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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 13

by Shawn Conners



  Crow and Cloud Formation in Marshes

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords where we are confronting the enemy across a river. The enemy is well equipped and numerous; we are impoverished and few. If we cross the water to attack, we will not be able to advance; while if we want to outlast them, our supplies are too few. We are encamped on infertile ground. There are no towns in any direction and moreover no grass or trees. There is nothing the army can plunder, while the oxen and horses have neither fodder nor a place to graze. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “The whole army is unprepared; the oxen and horses have nothing to eat; the officers and troops have no supplies. In this situation, seek opportunity to trick the enemy and quickly get away, setting up ambushes to your rear.”

  King Wu said: “The enemy cannot be deceived. My officers and troops are confused. The enemy has occupied positions cutting across both our front and rear. Our army is defeated and in flight. What then?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “When you are searching for an escape route, gold and jade are necessary. You must obtain intelligence from the enemy’s emissaries. You must obtain the intelligence cautiously, and in great detail.”

  King Wu asked: “Suppose the enemy knows I have laid ambushes, so their main army is unwilling to cross the river. The general of their second army then breaks off some units and dispatches them to ford the river. My army is shaken. What should I do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In this situation, divide your troops into assault formations, and have them occupy advantageous positions. Wait until all the enemy’s troops have emerged, and then spring your concealed troops, rapidly striking their rear. Have your strong crossbowmen on both sides shoot into their left and right flanks. Have your chariots and cavalry go into the Crow and Cloud Formation, arraying them against their front and rear. Then your army should vehemently press the attack. When the enemy sees us engaged in battle, their main force will certainly ford the river and advance. Then spring the ambushing forces, urgently striking their rear. The chariots and cavalry should assault the left and right. Even though the enemy is numerous, they can be driven off.

  “In general, the most important thing in employing your troops is that, when the enemy approaches to engage in battle, you must deploy your assault formations and improve their positions. Thereafter, divide your chariots and cavalry into the Crow and Cloud Formation. This is the ‘indirect’ way of employing your troops. What is referred to as the Crow and Cloud Formation is like the crows dispersing and the clouds forming together. Their changes and transformation are endless.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.

  武王问太公说:领兵深入敌国境内,与敌隔河对峙,敌人资材充足,兵力众多,我军资材贫乏,兵力寡少,我想渡河进攻,却无力前进,我想拖延时日,却粮食缺 乏,不能持久。而且我军处在荒芜贫脊的地方,附近没有城邑也没有草木,军队无处掠取物资,无处放牧牛马,对此怎么办?







  Few and Many

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “If I wish to attack a large number with only a few, or attack the strong with the weak, what should I do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “If you wish to attack a large number with only a few, you must do it at sunset, setting an ambush in tall grass, pressing them on a narrow road. To attack the strong with the weak, you must obtain the support of a great state and assistance of neighboring states.”

  King Wu asked: “We do not have any terrain with tall grass, and moreover there are no narrow roads. The enemy has already arrived; we cannot wait until sunset. I do not have the support of any great state or the assistance of neighboring states. What then?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “You should set out specious formations and false enticements to lure and confuse their general, to redirect his path so that he will be forced to pass tall grass. Make his route long so you have time to ready your engagement at sunset. When his advance units have not yet finished crossing the water, his rear units have not yet reached the encampment, release our concealed troops, vehemently striking his right and left flanks, while your chariots and cavalry stir chaos among his forward and rear units. Even if the enemy is numerous, they will certainly flee.

  “To serve the ruler of a great state, to gain the submission of the officers of neighboring states, make gifts generous and speak deferentially. In this fashion, you will obtain the support of a great state and assistance of neighboring states.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.






  Divided Valley

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords where we encounter the enemy in the midst of a steep valley. I have mountains on our left and a body of water on the right, while the enemy has the mountains on their right and the body of water on their left. Both of us divide the valley in our standoff. If we want to be solid if I choose to defend, or be victorious if I choose to attack, how should I proceed?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “If you occupy the left side of a mountain, you must urgently prepare against an attack from the right side. If you occupy the right side of a mountain, then you should urgently prepare against an attack from the left. If the valley has a large river, but you do not have boats and oars, then you should use the Heaven’s Huang to cross the whole army over. Those who have crossed should widen the road considerably in order to improve your fighting position. Use the Martial Charge Chariots to cover the front and rear; deploy your strong crossbowmen into ranks to solidify all your lines and formations. Employ Martial Charge Chariots to block off all the intersecting roads and entrances to the valley. Set your flags out on high ground. Such posture is referred to as a ‘Chariot Citadel’.

  “In general, the method for valley warfare is for the Martial Charge Chariots to be in the forefront and the Large Covered Chariots to act as a protection. Your skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen should cover the left and right flanks. 3,000 men will comprise one detachment, which must be deployed in the assault formation, seeking advantageous positions. Then the Left Army should advance at the left, the Right Army at the right, and the Center Army to the front - all three armies attacking and advancing together. Those having already fought should return to their detachment’s original positions; the units fighting and resting in succession until you have won.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.


