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Haven Of Obedience

Page 14

by Marina Anderson

  ‘You can always turn back,’ she said aloud, her fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly. ‘No one’s forcing you to do this.’

  The trouble was, it was no longer just the attraction of learning to develop her own sexuality that was drawing her to the course. It was Simon. She hadn’t dared question Grace about her date with him, and Grace hadn’t discussed it either. Natalie thought that she’d probably frightened the girl off with her initial reaction to hearing about it, and so she had no idea what had gone on between the two of them. Grace had seemed extremely cheerful for the second half of the week, but then, she was generally a cheerful girl. Natalie didn’t know whether she was imagining that there was an extra spring in her secretary’s step or not.

  Once again the weather was lovely when she arrived, and the course residents were strolling in the grounds. She didn’t see anyone from her first weekend there, but presumed that there must be one or two. She knew that nearly half the guests booked in for two sessions.

  This time the girl on reception recognised her. ‘Good evening, Miss Bowen. Did you have a good drive down?’

  ‘Very nice, thank you. Am I in the same room as last weekend?’

  ‘Oh no, you have a bigger room this time.’

  ‘Is that progress?’ asked Natalie, with a smile.

  ‘You may need it,’ explained the girl. ‘If you wouldn’t mind waiting here for a moment your tutor will come and collect you.’

  ‘You mean Simon Ellis?’ asked Natalie, suddenly panic-stricken that she might have been given a new tutor for this visit.

  ‘Of course. We like our clients to have the same tutors whenever they return.’

  ‘You mean that if I come back for a refresher course in a year’s time I’d get him again?’

  ‘As long as it was for a refresher course. If Rob Gill felt that you hadn’t learned anything during your first two stays here then he’d probably assign you a new tutor. After all, there’d be no point in you wasting your money. Not that I can imagine that happening. Simon doesn’t have failures.’

  ‘No, I don’t suppose he does,’ said Natalie quietly.

  ‘How nice to see you again, Miss Bowen,’ said Simon, walking through the front door. ‘How was your week?’

  ‘Interesting,’ she responded.

  ‘Good. I think it’s important to have an interesting job.’

  ‘Well, you’ve certainly got one here.’

  ‘Yes, indeed. Is it room number seventeen?’ he asked the receptionist. She nodded. ‘Good, that’s the one I requested. If you hand me the key I’ll take Natalie up now.’

  As Natalie followed Simon along the thickly carpeted corridor and up the stairs her heart began to thump against her ribs. Plucking up all her courage, she decided to ask him a question. ‘Is there something special about this room?’

  ‘It’s a very comfortable one.’

  ‘That’s not what I meant.’

  ‘No, I didn’t think it was. Here we are – you can see for yourself.’

  Pushing open the door, he stood back to let her enter. It was at least twice the size of the room she’d had on her first visit, and if anything even more luxuriously carpeted and curtained. However, it wasn’t the carpet and curtains that attracted her attention. To the side of the room, halfway between the bed and the window, there was a wooden bar suspended from the ceiling –rather like the bars in her school gymnasium as she remembered them.

  ‘What’s that for?’ she asked.

  ‘You’ll find out tomorrow. When you’ve freshened up you’re free to go down and have dinner whenever you like. Your first lesson is at nine o’clock tonight. It won’t be in here, it will be in the other guest’s room.’

  By now, Natalie knew better than to ask what was going to happen at nine o’clock. ‘Where shall I meet up with you?’

  ‘In the small non-smoking lounge. You can get a drink there after dinner if you like. Even if you don’t want a drink, it’s a very comfortable room.’

  ‘Fine, I’ll see you then.’

  Reaching out, Simon ran his fingers through her silky blonde hair. ‘You’re very nervous, aren’t you?’

  ‘Yes,’ she confessed.

  ‘There’s no need to be. You’ll soon get back into the way of things. Remember, we’re all here to help you.’

  ‘Did you help Grace?’ she blurted out, and immediately wished that she hadn’t because Simon’s face darkened with annoyance.

