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Cupcake Kisses & Dragon Dreams

Page 9

by Julia Mills

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I promise to make lots of cupcakes and goodies. Y’all are just the best.”

  Even Maddox smiled as they replied in unison, “It was our pleasure.”

  Step by precious step, Kalliope came closer to the man who’d battled an angry god and promised to love her forever. If she was honest, which she always was, there was always a part of her that doubted she would ever find the right man, but as usual, the Universe and the Goddess had had her back. Murdock was everything she could ever hope for and so very much more.

  Making her way onto the sand, she took her time, gazing in awe at the elaborate preparations Murdock had made in less than a day. Ten yards from where she stood was a massive archway covered in red and white roses, along with hundreds upon hundreds of turquoise and white ribbons woven through the lattice and dancing on the wind as if celebrating right along with her.

  To the left sat three ornate chairs on a large platform that resembled thrones right out of one of her favorite TV series, and she couldn’t believe that even the podium they sat on was decorated with red and white roses, spilling from large ceramic urns wrapped in enormous turquoise and white bows.

  Growing impatient, Kallie was pleasantly surprised to see the Elders of the Blue Dragons’ Clan – Rian, Niall, Marcas, and Stefan taking their places upon the platform. It was not unlike when they’d paid her an impromptu visit earlier during the party the night before. Only this time, she was prepared for their arrival.

  Kalliope’s attention was drawn to the left as four Guardsmen, those that were still in the lair and not out saving their brethren or battling demons and that Murdock was closest, appeared. She was sad that Murdock’s brother, Atticus, wasn’t there. Over and over, she’d tried to convince her Mate to wait, but he flatly refused, stating, “Ah’m no gonna wait a second loonger than Ah have tae.” That was her Dragon, strong and stubborn and totally loveable, no matter the situation.

  Watching the men file in, she noted the slightly different hues of blue on each man’s surcoat. Brannoc’s was the light blue of a summer sky, and Declan’s a primary blue matched the straightforward man she’d recently met. Then there was Pearce, whose surcoat had an iridescent glow added to its cobalt color, making her wonder how brightly the scales of his Dragon would shine in the sunlight. Maddox brought up the rear, dressed in bright blue with silver highlights, just as majestic as the man himself.

  The sound of boots on the sand came from the opposite direction of where the Guardsmen had entered. Turning in her chair, Kallie’s breath caught in her lungs as Murdock appeared looking better than any Dragon, or man, had a right to. She could do little more than stare. Her pulse raced. Her heart beat like thunder as he walked to his place beside the archway, holding her hostage with his hypnotic gaze.

  After a few seconds of silence, Rian, the Leader of their Clan and someone Murdock had known since the other man was a small boy, began to speak. Ringing out loud and clear, his voice commanded the attention of everything and everyone. It was easy to see why he’d been chosen to lead their kin.

  “Long ago, when Knights and Dragons fought side by side for King and country, it became apparent that Dragon kin was no longer safe from those who would expose and destroy them. In an effort to protect their race, the Dragon Kings sought to join with the Knights who had so valiantly fought by their sides during so many battles – victories and losses, always their comrades. Thus, through magic and the will of both Dragon and Knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.”

  “In the infinite wisdom of our Founding Elders, clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon Kings whose soul we carry within our own. Each assigned a region in which to make their home, build a life for them and those to come and to protect. Over time, some have flourished, some have ceased to exist, and others have been born from the joining of many. As the Leader of the Blue Thunder Clan, it is an incredible honor to stand among my brethren in celebration. We are brothers in blood, brothers in battle, and brothers in loyalty.”

