Let's Get Weird: Poems, Songs and Other...From a 33 Year Old Boy Navigating the American Jungle

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Let's Get Weird: Poems, Songs and Other...From a 33 Year Old Boy Navigating the American Jungle Page 3

by Gary Hawkes

  Part of me just knows this is silly and won’t work out

  I don’t care anymore though, it’s time to get up and shout

  The lyrics are a work in progress, as many things are

  Constant work can allow you to go far

  Don’t rely on talent too much, especially if you’re not wealthy

  With the money they can throw around they can make anyone’s sound healthy


  Save me from this new place

  The one I didn’t ask to take

  Others will soon know

  What it means

  How long it will last

  The beginnings are starting to show

  This is a paradigm Indeed

  With a window to the unforeseen

  The Illusion is overwhelming

  But it is only for a temporary dwelling

  A bright habitat that evokes new life

  Amazing opportunity that shows its might

  Angels appear in many forms

  I knew one my whole life, the image no longer scorned

  Press on with faithful modesty

  Hopeful spring in the land of uncertainty

  Bring it to the table so we can dine together

  All of us, Sister and Brother

  Farther out still though with some time to spare

  Evil looks and stares descend upon the madness that begins to bear


  The Irish Unicorn struck a new pose

  While refusing to wear pantyhose

  This is a strange game you play with yourself while on the road

  Your intentions are good, not too frequently I’ve been told

  It’s endless though, the consummation of the deal

  The warrantless search by the joker, broke the mended heal

  It’s apparent to me young man you have no idea what you’re doing

  Your response is predictable as ever, even when I don’t know where you going

  Keep the flow going while trying to stay alive

  Even it if doesn’t work out, you have to strive

  For not just your fun, but others as well

  We’ll all be better off without worrying about something to sell

  That’s it stupid boy, you’re not taking this seriously

  I’m the Devil you know, let’s continue the deal seamlessly

  Now who is who in this crazy game?

  Neither one of the characters fits my name

  Related to both by nature of experience

  With belly full and future on the rise, we must make the leap this instant

  The pilgrimage half through

  To a show, thankfully much better than “the View”

  A fellow fun person who likes to get goofy and dance

  I am hoping she can give me my chance

  At a better life, whatever that means

  Or at least one where my art is not just in my dreams

  Is he Jesus? No he’s just a guy

  How do people even know which one to try?

  I’m just me and that’s all I know how to do

  Can’t always worry about what others’ choices are for you


  Fairly cartoonish endeavor that has begun to hover

  Above the clouds, illuminating colors like butter

  Practical feistiness by the ones in charge, brings a sporadic crowd, that’s more than lack luster

  But soon the opportunity will present

  With all of us in on the payment

  The reward for finally achieving the true objective

  Bring him back soul and all, and you’ll be on the Heaven Selective

  Although the impatience can be demoralizing

  All this talk, too much analyzing

  Have to forget much of what we learned

  The reality that we likely to deny, it’s really about the money earned

  Feast on it Wolves, while you still can

  Those who are too greedy won’t be part of the next plan


  The late morning parade will be the talk of the day

  Even though it’s a charade celebrating this way

  What are they so proud of?

  Winning the war? Conquering new territory?

  Did the helping hand get extended?

  To the needy group whose life on this planet needed to be amended

  It’s hard to ask the proper question

  To engage in some sort of worthwhile mission

  No longer in love with this place

  Too many idiots running the chase

  But of course, I’m still a member of the American Race

  Forging a new beginning will be difficult

  The others look down coldly on those who leave this big fine cult

  Keep in align, if you disagree too much, then you can get out

  Following every order our leaders say is what we seem to be about

  But not me anymore,

  Exercising my right to preach my voice is my way to settle the score


  In the end, can there be just one

  Wouldn’t be much fun

  We were meant to live together

  Although you wouldn’t know it by the way we treat our brother

  Why is staring at a screen the path to enlightenment

  Or is it not; we’re instead on the search for contentment

  Our goals no longer seem to have any purpose

  The only thing is more money, what crap your woman has in her purse

  There’s too much to do before being carried away in a Hurse

  Am I alone in this view?

  Don’t want to ruffle too many feathers or they might sue

  Except I don’t have any money to give you

  It’s not easy when you have to constantly work to survive

  People in power can hand the reigns to their kin, no matter their sin, and that simply doesn’t jive

  The elites think they had it tough

  Learning which private school to send your kids, must be rough

  But soon the imbalance will change

  Workers taking their rightful place upon the stage


  Hello far reaching planet of the current age

  It is time to build your stage

  The era is over for the wolves in power

  Do they ever take a shower?

