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Sweet Victory

Page 24

by Melanie Shawn

  She grinned, “I was born ready. Let's do this thing!”

  --- ~ ---

  By noon, the sun was shining brightly and the Mountain Ridge Outdoor Adventures complex was teeming with people. Sam couldn't believe the success that the Grand Re-Opening was turning out to be, and she was thrilled for Amanda and Justin.

  The hours had been flying by as she met person after person, making her way around the complex, mingling with fans, taking pictures, signing autographs. She was happier doing this today than she had ever been at a press event before, and she realized that it was because today she wasn't just representing herself, she was representing Mountain Ridge Outdoor Adventures. She was truly a part of the Mountain Ridge family, and it made her incredibly proud.

  Sam glanced at her watch and hurried towards Snow Central, the new courtyard which stood at the base of all of the snow trails. It was where the newly opened pro-shop was located, next to which stood a brand new snack shop, and where the line for the lifts was formed. Also, on the far side, the trail that led up to the new cabins began. It was the hub around which all of the new ski and snowboarding activities would take place, and today, there was a temporary platform set up there.

  Amanda and Justin were going to give short speeches – well let's be real, Sam smirked, Justin's going to give the speech. Amanda's not much of a public speaker.

  Then – the big moment. They were going to cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the new Ski/Snowboarding program. The entire crowd would gather, there would be photos, press...Sam obviously needed to be on the stage, as did Luke, they were going to be introduced. That is, if Sam could make it there in time! It seemed that every time she took 2 steps, she was stopped by yet another well-meaning patron for a chat and a photo.

  When she finally made it to the Snow Central courtyard, she glanced at her watch again. YES! Fifteen minutes to spare. She hurried behind the makeshift curtain which had been erected behind the stage so that she wouldn't be stopped again.

  Amanda and Justin were back there, as was Luke's family – minus Stephanie and the new baby, of course.

  Bailey and Ashley ran over to Sam and threw their arms around her waist.

  “Why, hello, Ladies!” Sam greeted them enthusiastically, “Don't you look lovely today, all bundled up in your snow gear?”

  “Yes,” they readily agreed, and Sam laughed.

  She moved over to where the adults were standing, greeting them each in turn.

  “Where's Luke?” she asked both his family and Justin and Amanda, “We're supposed to be getting this show on the road pretty quick here, aren't we?”

  The group exchanged knowing looks that Sam didn't understand.

  “Oh, I think he'll be here in a moment,” Ellen said mysteriously.

  Sam eyed them suspiciously, “What's going on here?” she asked, but all she received in return were theatrical shrugs.

  She grinned and said loftily, “Well, that's fine, don't tell me. I have a little surprise of my own, and it's not for you all, it's for Bailey and Ariel.”

  The girls clapped, “What's our surprise? What is it?”

  Sam pulled out her phone, telling them, “Hold on one second girls, let me see if I can make it happen.”

  Sam swiped her phone screen and then clicked the various icons until she had dialed Karina's number. She put the phone to her ear.

  After two rings, Karina picked up, answering the call with, “Hey, alchy. I've left some pamphlets in your office. I hear we need to take a serious look at your drinking habits.”

  “Hardy har har,” Sam responded, “Hey, do you think you could come backstage for a few minutes and meet Luke's nieces?”

  “Sure,” Karina readily agreed.

  “Seriously? I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course,” Karina assured her, “It's freaking Luke's nieces, after all...I'm not gonna vagina-block you.”

  She paused.

  “I'm not on speaker, am I, Sam?”

  Sam laughed, “No, you're not on speaker. Just come on back.”

  “Be there in two secs!” Karina agreed and disconnected the call.

  True to her word, in two seconds Karina swept through the entrance to the makeshift backstage tent in full 'Karina Black' mode – magnanimous and friendly, but with the star power charisma dialed up to 11.

  The two little girls froze in place, eyes as wide as saucers, and then began screaming.

  Karina, pretending not to hear the screams, said, “Now, let's see. Hmmm....I'm back here to meet Bailey and Ariel. Who could they be?”