  “We are here, in the place where land meets the sea to join together a mighty warrior and his lovely mate. It is only fitting that this is where we should bless their union, acknowledging the two natures of our brethren, Murdock. The earth has been long blessed by our ancestors that have gone before us. Every place we find the light of our soul is sacred, holy. It is an honor to witness the power of what the Universe and the Goddess put into place at our inception. Today, under the light of the beautifully bright sun, we will acknowledge and bless the mating of Murdock Deóireach to the one the Universe made for him, Kalliope Jane Sugarbaker. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

  Brannoc stood, a brilliant smile on his face as he winked in Kallie’s direction before addressing the Elders. “We, three of the Aherne Force of the Blue Thunder Clan, wish to witness and offer our blessing to one born of our blood and the mate of his heart. May their lives now and forever be a testament to all we hold dear…love, honor, and loyalty. As you are one, let your strength see you through many years and the children of your children’s children smile upon you.” Turning towards his uncle, Brann added, “Dock, I cannot tell you how happy I am to have you back on dry land. I pray with all my heart that you and Kallie are as happy and blessed as Annie and I are. Take care and be happy, for no one deserves it more than you and your mate.” Giving Murdock a nod, Brannoc turned and rejoined his Force.

  Stepping forward, Maddox spoke, his voice filled with more emotion than Kallie had imagined the Mad Dragon could muster when it wasn’t about his mate. It just reaffirmed what she already knew, there was none other like the Universe’s winged warriors – the Dragon Guard. “From the oldest among us to the youngest, I stand as testament to the power of the Dragons and offer this blessing from the ancestors who have gone ahead to prepare us a place in the Heavens. Live long, love often, and never look away from the light of your soul. The Universe does not make mistakes. She has given you both life that you may share it. Be happy, as that is Her fondest wish for all her children.”

  After the moment of silence, Rian confidently stated. “Your witness and blessings have been acknowledged and accepted Brethren. It is truly a blessed event to have one of our oldest mated to the one made for him. Murdock, you may go to your mate. Please escort her to the Sacred Circle before the Elders assembled here.”

  With his mind fully open to hers, Murdock stalked towards Kalliope, the fire and passion of their connection roaring to life. His emotions became her emotions, his thoughts her thoughts. She was his prey, and oh so very happy to be caught by her Dragon warrior. Taking the flowers from her hands, he placed them on the seat beside her then gently slid his fingers through hers. Slowly walking her back to the Elders, he filled her mind with images of all the ways he was going to make her his for eternity.

  Once they were in place, Rian began again, “The blue Dragons were born of sea and sky, and there is no better to exemplify that than Murdock, whose Dragon King, Raibert, made from both the essence of the ocean below and glorious sky above. These Dragons are symbolic of the vastness of our existence and the infinity of our souls. They possess the ability to experience life from all aspects. They are highly protective and incredibly magical. Blue Dragons are known for their patience and loyalty. The azure, no matter the shade, of their scales symbolizes the boundless sky and the deep calmness of the waters. Blue Dragons immediately see every advantage, protect home and family with their very lives, and welcome the rising tides of change with calm and determined acceptance. To mate a Blue Dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.”

  “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all the days of your life, Murdock.”

  The Elders left the beach as Brannoc, Maddox, Pearce and Declan positioned light blue silk panels around the couple, giving them privacy where just seconds before there had been none. In a flash, the Dragons were gone, and Kalliope was finally and most ble
ssedly alone with her mate.

  Looking at the man she would give her life for, Kallie could only stare. Murdock was magnificent in more ways she had yet to discover. He smiled a smile she knew was just for her, the one that made her weak in the knees as she chuckled, knowing immediately that he’d heard her thoughts. It was a comfort she’d never expected to feel to know he felt exactly the same way. The longer they stared at one another, the deeper and darker his eyes became, until they glowed from deep within, outshining the sun overhead.

  Lowering his lips to hers, Murdock stopped, hovering just above her mouth, and whispered, “Tá tú mo ghrá eternal. Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat,” before capturing her lips with his.

  Just as it always was when he opened himself to her, Kallie could feel Murdock and Raibert, the Dragon King within his soul everywhere. She was consumed with a heat that laid her open…body, heart, and soul, to her mate.

  Gasping at what felt like a bee stinging the left side of her neck, Kalliope willingly went when Murdock pulled her even closer, moving his lips from hers, and trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck, reaching the spot that was still tender to the touch. Licking and sucking the offending area until all thoughts of anything but their naked bodies loving one another fled from her mind, Kallie’s fingers gripped her mate’s shoulders letting him know beyond all doubt that she never wanted to be anywhere but in his arms.

