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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 11

by Shawn Conners




  太公说:令我前军,每天前往挑战,以懈怠敌人的斗志;令我老弱士卒,拖动树枝,扬起灰尘,击鼓呐喊,往来不停,以壮我军声势。我挑战部队或出现在敌人右 边,或出现在敌人左边,距离敌人不超过百步,在我不断扰乱下,敌人的将帅必定疲于应付,敌人的士卒必定发生恐慌。这样,敌人就不敢前来了。我军反复不停的扰乱,或袭击他的内部,或打击他的外部,然后,全军疾速投入战斗,敌人就一定会被打败了。


  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led our troops deep into the territory of the feudal lords and are confronting the enemy. The two deployments encamp across from each other, are equal in numbers and strength, and neither dares to move first. I want to cause the enemy’s general to become terrified; their officers and men to become dispirited; their battle array to become weak; their reserve army to want to run off; and those deployed in front to be shaken. I want to beat the drums, set up a clamor, and take advantage of it to attack and cause the enemy to run off. How can we do it?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In this case, send our troops out about ten miles from the enemy’s rear and have them conceal themselves on both flanks. Send your chariots and cavalry out about 100 miles and have them assume positions to cut across both enemy’s front and rear. Multiply the number of flags and pennants, and increase the number of gongs and drums. When the battle starts, beat the drums, set up a clamor and have your men all rise up together. The enemy’s general will surely be afraid and his army will be terrified. Large and small groups cannot come to each other’s rescue; upper and lower ranks cannot help each other; and the enemy will definitely be defeated.”

  King Wu asked: “Suppose the enemy has gained the terrain advantage, thus we cannot conceal troops on the flanks, and moreover our chariots and cavalry have no way to cross behind them and assume positions to cut off the enemy’s front and the rear. The enemy anticipates my plans and makes preemptive preparations. Our officers and soldiers are dispirited, our generals are terrified. If we engage in battle, we will not be victorious. What then?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “An interesting question. In this case, five days before engaging in battle, dispatch distant patrols to observe their activities and analyze their forward movement in order to prepare an ambush and await them. We must meet the enemy on ‘death’ ground’. Spread our flags and pennants out over great distances, disperse our arrays and formations. We must race forward to meet the enemy. After the battle has started, make a sudden retreat, beating the gongs to signal it. Withdraw about three miles, beyond the ambush, then turn about and attack. Your concealed troops should simultaneously arise. Some should penetrate the flanks; others attack their vanguard and rear guard positions. If the army fervently engages in battle, the enemy will certainly run off.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.




  太公说:你所问的确实很微妙啊!象这种情况,在战前五天就应向远方派遣斥候,窥探敌人的动静,观察敌军前来的征候,预设伏兵等待他。必须在对敌人最不利的 “死地”与敌军遭遇,使我先头部队疏散旌旗,行列不整,我以一部兵力向敌前进,刚一交锋即行撤退,故意鸣金收兵,后退三里再回头反击,这时伏兵乘机而起,或突击故军两旁,或抄袭敌军前后,全军备力作战,敌人必败而逃走。


  Gongs and Drums

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords where we are confronting the enemy. The weather has been either extremely hot or very cold, and it has been raining incessantly day and night for ten days. The ditches and ramparts are all collapsing; defiles and barricades are unguarded; our patrols have become negligent; and the officers and men are not alert. Suppose the enemy comes at night, and our army is unprepared while the upper and lower ranks are confused and disordered. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In general, for the army, alertness makes for solidity, laziness results in defeat. Order our guards on the ramparts to unceasingly challenge everyone. Have all those bearing the signal flags, both inside and outside encampment, watch each other, responding to each other’s orders with countersigns, but do not allow them to make any noise. All efforts should be externally oriented.

  “3,000 men should comprise a detachment. Instruct and constrain them with warning, requiring each of them to exercise vigilance at his post. If the enemy approaches, when they see our state of readiness and alertness, they will certainly turn around. As a result, their strength will become exhausted and their spirits dejected. At that moment, send forth our elite troops to follow and attack them.”

