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Cupcake Kisses & Dragon Dreams

Page 8

by Julia Mills

  Doing as he was told, Murdock gently slid his hands under Kalliope’s legs and back and cuddled her close to his chest. Following the pathway the god and goddess had used, he felt it necessary to stop, turn towards the deities and after finally finding his voice, reiterate, “Most gracious Hecate and glorious Lugh, thank you for all you have done for Kalliope and for me.”

  Nodding as only deities could do, Hecate and Lugh answered in unison, their godly voices filling the Guardsman with light and hope, “You are most welcome, Murdock, Guardsman and Dragon of Sea and Sky. May you and your mate live long with the Blessing of the Gods and Goddesses both Greek and Celtic.”

  Bowing his head, he felt the infusion of their blessing not only in his soul but also in Kalliope’s. Walking to the edge of the cliffs, Murdock sat down, his mate safely in his arms and gazed at the moon descending in the West as the light of the sun barely shone over the horizon to the East.

  Kissing Kalliope on the head, feeling the healing magic of the god and goddess within her, whispered, “Today, Ah give thanks tae the Moon and the Sun fur savin’ yur life, fur without ye, mo ghrá, Ah wooud surely be lost.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Waking up in Murdock’s arm with the sun rising over the soft waves of the morning sea was the singularly most amazing moment of Kalliope’s life, and then he began to explain what she’d missed, and she simply could not believe her ears. “You have got to be kidding me,” she gasped. “There were three gods and a goddess in the same place, and I was down for the count? Doesn’t that just figure?”

  Pulling her close, she could tell her Dragon wasn’t completely comfortable with affection but had no doubts she could show him the way. Cuddling into his chest, she let the love she could feel coming through their Mating bond settle over her and then, like an iron skillet to the back of the head, she remembered her runaway spell.’

  Her head popped up, and she looked right at Murdock as she blurted out, “Did Calysta reverse Grams’ True Love Spell. Is she mad? Am I gonna lose my wand, or my magic or Goddess forbid, my head?”

  Smiling the most glorious smile she’d ever seen in her life, her incredibly handsome Dragon laughed, “It is all taken care of, mo ghrá.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he leaned back and went on, “It wasn’t your fault at all. It was just more of Cernunnos evil doing. He used it as a diversion to get to you.”

  What a dickhead,” she spat, immediately slapping her hand over her mouth and apologizing, “I’m so sorry.” Lowering her hand as her mate laughed out loud, she shrugged, “Did I mention that I have a mouth like a sailor.”

  Leaning forward, Murdock laid his lips to hers and he kissed her with more love and adoration than she’d ever imagined, whispered directly into her mind, “I absolutely love your mouth. Let me show you exactly how much.”

  Needless to say, it was nearly dinner time by the time they finally made it back to the cottage where Murdock was staying in the Lair of the Blue Dragons, and no sooner had he opened the door then a mob of people yelled, “Welcome home, Kalliope and Murdock.”

  Getting down on one knee in front of not only her Priestess and her best friends but also a whole bunch of Dragons she knew she would be meeting, her Dragon took her left hand in his and smiled, “Kalliope Jane Sugarbaker, Ah know we haven’t known each other very long, but Ah knoow with every fiber of me bein’ that ye are the one and oonly woman in the entire world for me. Ah want to spend e’ery day of forever showing ye how very much Ah love ye. Wooud ye do me the honor of officially becoming me mate, before the Elders, me brethren and the Universe?”

  Letting her head fall to the side, Kallie pretended to have to think about it and then dropped to her knees, chuckling at the look of shock on Murdock’s face. Placing her free hand over their combined hands, she winked, “Only if you’ll officially be my mate, in front of my Priestess, my friends and the Goddess of All.”

  Pulling her into his arms, Murdock slammed his lips to hers, answering in the true way of mates, “Always and forever, mo chroí, Ah am yurs. Until the world stops turning, the sun stops shining, and the stars fall from the sky, I love ye as no Dragon has ever loved his mate.”

  “Dammit all if I don’t love every sparkling scale on your hide, Murdock Deóireach. How soon can we do this whole official thing?”

  “How’s tomorrow?”

  “I love the way you think,” she sighed, falling into their kiss, not worried who saw or where they were.