  Placing her hands on either side of his face, Kallie pulled his lips to hers, pouring everything she felt into their embrace, driving them both until they were breathless. Pulling back, Murdock looked deep into her eyes, a grin curving the side of his mouth at the same time that she saw a mischievous glint that made her chuckle, “What exactly are you up to, Dock?”

  “Things that will make ye head spin, Mrs. Dock.”

  “Ya’ know, I think I like that name…a whole big bunch.”

  Leaning in to give him a kiss, Murdock pulled back. “Ah want noothin’ more than tae kiss ye everywhere fur every moment of the rest of our lives, but Ah hae a surprise fur ye that jist cannae wait.” Winking and making Kallie laugh out loud, he picked her up, moved the silken panels with his boot, and using his enhanced speed, whisked her across the beach.

  Travelin’ by Dragon sure beats a broom anyday…

  Speeding up a path that led them to a cave that had been decorated with the same flowers as their mating ceremony, Murdock dashed inside then gently set her on her feet. As her eyes adjusted to the dark from the bright sunlight outside, Kallie saw candles burning on every available surface, and a pallet of thick fluffy blankets stacked high in the center of the space.

  When Murdock spoke, his voice was full of a longing that echoed her own, pulling her to him, body and soul. “Ah wanted to take you to my home under the sea, but Kalliope, mo ghrá, I cannae wait that loong.” Motioning out to his side, he went on, “So, this is as close as I can get for now.” Closing the scant distance between them, her Dragon added, “For you see, Kalliope Deóireach, you are my world. You make me whole and happy, and I love you with all that I am.”

  Struck speechless by the utter honesty of her mate, Kallie could do nothing but throw her arms around Murdock’s neck and kiss her Dragon as if her very life depended upon it. Her hands slid under his surcoat, forcing it to the ground. His black T-shirt followed. Sparks of their connection arched between them igniting a fire neither ever wanted to extinguish.

  Sliding down his body, Kalliope placed butterfly kisses on his delectable skin, tasting the special spots she planned to revisit again and again. Appreciating every inch that was her mate, the sassy Witch enjoyed his hiss of pleasure as she rubbed her body against his straining cock.

  Removing his belt, she unbuttoned his pants, letting her hand tease the trail of dark hair that disappeared into his pants. Her fingers once again stretched to cover as much of his impressive erection as she could. She smiled as it pulsed against her palm, a sign of just how much she excited him. Working her fist to the tip, she wet her thumb in the warm proof of his excitement making Murdock throw back his head as he gasped into her mind,, “Kalliope, mo ghra’, I love you with all that I am.”

  Answering back directly into his mind, just as he had spoken to her, Kallie sighed “And I love you, my Dragon man, so very, very much.”

  Moving his hips, his arousal growing with their combined heartbeat, Murdock dragged his cock across her palm a split second before his breathing became ragged and he growled low in his throat. Kalliope marveled at the mark of twin Dragon scales irrevocably intertwined and floating on a set of waves that bounced with Dock’s rapid pulse at the base of his neck.

  She knew for certain that tattoo had not been there before. Then, a conversation she’d had with Calysta came to mind, and the little Witch instantly knew it was their mating mark, and that she, too, carried the brand for all the world to see.

  Working her fist up and down his generous length, Kallie felt Murdock grow harder still. Using her free hand and with his help, she shoved his pants to the ground. Kicking them out of the way, she placed her free hand on his thigh and leaned forward, taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could.

  His essence on her tongue was a perfect mix of sweet and salty, making Kallie think of the sea, the sky and the man the Universe had blessed her with to love forever and ever. Letting her tongue massage the bulging vein running the length of the underside of his erection, she felt her mate’s cock throb in reaction. Slowly pulling back until she could tease the slit at the tip with her tongue, Kallie was lost on an erotic cloud of love, desire and complete harmony with her mate.

