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Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942

Page 79

by Ian W. Toll

ABDACOM in, 190

  British air defenses in, 49–50

  Japanese attack on, 36, 48, 54, 64, 141, 172, 182, 234, 244–48, 250, 253, 271, 312, 319, 410

  rubber plantations and tin mines in, 248

  Malay barrier, 262, 263

  Malay Peninsula, 236, 245, 249

  Malays, British army discrimination against, 247, 248–49

  Maloelap, Enterprise carrier raid on, 203, 212, 215, 217, 220

  Malta, 265

  Manchester, William, 67

  Manchukuo, 85

  Manchuria, xviii, xxiv, xxix

  Japanese annexation of, 85–86, 88–91, 107, 111, 276

  Soviet border with, 111

  Mandates, 316

  Manila, xxxii, 48

  Japanese advance on, 237–41

  Manila Bay, 52, 237, 241

  Mao Tse-tung, 91

  Marblehead, USS, 254

  Marcus Island, 230, 278

  Marianas, 82, 384, 404

  Marine Guard, 397

  Marines, U.S., 26, 28, 34

  aviators of, 426

  Efate fighter squadron, 392

  1st Marine Defense Battalion, 140

  4th Marine Defense Battalion, 150

  Marine Fighting Squadron 211 (VMF-211), 140, 141, 146, 323

  Marine Fighting Squadron 221, 410

  Marine Squadron VMSB-241, 414–15, 464

  in Samoa, 202–3, 205

  in simulated combat exercises, 7

  on Wake Island, 140–47, 151–56

  Marshall, George Catlett, 15, 162, 169, 179–80, 239, 386, 389

  Admiral King as partner with, 196–97, 267

  command unity promoted by, 188–93, 235

  on FDR, 242–43

  Hawaii attacks anticipated by, 316

  Marshall Islands, 21, 48, 82, 139, 140, 141, 143, 150, 153, 199, 384

  Japanese airfield on, 406

  U.S. carrier raids on, 200–231, 218, 278

  Marshalls Defense Force, 222

  Martin, Joseph, 30

  Martin B-26 Marauder bomber, 340, 411–12, 413

  Maruyama, Taisuke, 448, 450, 454–55, 463

  Marxism, 76

  Maryland, USS, 10, 39

  Mason, Theodore, 12, 16, 20, 33, 38–39

  Masuda, Reiji, 238–39, 259

  Matthews, Martin, 10

  Mayflower, xxxiii

  Mayflower Hotel, 173

  McAlister, John A., 145

  McCain, J. S., 318

  McClusky, Clarence “Mac,” Jr., 421, 426–29, 431–32, 444

  McClusky, Wade, 216, 225

  McCrea, John L., 180

  McCuskey, E. Scott, 399, 444, 449

  McGoran, John H., 12

  McIntire, Ross T., 178

  McKinley, William, 201

  administration of, xxxvi

  McMorris, Charles H., 150, 153, 155

  Mears, Fred, 400–402, 418–19, 427, 466, 472–73, 476

  Medal of Honor, 353

  Mediterranean, xxxiii, 265

  Meiji Constitution of 1889, 78, 120

  Meiji emperor, xix, xxv–xxvi, 77, 78, 108

  Meiji Restoration, xxv, xxvii

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 115

  Melbourne, cryptanalytic unit in, 310, 315, 387, 480

  Menado Peninsula, 234

  message externals, 306

  Mexico, xxxii

  Michener, James, 328–29

  Micronesia, 82

  Middle East, 25

  Australian troops in, 264

  Midway, Battle of, 95, 229, 339, 377–83, 402–66

  Allied victory in, 471–73, 479, 482–83

  compromises in Japanese planning of, 379–80

  Coral Sea carriers missing from, 375

  Japanese media distortions of, 483–84

  Japanese naval forces at, 407

