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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 12

by Shawn Conners

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “In this case, assuming you have prepared a burnt section of the ground, go into ‘Four Martial Assault Formation’ and have strong crossbowmen cover the flanks. This method will not bring victory, but will also not end in defeat.”


  太公说:在草地宿营要利用云梯、飞搂,登高盼望前后左右,发现敌人放火,就顺着风向也在我军较远的前方放起火来,扩大火焚面积。同时又在我军后方放起火 来,[以便淹出一块”黑地”,]若是敌人来攻,我就可以把军队撤到这块黑地坚守。前未围攻的敌人此时还在我军后面,他看到火起,定会退走。我军在黑地内布 阵,用材士强弩掩护两翼,[敌人再行火攻],我又如法在前后放火,如此反复进行,敌人就无法加害于我了。



  Empty Fortifications

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “How can I know whether the enemy’s fortifications are empty or full, whether they are coming or going?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “A general must know the ways of Heaven, the advantages of terrain and human affairs. You should mount high and look out far in order to see the enemy’s changes and movements. Observe his fortifications, and then you will know whether they are empty or full. Observe his officers and troops and then you will know whether they are coming or going.”

  King Wu asked: “How will I know it?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Listen to see if his drums are silent, if his bells make no sound. Look to see whether there are many birds flying above the fortifications, if they were not startled into flight. If there are no dust clouds overhead, you will certainly know the enemy has tricked you with dummies.

  “If enemy forces precipitously go off - but not very far - and then return before assuming proper formation, they are rushing their officers and men too quickly. When they act too quickly, the forward and rear are unable to maintain good order. When they cannot maintain good order, the entire battle disposition will be in chaos. In such circumstances, quickly dispatch troops to attack them. Even if you use a small number to strike a large force, they will certainly be defeated.”




  大公说:如果听不到敌人鼓声,也听不到铃声,瞭望敌营垒上有许多飞鸟而不惊惧,空中也没有尘烟飞扬,必然是敌人的空营,而守营的只是些假人。如果敌人仓猝 撤退不远,还没有停下来而又返回的,这是调动军队太忙乱的现象。太忙乱,他的前后就没有秩序,没秩序,行列就会混乱。象这样情况,我可疾速出兵打击他,虽 然以少击众,也必会取得胜利。

  Chapter 5 - The Leopard Teaching

  Forest Warfare

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led our troops deep into the territory of the feudal lords where we encounter a large forest which we share with the enemy in a standoff. If we assume a defensive posture, I want it to be solid, or if we fight, to be victorious. How should we proceed?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Divide the army into the ‘Four Martial Assault Formation’. Have the troops placed at a strategic position and station the archers and crossbowmen outside, with those carrying spear-tipped halberds and shields inside. Cut down and clear away the grass and trees, and extensively broaden the passages in order to facilitate our movement in the battle site. Set our pennants and flags out on high and carefully maneuver the army without letting the enemy know our true situation. This is referred to as ‘Forest Warfare’.

  “The method of Forest Warfare is to form the spear bearers and halberdiers into groups. If the woods are not dense, cavalry can be used in support. Battle chariots will occupy the front. When there is opportunity, they will fight; when not opportune, they will desist. When there are numerous ravines and defiles in the forest, you must deploy your forces in the ‘Four Martial Assault Formation’ in order to be prepared, both front and rear. If the army attacks swiftly, even though the enemy is numerous, they can be driven off. The men should fight and rest in turn, each with their section. This is the main outline of Forest Warfare.”