  With her hand on his thigh, she felt his muscles quiver and knew he wanted to thrust his hips but was calling upon his amazing strength to hold still. Longing to see her mate come completely undone, as she’d dreamt of more times than she could remember, Kallie, sucked his cock all the way into her mouth until the tip touched the back of her throat. Humming low in her throat, Kalliope chuckled in her mind at Murdock’s low, rumbling groan.

  Moving his hands to her shoulders, she felt him try to push her back, even pulling his hips back in an effort to dislodge his cock from her mouth. When she slid her hand around his thigh and pulled him closer, Murdock objected, “Nay, Kallie, yoou dinnae have tae do this. Ah’m ‘bout to come.”

  Her need to give him pleasure and the feelings flowing between them spurred her on. She answered, adding a little sass to her tone, “I want all of you. Hold nothing back, my love.”

  Pulling him back into her mouth, she mercilessly teased him with her tongue, but this time, she moved her fist up and down the base of his cock, massaging his balls with her free hand. Throwing back his head for the second time, Murdock yelled to the ceiling “Kalliope… Kallie… mo chroi… trócaire…”

  Chuckling in her mind at his use of the word mercy in ancient Gaelic and unable to answer his plea, Kallie merely hummed, “mmmmmhhmmmmmm,” the vibrations a happy accident that caused him to groan all the louder and longer.

  Feeling him fighting his passion, ready when he tried to pull from her mouth as hard as she tried to keep him with her, Kallie smiled against his cock as the resulting movement was a give and take where they met one another stroke for stroke until his balls in her hand drew tight to his body. Not one to ever give up, her Dragon changed his tactics, sliding his hands under her arms, and trying to lift her from the ground. Instead, Kallie quickened her pace until Murdock roared her name just as she felt the warm flow of his essence fill her mouth and slide down her throat. Accepting every drop, Kallie worked him in and out of her mouth until his breathing reluctantly slowed. Only then did she let him fall from her lips.

  Kneeling before her, Murdock’s expression made Kallie feel like she was the most beautiful thing in the world and his words quite simply rocked her to the core. “Whate’er Ah did too deserve you, Ah’d do a million times o’er. It’ll take several lifetimes tae show ye the depth of my love for you.”

  Ever so slowly, her Dragon leaned forwar
d, placing a kiss above one eyebrow and then the other, one cheek and then the other, loving her with his lips, touching as many places as he could until he had worked his way to her neck. His journey continued to the very top of the white gown she still wore. Every inch of her décolletage knew his worship, while his hands slowly untied and unwound the ribbon holding her bodice tight. Her dress hit the ground like the fall of the leaves from the trees in the beautiful autumn breeze.

  Standing before her Dragon in nothing but the white lace panties Daph and Merrie had given her just that morning, Kallie had her first case of nerves. But her Dragon would not be denied. Leaning back, Murdock looked her up and down with passion burning so brightly in his eyes they were once again glowing, he whispered, “Ye are more beautiful than all the stars in the sky.”

  At the sound of his voice, husky and raspy with arousal, and the wonderful words he’d spoken, Kallie’s nipples hardened just shy of the point of pain, and the juices that until now had gathered in her pussy wet the inside of her thigh. Slamming his lips to hers, Murdock kissed her as if she was the very air he breathed, pouring more love and devotion than she’d ever imagined possible into that one passionate embrace.

  Laying her back on the soft pallet he’d prepared for them, Kallie knew without a doubt she would never be able to survive more than a few minutes without his touch. Murdock had invaded her very being. He was now a part of her in every way possible. She could feel him everywhere, in her heart, in her soul…in the very fiber of her being and she felt as if she could fly without wings. The sensual overload was earth-shattering. His fingers slid under the lace at her hip and a slight tug later, she was completely naked and utterly at his mercy.

  Lifting her hips in an effort to force his wandering hands where her need was becoming uncontrollable, Kallie instead heard her Dragon’s chuckle echoed through her mind as he placed one hand flat on the skin above the curls covering her pussy and held her still. Screaming in frustration, she could barely get more than his name across her lips, “Murdock...oh my Goddess…Murdock… Please…Please… I need…”


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