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Haven Of Obedience

Page 15

by Marina Anderson

  ‘No, it will just be you and one man.’

  ‘Is he someone I know?’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ said Simon, and now she could detect a distinct note of satisfaction in his voice. ‘You know him very well indeed.’

  ‘Is Anil back for a second weekend?’ she asked eagerly.

  Simon frowned. ‘Anil?’

  ‘Yes, you must remember him. We were picked to go together last Saturday after—’

  ‘Oh, yes, of course, Anil. No, I’m sorry to disappoint you but Anil isn’t here this weekend.’

  ‘Then who’s the man?’

  ‘Why, me, of course,’ said Simon. ‘Good night.’ With that he walked out of the door, leaving Natalie to get dressed and take her throbbing, frustrated body back to her room.

  She knew that she would masturbate to a climax when she showered, otherwise she’d never be able to sleep. But the pleasure wouldn’t be the same as it would have been had Craig or Simon given it to her. In any case, Simon, with his parting words, had taken the edge off any pleasure that she might give herself. Because now she was very nervous indeed about her next lesson.

  Chapter Fourteen

  THE NEXT MORNING NATALIE awoke with a start to the sound of her door crashing open. She sat up in bed, her heart racing. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked anxiously, as Simon moved swiftly to the side of her bed.

  ‘Nothing,’ he said brusquely, and before she could say another word he’d covered her eyes with a soft blindfold. Fear flooded through her and she reached up to try and clear her vision.

  ‘Don’t touch the blindfold,’ he warned her. ‘If you remove it, then you must leave. It’s part of your lesson.’

  ‘What are you going to do to me?’ She despised herself for the slight tremor in her voice.

  ‘No more questions.’

  With that, he pulled her out of bed and jerked her nightdress off over her head before tying her wrists loosely in front of her with a piece of soft cord. Immediately she felt both helpless and vulnerable. Although her wrists weren’t tied tightly, and she knew that it would be possible to free herself, she also knew that if she did then undoubtedly this too would mean that she had to leave. The cord was a symbol of her submission.

  Despite understanding the reason for what was happening to her Natalie was still afraid, and her fear increased as Simon manhandled her out of the bedroom. She could hear voices coming from along the corridor as other residents went to breakfast. When Simon removed his hands from her shoulders and stepped away from her she began to quiver with humiliation.

  Natalie realised how she must look to other people, standing there totally exposed. But whilst she felt humiliated she was also becoming aroused by the situation. She could feel her nipples hardening and there was a gentle throbbing between her thighs, a dull ache that told her clearly that she was growing excited.

  ‘Are we allowed to touch her?’ she heard a man ask.

  ‘Of course,’ said Simon.

  Instinctively Natalie took a step backwards but almost immediately found herself trapped against the wall of the long corridor. The strange man’s hands reached out and caressed her breasts for a few minutes. Then she felt a tongue lick the hard, aching tips of her nipples for a few tantalising seconds before, with a soft laugh, the man moved on.

  ‘Stay exactly where you are,’ Simon commanded her. ‘I’ll be back in about ten minutes.’

  ‘Ten minutes!’ cried Natalie. ‘I can’t stand out here naked for ten minutes!’ But her protest was in vain because there was no reply. Now she was left shivering and alone, waiting for Simon’s return.

  All around her she heard the sound of doors opening and closing, and at regular intervals people walked past her. Occasionally hands caressed her, sometimes women’s hands and sometimes men’s, but the touches were only fleeting. They were enough to cause her nerve endings to flicker with desire, skilled and knowing but never sufficient to do more than sustain the level of arousal. Arousal that, if she was honest, had begun when Simon had dragged her from her bed.

  After a while it seemed that everyone had gone down to breakfast because the doors ceased to open and close and she was no longer touched by anyone. Now Natalie started to feel angry – angry at Simon because of what he was doing to her and angry at herself for becoming aroused. Then, as more time passed, she started to become anxious.

  As various emotions flooded through her body, so her sexual arousal grew. She longed for Simon to return and touch her between her thighs, ease the deep, throbbing ache that was starting to drive her mad. But she didn’t dare move. She guessed that she was on camera, and that somewhere Simon was watching her on a TV monitor.

