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Sweet Victory

Page 25

by Melanie Shawn

  He slipped his hand below her back to support her and drew her even closer as he lifted his mouth from her and moved to her other nipple. This one, he teased and tantalized even more furiously, sending waves of pleasure through her that were unlike anything she'd ever known.

  Her body writhed underneath his ministrations, and she cried out in pure ecstasy. Her mind was so far beyond reason, so numb to anything but receiving the pleasure that Luke was giving her, that she wasn't even aware of what she was saying when she begged him to touch her, begged him to make love to her. Her words, however, had an electrifying effect on Luke, and he intensified his efforts to bring her pleasure even further.

  Luke moved his hands to slip off her panties, never letting his mouth break contact with her breasts. As he continued to suckle her nipples, he began to caress her inner thighs.

  Sam's hips bucked unconsciously, her body responding instinctively to what it knew would be coming next. Her legs parted for him, and he could feel the heat radiating out from her womanhood.

  He began to stroke her there, gently, up and down, easing into it. He developed a rhythm with his feather-light strokes, barely letting his fingers even past her lips. She threw her head back and began to groan.

  “Yes!” she moaned, “Luke, oh, it feels so good!”

  “That's good, baby,” he encouraged, “Just enjoy it, just let the sensations wash over you. Just relax...”

  She sighed with intense pleasure as she thrashed her head back and forth on the pillow.

  Luke took this as a sign that he could intensify his rhythm. He pushed his fingers slightly deeper into her wet folds, and sped up the speed and intensity with which he moved them up and down.

  “Oh...” Sam breathed, sensing the change. She stilled her head on the pillow and looked down at him, watching him move his mouth on her nipples, watching him move his fingers between her legs. She felt as if her head would explode from the sheer erotic joy of it.

  He looked up and met her eyes, smiling as he continued to flick her nipples with the hard tip of his tongue.

  “That's right,” he murmured, “Look at me, baby...that's right. I want to be looking into your eyes when you explode. I want to see in your face the pleasure that I'm giving you.”

  She nodded furiously, looking directly into his eyes, and gasped, “Oh, yes, Luke...oh, thank you...I love you so much...”

  He smiled again, “I love you, Samantha Holt. I always have.”

  As he said this, he slid two fingers into her wetness, moving them slowly but inexorably, bringing her even more new and wonderful sensations. He moved his thumb into place over the slick, hard button that was her center of pleasure and began to caress her there with slow, small circles.

  It was all Sam could do to continue to look at him when everything inside her was screaming for her to throw her head back, let out a gigantic wail, and come with more intensity than she had ever known.

  She wouldn't do that, though. Luke was giving her all this pleasure, making her body feel things that she had never even imagined were possible. His only request had been to be able to look into her eyes as he brought that pleasure to fruition, and she would not deny him that.

  She felt her orgasm building, rushing over her like a steam roller, unstoppable and powerful. She screamed and grabbed Luke's hair in both fists. Her body bucked uncontrollably as the orgasm roared through her, she heard herself making words but couldn't even understand what they were, she was beyond rational thought. She did, however, maintain enough conscious control of herself not to throw her head back against the pillow. No, through the entirety of the well-earned orgasm that Luke was giving her, she was looking straight into his beautiful eyes.

  She lay back onto the pillows, spent and panting, and he rose up to gently kiss her. She stroked his face.

  “That was amazing,” she said lovingly, “Thank you Luke, so much.”

  He grinned widely, “Oh, look how cute you are, you think it's over. It's not over, baby, it's just getting started.”

  Sam blushed, “No, I know, I wasn't saying...I mean, I know you still need to...I mean, we still need to take care of you.”

  Luke laughed softly, wickedly, “No, that's not what I meant, sweetheart.”

  He began to kiss his way down her neck and belly, the trail of his lips moving ever lower.

  “I meant,” he said between kisses, “That it wasn't over for you, yet.”

  Her eyes widened disbelievingly, “Oh, no, Luke, I don't think...I mean, that was so powerful, I don't think I could, again, so soon...”

  He looked up at her and grinned, “We'll see about that.”

  Then, he covered her with his mouth, his tongue finding her pleasure center, which was still swollen and raw from the amazing orgasm she had just had.

  Rather than simply attacking it, though – which Sam knew, she felt it, would have had no effect whatsoever – he gently teased it, rubbing his tongue up and down on either side, flicking the tender skin around the sensitive bud.

  To Sam's surprise and delight, before long, she began to feel small electric currents of pleasure shooting up from where his tongue was doing its work.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed in shock, “Oh, Luke, it's's definitely working...”

  She began to move her hips in rhythm with his mouth, the erotic charge she felt building and multiplying until, sure enough, she felt the beginnings of another orgasm starting in her lower belly.

  This felt different, though. The first orgasm Luke had given her felt like being hit by a very good way, but still. It was herky-jerky, and intense, like a scream being ripped from her throat.

  This felt more like being carried along by a rushing river than being struck by lightning. The waves, while no less pleasurable, were more even and less intense.