  Feel the placement with certainty

  This is it! She yelled, listen to me

  You’ve made it to this place without interruption

  But now the toxic endeavors are striving for exploration





  We haven’t seen the enlightened one since before the first classical age

  But, now confusion sets in, who has the right, no one can say

  The mystical prince from the dying star of old

  Has seen too much, to do as told

  Proclaim it now before it’s too late

  Wolves never hesitate

  They’re eager to keep their place

  As the UNCHOSEN –Choice few

  Nobody else seems to really like their tune

  But as you know, it is not up to you





  The Headless Horseman laughs with excitement

  As the machine operators hide their contempt

  The wolves’ followers are easily kept in line

  Just throw ‘em a bone once in a while,

  It will save some time

  But before the enlightened one can reappear

  The wolves go and put a new tax on beer






  Five days of fun building up strong

  But must have done somebody wrong

  It’s time to refocus, heading back to my cave

  Not ever ready for this kind of rave

  After that cheeseburger and beer

  And a little weed to cure the fear

  It will be time for a shit, shower and Shave

  Shit, shower and shave

  It’s the best way to pave

  A new fresh beginning and

  Forgetting the untold stories

  From across the maze

  It’s time for a shit, shower and shave

  Visit the city for just a few days, then got to get on out

  So many damn people running all over the place, makes me wanna shout

  I like more the slow pace of things, but rev it up once in a while

  It ain’t too bad us all getting together once in a while, we ain’t all that vile

  But the batteries need recharging,

  This is too much city, it seems to enslave

  It’s time to get on out

  Breathe some fresh air, and then home bound

  It’s time for a shit shower and shave

  Shit, shower and shave

  It’s the best way to pave

  A new fresh beginning and

  Forgetting the untold stories

  From across the maze

  It’s time for a shit, shower and shave


  The Qwest should have been spiritual all along

  Less worry about the money I’ll make with each song

  Human life means something

  Aged this many years as this person

  Others seem to hear my thoughts

  Even though I can’t see them, the mood seems distraught

  Where, whenever this place is, I have tried to live in harmony

  Don’t always do the right thing, but I know I don’t need a palace of ivory

  Put yourself in their shoes, was the expression I heard as a boy

  Now it seems to consume me as there are certain shoes I couldn’t begin to ploy

  Certain evil I feel, I stay out,

  But there are also others who do heroic work, day in day out

  I’m no saint, but no curse either

  This situation can produce The Fear

  My staying course is helping in some way, but the negative in the world,

  When in tune with it, makes me feel worse than just bored

  So I keep on trekking on

  Encouraging myself to write another song

  Maybe this will be the one that rights all the wrongs


  Sitting on a rail in the middle of nowhere

  Wondering how my life got here

  She seemed good at first, but now I’m lost at best

  What comes next is anybody’s guess

  Clouds still gloom overhead,

  But, luckily with the serpent coiled around his neck the journey will take some out of him yet

  Now I’m sleeping under an overpass

  Watching as the cars drive past

  Contemplating these next few days ahead

  It seems to me that despite all that’s happened, there’s no need to dread

  It does look like the sun still will come up and life will go on another day

  It’s my fault this time, But with good fortune coming our way

  There’s no need to stop the play


  In accordance with those who used to know me

  I went in, so that I can now be free

  From the persecution I’ve felt most my life

  We all have our way of seeing the light

  The mightiest sword couldn’t strike those memories down

  Suffocating my thoughts; anyone would drown

  I choose not to bring others down with me

  But maybe I should, if those people continue to persecute me

  They know what they were like and how I was raised

  Forgiveness is something to be praised

  But continuing to try and make me feel bad, puts me in an awkward spot

  There are certain memories that shouldn’t be sought

  Just let it go, I know what I’m doing

  33 Years I’ve been growing


  The beliefs that were sprung on me forcefully

  Never made much sense to me

  I always felt a deeper need to be free

  Mantras and fairy tales that were laid on thick

  I think one was about a talking stick

  Always left me feeling a little sick

  But the faith that always made the most sense

  I wasn’t always willing to bargain with

  It’s a little dirtier but exciting

  Enjoying one’s self is always inviting

  It does require some careful planning

  To avoid the excess drugs and drowning

  I’ve been through many of the crazy shit already

  So I’m more likely, to stay steady

  When it’s time to get crazy on your block

  Let’s practice the Religion of Rock

  YEAH……….whoa YEAH








  Pushing forward

  Aiming High

  Dreams are within reach

  But, it takes more than try

  Soon will have to go back to the grind, get a shit job, just to get by

  Not a member of the top group with the world as their oyster

  Impatience sets in like a bruised, bleeding blister

  People like me have to work for a living

  Mitt can push a few buttons and fire people like me, to make a killing

  But then there are people who make what I make that still vote for guys like Mitt