  太公说:我军占领山的左侧时,应迅速成备山的右侧;占领山的右侧时,应迅速成备山的左侧。险要地带中的大江没有船只利用时就应用浮游器材渡过我军。已渡江的先头部队应迅速开辟前出道路,抢占便于作战的地形以利主力进入战场。用武冲大战车掩护我军的前后,广泛配置强努,以使阵形坚固。在通向几个方向的交通枢 纽和两山之间的谷口,用武冲天战车阻绝,并在高处插上旗帜,这就构成了”车城”。对险要地带进攻的打法是以武冲大战车为前导,以大盾牌为防护,使材士强弩保障我左右两翼,步兵每三十人为一屯,编成”四武冲阵”,配置在便于作战的地形上;左军用于左翼,右军用于右翼,中军用于中央,三军并肩攻击前进,或轮番作战,轮番休息;已战的回到集结地域,未战的依次进攻,直到取得胜利为止。


  Chapter 6 - The Hound Teaching

  Dispersing and Assembling

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “If the King, leading the army, has dispersed the army to several locations, and the commanding general wants to have them reassemble at a specific time for battle, how should he use rules, rewards and punishments to achieve it?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá answered: “In general, the masses of the military will always be subjected to making changes between dividing and reuniting. The commanding general should first set the place and day for battle, then issue full directives and particulars to the generals and commanders setting the time, indicating whether to attack cities or besiege towns, and where each should assemble. He should clearly instruct them about the time and day for battle. The commanding general should then establish his encampment, array his battle lines, put up a gnomon (part of a sundial) at the official gate, clear the road and wait. When all the generals and commanders have arrived, compare their arrival with the designated time. Those who arrived before the appointed time should be rewarded. Those who arrived afterward should be executed. In this way, both the near and distant will race to assemble, and the whole army will arrive together, uniting their strength to engage in battle.”


  太公说:用兵的方法,由于三军众多,必然有分散和集中作战部署上的变化。主将要预先确定作战的地点和日期,然后用战斗文书晓喻诸将吏,明确规定要围攻的城 邑,各军应集中的地域,作战的日期,到达的时间。然后主将设营布阵,在营门立表,以观测日影,计算时间,禁止行人,等待将吏到达。将吏到达时间,要核对其 是否按时到达;先期到达的赏,过期到达的杀。这样,不论远近,都会按期赶来会集,三军全部到达后,就能集中力量与敌交战了。

  Martial Sharpness

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “In general, when employing the army, it is essential to have military chariots, courageous cavalry, and elite troops as vanguards, and then use a perceived opportunity to strike the enemy. In which situations can we strike?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá answered: “Anyone who wants to launch a strike should carefully monitor and look for 14 situations in the enemy’s actions. When any of these changes becomes visible, attack, for the enemy will certainly be defeated.”

  King Wu asked: “May I know the 14 changes?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said:

  When the enemy has begun to assemble they can be attacked.

  When the men and horses have not yet been fed, they can be attacked.

  When the seasonal and weather conditions are not advantageous to them, they can be attacked.

  When they have not secured advantageous terrain, they can be attacked.

  When they are fleeing, they can be attacked.

  When they are not vigilant, they can be attacked.

  When they are tired and exhausted, they can be attacked.

  When the general is absent from the officers and troops, they can be attacked.

  When they are traversing long roads, they can be attacked.

  When they are fording the river, they can be attacked.

  When the troops have not had any leisure time, they can be attacked.

  When they encounter the difficulty of precipitous ravines or are on narrow roads, they can be attacked.

  When their battle array is in disorder, they can be attacked.

  When they are afraid, they can be attacked.





  Selecting Warriors

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “What is the way to select warriors?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Within the army, there will be men with great courage and strength who are willing to die, and may even take pleasure in suffering wounds. They should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors who Risk the Blade’. Those who have very fierce dispositions, who are robust and courageous, strong
and explosive, should be assembled together and called ’Warriors who Penetrate the Lines’.

  “Those who are extraordinary in appearance, bear long swords, and advance with measured tread in good order should be assembled together and called ‘Courageous Elite Warriors’.

  “Those who can straighten iron hooks, have great strength, and can go into the enemy’s line and smash gongs and drums and destroy flags and pennants, should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors of Courage and Strength’.

  “Those who can scale heights and cover great distances, who are light-footed and excel at running should be assembled together and called ‘Invading Warriors’.

  “Those who, while serving the ruler, lost their authority and want to gain merit again, should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors who Fight to Death’.

  “Those who are relatives of slain generals, the sons or brothers of generals, who want to avenge their deaths, should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors who See Death Lightly’.

  “Adopted sons, slaves or former prisoners-of-war, who want to cover up their pasts and achieve fame, should be assembled together and called the ‘Incited Dispirited’.

  “The lowly, poor and angry, who want to satisfy their desires, should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors Committed to Death’.

  “Those who have been imprisoned and then spared corporal punishment, who want to escape from their shame, should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors Fortunate to be Used’.

  “Those who combine skill and technique, who can bear heavy responsibilities, should be assembled together and called ‘Warriors Awaiting Orders’.

  “These are the army’s selected warriors and one should pay great attention to the selection process.”


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