  Finally, just when she’d begun to think that she was going to have to remove the blindfold, she felt two hands on each side of her waist and jumped with alarm. ‘It’s only me,’ said Simon calmly. ‘Sorry I took so long. I had to take a phone call.’

  ‘I don’t believe you,’ she hissed.

  ‘I wonder why,’ he said mockingly.

  ‘I know you wanted to humiliate me,’ she said furiously.

  ‘Why would I want to do that?’

  ‘Because you’re annoyed with me about your interview at my office.’

  There was silence for a moment. Then Simon tweaked her right nipple, far harder than he’d ever done before. She squealed with a mixture of pain and pleasure. ‘That was really naughty,’ he said reprovingly. ‘I don’t mix weekday business with my work here at The Haven, and neither should you.’

  ‘I don’t believe you.’

  ‘That’s your privilege. Come on, you don’t want to stay out here all day, do you? People will be coming back from breakfast soon. I want to get you into my tutor room before they do.’

  ‘You’re not taking me up there naked,’ she protested.

  ‘I can’t think who’s going to stop me.’ With that Simon caught hold of her bound wrists and began to lead her along the corridor and up the stairs. Natalie found it difficult to follow him. It was horrible not being able to see where she was going, and she didn’t seem able to move properly because she was nervous about bumping into things. ‘There are no cliff edges here, you know,’ said Simon. ‘You can’t fall off anything.’

  ‘Then take my blindfold off.’

  ‘I’m afraid I can’t, not until the lesson’s over. Mind how you go. Only two more steps and you’re on the next landing.’

  At last she heard him opening a door. Then he was leading her into what she assumed must be the tutor room, although she didn’t know whether it was the same one he’d used before or not.

  Abruptly Simon caught hold of her, pushing her down towards the floor until she half fell on to a pile of cushions. As she moved her bound hands around in an attempt to keep her balance she was acutely aware of the silk fabric that covered each cushion. Natalie realised that, because she could no longer see, her sense of touch was keener than normal.

  Simon arranged the cushions so that her upper body was supported and then spread her legs before moving away from her.

  ‘Where are you going?’ she asked anxiously, afraid that she would be left alone once more.

  ‘It’s all right, I’m still here,’ he assured her. A few seconds later she felt his hands on her thighs. Then his head was between her legs and he parted her sex lips before flicking his tongue against the stem of her clitoris.

  His tongue was freezing cold and she gave a scream of astonishment. After a few seconds, as the intense coldness began to lessen, he closed his mouth around the opening to her vagina and plunged his tongue deep inside her, until she was squirming frantically with excitement. Then, just as her body began to ascend towards a climax, he stopped and pushed her legs together. Frustrated, Natalie let out a whimper of despair.

  ‘Wait just a moment,’ Simon ordered her, and when his hands opened her up again she was ready for the coldness of his tongue. However, this time his tongue was very warm, as though he’d had a mouthful of hot tea or coffee. Yet again her fles
h was startled, only this time by the unexpected heat.

  She could feel herself trembling all over, her body spiralling upwards towards a dizzying climax. When he thrust his tongue inside her she felt the first tiny spasms of pleasure begin.

  ‘That’s far too soon,’ Simon murmured to himself. Once again Natalie gave a cry of despair as her thighs were pushed together and she was left aroused, frustrated and restless on the pile of cushions.

  Once more Simon left her for a while, about ten minutes as far as she could judge. Then, when her patience was nearly exhausted, he returned. Without a word he turned her on to her belly and his strong hands started to massage the muscles around her trapezius before moving down to her buttocks. Soon she was squirming against the cushions, frantically trying to stimulate her own clitoris as his fingers refused to touch her aching, throbbing bud.

  ‘Keep still,’ he ordered her. ‘I shan’t warn you again.’

  ‘I can’t help it, it feels so good,’ she moaned.

  ‘Well, be careful not to come until I tell you.’