  ‘How many times do I have to remind you that once anyone enters the doors of The Haven they leave their weekday life behind them? I think you should apologise.’

  Natalie didn’t feel like apologising, particularly as he hadn’t answered her question, but common sense told her that it was the only sensible course of action. ‘I’m very sorry,’ she muttered.

  ‘I’d like it better if you sounded as though you meant it,’ said Simon. ‘But I accept your apology anyway.’

  ‘Oh God,’ groaned Natalie, as the door closed behind him. ‘What have I done now?’

  Chapter Thirteen

  NATALIE ARRIVED IN THE small non-smoking lounge at ten to nine, anxious not to be late. She’d only eaten a light meal as she hadn’t felt hungry, due to a mixture of nerves and excitement. She’d been at a table with two other women and three men, all of whom were first-time visitors, and conversation had proved awkward. She’d wished that Sajel was there again, or Juliette and Victoria.

  It was difficult talking to people who were there for the first time, because they had no idea of how the weekend would change them, and Natalie knew that she had to be careful not to give anything away. Looking back, she marvelled at how naive she too had been only a week ago, and how much she’d changed. Despite this, she knew that she still had a lot to learn.

  ‘That’s nice,’ said Simon, as he entered the bar. ‘I like women who are punctual.’

  ‘Actually I was early,’ she admitted.

  ‘What’s the matter, couldn’t you wait?’ His eyes gleamed with amusement.

  ‘I was anxious to find out what the next lesson would be.’

  ‘Let’s get going, then. Tonight I’m going to teach you how to give a man pleasure, but although I’m sure you’ll enjoy it I don’t expect you to have an orgasm. Is that understood?’

  Natalie felt rather annoyed. T think I know how to please a man. I didn’t come here to find that out.’

  ‘You came here to do as you’re told,’ said Simon firmly. ‘Besides, I doubt if you’ve ever concentrated solely on your partner’s pleasure, have you?’

  Natalie thought for a moment. ‘No, but no man ever expected me to.’

  ‘All the same, he probably wouldn’t have objected if you had. I’ll be giving you instructions as you go along. Make sure you follow them to the letter. Somehow I don’t think that will be such a problem for you in this particular situation, but I thought I ought to remind you that obedience is still the order of the day’

  ‘Is the man a client on the course?’

  ‘No, he’s a more than willing voluntary assistant,’ laughed Simon. ‘Now, that’s enough questions. We’re using this room.’

  The small training room was sparsely furnished, but warm. In the middle of the floor there was a double bed and a man was already lying in the middle of it, completely naked. Natalie thought he was probably about thirty, with light brown curly hair and a compact, well-muscled body. He looked as though he’d done this before, and his eyes seemed to assess Natalie as though he was trying to decide whether or not she would be a good pupil.

  ‘You need to be naked as well,’ explained Simon. ‘Then, before you begin, I want you to oil your hands, belly, thighs and sex.’

  Natalie looked questioningly at him. ‘Why?’

  Simon sighed. ‘Because I say so.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised. After she’d slipped off her clothes she took the bottle of perfumed oil that he handed her. ‘Where do I go to put this on?’

  ‘You don’t go anywhere, you do it her
e. Do it as slowly and sensually as you can. That should give Craig his first taste of the pleasures that are to come.’

  The young man on the bed propped himself up on one elbow. His green eyes stared at Natalie with interest. She felt more embarrassed than she’d expected, not because of Craig but because Simon was standing so close to her. Although he gave no indication that he was in the least bit turned on by the sight of her naked body she knew that he must be. She also knew that the moment her hands started to spread the oil over herself, her body would begin to tingle. Her excitement would be increased by the fact that Simon was watching, but it was an excitement that she would have to suppress since he’d made it clear that during this session it was Craig’s pleasure that mattered and not hers.

  ‘Is there something wrong?’ asked Simon.