  He DOES NOT REPRESENT YOU, No matter how much you want to believe it

  Can’t understand the appeal of that kind of person

  Closing down a factory, laying people off, Just to give a commission to the yacht salesman

  Well, I don’t like the other guy, so I’m voting for him

  What the FUCK!? If you’re going to do that, vote for your neighbor, Jim

  I’d love to see that in the next Presidential election

  Millions of write in votes for a wide cross section

  Don’t just vote for somebody because of the flag they wave

  Vote for someone you know, someone you trust, that represents YOU, someone you’d be willing to save

  It’s your vote; you don’t have to vote for that guy

  And if you’re registered in one of the parties, make your voice heard, even in July

  Don’t just check away, because some elites far away are telling you, “This is OUR GUY”

  Who gives a FUCK if they represent the Elephant or Donkey Party?

  Do they truly represent US, ALL OF US, look at them honestly

  We all have our differences, that much is clear

  But allowing these two organizations to control our country has allowed us to be consumed with cynicism and fear

  We have the power, no matter what they say

  Let’s start changing thing right away,

  Starting today


  Thought police round the corner

  They’ve made their conclusion; bit by bit, we’ve sold to the highest bidder

  In some cases not even selling, instead just being a quitter

  Resigned to the way things have been

  Oh well, it’s happening again

  We love our electronic toys more than life itself

nbsp; Stay oblivious to the lack of help

  March on without care to the clearly doomed future

  How many friends in the real world can we procure?

  The rising tide is gaining ground

  As we stumble around

  Worrying about nonsense that is always found

  Someday we’ll get it, hopefully not too late

  Remember, the Wolves will kill, rather than give food off their plate

  I know I’m not long for this world, and that’s okay

  Feeling at peace with my maker on this day


  Illustrious visions by the one in charge

  In ten to fifteen years we’ll start doing our part

  Until then, let’s burn up as much as we can, we all know there is no God’s plan

  If God did have an agenda

  I don’t think it would be for us to shit on his sofa

  The great gift we’ve been given

  And we expect more when it’s all gone

  Well Anyway, I’ll do my little part

  Speak my one voice; At least it’s a start

  Do you honestly think that gas will last forever?

  Do you honestly think intense heat and gas has no effect on the weather?

  It is not hopeless though, small changes can have a big effect

  There is still the problem of those who even when knowing what we know, still don’t give a shit

  I’d be suspicious of anyone who says to be religious but is willing to shit and spit where they sit

  Earth is our home for now

  No matter what you believe that is a fact all of us have to reckon with some how

  Well Anyway, I’ll do my little part

  Speak my one voice; At least it’s a start

  We all like to know what happens when we die

  Is that really the purpose of life, to constantly live a lie?

  I don’t care about death, I care about life

  Tired of all the talk about what happens when it’s all over

  The show is live now, let’s get together, have good times, worry about death and the end when our time is over

  Well Anyway, I’ll do my little part

  Speak my one voice; At least it’s a start

  IF you want to prey for someone, don’t waste them on me

  Prey for all the evil that still exist in the world, that is plain to see

  Wars with no purpose, starving and homeless people across the planet

  And, prey for Mitt Romney, there’s a new 80 foot yacht he’ll be happy sailing in

  The imbalance is so ridiculous and obvious, we have to do something right

  How bad does it have to get, all college grads working at Target

  A tiny group controls just about everything

  The reason we allow this is very unclear, not speaking up and allowing this nonsense to continue is the worst kind of sin

  Well Anyway, I’ll do my little part

  Speak my one voice; At least it’s a start


  Assaulted on all fronts by the all caring, all knowing

  The inner thoughts they know what it’s all about

  The others are infallible, a righteous group

  Keep steady; you may get to join their troop

  Be willing to pacify and conform

  To whatever they ask, no matter the inner charm

  Strong confidence must be avoided

  Until all the details are sorted

  Speaking clearly in a logical debate

  Will still give pause, about your minds’ weight

  Follow the witch hunt to the end

  A new journey will be in order

  Don’t worry about the letter to send

  Will they see it before time comes?