  Standing, pulling her along with him, Kalliope’s Dragon shook his head and winked as he turned to all their guests and announced, “She said yes. The ceremony will be tomorrow at noon on the beach.”

  Looking her up and down with such a powerful look in his eyes that her body shook with its intensity she could only smile like a silly sap as Murdock sighed, “You are absolutely perfect.” Giving her a wink that she felt to the very bottom of her soul, he added, “I cannae wait to be alone with you,” directly into her mind.

  “You are such a tease, Dragon Man…and I like it.”

  The party she later found out was Calysta, Della, Alicia, Daphne and Meredith’s idea went until all hours of the night. It seemed that being healed by a god and a goddess trumped nearly dying, and everyone thought she could party right along with the rest of them, but sadly she fell asleep while the party was in full swing and barely remembered Murdock carrying her to bed when she woke up bright and early the next morning.

  Wondering where her wonderful mate was, Kallie rolled over onto his side of the bed, letting the miraculous scent of salty sea air and sexy man fill her senses and saw a note with her name on it propped against the alarm clock. Reaching for the folded piece of cream-colored paper, she opened it up, smiling as she read, Dearest Kalliope, I have gone to take care of the preparations for our mating ceremony. Know that I will be thinking of you and cannot wait until I again lay eyes on you. All my love, always and forever, M~.

  Swooning like a silly schoolgirl and not one iota ashamed of it, Kallie made her way towards the kitchen for a cup, stopping halfway down the hall as she heard the familiar bickering of Daphne and Meredith. Shaking her head, hurried forward, crossing the threshold she put her thumb and forefinger in her mouth, whistled as loud as she could and when her besties were quiet teased, “Seriously? You can’t even get along on my Mating day?”

  “Nope,” they shook their heads in unison then Daphne added, “And you wouldn’t have us any other way.”

  “Damn straight,” Kallie laughed out loud. “Now, get me a cup of coffee. It’s my day, and it’s your job to do as I say.”

  “Oh, brother,” Meredith griped, rolling her eyes. “Miss High and Mighty sure is up on her pedestal today.” Busting out laughing, she added, “But, hey, I guess being kidnapped by a god, nearly killed and getting mated in less than forty-eight hours is a darned good excuse to be princess for the day.”

  “That’s what I’m talkin’ about,” Kallie high-fived her friend as Meredith sat a steaming mug of coffee in front of her.

  Taking her first sip, she moaned, “Oh my Goddess, I think that is the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had.”

  “Yeah, well, you better get a move on. We’re under strict instructions from that Dragon of yours not to let you be late for the ceremony.” Pointing at the clock on the wall, Daphne added, “So, that means we’ve got less than three hours because someone slept in.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Kalliope chuckled, getting out of her chair with her coffee in her hand and heading out of the kitchen. “I’ll go get a shower and meetcha in the bedroom.” Stopping she turned towards her friends and asked, “You did bring my makeup, right?”

  “Of course, Goofball. Calysta called and gave a list of what to bring.”

  Slapping her hand over her heart, Kallie breathed a sigh of relief, “Thanks so much. Y’all are just the best.”

  “We know,” Daph and Merrie chuckled in unison with Meredith adding, “Now, hurry up or I’m calling Murdock and tellin’ on you.”

Scrunching up her face and wagging the index finger of her free hand in the air, Kalliope stuck out her tongue and sassed, “Nanny-nanny-boo-boo,” before turning tail and running down the hall with her mug over her head to keep it from spilling.

  Jumping out the shower, hair wrapped in a towel and wearing Murdock’s huge terrycloth robe, Kallie ran into the bedroom, jumped on the bed between her two best friends and asked, “Where the hell is Jesse? I meant to ask y’all last night but…well, I…”

  “Collapsed on the couch like a slug while we are partied our butts off?” Daphne asked, her eyes big and her lips pursed like their old Potions Master, Madam Tilberry.

  Booping her feisty friend on the tip of the nose, Kalliope sassed right back, “Okay, so, just tell me.”