  Japanese plans for, 36, 47, 277–81, 301, 320, 322, 377–83

  Japanese withdrawal from, 462

  Kondo’s suggested postponement of, 382

  motivation for, 379–80

  myths about, 396

  orders and preparations for, 392–402

  piecing together story of, 437, 472–73

  radio intelligence and, 311–12, 315, 384–91, 480–81

  segregation of Japanese veterans of, 484–85

  wargaming of, 381–82

  Midway atoll, 140, 232, 464

  U.S. airpower on, 381, 407–8, 409–14, 419, 461–62, 465, 477

  Midway Invasion Force, 462

  Mikuma, 464–66

  Mili, Yorktown carrier raid on, 203, 205, 226

  Military Academy, U.S. (West Point), xv, 131

  Miller, Henry F., 284–85, 293

  Mindanao, 48, 234, 243, 490

  Ministry of War, Japanese, 89

  Minneapolis, USS, 22, 323, 358, 367

  Minobe, Tatsukichi, 88

  Misima Island, 340

  Mississippi River, 44

  Mitchell Field, 43

  Mitscher, Marc, 290, 453, 477

  Mitsubishi, 86, 92, 93

  Mitsubishi A5M Type 96 “Claude” airplane, 92–93, 217–19, 341

  Mitsubishi AGM “Zero,” 11, 48, 49, 51–52, 58, 93–94, 101, 154, 213, 217, 316, 341–42, 352, 353, 354, 358, 370, 376, 378, 400, 410, 485

  as accompaniment to bomber, 233, 344–45

  dogfighting with, 51–52, 209, 254, 399

  at Midway, 41, 408, 411, 413–15, 422–26, 428–31, 433–35, 442, 444, 448, 454, 455, 465, 478

  weaknesses of, 337

  Mitsubishi G3M “Nell” bomber, 48, 49, 54, 93, 140, 142–43, 219, 222, 224–25, 254

  torpedo-armed, 55

  Mitsubishi G4M “Betty” bomber, 48, 54, 93

  torpedo-armed, 55, 66

  Mitsui, 86

  Miwa, Yoshitake, 75, 230–32, 276

  Miyashita, Hachiro, 353, 371

  Miyo, Tatsukichi, 280–81

  Moana Hotel, 475

  Mogami, 464–66

  Molucca Sea, 234

  Monroe Doctrine, xx, 82

  Montauk Point, 43

  Moorer, Thomas H., 22

  Moran, Lord (Sir Charles Wilson), 173, 177, 193, 194

  Moreell, Ben, 126

  Morinaga, Takayoshi, 439–40

  Morison, Samuel Eliot, 147, 158, 201, 230, 233, 330–31

  Morita, Akio, 88

  Morotai, 490

  Morris, USS, 368


  German forces stopped at, 182

  siege of, 60

  Mount Fuji, 100

  Mount Natib, 240

  Mukden, 85

  Battle of, xxv

  Mukden Incident, 85–86

  Munitions Building, 124

  Murray, George D., 223–25

  Musashi, 103–6, 482

  Musashi, Miyamoto, xix, 477

  Musashino, 92

  Mussolini, Benito, 25, 59–60, 115

  Mutsu, 105

  Mutsuhito, see Meiji emperor

  Mutsuki, 146

  Nachi, 257, 259

  Nagano, Osami, 116, 301, 378

  Naganuma, Michitaro, 440

  Nagaoka, 68, 71

  Nagara, 441, 475

  Nagasaki, 84, 103–5, 482

  atomic bombing of, 491

  Nagato, 65–66, 75, 105, 117, 255, 272

  Nagoya, 92, 286

  Nagumo, Chuichi, 40, 231, 254–55, 262, 275, 286, 307, 474–75, 485–86

  Indian Ocean raid of, 255, 264–66, 293, 295, 315–16, 321–22

  in Midway operations, 379, 381–82, 390, 402, 404, 406, 409, 411–16, 426, 431, 441, 447, 455–56, 460, 462–63, 477–78

  at Pearl Harbor, 65–66, 119, 122, 209, 487

  suicide contemplated by, 474

  Nakai, Kazuo, 222, 224

  Nakajima B5N2 Type 97 “Kate” carrier attack plane, 93, 117–18, 212, 344–45, 347, 355, 358, 404, 412, 439–40, 442, 448–49