  Hard to say, he’s not the righteous one


  For those of you of strong mind and body

  There is a true test that is not for just anybody

  The pace is relentless,

  40 minutes of constant running and tackling

  Few Breaks or rest

  No high five after a good play

  No rest on this day

  Wipe the blood off, you’re okay

  This isn’t football with a break every few seconds

  You need to fight through pain for more than a few minutes

  Passing, kicking, tackling, rucking and mauling, everyone on the field has to know how to do it

  If you can’t, sub out, a fresh rugger is ready to go this instant

  But, remember once you’re out, you’re out,

  No returning to the fight

  Offense and Defense, everyone plays

  It is the most intense game there is these days

  And remember, when the 40 minutes of constant running and hitting is up,

  You’re not quite done,

  That was just the first half son

  Rugby, the true game of Champions

  Beat the shit out of each other for 80 minutes; afterwards both sides celebrate a hard fought match like true companions

  If you think you can handle it, come on out

  We love to show newbies what we’re all about

  Women can play too, and don’t laugh at that; many of them could kick your ass

  So, next Saturday Rugby Day, if you feel the inclination

  Come on out to the pitch, you’ll believe in Rugby, without hesitation


  The stars were aligned during the 5th installment

  Heavens open with rich praise and encouragement

  He speaks the truth, flawed as is he is,

  The Knight from the golden era

  Packs of dancing hyenas gazed into the mirror

  Is all hope lost in this strange time of theirs?

  We left good details for all the followers

  Do they still not understand the place of the son?

  Hard to believe the war is still not done

  The messages were left, subtle but obvious

  Grow too big and greedy, and all hope is lost

  Their advancement is happening much too fast

  They’ll take out others with them, just like the past

  Except their even quicker, have barely past the 1st installment

  There’ll soon be nothing left of the hope encampment

  Yes the potential is obvious, it demands attention

  When they have the slightest bit of caring, it brings delightful satisfaction

  But with the wolves continuing to run the show,

  Is all hope lost, Can love grow

  Hard to say in this strange time of man



  Don’t get too rowdy, you might upset the Stupids

  There are reactionary bunch, ready to punch

  Anyone who makes them think

  But it’s because of them and others that our country started its sink

  It’s been a long slow gradual decline

  Less emphasis on a logical mind

  They can only understand black or white

  No matter how much you talk, there is no reason in them tonight

  They’ll fight to the death for concepts they don’t fully understand

  Multi-faceted complex dilemmas, they have no ability to plan

  So they start fights of fists and might,

  Because they think it’s somehow right,

  The Stupids are somehow controlling the debate

  “Great” says the Wolves, “Let’s get in a quick nine before it’s too late”

  Consumed with issues that are a personal matter

  Basing their vote on gossip and news pundit chatter

  No ability to think for themselves, or to truly understand what’s the matter

  Stupids, if you don’t understand just admit that you don’t

  If you think the 1% are inviting you to their party, Sorry, they aren�


  So close I can taste it, yet still so far away

  Why am I back here?

  Because family said it wasn’t okay

  Been worrying too much about what they think

  Have to move on soon or else sink

  Back into the rut I lived for too long

  Not this time, I’m righting the wrong

  I’ll stay long enough to settle my debts

  Not be like Fuckhead, I’ll attest

  But once back to the positive, I’m on my way

  There has to be a better way to make it in the world today

  There are other thinkers, who say,

  I object to this, why are things this way


  The contradiction was clear when the last one was close

  He gave in to the temptation learned from the Holy Ghost

  If you engage in this sort of behavior for too long

  The fable will prove itself wrong

  Acquire the necessary tools to proceed

  They may feel the need to impede

  It’s still up to you

  As far as what you want to do

  Hold fast, Live hard, watchful for young death

  In this curious place, avoid the Devil’s bet

  Fortunately for you, this is a new play

  An acclaimed dance that goes every day

  Your life’s ending is not of your choosing

  Shouldn’t feel like you are losing

  But it is a hard fought battle

  That started long ago, Discovered in the state with Seattle

  Rewards for those who think their able

  Press on soldier, the fight is not yet done

  You are still someone’s son


  Icy reception at the Full Moon Diner

  The Lady from Omaha was a believer

  In the oddness that presents itself first as easier

  No one to listen to the Dark One’s Easter

  Hello again, he said with a laugh

  Rambunctious times for now, and then I must get back

  The tension has been built too much, it may explode at last

  What was he talking about in his past?

