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Claiming Their Mate

Page 6

by Vella Day

  “What have you done to deserve such a reward?”

  She had to earn them? “Nothing, Master.”

  “Precisely.” He moved the showerhead and handed her the bar of soap. “You may wash my back.”

  As much as she wanted to touch him, his order didn’t sit well with her. However, since her body was thrumming, she probably would have agreed to scrub the floor if it meant she’d get his cock. With the soap in hand, she rubbed his back. Then she used her hands to work up a light lather. His muscles flexed under her touch. She loved the power in his shoulders and trailed her hands close to his neck.


  She obeyed and cleaned the area she’d just scrubbed. All that was left was his delicious ass. Did he want her to scrub that? Why not? Skin was skin. Just as she rubbed his tight cheeks, he turned around and her hand landed on his cock. Whoops.

  “Get on your knees.”

  The tile floor would be hard, but she did as he asked. When she looked up at him, he tapped her head to lower it. Damn. These rules were hard to remember. Using the showerhead, he rinsed his cock.

  “Suck on him.”

  To show him how obedient she could be, she laced her hands behind her back and leaned over.

  “Not only are you a beautiful slave, you’re also a very obedient one.”

  Instead of sucking on him, she made tiny flicks with her tongue on the base of his cock. He hissed and she inwardly smiled. Two could play at this game.

  He grabbed her hair and tugged hard enough to pull but not enough to hurt. “Suck means place your mouth on my cock.”

  Her filter flew away and she looked up at him. “What have you done to deserve it?” She thought she was being cute. From the way he frowned, he hadn’t taken it that way.

  His lips pressed together. He shut off the water, grabbed her hand, lifted her, and pulled her out of the shower. When she got to the bath mat, he stopped and faced her.

  “I thought you agreed to obey.”

  “My bad, Master.”

  “It’s clear you have no discipline. I need to rectify that.”

  She hoped he didn’t want to beat her into submission. At least she had enough sense to lower her gaze. “Yes, Master. I’d like to learn.”

  If the punishment got out of control, she would most definitely use her safe word.

  “That’s a good girl. Now, don’t move while I dry you.”

  Was drying her off the manner of his punishment? If so, she’d have to figure out more ways to be bad. She blew out a breath, happy he’d forgiven her. He took the end of the towel and dabbed her nipple a few times, and the rough terry cloth made the tip pucker. When he moved to the other one, her wet hair dripped down her body and dampened her breast again.

  “I can see we have a problem.”

  She hoped he didn’t think it was her fault. He dragged the towel down her entire chest, waited a few seconds then repeated the drying, but to no avail. If he would just dry her hair, he wouldn’t have an issue, but far be it for her to make such an obvious suggestion.

  His touch stimulated her every time the towel touched her body. He then did the unspeakable. He pulled the cloth between her legs over and over again, and she realized getting her dry wasn’t his plan. It was to make her crazy with desire.

  Drake tossed the towel. “Oh, fuck it.”

  He dipped his shoulder and lifted her upside down in a fireman’s hold. She wiggled to get free.

  He slapped her ass hard. “Don’t move.”

  Come on. Now he was being unreasonable. Instead of going to his room, he brought her into her own, unceremoniously dropped her on the bed, and stalked out.

  “Where are you going?” She refused to add the Master to her question.

  He didn’t answer her as he headed down the hallway. His door opened then closed.

  Her pussy throbbed and her tits needed more attention, but giving in so easily wasn’t her style. If he thought she’d go running into his room and beg him to fuck her, he was wrong. It didn’t matter part of her urged her to chase after him.

  She rolled on the bed to get dry. Dammit! Her pajamas were in his bathroom. Well, they’d just have to stay there. She could wear something else to bed.

  She’d just gotten off the bed to find her comfy T-shirt when he returned with a length of rope.

  “Where are you going?” He actually sounded concerned. “To Kurt’s room?”

  The thought hadn’t entered her mind, but now that he mentioned it, maybe Kurt would treat a naked woman better. “No.”