  Natalie hastily poured some oil into her right hand and then spread it over her belly. Some of it trickled down the creases of her groin and she shivered as her nerve endings twitched at the arousing sensation. Because of this it was easy for her to move her hand lower, covering her vulva and inner thighs with the sensual slippery liquid. Finally she oiled her breasts and pulled at her nipples, stretching them out as she massaged the oil into them. By the time she’d finished, her nipples were fully erect, the tips tingling deliciously, and she could see Craig’s cock starting to stir.

  Following Simon’s softly murmured instructions she got on to the bed and straddled Craig, who was now lying on his back with his head and shoulders supported on a pile of pillows. Her thighs were over his lower abdomen and she began to massage the oil that she’d previously spread over herself across his chest, shoulders and arms.

  Initially Natalie spread the oil with the palms of her hands, letting them slide over his skin. Then, as Craig’s eyelids drooped, she kneaded his muscles with her fingers, digging more deeply into his flesh.

  After a while, and still following Simon’s instructions, she massaged Craig’s abdomen in the same way until she could feel his erection pressing up against her. She eased herself back over his thighs a little, sliding smoothly over his flesh because of her oiled body. Then, as his penis stirred and grew, she carefully lowered herself on to the underside of his erection.

  She could feel Craig’s hips twitching and jerking beneath her as she gently rubbed the underneath of his penis with her vagina. Then, leaning forward, she grasped his wrists and pushed his hands up above his head, holding them firmly against the pillow. Once she had him in this position she was able to move her oiled breasts and nipples over his chest, rubbing herself up and down and from side to side until his nipples too grew erect. The previously flat pink buds had tiny hard points to them, and she shivered as the sweet ache of desire started to grow deep within her belly.

  Although Natalie was following Simon’s instructions carefully, Craig was clearly under no such restraints. In order to increase his own pleasure he raised his knees, which allowed her to slide her oiled thighs up and down his. She balanced herself on his knees, sliding her hands forwards down his taut thigh muscles, and then let her fingers touch the underside of his scrotum. Immediately his already quickening breathing grew faster and his testicles swelled as his climax grew even closer.

  Simon’s orders became more precise as he carefully followed the progress of the couple on the bed. Natalie found herself slithering up and down Craig’s thighs, pressing her genitals close to his until his mouth opened and he began to gasp with ecstasy. Then she would be ordered to raise herself up once more, and she would have to start massaging his upper torso again until the dangerous point of no return receded. Then she would once more be allowed to rub herself against him.

  Natalie was surprised at how turned on she was by Craig’s obvious excitement. It wasn’t simply the delicious sensations that were caused when she pressed herself against him that aroused her, it was also watching his desire mount and knowing that she was giving him such pleasure. For the first time she understood that there could be as much enjoyment in giving pleasure as in simply receiving it, but despite this she ached for a climax of her own. She hoped against hope that Simon would take pity on her and allow her to release all the incredible tension that had built inside her as she’d aroused Craig.

  ‘I’m going to come soon,’ Craig groaned as Natalie, momentarily forgetting herself, rocked her pelvis from side to side so that her clitoris was stimulated and her breasts grew heavy with desire.

  ‘I want him to come between your breasts, Natalie,’ said Simon. ‘It’s up to you to decide how to do it.’

  Natalie turned her head to glance at him, hardly able to believe that her own pleasure was to be stopped so abruptly in order to satisfy Craig. But the expression on Simon’s face was implacable. Clearly it was going to be as he’d said, and tonight she would have to remain frustrated. Despite her best efforts she couldn’t repress a small groan of despair as she climbed off Craig. Then, separating his thighs, she knelt between his outspread legs, bent forward from the waist and trapped his straining erection between her soft, throbbing breasts.

  As she rubbed at them, moving them around the shaft of his straining cock, she started to tremble. But Craig was so near to coming that there was no danger of her climax being allowed time to build. All the muscles in his body tightened and he groaned with ecstasy. Then, within seconds, his hips were pumping furiously as his body contorted in spasms of rapture and the hot, white fluid pumped out of him and trickled over her breasts.