  It was an unfortunate folly

  The kind of dilemma one couldn’t be jolly

  In accordance of his wishes, there’ll be no psychology

  But, you still pretend to not care of the money

  It may become too unbearable at some point in time

  The unrest can be unbearable to rhyme

  But the Dark One presses on, eager for debate

  A change of scenery, he’ll quickly acclimate

  Others are confused, then indifferent

  To his silly antics that haven’t produced a single cent

  Don’t worry, there is light at the end of the tunnel

  No more slogans please, they only get you into trouble

  What are you about, and why are you here

  Well for good times, that’s all, no need to shed a tear

  So, follow me and the Headless Horsemen

  We will be absolutely rich in mind and body by then

  Don’t worry about the Dark One’s strange behavior, if you’re lucky, he’ll bring you with him


  Fortunately for me it isn’t up to you

  Retaliation is a mistress that shouldn’t be used

  Hand back the tools that have been rotting away

  Consume the eager playfulness before it’s too late

  This is the time, she said with a smile

  That past life just needs to be filed

  Eternal spring is coming soon, if you are the one in charge

  But your decisions aren’t always giving someone a part

  Act now in this great adventure,

  Be the Defender

  Before the oppressing tide that never surrenders

  Hey…You, what are you doing here

  It’s time to make something clear

  You can no longer be consumed with The Fear

  No longer willing to suppress the soul that has been in waiting

  For the opportunity to reveal itself in full, hiding has been too taxing

  Forever in kind during the side show

  Rumors and double talk, slowing the flow

  Facts being twisted by others so it’s easier to understand

  The conclusion is near, but there may need to be a plan

  Hey…You, what are you doing here

  It’s time to make something clear

  You can no longer be consumed with The Fear


  On the train again

  Thank God, No Damn Car

  Oh Shit, They even have a bar

  Have a good old time and not worry about who’s driving

  Walk around, meet people learn how others are surviving

  Ride the train once in a while

  Let the time slowly pass by

  Have a good time in the old box car, Enjoying life in cool style

  Soon, hopefully we will have

  The kind of transit I’ve seen in the foreign ad

  More efficient, faster and less waste

  All we need is a little taste

  And we will soon be rid of our affliction

  To this Century plus addiction

  To Mother Earth’s blood, We use to run every mechanical incarnation

  Ride the train once in a while

  Let the time slowly pass by

  Have a good time in the old box car, Enjoying life in cool style


  There can be an advantage in fulfilling the mind

  Dangers lurk through what was left behind

  Hopefulness will not always win over The Fear

  It’s also up to my dear, the urgent voice from long ago

  Has made things clear once again

  With the battles by the hand

  The voice was a muffled old organ, the journey continues despite us all

  Always new problems that need to be solved

  The hand will continue to extend

  To those of positive mind, not trying to bend

  Stay on this journey

  Alleviate negative worry


  What is this place that I’ve created for myself?

  The only real thing is me on a shelf

  Headless Horsemen strikes again

  What deeds did I do that were so filled with sin

  Where am I and who am I in this place, and why am I feeling like a weakling, feeble but for some reason

  Not too inclined on leaving

  What is the forces’ purpose and why am I here

  Did I just write that, or are you in fear

  The images in my head are too dark to even express,

  What is the meaning of that crow that just flew over my head, beginning his decent?

  Too in tune with a place that I don’t want to be in tune with

  I feel the butt of the joke, but…Just a little bit

  This Place part II

  This place is just one of many

  Huge open world available to any

  That is if you can afford it, money is the be all end all in this place

  Try to make without it and you’re likely to have doors slammed in your face

  I don’t believe in regret, and this place isn’t all bad

  But, I’m tired of being in a place that just makes me sad

  A fresh start will be fun

  Sing some music in the sun

  I didn’t bring my song book but it doesn’t matter

  I’ll just write new ones and sell the other later

  So easily distracted in this place,

  Pretty woman walks by and I forget my face


  That mother fucker is unaware

  Of the torment that begins to tear

  At the edges of reason, he’s been born to bea

  All the patterns shouldn’t always be avoided

  There may be a message there that needs to be sorted

  It will eventually come to pass,

  What it was all about, the fears and the doubt,

  Why live so consumed with everyday tasks

  If we all do die someday anyway

  Why not live a little for today?