  He waved the rope. “Get on the bed.”

  She liked that command and hustled to please him. Who was she kidding? She hustled to please herself.

  Once on her back, she widened her legs in open invitation. Only now did she notice her bed had tall posts on all four corners.

  “You are truly a gorgeous sight to behold. There is nothing more appealing than a beautiful submissive.”

  The whole concept of letting someone else take control was foreign to her. But with what she’d been through, trusting a man like Drake to take charge, at least in the bedroom, might be nice.

  Drake knelt between her legs and in seconds, had her ankles secured to the bedposts. When he finished, she felt completely vulnerable. Naked was one thing, but being tied to a bed with her legs spread wide open made her helpless.

  After what Mendez had attempted, she should have freaked, except the way this man admired her—wanted her—and needed her, seemed noble and sincere. She was willing to give herself and her trust up to him.

  “How sore is your arm? Can you lift it over your head?”

  At the doctor’s office she hadn’t been able to. She tried again, and fire boiled through her left arm. “Not easily, Master.”

  “Then I will tie your wrists together, but you are not to touch me. Clear?”

  She nodded.

  “And, unless you want a terribly painful spanking, do not climax until I give you permission.”

  She didn’t know why he had to keep reminding her. “I don’t want to sound insolent, but why don’t you want me to have an orgasm?”

  “Because this is your first time, I will explain. Each time you are denied a release, the next time becomes more intense. Eventually, when I grant you permission, you will be so desperate that your climax will sweep you away and be more amazing than any you’ve ever experienced. Trust me. It’s to make our lovemaking out of this world.”

  Put that way, it might be worth the torment of not coming in order to have something so monumental happen.

  He plucked a nipple. “Ready?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He crawled between her legs and lightly licked her inner thighs. Her heart raced and her pussy cramped. His thumbs pressed her legs open wider and exposed more of her. With each lick, he got closer and closer to the apex of her thighs, and by the time he neared, she was sweating, imagining what it would be like to have him lick her clit.

  His fingers crawled across her belly and, just as he rubbed her sore nipple, he swiped his tongue between her lower lips. Oh, my God. Her back arched instinctively, and bursts of electric tremors raced up her body. He continued the relentless assault by flicking his tongue over her clit repeatedly, and she cried out his name.

  He lifted his head. “Chelsea…”

  “I didn’t come, I swear.” But I was so close.

  He knelt and placed his knees on either side of her hips. He leaned back. With one hand on his cock, he swiped it across her opening. The taunt heated her body. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he actually drove his cock into her.

  When he finally leaned over her, she thought he would give her what she wanted. But did he? No. He placed his mouth over a nipple and swirled a tongue around her swollen crest. The light touch was more arousing than when he’d sucked on it.

  Did he expect her to beg?

  She might have to.

  While he teased her breasts, he repeatedly dragged the head of his cock
across her clit. Then, he dipped inside her an inch. At first, she’d assumed they would have sex, but when he didn’t enter her any farther, she wasn’t convinced.

  He nipped at her swollen nipple and pulled it taut. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  Finally. “Yes, Master.”

  “I might be too big for you.”

  “Can you try and see?” He was killing her with need. “Master?”

  Leaning on his elbows, he lowered his body, but stopped as his chest touched her bound hands. He kissed her lips with such tenderness, she thought he’d forgotten about all his rules. She lost focus and let her mind float away when he dipped his cock into her wet sheath. Elation blasted her as her walls stretched.

  Take me hard.

  As if he could read her mind, he drove in all the way, pushing her toward that dreamed of climax. Stars burst behind her lids and her breath caught.

  He nestled his lips against her neck and held still as if being inside her overwhelmed him, too. Even though he wasn’t moving, her body pulsed and her need grew.

  It seemed forever before he pulled out then forged back in. He kissed her neck and ran a tongue over the shell of her ear. She lifted her hips to urge him on just as he plowed into her. His speed increased and as rolling spasms rippled inside her, she milked his cock. He grunted and groaned, then fucked her harder. Each stroke pushed her closer to the sought-after pinnacle. He cupped her face and kissed her again. His drugging kiss made her quiver.