  Nakajima Ki-27 Type 97 “Nate” plane, 213–14

  Nakazawa, Iwao, 445

Namur Island, 213

  Nanchang, 300

  Nanking, 111

  Japanese atrocities at, 91, 300–301

  Napoleon I, emperor of France, xxiv

  Napoleonic Wars, 164

  Nashville, USS, 288–89

  National Airport, 172–73

  National Guard, 148

  District of Columbia, 25–26

  ethnic Japanese in Hawaiian, 149

  National Mobilization Law of 1937, 106

  National Spiritual Mobilization, 113

  “National Spiritual Motivation,” 108

  Nautilus, USS, 415, 427

  Naval Air Command, Japanese, Technical Department of, 94

  Naval Air Corps, Japanese, 101–2

  Naval Air Station, 164

  Pensacola, 202

  naval arms race, xvii

  Naval Communications, Office of (ONC), 310

  naval doctrine, xiii

  Naval General Board, U.S., 130

  Naval General Staff, Japanese (NGS), 63, 65, 66, 102, 119, 274–76, 279–81, 301, 389, 482

  Aleutians operation as pet project of, 379–80

  rivalry of Combined Fleet with, 389

  Naval Institute, 303

  Naval Institute Proceedings, 132, 164

  Naval Intelligence, Office of (ONI), 202, 310

  Naval Observatory, 171

  naval officers, qualities of, xiv–xvi, xxiii–xxiv

  Naval Postgraduate School, 164

  Naval Radio Intelligence Section (OP-20-G), 309–12, 316, 386–87, 480–81

  Naval Reserve Midshipman’s School, 133–34

  Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), 136–37

  Naval Staff College, Japanese, xix, 69

  Naval War College, U.S., xvi–xvii, xxxiii–xxxiv, 132–33, 164, 202

  naval warfare, pace of change in, xiii

  Navy, British, see Royal Navy, British

  Navy, Japanese, see Imperial Navy, Japanese

  Navy, Russian, xxxiv, 274, 275

  Navy, U.S., xxvi–xxvii, xxxiv, 180, 186, 190, 199, 275, 375, 381, 484

  access to Pacific by, xxxi

  Annapolis grads vs. reservists in, 136–37

  Army friction with, 268

  Asiatic Fleet of, see Asiatic Fleet, U.S.

  aviators of, 202, 282–83, 318, 335, 336–37, 426, 472, 475–76

  battle fleet world tour of, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxiv

  battleships in, 83, 102

  buildup of, 123, 137, 138, 194, 200, 204, 317, 373, 478, 489

  Bureau of Aeronautics of, 164, 165

  Bureau of Navigation of, 127–28, 136, 318

  Bureau of Yards and Docks of, 126

  career officers in, 158

  carrier groups in, 150–51

  change feared in, xxii–xxiii

  criticism of, 45, 47–48, 127, 158

  FDR and, xxxvi, 28–29

  Fifth Fleet of, 384, 395

  First Fleet of, 384

  General Board of, 168, 194, 489

  Japanese attack on Cavite and, 52–53

  new aerial search pattern set up by, 43

  officers of, xxii–xxiv

  Pacific Fleet of, see Pacific Fleet, U.S.