  “He said to tell you that’s he sorry that he can’t be here on your special day, but unbeknownst to him, Jeffrey had planned an island getaway for their fifth anniversary. He wanted to be sure you knew how happy he is for you and that when he and Jeff get back, they want to have you and Murdock over for dinner.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet. I hope they have a good time.” Sure, she missed Jesse but was so very happy that he and his husband were celebrating together. “Alright, now let’s get to it. I don’t want the grumpy, growling Murdock to make an appearance because I kept him waiting.” She sat up. “There’ll be plenty of time for him to figure out that I am never on time later.” She swatted Meredith on the knee as the other Witch mumbled, “Oh yeah, he’ll find out sooner rather than later.”

  “Oh, hush.”

  The doorbell cut off whatever witty retort Daphne was cooking up as Meredith hopped off the bed and ran out of the room. Returning almost as quickly as she’d left, this time with a huge smile on her face, the sweet Witch carried a huge white box wrapped in a turquoise satin ribbon. Setting it in the middle of the bed, she teased in a singsong voice. “Kallie and Murdock sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

  “Whatever,” Kalliope scoffed, secretly loving that her Dragon was sending her a present on their Mating day.

  “Open it. Open it.” The girls chanted, jumping up and down on the bed.

  “Okay, okay, I’m openin’ it. I’m openin’ it,” she joked, getting to her knees and carefully untying the bow.

  Lifting the lid off the box, Kallie removed the tissue paper and fell back onto her butt dumbfounded at the beautiful white silk gown before her. Pulling it from the box, tears filled her eyes as she gazed upon the strapless bodice that tapered to the waist with a flowing floor-length skirt embellished with tiny turquoise flames and waves. Every detail was perfect, even the blue satin ribbon with delicate little sea shells adorning the hem.

  “That is absolutely gorgeous, and you’re gonna look amazing in it,” Daphne awed. “And, if I remember my instructions from your very bossy mate correctly, there’s more under all that tissue paper.”

  Sifting through what seemed to be a box full of stuffing, at the bottom she found an elegant pair of white silk slippers, each embroidered with a tiny set of blue Dragon wings floating on little waves just below the toe, and a note addressed to her.

  My dearest Kalliope, Words sometimes escape me, but I need you to know how very much you mean to me. Tonight we become one, together forever, never to be parted. I promise to love you more than the stars love the sky, and the ocean loves the water. For you, mo ghrá, are the light of my soul and the love of my life. All my love, always and forever, Murdock.

  She didn’t try to stop the happy tears that wet her cheeks after reading the precious words from her mate. Her Dragon was everything she never knew she wanted. He was rough and gruff and growled for no reason, but when he looked at her, there was nothing but love and adoration. She could imagine what it would be like in a hundred, or even two hundred, years. Just as Grams had always told her – the Universe and the Goddess do not make mistakes. Murdock was perfect, and Kallie couldn’t wait to start their happily ever after.

  Looking up, she saw the smiles on her best friends’ faces, and her heart filled to bursting. Wiping tears from her face, she looked at the clock on the bedside table and chuckled, “Well, we better get busy. We’re down to two hours until I become Kalliope Jane Deóireach.” She stopped and shook her head. “Boy howdy, that’s a name and a half huh?”

  Chuckling along as they also wiped the tears from under their eyes, Daphne teased, “Please, for the love of the Goddess, do not add a hyphen Sugarbaker. The way you order takeout, every delivery guy within twenty miles will be messin’ that up.”

  “Who are you tellin’?” Kalliope laughed out loud. “And I’ll sound like a super pretentious chef instead of Kallie from Kalliope’s Kupcake Kitchen.”

  “Will all of that even fit on the teleprompter?” Meredith giggled.

  Laughing so hard she couldn’t catch her breath, Kallie gasped, “Who knows?” Taking another breath, she added, “But we gotta get a move on.” Looking in the mirror, she ran her fingers through her wet hair. “Cause y’all have to help me do something with this mess.”

  Exactly an hour-and-a-half later, Kallie looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe the sight before her. Daph and Merrie had tamed her crazy curls in a loose chignon with curly tendrils flowing onto her shoulders and even added, little blue mountain pansies and baby’s breath. Looking at her friends’ reflection in the mirror, she worked hard to hold back her tears as she smiled, “You guys know how much I love you, right? I couldn’t have asked for better friends.”