  “That's us...that's us...that's us!” the two girls cried frantically, hopping up and down with their hands in the air.

  Karina put on a huge show of mock surprise.

  “That's you two?!” she asked, shocked, “But that's not possible! I was told Bailey and Ariel were little girls! You ladies are lovely young women!”

  Ariel and Bailey beamed with pride.

  Karina said, “Are you going to be going out front to see the presentation?”

  The girls nodded.

  “Do you think it would be OK if I stood with you?”

  They nodded again, furiously. Suddenly, though, their attention was diverted towards the entrance flap.

  “Uncle Luke, Uncle Luke,” they cried, running over to him, along with Christopher, and throwing their arms around him.

  Karina looked at Sam and shrugged, “Even being a pop star has its limitations, I suppose. I'm no match for Uncle Luke.”

  She smirked at the smile that Sam was beaming in Luke's direction and added, “I guess not for you either.”

  Luke walked over to them and kissed Sam, picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed happily.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said happily, “I think you're going to like it.”

  Sam smiled radiantly up at him.

  “It couldn't possibly be better than what I have in front of me right now,” she sighed.

  Luke gave her a lopsided grin, “We'll see.”

  He hurried back to the curtain flap and pulled it aside, motioning for someone to come in. Sam was shocked to see her parents enter the tent.

  “Mom! Dad!” she cried, running over to them and throwing her arms around them, feeling as small and as giddy as Bailey and Ariel, “What on did you...what are you doing here?”

  Her parents hugged her back, and her Dad explained, “Well, Luke got in touch. He told us what a special day this was going to be and that he knew we wouldn't want to miss it, and so he flew us in for it.”

  “Yes,” her mother confirmed, “And we're staying down in Tahoe for the whole week, so we'll get to visit some more, as well!”

  “Oh, that's amazing!” Sam enthused, “Because, honestly, I don't know how much time I'll get to spend with you today...I'll be so busy...”

  “Of course,” her mother agreed, “We're going to watch the presentation and then look around a bit, then we're going to go down to the hotel and get settled. We're a bit tired from the trip. We'll get together lots during the week.”

  “Fantastic!” Sam agreed brightly.

  Amanda walked up to the group, “Hey, Sam, it's time!”

  All of the people in the backstage area filed out. Most of them went to stand in the audience, but Justin, Amanda, Luke and Sam diverted up the small staircase to the platform.

  Sam stood next to Luke, suffused with pride. She was proud of Justin and Amanda, she was proud to be a part of Mountain Ridge, she was proud to be standing next to Luke.

  Justin stepped forward to the mic, waiting patiently while the crowd quieted down. Sam gazed outward. She saw cameras with logos ranging all the way from local Lake Tahoe news stations all the way up to ESPN. She felt proud of that, as well. She knew that if it were not for her and Luke's prominence in the sport, Justin and Amanda would never be getting this kind of press.

  “Thank you all so much for coming today,” Justin began, “I'm not one for long speeches, so I'm going to mak
e this short. Mountain Ridge Outdoor Adventures was started by Parker Jacobs. He was my friend and mentor. He was my business partner and fiancé Amanda's father. He started this place with a vision. He saw it as a place where families and friends could come together, experience all the excitement and fun that nature has to offer us, and use that time to build stronger bonds and closer relationships.

  “We see this new ski and snowboarding program as an extension of that vision. This isn't just a place to come and have fun, although we hope all of our guests will have a lot of fun. It's a place to make memories and grow closer.

  “In that vein, I'd like to turn the mic over to one of our new ski pros, Luke Reynolds, who is going to say a few words.”

  The crowd erupted in thunderous applause and cheers, and Sam watched Luke's progress to the mic with a puzzled expression. This wasn't part of the program, as far as she had known. What was Luke going to say?

  When he reached the mic, Luke turned as winked at her. Then he began to speak.