  King Wu asked: “The enemy, knowing we are following him, conceals elite troops in ambush while pretending to continue to retreat. When we reach the ambush, their troops turn back and attack us, some attacking our front, others our rear, whiles some press towards our fortifications. Our army is terrified, and in confusion, fall out of formation and leave their assigned positions. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Divide into three forces, then follow and pursue them, but do not cross beyond their ambush. When all three forces have arrived, some should attack the front and rear, while others should penetrate the two flanks. Make your command clear. Fervently attack, advancing forward, and the enemy will certainly be defeated.”


  太公说:凡军队,有戒备就能巩固,若松懈就要失败。在我军营垒上口令呼应之声不绝,哨兵手持旗帜,与营垒内外联络,相互传送号令,金鼓之声不可断绝,对外 表示已做好战斗准备,以三千人为一屯,谆谆告诫,严加约束,使各自慎重守备。若敌人来犯,发现我军戒备森严,即使迫近我军阵前,也必退去,这时,我应乘敌 力尽气衰之际,派遣精锐部队紧随敌后猛击敌人。



  Severed Routes

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords where, confronting them, we have each assumed defensive positions. The enemy has severed our supply routes and occupied positions cutting across both our front and rear. If I want to engage them in battle, we cannot win; but if I want to maintain our position, we cannot hold out for long. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “In general, when you venture deep beyond the enemy’s borders, you must investigate the configuration and strategic advantages of the terrain and concentrate on seeking out terrain advantages. Rely on mountains, forests, ravines, rivers, streams, woods, and trees to create a secure defense. Carefully guard passes and bridges and moreover be certain you know the advantages of terrain conveyed by the various cities, towns, hills, and mounds. In this way, the army will be solidly entrenched. The enemy will not be able to sever our supply routes, nor be able to occupy positions cutting across our front and rear.”

  King Wu asked: “Suppose after our army has passed through a large forest or across a broad marsh and are on flat, accessible terrain, due to some miscommunication, our allies are not here and the enemy suddenly falls upon us. If we engage them in battle, we cannot win; if we assume a defensive position, it will not be secure. The enemy has outflanked us on both sides and occupied positions cutting across our front and rear. The army is terrified. What should be done?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Now the rule for commanding an army is always to first dispatch scouts forward so that when you are 200 miles from the enemy, you will already know their position. If the terrain is not to our advantage, then use the Large Charging Chariots to serve as a cover and advance. Also establish two rear guard armies to the rear. The distance between the main forces and the rear guard armies can be as far as 100 miles away, or as near as fifty miles away. Thus when the alarm sounds or an urgent situation arises, both front and rear will know about it, and the army will always be able to complete their deployment into solid formation, never suffering any destruction or harm.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.




  太公说:统军作战的方法,当先向我前进远方派出斥侯,在距离敌人尚有二百里时,就需要确实了解敌军所在的位置。如果地势对我行动不利,就用武冲车在前面掩护行进,并编两支”踵军”在后跟进,踵军和主力的距离远的可达百里,近的可达五十里,一且遇急情况,前后可以互相救援。我三军如能经常保持这种完善而巩固 的部署,也就不至于遭受严重的伤亡和失败了。


  Occupying the Enemy Territories

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose, being victorious in battle, we have deeply penetrated the enemy’s territory and occupy his land. However, large walled cities remain that cannot be subjugated, while their second army holds the defiles and ravines, standing off against us. We want to attack the cities and besiege the towns, but I am afraid that their second army will suddenly appear and strike us. If their forces inside and outside unite in this fashion, they will oppose us from both within and without. Our army will be in chaos; the upper and lower ranks will be terrified. What should be done?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In general, when attacking cities and besieging towns, the chariots and cavalry must be kept at a distance. The encamped and defensive units must be on constant alert in order to obstruct the enemy both within and without. When inhabitants have their food cut off - those outside being unable to transport anything in to them - those within the city walls will be afraid, and their general will certainly surrender.”