  Acting tough, but having to clear her throat twice to speak, Daph rolled her eyes as she swatted Kallie’s shoulder. “Yeah, well remember that when our time comes, ‘cause you know you’ll be baking the cake for free.”

  Laughing so loud she almost missed the ringing of the doorbell, Kallie asked, “Daph, will you go get the door while I get into my dress?”

  “You got it.” Daphne gave a single nod before turning and heading out the door.

  Picking up her gown from the end of the bed, Kallie turned to Meredith, “Can you help me get into this. Ya’ know if I try by myself, I’ll just mess up my hair and smear my makeup.”

  “For sure,” Merri winked. “And then I’d have to kill ya’.”

  Between nerves and excitement, Kallie was dressed and sliding her feet into her ballet slippers in less than five minutes. Kissing Meredith on the cheek and thanking her for at least the hundredth time, the soon-to-be mated Witch hurried into the hall and towards the front.

  Stopping for a quick second to also give Daphne a kiss on the cheek and quick hug, along with another thank you, Kallie turned towards Maddox and Brannoc, grinning from ear-to-ear at their amazing turquoise surcoats. She knew from the images she’d seen in Murdock’s mind that it was the exact color of the scales of her mate’s Dragon, the winged, and most of the time finned, warrior, who was also to be her mate. She couldn’t wait to soar through the sky on his back or through the waves of the deep blue sea. Riding a Dragon had always been a dream of hers.

  Coming back to the present, Kallie couldn’t believe how much like Knights of the Round Table from all the old movies she’d watched that Maddox and Brannoc looked with the silver rope trimming their dress uniforms, and the intricate stitchery on the front. The scene depicting a Dragon bursting from the depths of the sea and immediately taking flight was nothing short of breathtaking and was emphasized by the black long-sleeved undershirt and pants, and knee high-black boots polished to a high shine that each man wore.

  Placing her hands on their bent elbows, Kallie just had to tease Maddox, the one they all called the Mad Dragon, who also happened to be her Grand Priestess’ mate. “Ya’ know, Maddox, now I can see why Calysta loves you so much.” She watched the older Guardsman struggle not to smile as she went on, “You sure do clean up nice.”

  Busting out laughing on her other side, Brannoc barked, “Oh my Heavens, you are gonna set my Uncle right on his ass, aren’t ya.”

  Turning her head, Kallie winked at the younger Guardsman, “I’m gonna gi
ve it a damn good try.”

  All three snickering as they walked towards the ornately decorated carriage at the end of the sidewalk, Kalliope stopped laughing and stared. “Pinch me, y’all,” she whispered. “’Cause I have to be dreaming.”

  She had no clue how he knew, was sure she hadn’t told him, but nonetheless there it was, the exact carriage she’d always dreamed of riding in. Deep mahogany with elegant carvings bordering the door and decorating the ledge of the entire vehicle, Kallie felt like Cinderella heading for the ball, and she owed it all to her wonderful Dragon.

  As Maddox opened the door, a set of four steps effortlessly rolled to the ground. Brannoc helped her into the carriage, asking, “You all right in there?” Then waiting until she nodded before gently shutting the door.

  Kallie marveled at the light turquoise, crushed velvet seats and the absolutely stunning hand-painted mural covering all four walls. Looking closely, she could see the depiction of an entire Dragon Clan in the midst of a celebration. As her eyes took in the splendor of something obviously from a time long ago, she caught sight of a bouquet of long-stemmed red and white roses tied with a single turquoise ribbon lying on the seat opposite her.

  Reaching across, Kallie lifted the flowers into her lap, inhaling their succulent aroma, as she dreamt of what was still to come. A small card tucked lovingly in her bundle of flowers carried a simple message that made her heart beat just a bit faster. “Not even the gods can keep us apart. Always and forever. Love, Murdock.”

  The carriage slowed and the scent of sea air filled the air around her. Trembling with excitement, Kallie nearly jumped out of the carriage when Brannoc finally opened the door. Helping her down while Maddox held the door, Brann took her hand, walking her towards the start of the happily ever after she’d always dreamt of.

  Once her feet were on the wooden bridge decorated with red and white roses, like those she carried, tied with the same turquoise ribbon that was blowing in the breeze, Maddox handed her the bouquet and together with Brannoc stepped back to either side of the bridge, looking as if they were standing guard.


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