  Pacific fuel reserves of, 31

  patrol planes of, 21–22

  Pearl Harbor and damage to, 30, 39, 44–45

  preparedness of, xxxiv

  recruits into, 489–91

  reform of, xix–xxiv, xxxi, 28, 164

  in retreat to Bataan, 237–38

  rookie pilots in, 399–401

  Second Fleet of, 384

  shift from battleships to aircraft carriers by, 56–57, 194

  in simulated combat exercises, 7

  Task Force 8 of, 39–42

  Third Fleet of, 395

  TR’s campaign to expand, xix–xxiv

  and unified command, 189–90

  Wake Island and, see Wake Island

  women as yeomen in, 137

  “young Turks” in, xxiii

  navy bureaus, U.S., xxii

  Navy Department, Japanese, 65

  Navy Department, U.S., 14, 26, 44, 45, 481

  in Depression era, 125

  in wake of Pearl Harbor attacks, 124–28, 139

  Navy Headquarters, U.S. (“Main Navy”), 124–25, 169, 170, 179, 304

  Navy Ministry, Japanese, 87, 114, 120, 273, 281, 484

  Navy Order No. 18, 378

  Navy Yard Hospital, 11

  Nazism, 115

  NBC radio, 23

  Neches, USS, 151

  Nelson, Horatio, 67–68, 72, 156, 158

  Neosho, USS, 12, 329, 330, 333, 338, 344–47, 374

  Neptune’s Court, in equator-crossing ritual, 326–27

  Netherlands, 53, 116, 236

  ABDA fleet commanded by, 253–60, 262

  government-in-exile of, 253

  Pacific forces of, 181, 182, 188, 253

  Nevada, USS, 20, 40, 42

  New Britain, 202, 229, 277, 306, 316

  New Brunswick, 28

  Newburg, Peter, 348

  New Caledonia, 182, 184, 186, 187, 277, 280, 328, 370

  Japanese plans to attack, 281, 301, 311, 319, 381, 382, 385

  seaplane base in, 335

  New Deal, 126

  New England, 43

  New Guinea, 181, 182, 276, 338

  ABDACOM in, 190

  Australian base on, 301

  carrier attacks on, 278

  Japanese airbases at, 230, 320, 333, 335

  Japanese invasion forces and, 264, 315, 316, 319, 334, 337

  New Hebrides, 182, 184, 311, 319, 328, 387

  New Ireland, 320

  New London, Conn., 164

  New Order in Greater East Asia, 66, 271–72

  New Orleans, USS, 323

  Newport, R.I., xvi, xxxiii, 169, 170

  Newsweek, 176

  New York, N.Y., xviii

  air raid sirens in, 43

  New York Sun, xxx–xxxi, 27, 126, 129

  New York Times, xxxv, 30, 129, 486

  New Zealand, 25, 181, 182, 186, 205, 267, 318

  Pacific Forces of, 188

  Nichi Nichi, 483

  Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, xxiv, xxviii

  Nielsen, John, 340

  night surface attack, 460

  Nihon University, 115

  Niigata prefecture, 68

  Nimitz, Anne Elizabeth, 133

  Nimitz, Catherine Vance (daughter), 133

  Nimitz, Catherine Vance Freeman (wife), 129–30, 133

  Nimitz’s letters to, 134, 138, 139, 199

  Nimitz, Chester, Junior, 133, 135–36

  Nimitz, Chester W., 69, 201, 289, 476, 482

  Admiral King’s meetings with, 317–18

  Admiral King’s relationship with, 199

  appearance of, 127–28

  appointed to Pacific Fleet, 127, 129, 152, 169, 305

  background and naval career of, 130–33

  Battle of Midway Island and, 380, 385–86, 387–90, 392, 396–97, 399, 401, 406, 459, 473–75, 477–78, 480, 481

  Battle of the Coral Sea and, 328, 333, 334, 337, 369, 373, 375

  character and personality of, 129, 135–36, 137–38, 158–59, 401


  on Germany-first principle, 181

  intelligence information used by, 307, 308, 311–12, 315–17, 337, 480

  in journey to Pearl Harbor, 130, 133–34, 138–39, 150, 152, 157

  and Marshalls raid, 200, 202, 207–8, 227–28

  Midway-Hawaii-U.S. seaways and, 182

  new fleet for, 200

  orders to Lexington from, 328

  Nimitz, Chester W. (continued)