  “Thanks, Justin,” he began, “I'm also not one for big speeches, so I am also going to keep it short. I can attest to what Justin was talking about before, when he said that this is a place where relationships grow stronger. I have experienced that myself in the time I have been here.”

  Luke turned to Sam, who by this time was blushing furiously, and gestured her forward. She walked up to stand next to him.

  “Most of you know my colleague, Samantha Holt,” Luke said into the mic.

  Again, the crowd exploded into cheers and applause. Sam waved, slightly self-consciously, not knowing what to expect.

  “We've known each other for years, of course,” Luke continued, “It's a small world, this snow sports community, when you come right down to it. But since we've been here together, I've realized, there's no one else in the world for me. I love this woman, unconditionally, and eternally.”

  Luke dropped to one knee next to Sam, pulling a small square box out of his jacket pocket, held it out toward her, and opened it to reveal a diamond ring. Sam gasped. Luke grinned.

  “Samantha Holt,” he yelled to be heard above the crowd, “Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”

  The crowd, at this point, was going wild. Sam could barely hear her own voice above them as she screamed, “Yes! Yes, I will marry you!”

  Luke jumped to his feet and grabbed her up into his arms for a passionate kiss. As it did every time their lips met, the world faded away for her. She was barely aware of the thundering crowd, of the flashing cameras, or the happy tears of her friends and family. She was only aware of the fact that she was kissing Luke.

  Her fiancé.

  --- ~ ---

  As the sun set over the mountains, Sam sat at Amanda's kitchen table with Luke, Justin, Amanda, Karina, Ryan and Lauren. They were all exhausted, of course, but it was a contented exhaustion, full of the satisfaction of a long day's work done well.

  Sam's chair was pushed right up to Luke's and she was snuggled into his arms. Yes, she sighed with a smile, relaxing in the arms of the man I love, surrounded by is good.

  “So, Sam,” Amanda said, a twinkle in her eye, “We have one more little surprise for you.”

  Sam sat up, “Really? Today's already been so amazing, what else could there possibly be?”

  Amanda and Justin exchanged a conspiratorial little grin, and Amanda slid a shiny new key across the table to Sam and Luke.

  “We thought that, in honor of your engagement, you might like to spend the night in one of the new cabins that you helped build.”

  Sam's mouth opened wide in surprise and delight, “Oh, you guys! How fun! How thoughtful!”

  “Probably gonna wanna change the sheets after they christen that bad boy,” Karina cracked, and Lauren flicked her in the ear.

  Sam blushed, but didn't contradict her.

  Amanda said, “I tricked it all out for you – down pillows and silky sheets, candles, fire going in the fireplace...”

  Karina interjected, “We wanted to put some wine and glasses up there for you, but we heard that didn't go so well last time.”

  Sam and Luke both laughed.

  Luke said, “I think we'll just let our love be intoxication enough for tonight.”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Luke and Sam walked through the door to the cabin, closing it behind them and shutting out the wind and snow, instantly creating a safe, snug, cozy cocoon that they were ensconced inside.

  Inside their small, firelit bubble, it was easy to believe that only the two of them existed, that the entire world had been narrowed down to a population of two. It was easy to believe that they were in some kind of softly-lit, romantic limbo, where time was suspended and nothing mattered but their love.

  Sam picked up the box of matches that sat on the coffee table and walked into the bedroom, where she began to light the candles which were placed strategically around the room. The soft, flickering light thrown off by the small flames of the tea lights, the shadows created by those lights, and the heavenly smell thrown off by the burning wax combined to make the room into a heady paradise. Reality, the world which existed outside of the confines of those four walls, was completely suspended.

  As Sam was lighting the very last candle, she felt Luke's arms wrap around her from behind, and he began to kiss and nuzzle her neck.

  Every nerve in her body was instantly on alert, and she felt a flush of heat wash over her from head to toe.

  “I can't believe I am really going to make love to you tonight, Samantha,” Luke whispered desperately in her ear, “I've waited so long, and I want you so badly...”