  I can’t always plan for tomorrow

  Who knows if or when it will get here?

  Is money the only thing holding me back?

  It’s hard to say in this modern world, so much excess information, I can’t keep track

  I’m a freak and weirdo because I’ve asserted my true nature,

  My family’s response wasn’t exactly nurture

  There’s something wrong with you, there’s no way anyone would leave her

  You need to get checked out, get a Doctor

  When I tell you I’m happy

  Does that mean anything?

  Or how about 33 years living with this thing

  Your understanding of me is clearly outdated

  I no longer need your approval to be validated

  Saying what’s on my mind; showing more true spirit

  I wouldn’t say, “All right, let’s let him hear it”

  Are you really happy, really?

  Please look at me honestly

  Are you comfortable with yourself the way you talk to me?

  Remember I feel emotions more than you know, Please tell me honestly

  No matter what response I give to you

  It must be wrong, according to you

  Too many dreams were squashed too early

  I’m young enough though to still see them clearly

  Off with your negative shit

  I barely have any money and I’m kickin’ it

  Missing my boys, but still enjoying life

  That does mean something right

  No it’s about the time

  And you don’t know how to rhyme

  The only way to live is to do what everyone else says

  My own choice and vision seems to mean nothing, I still think he needs some X-Rays


  What is it about American life in the 21st century that anyone could possibly object to?

  There has to be something wrong with you

  It’s unfortunate that it took so long

  It won’t correct any wrongs

  Follow us, or you’re not our son

  We know you better, or at least we once did when the years were few

  That was a long time ago though, grown up quite a bit since then

  My views of certain sacred principles has to be adjusted from time to time

  Certain lessons learned as a boy, I just can’t seem to abide

  Following stupid rules simply because someone tells you

  Maintaining course toward the end, people who question things, a chose few

  Right now a man is in prison for exposing war crimes,

  Evidence of American soldiers gunning down civilians, who were helping the dying’s cries

  The truth hurts yes

  But ending the madness would hurt far less

  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are principles worth striving for

  They’re not on the Federal’s list of chores

  I cannot follow ANY order no matter how ridiculous

  I have too much connection to human existence

  We’ve gotten off course somewhere in our past

  This generation has got to step up if we want our society, not just country, to last

  We can’t let the U.S.A. control our daily life

  Some basic necessities are nice so we don’t have the worry time

  But that’s all the U.S. should handle, the rest is up to us

  Diversify our economies much more specific to each region

  No more pandering to corporate reason

  It will soon be too late to just maintain course

  We have to put ourselves onto a new course

  No matter how much we deny it we know it’s clear

  Something has to change NOW before there’s panic and fear

  It’s not just global warming, glass ceilings, class wars

  It’s lack of discussions in anyplace, even bars

  We’ve become pawns in their game, handing over our power

  Without even looking over our shoulder

  What is so special about them that they can live like that?

  Many people have no water or food in the place where they sit

  How do we change; simple enough

  Declare Independence, running a smaller republic is much less tough

  Without outside influence we could govern ourselves much more efficiently

  Let the voters speak, each vote count legitimately

  No more pandering to how the Feds want it done

  “Don’t worry, we’ve got this one son”

  We live here, we work here, we die here, what do you know of our life?

  Go back to the City of Washington and buy a new tie

  The venison roams in the country alone

  But there are also great cities to call home

  We seem to care over here a little more as a collective

  About what happens where we live and what our taxes are used to give

  Personally I don’t mind paying taxes as long as it’s legit

  But we all know that much of the money and breaks go to those who don’t need it or wanted it to begin with

  Too few people are aloud far too much power

  They have their money because their great whatever invented that thing you can use in the shower

  A sensible cap is just common sense

  As individuals, we’re far too greedy to follow our own penance

  It gets to a point where more means nothing,

  At that point, Don’t be a FUCK HEAD, DONATE SOMETHING

  The unethical, corrupt shithead who only seems to feed on power money and greed

  Should be dropped off in the middle of nowhere, no connections to the outside world,

  Survive now without your workers at your steed

  The people at the top ARE NOT always the fittest

  In fact, in many cases they’ve demonstrated to be the dimmest

  Paid millions to sit in a room and boast

  “Who has the biggest swinging dick at this Roast?”

  Their bravado paper thin

  Without their money, their nothing again

  I refuse to only be defined by how much I make

  But, of course by focusing on this it may lead to a higher take



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