  Pearl Harbor quarters of, 157–58

  press relations of, 228

  submarine Grayling as flagship of, 160

  U.S.-Australia lifeline and, 182

  Nimitz, Mary Manson, 130, 133

  Nimitz Hotel, 130, 131

  Nisshin, 69, 462

nbsp; Nitobe, Inazo, xxvi

  Nitta Maru, 288–89, 293

  Nobel Peace Prize, xviii

  Noda, Mitsuharu, 66–67, 73, 75, 405, 446–47, 475

  Nogi, Harumichi, 115, 122–23

  Nogi, Maresuke, xxvi, 78

  Nomonhan, 111

  Nomura, Kichisaburo, 116

  Norfolk, Va., 172, 283

  North Africa, 198, 265

  French, 173

  invasion of, 185

  Rommel pushed back in, 182

  North America, 192

  North American B-25 Mitchell bomber, in bombing raid on Japan, 281–300, 315, 318, 319, 400

  Northampton, USS, 40, 216, 285

  Northern Ireland:

  troops scheduled for, 186–87

  U.S. forces in, 185

  North Pacific, 268, 278, 283, 370, 379, 381, 405

  Norway, 202

  Nouméa, 335, 370

  Numazu, 271

  Oahu, 15, 21–23, 30, 31, 40, 65, 139, 140, 148, 149, 150, 157, 226, 277, 285, 298, 311, 317, 383, 385, 388, 392, 397, 402, 406, 417, 471

  invasion fears of, 386, 398, 475, 477

  Japanese submarine sunk off, 24

  long-range patrol planes of, 21–22

  military bases on, 7

  Oahu Cemetery, Pearl Harbor victims at, 38

  Oberlin, Ohio, 23

  Oceania, 267

  southern, 234

  Oerlikon antiaircraft guns, 325–26

  Office of Production Management, U.S. (OPM), 488–89

  Oglala, USS, 40

  Ohara, Hisashi, 431

  O’Hare, Butch, 336–37

  Ohio, USS, 132

  oil, 115, 116, 123, 265

  in Borneo and Sumatra, 182, 234, 237

  in Persian Gulf, 265

  oil refineries, 266

  oil tankers, 214

  Oite, 145

  Okada, Jisaku, 430

  Okada, Keisuke, 88

  Okinawa, 82, 490

  Oklahoma, USS, 10, 18, 31, 39, 126, 157

  Okumiya, Masatake, 65, 377, 456, 461

  Okuna, Takao, 64

  Omi, Heijiro, 295

  Ominato, 404

  Onishi, Takijiro, 118, 475

  OP-20-G (Naval Radio Intelligence Section), 309–12, 316, 386–87, 480–81

  Opana, 21

  Operation MO, 301, 320–22, 321, 338, 377, 383

  Operation Plan 29–42, 390

  Osaka, 286

  Ota, 92

  Oxford University, 113

  Pacific Destroyer Force, U.S., 394

  Pacific Fleet, U.S., 127, 197, 228, 238, 307, 380

  Admiral King’s opposition to giving MacArthur command of, 267

  in Battle of Midway, 388

  CINCPAC of, see Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet

  headquarters of, 393

  Nimitz appointed to command of, 127–29

  at Pearl Harbor, xxxvi, 9–10, 278

  Pearl Harbor alert issued by, 14

  Pearl Harbor and destruction of, 30, 39, 44–45, 64, 129, 159, 271

  remnants of, 280

  replacement of senior admirals in, 317

  Yamamoto’s Midway Island plans for, 280–81

  Pacific Ocean, xxi, xxx, xxxiii, xxxvi, 29, 83, 109, 170, 190, 231, 237, 276, 293, 384


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