’d had sex before, but never with someone so virile and hot and animalistic.

  He stood and picked her up. “You’re coming with me.”

  With little effort, he carried her into the steaming shower. Hot water pummeled her belly before he set her down.

  “Since I can’t stand my own smell, I need to rinse first. Then I plan on cleaning every inch of your sweet body.”

  His words made her gush. The type of man she’d hung around in the past had never wanted to shower with her and certainly never took charge. If Drake’s power consumed her, she couldn’t begin to fathom what Kurt would be like.

  Are you for real? You’re seriously considering a go at both men?

  Ever since Liz had told her how wonderful it was to be tied up, licked, and fucked by two men, Chelsea knew that was what she wanted. The fact only one of the men she’d set her sights on was here didn’t matter. With time, she hoped Kurt would come around.

  Drake dunked his head and let the water sluice over his body. He was magnificent—not an ounce of fat anywhere. He was lean, muscular, and all man—or maybe she should say all wolf. As she watched him pick up the bar of soap and drag it across his chest, her pussy dampened.

  “Can I do that?” She held out her

  He stepped out of the flow. “You may, but first you need to know something about me and Kurt before you go asking questions like that.”

  “Oh, fuck. You’re gay?” How had she gotten her signals crossed?

  He dropped his head back and laughed. It wasn’t that funny.

  “No, darlin’. We both want you bad, but we both like to dominate. Are you up for that?”

  She drew in her bottom lip, thrilled beyond belief that their desires matched hers. “Yes.”

  “If at any time I do something that either scares you or you don’t like, you can tell me to stop by using a safe word.”

  She had no idea how this dominant thing worked, even though Liz had tried to explain it to her. Not all of the rules registered. “Do I get to pick it?”

  “If you like.”

  What should she pick? “How about Mendez?”

  His eyes widened. “Mendez it is.” He grinned and palmed her tit. “One more thing.”


  He continued to strum his thumb over her nipple until it puckered. “After our little interlude tonight, Kurt will join us. We’ll decide when you can touch us, when you can speak, and when you can come. If that’s not acceptable, walk away now before I make you mine. Once my cock delves into your sweet pussy, there is no turning back.”

  “You had me at ‘tonight.’”

  Drake’s cheeks dimpled. “Fantastic. Then let the claiming begin!”

  Chapter Five

  Chelsea couldn’t believe she was about to enter a world totally foreign to her, and she wasn’t just talking about having sex with a werewolf. “Where do we begin?”

  He arched a brow. “I like that you asked, but please call me Master.”

  Now she laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Faster than she thought possible, he drew her arms behind her back and pressed his chest against her tits. “One more rule. Don’t question either of us. Ever.”

  She looked for the twinkle in his eye but found none. “Yes, Master.” That sounded odd to her, and yet strangely exciting.

  He let go of her arms and stepped back. “I’m sorry if I hurt your arm. I forgot about the stitches.”

  Adrenaline coursed through her system. She hadn’t felt a thing. “Apology accepted, Master.”

  He handed her the soap. “Please wash my cock.”

  Oh, my God. She’d never washed a cock before. In fact, she wasn’t sure if she should rub the soap over the tip or get her hands soapy and then stroke him. She decided to go with her second choice. Her heart skipped a beat. She rubbed the bar on her palm and then placed it back on the soap holder. She approached him.

  “Be careful, darlin’. He’s ready to explode.”

  “We can’t have that.” It would suck if he came before they made love. With care, she washed his balls, and then used both hands to rub his cock. His groan started low in his chest then rumbled upward. She increased the pressure.

  Drake grabbed her wrist. “Enough, slave. You did an admirable job, but if you continue, you may not like the result. Now, it’s my turn. Turn around. You look dirty.”

  She swallowed a smile and did as he asked. He wrapped an arm around her waist and edged open her legs with his foot. He kept moving them wider and wider until her feet hit the side of the stall. He leaned forward until his chest pressed against her back and his lips touched her ear. His cock wedged between her legs and each time he moved a muscle, it rubbed against her throbbing clit.

  “Don’t move.”

  She wasn’t sure she could if she’d wanted to, especially considering how tightly he had her in his grasp. The showerhead came off the wall, and he sprayed water on her tits. He then returned the head to the wall. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him grab the bar of soap. Shivers of anticipation tripped up her spine. He rubbed the bar over her nipples then under her breasts. Using only the edge, he lowered it across her belly but cruelly stopped an inch from her pussy. An ache the size of Florida grabbed her, and she pressed her hips back. She didn’t understand why she was so desperate, but Drake turned her inside out.

  He returned the bar to the holder and used both hands to massage one breast. “You are so perfect.”