  And...Oh! Wow, that's a surprise, she thought. While every other orgasm she'd had, either from Luke or from her vibrator, had centered itself mainly in her core, this one was sending rippling waves of sensation outward from her torso and throughout her extremities.

  It was like her arms were coming, her legs were coming, her fingers and toes and the tip of her nose...her entire body was experiencing the insanely awesome sensation that Luke's mouth was giving her.

  When the tide of pleasure had ebbed and flowed, Luke kissed his way back up her body.

  “That felt so different!” she exclaimed.

  “Still good?” he asked with a smile.

  “Still amazing!” she affirmed, “I didn't know there were, like, different kinds of orgasms!”

  Luke laughed and kissed her.

  “Oh, my sweet girl,” he said, stroking her hair, “We have so much time to discover every single way to give each other pleasure. I'm so honored to be the one that's taking this journey with you. Tell me what you want, and I will do it. Anything you want.”


  “Absolutely anything,” he confirmed.

  She took a deep breath.

  “In that case,” she said firmly, “I'm ready. I want you to make love to me. Really make love to me. I want to feel you inside of me.”

  Luke closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the erotic charge her words had given him. He had been hard all along – ever since they had walked into the cabin, in fact – but what she had said had given his erection even more strength.

  “Oh, Samantha,” he breathed as he slid off his boxer briefs, “Yes, baby. Yes, love.”

  He positioned himself over her, and she looked down, seeing his full erection.

  “Oh!” she gasped, her eyes wide.

  “Are you OK?” he asked, concerned, “If you're nervous, we can wait.”

  She shook her head furiously, eyes still glued to his manhood.

  “No way!” she said enthusiastically, “No more waiting! I want you inside of me!”

  Then, Sam did something that surprised him. Completely abandoning the passive role that her lack of experience had dictated she take up to this point, sh
e sat up a bit, leaned forward, and took him in her hand.

  Oh, Lord, the feel of her fingers around him, squeezing, stroking...he gasped, a shuddering breath. He didn't know if he would even make it until he entered her.

  When he felt her hand guiding him toward her opening, he used his last vestiges of clear-headedness to say, “No, wait, babe...I have to put on a condom...”

  She nodded, saying only, “Hurry!”

  He grabbed a condom packet from where he had placed it on the nightstand and quickly opened the package, donning the latex tube with as much speed and efficiency as possible.

  “OK, baby,” he smiled, resuming his place over her beautiful body, “Here we go.”

  “I'm ready!” she encouraged, and he slipped inside of her.

  Sam had been prepared for pain, this being her first time, but there was none of that. Thank God for being an athlete, she thought to herself cheerfully. No, the only sensation that Luke entering her engendered was one of such delicious fullness, such amazing completeness, that she let out a cat-like sigh of complete and total contentment.

  “Are you OK, did that hurt?” Luke asked, worried.

  She shook her head in the negative, too choked up to speak. Rather, she placed one hand on either side of his face and began to kiss him passionately.

  As they kissed, she felt him begin to move inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as his thrusts became more intense, and she felt herself starting to come again.

  To her amazement, this climax actually felt entirely different even than the first two, although there was no mistaking it, in her mind, as an orgasm. But, unlike the first two sensations, which had been primarily physical, this felt more emotional than anything else.

  It was still intense – it was like feeling a normal emotion, but magnified by a thousand. As it built within her and she felt it starting to crest, a tear slipped from her eye, due to the sheer intensity of the love that she was feeling for Luke at that moment.

  She felt an overwhelming urge to express what was going on inside of her, but the only words that she could find were, “I love you...Oh, Luke...I love you...I love you so much...”

  She felt his muscles tense under her arms and legs, his own climax exploding as he pulled her even tighter, responding to her desperate utterances by saying, “Oh, I love you, too, Samantha. I love you, baby...”

  --- ~ ---

  Samantha and Luke lay together quietly as their bodies came down from the high they had been on, as the flush disappeared from their skin and their breathing slowed.

  Luke was at a loss for words. That wasn't something that happened to him very often. But now, trying to find a way to say what tonight had meant to him, how wonderful it was, and how much he loved her – he just couldn't seem to find the right way to say it, a way that would adequately describe the depth and breadth of what he felt, a way that wouldn't just let her know intellectually the reaches of his love for her, but would actually let her feel what he felt.

  Finally, though, perfect words or not, he had to speak. It was bursting from him, he needed to talk to her.

  “Samantha...” he started, but got no response.

  He twisted his head to the side and angled it downward uncomfortably so that he could see her face, and then his mouth spread in a wide grin.

  She was sleeping.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  When she awoke the next morning, Sam saw that Luke was still asleep on the bed next to her. She settled her head deeper into the fluffy pile of pillows she lay against and gazed lovingly at Luke's sleeping form. Her fingers tingled with the desire to reach out and touch him, in any small way – to caress his cheek, to brush back his hair. Only the wish not to wake him kept her hands firmly anchored at her side.

  She rolled fluidly onto her back and stretched her arms above her head, feeling a feline contentedness spread through her. She felt languid, liquid, as if her muscles were molten gold. She needed to go into the kitchen to get glass of water, but instead of springing off the mattress and bounding across the room, which would have been her normal mode of exiting a bed, she poured her legs over the side silkily, and then padded across the floor with cat-like grace.