  太公说:将我军区分为”四武冲阵”,配置在便于作战的地方,弓弩手布在外层,戟楯放在内层,砍去草木,开辟道路,以便利战斗行动;高挂旗帜,以便联络,严格控制掌握全军,同时不使敌人察知我军的情况,这就是森林地战斗。森林地作战的方法:应将我军使用矛我的士卒编为混合小分队,在森林中树木稀疏的地方以骑 兵辅助作战,把战车配置在前面,发现有利的情况就打,没有发现有利的情况就不打。如森林中有许多险阻地形,就必须设置”四武冲阵”,以防敌袭击我军前后, 战斗时务使全军急剧地进行战斗,敌人即便众多,也可被我打败,部队要轮番作战轮番休息,各按编组行动,这是森林地战斗的原则。

  Surprise Battle

  King Wu asked: “When our enemy makes a military incursion into our country, encroaches upon our land, loot our cattle, advance in large numbers and come near to our city, the soldiers are in deep fear, our people are detained as prisoners; under such a situation, what could I do if I want to defend solidly or fight victoriously?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Such an enemy, who attacks suddenly; their cattle are surely lacking in food, and the soldiers are lacking food, so they are attacking fiercely. In this case, we should order our distant army to select an elite team and attack our enemy quickly from their rear flank. We must make detailed and precise calculations to determine the operational time, as they must join us in the darkness of night. Our whole army should fight our enemy swiftly and violently, though there are a lot of them, the commanders would still be detained by us.”

  King Wu said: “Our enemy is divided into three or four parts, either invading into our territory and lands, or stopping to plunder our cattle. The enemy’s army has not fully arrived; instead, they use parts of the troops to cause us fear. What should we do in such a case?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “We should make careful observations of the situation; we must make military preparations before the enemy army fully arrives; we must go into a state of combat readiness. Build the fortress four miles outside our city; the drums and the flags should be placed perfectly. Other than that, we should also assign part of our army as an ambush. Order the troops on top of the fortress to concentrate their bows, set up a secret exit every hundred steps, and use wooden barriers to lock it up. The chariots and cavalry should be placed at the outside of the fortress. The elites in the army should be used for the preparation of the ambush. If the enemy comes, let our lightly armed troops fight our enemy; pretend defeat, then retreat. Order our defense army to set up flags and hit drums; make defensive preparations, so the enemy will think that we focus our forces to defend our city. Therefore, they should come forward into our city. At the same time, I will have our ambushing army come into action, attack the enemy’s battle array or attack our enemy from t
he outside. At this time, our whole army should bravely and quickly attack our enemy from the front and the back; with this, we could make the brave unable to defend, and the speedy unable to retreat. This kind of strategy is called sudden attack. However large our enemy’s troops are, they will still be defeated.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.


  太公说:象这样的敌军叫做突然来袭的敌军,他的牛马必然缺饲料,他的士卒必然没有粮食,只是凶猛地向我进攻,在这种情况下,应令我远方的军队,挑选精锐的 士卒,迅速袭击敌人的后方,详细计算确定作战时间,务必在夜暗与我会合,三军迅速猛烈地与敌战斗,敌人虽多,敌将也可被我俘虏。


  太公说:仔细观察情况,在敌人尚未完全到达前,就应先完成战备,严阵以待。在距城四里的地方构筑营垒,金鼓旗帜,都完全布设起来,另派一部分为伏兵。令我 营垒上的部队多集中强努,每百步设一突门,用行马封锁。战车、骑兵配置在营全外面。勇锐士卒隐蔽埋伏。敌人如果来到,使我轻装部队与敌交战后佯败退走。令 我守军在城上立旗帜,击鼙鼓,作好防守准备,敌人以为我主力守城,必然逼近城下。这时我突然出动伏兵,冲入敌人阵内,或攻击敌人阵外,此时全军勇猛迅速地 出去,既攻击敌人正面,又攻击敌人后方,使敌人勇敢的无法抵抗。轻快的来不及逃跑。这种戏法称为”突战”。敌人虽然众多,也必被我打败。


  Strong Enemy

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords until we are opposed by the enemy’s assault forces. The enemy is numerous while we are few. The enemy is strong, while we are weak. The enemy approaches at night - some attacking the left, others the right. The whole army is shaken. We want to be victorious if we choose to attack or solid if we choose to maintain a defensive posture. How should we act?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In this situation, we refer to them as ‘Shaking Invaders’. It is more advantageous to go out and fight; you cannot be defensive. Select skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen, together with chariots and cavalry to comprise the left and right flanks. Then swiftly striking his forward forces and quickly attacking his rear as well. Some should strike the exterior, others the interior. Their troops will certainly be confused, their generals afraid.”