  She didn’t know if she should respond but decided he might like it. “Thank you, Master.”

  He plucked the nipple and pressed hard on the tip to twist it. Spikes of lust shot downward, and she groaned as her pussy contracted. Never had one touch sent her spiraling out of control so fast.

  “I see my darlin’ is highly sensitive. I like that.” He pinched the nipple again. “I wonder what you will do when I impale you.” He rubbed her belly, and his fingers edged close to the apex of her thighs. “I hope you like to get punished, because it might be hard for you to refrain from climaxing until we deem it appropriate.”

  “I thought you were kidding, Master. No woman would be able to hold back an orgasm when you are impaling her.”

  “I appreciate that you find me attractive.” He laughed and then grabbed hold of her butt. “I hope you like a little pain, because with pain comes pleasure.”

  What did that have to do with not climaxing? Oh, crap. Maybe it would be painful and tormenting not to come. Suddenly, she questioned whether she was ready for someone like him.

  Before she could decide whether she should stop now, he slipped his palm down her belly and dipped a finger in her pussy. Electric sparks lit her up and heated her from the inside out. No way could she stop now.

  She leaned her head on his chest and arched her back. With his other hand he picked up the soap again, dragged the bar over her other breast, and then up and over her shoulder. The slow seductive way he touched her ignited nerves in every part of her body.

  She twisted in his arms. “I should wash you now, Master. Please?”

  He chuckled. “If you can’t handle me running a bar of soap over your body, how will you resist when I lick your pussy?”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t know.” Maybe she couldn’t. He was probably used to experienced woman, and she was a virgin to BDSM.

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “Don’t worry. Kurt and I are expert trainers.”

  “You’ve trained a lot of women, Master?” If so, where were they? Did these two men love them then leave them? She didn’t want to be like those women.

  “Oh, shit. I didn’t mean to imply we go around tying up women just so we can fuck them. We wanted to be the perfect lovers for the woman we plan to spend the rest of our lives with, and we wanted to practice. Believe me, all those women understood the relationship was temporary.”

  What was her role? He implied she was going to have a permanent place in their lives. But how was that possible? They didn’t even know her.

  His hands stilled. “I need to shut up and kiss you.”

  He slid one leg between hers and leaned her forward as he captured her lips. The moment their bodies touched, fire flared. He ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth, and she opened to invite him in. It didn’t surprise her when he claimed her mouth. The sweet tang of coffee on his tongue ignited her further.

  Their exploration started out slowly. But as they got used to each other, the intensity increased. He cupped her head and pulled her closer. When he bent his knees and hooked his cock under her pussy again, she burst into flames. His dick pressed against her clit and she went wild. Her hands reached around his back, and she closed her thighs for more contact.

  He stepped back. “I didn’t give you permission to move your legs, slave.”

  “I—” She made a mistake but wasn’t willing to admit it. Instead, she bent over and offered her ass to him. “Do you want to spank me, Master?”

  He grabbed her shoulder with one hand and walloped her ass with the other. The sting bloomed across her rear and brought tears to her eyes. Never did she expect him actually to hit her. She was about to say something when a second blow descended.

  Holy shit, that hurt.

  “Do you wan
t to use your safe word?”

  She was about to say yes when something strange happened. Lustful spasms raced along her inner walls. How was that even possible?

  “No, Master.”

  “Stand up and face me.”

  She didn’t intend to disobey him this time.

  “Spread your legs like before.”

  She repositioned her feet.

  “Keep your gaze downward and clasp your hands behind your back.”

  When she did as he asked, the vulnerability heightened every nerve. His command had come out stern, but from the way his cock was pulsating, she bet he acted this way because it turned him on, too.

  Hell, that excited her even more.

  “That’s good.” He cupped both of her breasts and ran his thumbs across her nipples. “You are incredibly beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “Remember what I said about controlling your urges. Do not come until I give you permission, or you may not like the punishment.”

  “Yes, Master. No climaxing.”

  “And do not move.”

  She prayed that she’d keep all these rules straight in her head.

  The water continued to pummel the wall, and the deflected spray kept her damp. He leaned over and took one nipple in his mouth as he rubbed the other. The first pull caused her to rise on her toes. He growled and she retreated. With each swirl of his tongue and with every twist, her juices exploded. She couldn’t imagine how she’d ever prevent herself from coming if he kept this up. But if she failed, could she tolerate the punishment? Her ass was already vibrating with need.

  Just then, he separated her pussy lips. “Would you like several of my fingers in your pussy?” He tapped the top of her mons.

  “Yes, Master.” She wanted his cock even more, though.


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