  Sam turned in his arms to face him, burying her fingers in his lush hair, and gasped, “Oh, Luke, I want you so much! Take me to bed now, OK? Please...oh, please...make love to me right now!”

  Luke groaned at her words and began kissing her passionately, as if his life depended on it, as if her mouth and her tongue were as necessary for his survival as water, as food, as air. He devoured her.

  Sam had always assumed that, when this moment actually came, when she was about to have sex for the first time, that she would be nervous. She was sure that she would want to do it, but she had assumed that there would be some element of nerves at play. That her fingers would fumble, that her body would be clumsy, that her body would need time to master the logistics of the new skill.

  But now that the moment was here, she was utterly without fear or trepidation. She felt safe and taken care of with Luke, she knew down to the depths of her soul that nothing bad could happen to her as long as he was here.

  And as far as the mechanics of what to do? Well, she instinctively knew that, as each step progressed, she would know what to do next. She didn't know how she knew that, she just felt it.

  Everything about this night felt one hundred percent right.

  Luke began to undress her, and she was absolutely certain that she had never been more turned on in her life. She could see in his eyes, hear in his breathing, how desperate he was to just tear off all of her clothes, throw her down on the bed, and have his way with her – but he controlled himself, peeling each layer of clothing off slowly, romantically, caressing her as he removed each item. He touched her and looked at her as if she were as fragile and precious as a china doll.

  When he had finally taken everything off of her except for her filmy, lacy bra and panties, he stood back a moment, surveying the masterpiece that he had uncovered. His gaze felt like a caress on her bare skin.

  “My God, you are beautiful,” he breathed in awe.

  She blushed, and turned in a slow 360 degree circle, letting him take all of it in.

  “I'm so lucky,” he murmured.

  Sam giggled a little, and then said lustily, “I want to see you.”

  They began to work together to undress Luke, and her fingers did fumble a bit – but it wasn't from nerves, not at all. It was from the pure adrenaline of lust flooding her system. When finally he stood befor
e her in only his black cotton boxer-briefs, she whistled appreciatively.

  “Wow, Luke Reynolds,” she said in a low, sensual voice, “You are quite a specimen. Quite a fine specimen, indeed.”

  Luke took a step forward, scooping her into his arms and kissing her as he carried her to the bed.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” he groaned, “Oh, baby...I'm going to make you feel so good tonight...”

  “You already are,” she murmured against his lips.

  Luke laid her down on the bed and began to caress her body, running his hands up and down over her soft, supple flesh. He noticed that she was covered in goosebumps, and said with concern, “Are you warm enough, baby? Do I need to stoke the fire?”

  She laughed, and then looked into his eyes intensely, saying, “You do that to me, Luke. Every time you kiss me, every time you touch me, every time you talk to me, every time you're even in the room. That's what you do to me.”

  Again, her words tore a groan from his throat and he began to kiss her neck, running his fingers up and down her side and belly, stopping just short of her breasts. She arched her back in pure pleasure, and he slipped his hands behind her back and unhooked her bra.

  He sat back and slid the filmy garment up her arms, tossing it aside.

  He gazed at her breasts hungrily, the lovely snow white globes topped with dusky pink nipples – nipples which were rock hard at the moment, and crying out for his touch.

  Although Sam was fully engaged in the eroticism of the moment, with every fiber of her being aching for nothing more than the feel of Luke's hands and mouth, she did take a moment to appreciate the look of pure love and longing on his face as he regarded her bare breasts, seeing them for the first time.

  Sam had read about something once, the Stendhal syndrome. It was when people were so overcome at seeing a beautiful piece of art for the first time that they actually lost consciousness. Their bodies simply couldn't handle all that their mind wanted to take in and appreciate. Luke looked like that might apply to him in that moment, as if he simply couldn't take in all of the beauty and wonder inherent in seeing her lovely naked breasts before him.

  Luke dipped his head down, almost reverently, and gently wrapped his lips around one of her nipples. She moaned and buried her fingers in his hair, whispering encouragement as he flicked the hard nub with his tongue, playing with it, making it even harder than before.


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