  For a long time Simon continued to massage and caress Natalie’s back and buttocks. Then his tongue travelled slowly and tantalisingly upwards from the soles of her feet, up the calves of her legs and the backs of her knees before eventually dipping into the tiny hollow at the base of her spine. She could hear his heavy breathing. Clearly his excitement was growing as quickly as hers. But that was no comfort to her: her body felt so swollen with arousal that her skin seemed too tight, and yet he offered her no relief from the incredible tension.

  He’d aroused her so slowly and carefully that her whole body was tingling with desire, and when he left her for a moment she felt certain that soon she was going to be allowed her climax. It was only when he returned and started to part her buttocks that she realised that his idea of pleasuring her might not be the same as hers.

  Nervously she tensed. Then she felt him spreading a thick lubricating jelly between her buttocks and down beneath her, so that her inner sex lips and the clitoris itself were quickly covered with the cool lubricating jelly. Simply by spreading it over her he aroused her even more, and she moaned with pleasure as delicious hot tingles shot through her.

  ‘You’re so wet you hardly need this,’ he murmured as his fingers plunged inside her front entrance for a moment. She quivered from top to toe as he pressed lightly against her G-spot, and for one dreadful moment she thought that she was going to come. Then, with a superhuman effort, she distracted herself from the glorious sensations he was giving her and the moment of danger passed.

  ‘Very good,’ he said appreciatively. ‘Now, let’s see how you like this.’

  His hands moved from beneath her up to her buttocks once more, and now she could feel something probing at the entrance to her rectum, something large and pointed. She gave a cry of protest.

  Simon briefly massaged her throbbing clitoris until she relaxed again. ‘You really must learn to enjoy this more,’ he whispered. ‘It will certainly be important on Sunday.’ Before she could reply, he twisted his right hand and inserted a vibrator inside her back passage. As soon as it was in her he switched it on. It began to throb and pulsate, stimulating the nerves beneath the paper-thin skin. Very slowly the initial discomfort vanished, but the heavy ache between her thighs got worse and she wanted to sob with frustration. She was so close to a climax, yet because her hands were tied she was helpless to even touch herself between her thighs.

  ‘Tell me what you want,’ Simon whispered.

  ‘I want to come,’ Natalie groaned.

  ‘Then come.’

  ‘I can’t! I need more than that.’

  ‘Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. When I do, you can come.’

  She didn’t want to tell him because it made her feel even more helpless, even more under his domination. But after a few more minutes of relentless stimulation by the vibrator between her buttocks she could hold out no longer.

  ‘I want you to touch my clitoris,’ she murmured.

  ‘Speak up,’ said Simon.

  ‘Why are you doing this to me?’ she cried.

  ‘Doing what?’

  ‘Tormenting me so.’

  ‘It’s all part of the course. Believe me, it isn’t personal. I wouldn’t dare do this if it wasn’t on the agenda.’

  ‘Please, just let me come,’ she screamed.

  ‘You have to tell me what to do,’ he reminded her.

  ‘Touch my clitoris,’ Natalie shouted at the top of her voice. ‘I want you to touch it lightly, to tap your finger against it until I climax.’

  Immediately Simon slid his right hand beneath her, whilst his left hand continued to grip the vibrator firmly. At last, after all the teasing torment that she’d endured, Natalie felt his fingers sliding upwards over her frantic flesh until he located the hard little centre of her pleasure. As she drew in her breath sharply he very lightly massaged the shaft of her clitoris – and then, as she’d asked, he tapped on it with the pad of his ring finger.

  Immediately shock waves of ecstatic pleasure tore through her tormented body, and instantly her muscles contracted in a huge spasm of ecstasy that had her rolling helplessly around on the cushions. All the time she was climaxing the vibrator continued to stimulate the nerve endings in her back passage. This seemed to prolong her orgasm, because she couldn’t ever remember one lasting so long.

  Finally her exhausted body was still. Simon withdrew his hand from beneath her and at the same time switched off the vibrator. ‘There, that sounded good. Now, let’s see how quickly you can come again. I think five minutes is a fair time to set you.’