  “What you do to me, darlin’.” He was a man possessed.

  He thrust into her three more times, and she lifted her hips to take in all of him. Just as she was about to burst with that promised orgasm of a lifetime, he withdrew. He knelt, held her head up, and pressed his cock to her lips.

  As soon as she opened up, his jism shot out with such force it blanketed the back of her throat. She lapped up his juice and swallowed.

  As much as she loved his taste, she’d missed her climax. All that buildup and...

  She turned her head to the side. Her pussy still vibrated and her nipples throbbed. Frankly, she was pissed. She couldn’t help but press her lips together. For now, she’d hold her tongue.

  “Rules, darlin’. Rules.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Sure, she’d lifted her hips, but come on. “Are you saying because I broke one of your stupid rules, you pulled out so I couldn’t climax?”

  “Lesson number one.” He grinned and hopped off the bed. “Yup. Next time, obey. If you’re a good girl, you’ll fly so high, you’ll never want to crawl out of my bed.”

  “Fat fucking chance.”

  Chapter Six

  As soon as Drake got back to his room, he plastered his back to the wall and concentrated on not shifting. Fuck me.

  What had he been thinking by demanding she obey him? The poor girl had been attacked, shot at, and forced to leave her home. Then what did he do? He went all dominant on her. What he’d done was wrong.

  Go back and apologize.

  He’d completely lost control with Chelsea. He had to back off. If he’d come inside her pussy, his fangs would have extended, and he would have bitten her neck, signaling she was his. He couldn’t afford to fall in love while Ricardo Mendez was out to kill her. As much as it pained him, having her hate him for now would be a good thing.

  Liar. You’re scared shitless of love.

  Okay, okay. He was afraid of commitment. Yet, this woman was the one he was destined to spend the rest of his life with. He knew it. Kurt knew it. Christ. Her mere touch made his cock so hard it almost exploded in the shower. He’d never before been so drawn to any woman—another good reason to keep her from completely getting under his skin.

  Too late. She’s already there.

  Maybe tomorrow he’d see if Kurt could smooth things over with her. Jesus, he’d been such an ass, treating her that way.

  It was almost time to get up, but if he didn’t wash off her delicious scent, he’d be useless for the rest of the day.

  He quickly showered. No sooner had he toweled off, Kurt burst into his room. “I have a plan.”

  Happy to get his mind off the sweetest woman in the world, he gave Kurt his total attention. “Hit me.”

  “Who was Jeffrey working for?”

  “Couch.” That had been established by Jeffrey himself.

  “Who else?”

  “Mendez.” He might have been a flunky of Couch’s, but Jeffrey was convinced Mendez headed the drug portion of the operation.

  Kurt paced in front of him. “After Couch got arrested, Jeffrey mentioned they were moving the drug warehouse.”

  “Did he say where?”

  “No, but knowing him, he wrote it down in case something happened to him. He was anal like that.”

  Now wasn’t an appropriate moment to mention Kurt was even more so. Drake’s mind reeled at the information, then he smiled. “And a certain someone wouldn’t happen to have a key to his brother’s condo now would he?”

  “You catch on quick, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Couch’s men got the jump on us. They might have known how my brother’s mind worked, too, since he spent so much time working undercover. However, Jeffrey would have prepared for that possibility.”

  This was too good to be true. “Did he have a hidden safe or something?”

  “Not that I know of, but I’m going to check out his place. I’m hoping I can figure it out when I’m there.”

  Oh, crap. That meant he’d have to spend the day with a pissed-off woman. This was so not going to be fun.

  Kurt moved closer. “You fucked her, didn’t you?”

  He didn’t know how his friend could tell. He’d washed off her scent. Hell. “You heard us?”

  “If we had neighbors, they would have heard you.”

  “You should have joined us.” Though he really wanted her to himself the first time.