  King Wu said: “Suppose that when the supplies inside the city are cut off - external forces being unable to transport anything in - those in the city clandestinely concoct secret plans, and then sally forth at night, throwing all their forces forward. Some of their chariots, cavalry and elite troops assault us from within; others attack from without. The officers and troops are confused, the army defeated in chaos. What should be done?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In this case, you should divide your forces into three armies. Be careful to evaluate the terrain’s configuration and then strategically place them. You must know in detail the location of the enemy’s second army, as well as his large cities and other fortifications. Leave them a passage in order to entice them to flee. Pay attention to the defense of the escape passage. The enemy will be afraid, and if they do not enter the mountains or the forests, they will return to the large towns, or run off to join the second army. Use our chariots and cavalry to attack the front of the escaping troops; do not allow them to escape. Since those remaining in the city will think that the first to go out have a direct escape route, their well-trained troops and skilled officers will certainly move forth, with the old and weak remaining. Do not engage in battle. Just sever their supply routes, surround and guard them, and you will certainly outlast them.

  “Do not set fire to what the people have accumulated; do not destroy their palaces or houses, nor cut down trees at gravesites and altars. Do not kill those who surrender nor slay your captives. Instead, show them benevolence and righteousness, extend your generosity to them. Announce to the people that the fault lies in only the ruler. In this way, the entire city will then submit.”

  “Excellent,” said King Wu.




  太公说:遇到这种情况,应把我军分为三支部队,井根据地形屯驻部队。首先查明敌城外部队状况及所据守的地区和附近大城别堡的关系位置,然后为被因敌人留出一条道路,以诱其外逃,但须严密戒备,不使敌人跑掉。由于被围敌人恐惧,不是想逃到深山密林,就是想撤到另一大城。这时我军应以一支部队,赶走敌人城外的 “别军”;以另一支部队,用战车和骑兵在距城较远的地方,阻击敌人突�
��的先头部队,不让他们脱逃。在这种形势下,守城故军就会误认为其先头部队已突围成 功,打通了撤退的道路,其精锐士卒必会继续从城内外逃,城内只剩下老弱残兵了。然后用我第三支部队,以车骑直驱敌后,敌人必不敢继续突围,我军也不要急于 进攻,只要断绝其粮道,把他围困起来,日子一久,敌人就会投降。攻克城邑后,不要焚烧粮食,不要毁坏房屋,不要砍伐坟地的树木和里社的丛林,不要杀戮投降 的,不要虐待被俘的,对敌国人民要表示仁义,施以恩德。对其士民宣告:有罪的只是无道君主一人。这样,天下就会心悦诚服了。


  Fire Warfare

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led our troops deep into the territory of the feudal lords where we encounter deep grass and heavy growth which surround our army on all sides. The army has traveled several hundred miles; men and horses are exhausted and have halted to rest. Taking advantage of the extremely dry weather and a strong wind, the enemy ignites fires upwind from us. Their chariots, cavalry and elite forces are concealed in ambush to our rear. The army becomes terrified, scatter in confusion and run off. What can be done?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Under such circumstances, use the cloud ladders and flying towers to look far out to the left and right, to carefully investigate front and rear. When you see the fires arise, then set fires in front of our own forces, spreading them out over the area. Also set fires to the rear. If the enemy comes, withdraw the army and take up entrenched positions on the blackened earth to await their assault. In the same way, if you see flames arise to the rear, you must move far away. If we occupy the blackened ground with our strong crossbowmen and skilled soldiers protecting the left and right flanks, we can also set fires to the front and rear. In this way, the enemy will not be able to harm us.”

  King Wu asked: “Suppose the enemy has set fires to the left and right and also to the front and rear. Smoke covers our army, while his main forces appear from over the blackened ground. What should we do?”


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