  As Craig gave a sigh of relief and his body relaxed, Natalie felt a surge of resentment because her own body was still so tight and needy. However, Simon didn’t give her time to think about it for very long. ‘You can go now, Craig,’ he said. ‘Put on a towelling robe and take your clothes with you. I haven’t quite finished with Natalie.’

  ‘You were very good,’ said Craig appreciatively to Natalie as he obeyed. ‘If we ever meet outside The Haven, you must remind me who you are. We could have some good times together.’

  ‘That’s enough,’ said Simon, clearly angered by the man’s comments. ‘You know the rules, Craig. You’re not allowed to make assignations with any of our clients.’

  ‘It’s a free world,’ said Craig and with one final appreciative glance at the naked Natalie he left.

  ‘Well, how did I do?’ she demanded.

  ‘Very well. Did you enjoy it?’

  ‘Yes,’ she admitted. ‘It felt good watching him get so turned on.’

  ‘And it turned you on, too?’

  Natalie nodded. ‘I don’t think you really needed to ask that, did you?’

  ‘It doesn’t turn all women on, only the truly sensual ones. I expect you’re feeling pretty frustrated right now,’ he added. It seemed to Natalie that his voice was more gentle than usual.

  ‘Yes,’ she agreed, with a sudden surge of hope.

  ‘So am I.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

  ‘I mean that watching you with Craig turned me on as well. The only difference is, I can get you to do something about it.’

  Natalie stared at him. ‘You wouldn’t!’

  ‘Of course I would. What’s more, I’m going to. Here, let’s see you use your expertise on this.’

  As he unzipped himself, Natalie stood trembling in front of him, not with fear but with rage. It had been bad enough having to pleasure Craig without getting any satisfaction herself. But to know that she’d turned Simon on and to have to leave the room the only frustrated person that night was almost unendurable.

  However, even though she suspected that Simon had added this part of the lesson on for his own gratification she still didn’t dare disobey him. If it wasn’t on the official agenda, then in a way it was proof that he was more affected by her than he should be. In any case, she longed to take him in her mouth and suck him dry.

  Without him having to say any more she kneeled in front of him. She cupped his already tight testicles in her hands for a few seconds before stroking the underside of his rigid erection wit
h her thumbs. Then she enveloped him with her lips.

  She ran her tongue around his glans, allowing her teeth to graze lightly the tender flesh before dipping the tip of her tongue into the slit at its end.

  When Natalie did this Simon’s hands gripped her shoulders tightly and his legs started to tremble. He was obviously trying to hold back, to make his pleasure last, but she was too clever for him. She closed the fingers of her right hand around his shaft and moved them rhythmically up and down whilst at the same time sucking on the purple tip. She also let the fingers of her left hand stray beneath his testicles to caress his perineum. This combination proved his undoing.

  With gratifying speed Simon gave a shout that was half dismay and half pleasure. Then she was literally sucking him dry, just as she’d wanted. Although her own desperate need for a climax still hadn’t been eased she had the satisfaction of knowing that for him the pleasure had come far too quickly.

  Reluctantly, Natalie released Simon’s wilting erection from her mouth and then stood up, her taut, naked body the silent witness to her own arousal.

  Simon nodded to himself, and she realised that he knew she’d deliberately hastened his climax because he hadn’t allowed her one. Not that he could complain: he hadn’t ordered her to go slowly or make him last. All the same, she sensed that what she’d done would go against her the following day.

  ‘Excellent,’ he said politely. ‘You’ve grown very proficient at pleasuring men. Tomorrow we’ll see how proficient you’ve become at being pleasured in different ways from those that you were once used to.’

  ‘What’s going to happen?’ asked Natalie.

  ‘Tomorrow you’ll be completely helpless,’ said Simon. ‘Not helpless in the way that the girl in the basement was helpless last Sunday, but helpless because you won’t be able to do anything to control how your pleasure is allowed to build and spill.’

  Natalie began to feel nervous again. ‘Will it be in a group?’


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