  King Wu asked: “Suppose the enemy has blocked off our forward units some distance away and is pressing an attack on our rear. He has broken up our elite troops and cut off our skilled soldiers. Our interior and exterior forces cannot communicate with each other. The army is in chaos, all running off in defeat. The officers and troops have lost their will to fight, the generals and commanders have no desire to defend themselves. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Illustrious is your question, my King! You should make your commands clear and be careful about your orders. You should have your courageous and crack troops, who are willing to confront danger, sally forth - each man carrying a torch and two men to a drum. You must know the enemy’s location then strike both the interior and exterior. When our secret signals have been communicated, order them to extinguish the torches and stop beating all drums. The interior and exterior should respond to each other, each according to the appropriate time. When our army fervently attacks, the enemy will certainly be defeated and vanquished.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.






  Martial the Enemy

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords where we suddenly encounter a martial and numerically superior enemy. If his martial chariots and valiant cavalry move and attack our left and right flanks, and our army becomes so shaken, that their flight is unstoppable, what should I do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “In this situation, you have what is termed as a ‘defeated army’. Those who are skillful in employing their forces will manage a victory. Those who are not will perish.”

  King Wu asked: “What can one do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Have our most skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen, together with our martial chariots and valiant cavalry, conceal themselves on both sides of the retreat route, about three miles ahead and behind our main force. When the enemy pursues us, launch a simultaneous chariot and cavalry assault from both sides. In such circumstances, the enemy will be thrown into confusion and our fleeing soldiers will stop by themselves.”

  King Wu continued asking: “Suppose the enemy’s chariots and cavalry are squarely opposite ours, but the enemy is numerous while we are few, the enemy strong while we are weak. Their approach is disciplined and spirited and our formations are unable to withstand them. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Select our skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen, and have them lie in ambush on both sides, while the chariots and cavalry deploy into a solid formation and assume position. When the enemy passes our concealed forces, the crossbowmen should fire en masse into their flanks. The chariots, cavalry, and skilled soldiers should then urgently attack their army - some striking the front, others striking the rear. Even if the enemy is numerous, they will certainly flee.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.








  Crow and Cloud Formation in Mountains

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords, where we encounter high mountains with large, flat rock outcroppings on top, with numerous peaks, all devoid of grass and trees. We are surrounded on all sides by the enemy. Our army is afraid, the officers and troops are confused. I want to be solid if we are to defend our position, and victorious if we choose to fight. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Whenever the army occupies a mountain, they are trapped on high by the enemy. When they hold the land below the mountain, they are imprisoned by the forces above them. If you have already occupied the top of the mountain, you must prepare the Crow and Cloud Formation. The Crow and Cloud Formation should be prepared on both the yin and yang sides of the mountain. Some will encamp on the yin side; others will encamp on the yang side. Those occupying the yang side must prepare against attacks from the yin side. Those occupying the yin side must prepare against attack from the yang side. Wherever the enemy can ascend the mountain, your troops should establish defense lines. If there are roads passing through the valley, sever them with your war chariots. Set your flags and pennants up high for easier communication. Be cautious in commanding the army; do not allow the enemy to know your true situation. This is referred to as a ‘Mountain City.’

  “After your lines have been set, your officers and troops deployed, rules and orders already issued, and tactics - both direct and indirect - already planned, deploy your assault formation at the outer perimeter of the mountain, and have them occupy advantageous positions. Thereafter, have your chariots and cavalry go into the Crow and Cloud Formation. When your army fervently attacks the enemy, even though the latter are numerous, their generals can be captured.”


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