  ‘What do you mean, “set me”?’ Natalie gasped. ‘You can’t expect me to come to order.’

  ‘Of course I can. You can have a two-minute break and then we’ll begin again. Only this time I won’t be using any vibrator.’

  She didn’t know what he meant, what he intended to do. All she knew was that at this very moment she couldn’t imagine how it would be possible for her to be aroused again in such a short time.

  Still unable to see what was happening, she lay waiting. The two minutes passed incredibly quickly because, within what seemed to her like only a few seconds, she felt Simon’s hands on her breasts. For a few moments he caressed them. Although initially she didn’t respond, once he began to lick and suck at the sensitive flesh she felt her nipples harden.

  ‘You see?’ he murmured, his mouth close to her ear. ‘It will be easy for you.’

  Natalie knew that he was wrong. Just because her nipples were hard it didn’t mean she’d be able to climax. But then, as she lay waiting for him to touch her elsewhere, he took her by surprise and, grasping her by the wrists, pulled her off the bed.

  For a moment she stumbled and fell against him, feeling the lean hardness of his body. His arms went round her body to steady her, and she felt certain that for this brief moment the embrace was personal, that he cared. Then, as though anxious to correct this impression, Simon proceeded to drag her roughly across the carpet and Natalie dug her toes into the soft pile, afraid of what he was going to do.

  ‘Don’t start resisting now,’ he cautioned her. ‘You’ve done very well so far.’

  ‘I wish I could see.’

  ‘It’s better this way. The sensations are more intense.’

  It was true. Her body had never felt more alive, but all the same she didn’t like being so helpless, and having her hands bound as well increased her sense of vulnerability. It was easy for Simon to half carry her across the room and then stand her with her back against the wall, whilst pinning her hands high above her head.

  His whole body was pressed against hers now, and she could feel how excited he was. Moving carefully, he thrust his pelvis against her, slowly and deliberately arousing the first sparks of desire in her tired body. The fact that it was Simon doing this to her, Simon who was pleasuring her, gave her a sense of triumph because this was what she wanted. Natalie wanted to feel him inside her, possessin
g her, not simply out of duty but from need.

  ‘You’ve got three minutes left,’ he whispered. She thrust her hips forward against him to try and hasten her climax. ‘You’re not allowed to move,’ muttered Simon. ‘You have to wait for me to give you pleasure.’

  ‘But that’s not fair, not when I’ve got to come in three minutes.’

  ‘Stop resisting me, stop thinking that you could do this better. I’ve never known anyone so obstinate,’ he murmured. Then she felt his mouth against the side of her neck. His teeth nipped at the skin beneath her left ear and he began to rub himself roughly against her while making deep moaning sounds in his throat.

  By this time Natalie was whimpering too as waves of arousal began to flood through her. She could feel her sex lips opening to receive him, desperate for him to fill the hungry, aching space between her thighs. When he abruptly slammed into her she cried out with delight.

  ‘You like that, do you?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she groaned.

  Immediately Simon’s hips stopped moving, so that although she could still feel him inside her there was no other stimulation. She wanted to wail with frustration because she’d been so close to coming, balanced right on the edge of the hot, delicious pleasure. ‘I’m sorry,’ she gasped. ‘I didn’t realise that it was wrong to want to feel you inside me.’

  To her relief it seemed that her words were all that Simon needed to hear before continuing, because immediately she’d spoken he started to thrust again.

  She could hear his breath coming in rapid gasps. As he drove in and out of her, the friction between their entwined sweat-streaked bodies increased the stimulation for both of them so that within seconds they were totally lost in the intensity of their coupling.

  Natalie’s shoulders were rubbing against the wall. It was difficult for her to get herself comfortable but she didn’t care. Simon was taking her so savagely, clearly driven by pent-up desire, that she knew with absolute certainty that she’d been right about him. He did feel something for her, something more than he felt for other girls on the course. Realising this, and knowing that he’d now lost control of his own body, Natalie, aware that she was reaching her time limit, tightened her vaginal muscles around him. Immediately, the pleasure that had been flickering deep within her exploded into an all-consuming spasm that raced through her body.


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