  Sam smiled to herself. She realized she recognized this feeling. It was like being pleasantly buzzed, only she hadn't had anything to drink. She was love-buzzed, if you will.

  As she was softly stepping back into the bedroom with her glass of water, a loud chime sounded next to her ear. She glanced quickly toward the source of the sound, seeing a blinking light that clued her in that the chime was coming from Luke's cell phone.

  Immediately concerned that the sound would wake Luke up, Sam grabbed the offending phone and swiped at the screen, wanting to stop the chiming, if it were to repeat. Her fingers moved back and forth on the screen unthinkingly, not consciously navigating, but just mindlessly attempting to locate and neutralize the source of the sound.

  When she saw the words on the screen that her swiping had uncovered, however, it stole her breath for a moment.

  There on the screen, in black and white, was a text message to Luke. And it was from her former trainer and manager, Stephan.

  The words read, “Any news on Samantha?”

  She found herself unable to breathe. Was this it? Was this the explanation for why such a worldly and gorgeous man as Luke Reynolds would be interested in her? Why he would make such a big deal about how funny she was, how beautiful, how sexy?

  Because he was secretly working with her manager to manipulate her into coming back?

  Tears filled her eyes and she dropped the phone back on the dresser like it was a burning coal.

  Pain clenched at her gut and she doubled over. What an idiot she'd been! How quickly she'd trusted him, all his easy lines about how lovely he found her, and that he, in fact, loved her. Yes, how stupid of her, to believe that could be true.

  As hurriedly as possible while still remaining silent, Sam pulled her clothes and shoes back on. She could see that it was storming pretty bad outside, but she didn't care. She had to get out of there, she couldn't stand it one more minute.

  As she was taking her last step out of the bedroom, she glanced down at her hand. She lifted it up so that she could take one last longing look at the beautiful diamond, and revel in all that she had thought it represented.

  With a painful rending in her heart that she had never before experienced, and in fact could never have even imagined the depths of prior to that moment, she took the ring off and placed it on top of Luke's cell phone.

  She walked resolutely towards the front door of the cabin, willing her feet to move, one in front of the other. She felt like an automaton. Just as she was stepping out the front door, she remembered with chagrin that she had left her own cell phone on the nightstand in the bedroom.

  She started to ease back into the cabin to sneak in and grab it, but she heard Luke stirring. She heard his hoarse, sleep-laden voice call, “Samantha?” and she knew that she just couldn't deal with him right now. She just couldn't.

  Ah, well, she figured. I'll get the phone later. After all, I'm only going down to Amanda's house, a ten minute walk at its longest. Who am I gonna call?

  Decisively, she shut the door quietly behind her, leaned into the wind, and started off down the path towards Amanda's.

  --- ~ ---

  Luke felt a rush of cold air on his skin and it nudged him solidly awake. He stirred, wondering where it came from. He had worked on this cabin himself, he knew there were no cracks in the walls where cold air could invade the cozy atmosphere.

  He opened his eyes, wanting to see if the cold breeze had woken Sam as well, but he didn't see her. He rolled over onto his back sat partway up, looking around the room.

  “Samantha?” he called, and he could hear the sleep still clinging to his voice, “Baby? Where are you?”

  The quiet cabin offered no response.

  Although still only a vague sense of dread at this point, fear pricked at h
is heart. After all, it was a small cabin – anywhere she was in it, she should have been able to hear him and answer. Still. No reason to panic, he told himself. Then, however, he amended: yet.

  He stood and walked to the window, outside of which he could see that a fierce snowstorm was raging. He shook his head. Yesterday at the grand opening, although of course it was winter-cold, the air had been bright and clear. Now this. That was the thing about living at these high altitudes – the weather could turn on a dime, and it could be absolutely brutal.

  Luke called out to Sam again, to no avail. The fear moved in a little closer. He couldn't think of even one good explanation for her not answering him. He rushed around the cabin, searching in every corner, to make sure that she hadn't fallen and hit her head, that she was not lying somewhere unconscious.

  When that search was unfruitful, he ran back into the bedroom and began to pull on his clothes. Halfway through this endeavor, he noticed something. His were the only clothes strewn around the room. That certainly wasn't the way it had been when they had finally tumbled, nearly naked, into the big soft bed the night before. Neatness had been the last thing on his mind as he tossed their clothes aside haphazardly, and the garments had been in a cozy, jumbled mess around the room. Certainly not separated one from another.

  No. Samantha had deliberately gathered and put on her clothes, all of them were gone from the room. And she, in turn, was gone from the cabin. That meant that there was no accident here, no foul play. She had gotten dressed and left on purpose.

  He looked out the window again. In this weather? Why the hell would she do something so dangerous?

  Luke grabbed up his cell phone from the dresser top to call Samantha and saw something shiny tumble to the ground. His gaze followed the sparkling procession of the object and then struggled to make sense of what it was as it came to rest on the wooden planks of the floor.

  His heart seized in his chest as he recognized the object. Samantha's engagement ring.


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