  Kurt’s body tensed. “I have a job to do, and so do you.”

  He held up a hand. “Not a problem. I made sure she’ll never want me again.” He explained his stupid tactic.

  “You’re a pig.”

  “I know, but I did it for her own good.”

  “What you did was fuck it up for me. Now, she’ll never agree to be our mate.” His friend shook his head and stomped off.

  It was definitely going to be a long ass day.


  The drive back to Gulfside gave Kurt time to think about where his brother might have hidden the information. He and Jeff should have talked more, but too much interaction would have raised a red flag.

  Jeffrey, and the Pack, had been so careful to keep his identity secret. How in the hell had Mendez and Couch figured out Jeffrey was a double agent? Unless Kurt captured one of Couch’s men and forced him to talk, he would never learn what really had happened.

  Pushing aside the useless speculation, his mind raced to Chelsea and his dickhead best friend. He totally got why Drake wanted her. Hell, he wanted her, too. But now wasn’t the time or place. To make things worse, Drake had taken her fragile trust and broken it.

  Kurt slammed his hand against the wheel. A horn honked. He veered to the right to avoid a near collision.

  Get it together!

  If he didn’t put Chelsea out of his mind, he’d never get to Mendez.

  A short while later, Kurt pulled into the parking lot at Jeffrey’s condo and tried to compartmentalize his emotions. Touching Jeffrey’s things would create havoc in his heart, but for his brother, he had to find answers.

  He took the stairs two at a time to the second floor. His brother’s spare key was taped under the fire extinguisher unit at the end of the hall. He ran his fingers underneath the metal and blew out a breath when he located it. Kurt hadn’t wanted to go through Jeffrey’s pockets when he found him lying in that pool of blood. His hands fisted and he inhaled deeply to push himself to enter Jeff’s place. You have to do this for him.

  Once inside, his heart broke. The place was trashed. Fuck. His gaze shot straight to the d
esk in the corner of the living room where his brother kept his computer. It was gone. Those assholes. His only satisfaction was in knowing Jeffrey uploaded the data to the cloud each night before wiping the drive clean. Mendez’s gang wouldn’t have gotten shit.


  It was probably futile, but he went through the desk drawers and checked all of the files. Knowing his brother had touched everything here made his heart nearly crack. Just do it.

  After a twenty-minute search, he came up empty handed.

  But he wouldn’t give up. Jeffrey was smart and determined. He’d wanted to break this drug ring so badly, he’d volunteered to go undercover. The information had to be somewhere. His brother had a good reason for being so obsessed with stopping Mendez and Couch. Kurt and Jeffrey’s younger brother had turned to drugs and overdosed. Ever since his death, both of them had made it their life goal to take down the drug-pushing Colters.

  Tension rippled up his body as he stepped over the broken furniture and scattered papers. What the Colters hoped to find, he didn’t know, nor could he tell if they’d found it.

  He pushed the debris off the sofa and dropped onto the seat to let his mind wander. Sometimes when he did other tasks, the answers would come to him. He closed his eyes and pictured Chelsea, even though it might be dangerous to let his mind wander in that direction. Conjuring her up might have been stupid, but it put him in a happier place. He loved her combination of sassiness, stubbornness, and courage. Truth was, he also loved her luxurious, long, auburn hair, the curve where her waist met her hips, and the way her bottom lip was slightly fuller than the top.

  His cock twitched just contemplating sinking it into her ass.

  He would demand total submission, and from what Drake said, she was only partially amenable to it. After the stunt his friend pulled, she’d never go along with what he wanted or needed.

  Damn Drake. He never should have edged her so close to her climax and then denied her. That wasn’t for beginners, for God’s sake. If she lifted her hips because she got carried away, Drake should have forgiven her.

  Kurt knew the real reason why he’d done it, and his action did have merit. If Drake had sunk his fangs into her, they’d be partially mated. As much as he’d like that idea, it wouldn’t be fair to Chelsea right now.


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