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Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942

Page 80

by Ian W. Toll

  in 1942, 2–3

  North, 268, 278, 283, 370, 379, 381, 405

  South, 186, 187, 247, 256, 264, 268, 276, 299, 306, 308, 314–15, 318, 328, 384, 386, 387, 392, 490

  western, xxxiv, xxxv

  Pacific Slope, xxxii

  Pacific War, 92, 101, 171, 174, 181, 192, 195, 275, 490–91

  Admiral King as advocate for, 162, 182–87

  in Allied global strategy, 182, 317

  Allied planes lost in, 51–52

  counteroffensive in, 181

  future admirals of, xxxiii

  “hold and build” policy in, 184

  Japanese surprise offensive as beginning of, 35–36

  losses in, 138

  Midway’s importance to, 411

  pilot shortage in, 204

  production and allocation issues for, 172, 184–85, 187, 243

  shipping bottleneck in, 267

  Spruance highly regarded by historians of, 395

  U.S. command in, 266–67

  U.S. fuel reserves in, 31

  U.S. planning for, xxxiv

  U.S. seen as tied to, 59

  as war of attrition, 479, 486

  Yamamoto’s grim view of, 67

  Pago Pago, 205

  Palau, 48, 490

  Palembang, 254

  Palm Inn, 33

  Palmyra Island, 323, 385

  Panama, xxi, xxxi, 182

  Panama Canal, xxi, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 103, 184, 187, 311

  Pan-American China Clipper Service (Pan-Am), on Wake Island, 140–42

  Panay, USS, 112, 114

  Paris, 156

  Parliament, British, xviii, 198, 263

  Parshall, Jon, 378, 380, 455

  Patton, George S., 201

  PB2Y-2 Coronado flying boat, 139

  PBY Catalina seaplane, 18, 22, 236, 238, 335, 408, 410, 419, 425, 464

  Peace Preservation Law of 1925, 81

  Peacock Point, 142, 144, 145

  Peale Island, 139–41, 146

  Pearl City, 33

  Pearl Harbor, 7–33, 11, 51, 52–53, 54, 105, 133, 140, 143, 149, 152, 153, 154, 169, 170, 194, 200, 207, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 277, 278, 283, 285, 286, 294, 310, 319, 329, 337, 373, 379, 385, 387, 390, 392–93, 404, 406, 414, 460, 467, 470, 475, 487, 488

  Administration Building at, 391

  antiaircraft guns at, 8, 31–33, 36–37, 401

  Pearl Harbor (continued)

  B-25s ferried to, 282–83

  Bachelor Officers Quarters (BOQ) of, 17

  “Battleship Row” at, 9–10, 16, 41, 45, 135, 157, 271

  blackout conditions at, 30

  bodies at, 38

  burn cases at, 37

  Churchill’s view of, 24–25

  codebreaking unit at, see Station Hypo

  code for, 308

  concerns about future attacks on, 312, 317, 386

  course of war changed by, 59–62

  Dispensary at, 17

  Drydock No. 1 at, 396–97

  East Loch of, xxxvi, 16, 22, 30, 39, 157, 393

  false reports of post-Midway attack on, 483

  FDR on, 35–36

  Hitler’s response to, 59–61

  Hospital Point at, 20, 22, 42, 401

  Japanese invasion expected at, 22–23

  Japanese response to, 63–66, 270

  Lexington group in, 151

  Lexington in dry dock at, 323–25

  losses at, 30, 44–45

  MacArthur’s response to, 48–49

  Marine Barracks at, 17, 19–20, 31

  Naval Hospital at, 36–37

  Navy criticized for, 45, 47–48, 127

  Navy Yard at, 17, 19, 22, 31, 36, 41, 227, 302, 309, 325, 383

  Nimitz’s journey to, 130, 133–34, 138–39, 150, 152, 157

  oil spilled at, 16–17, 19, 22, 38–39, 40, 157

  radio announcements of attack on, 23–24

  revenge for, 208, 473–74

  submarines at, 159, 238, 280

  surprise of attack on, 7–9

  Ten-Ten Dock at, 17, 40, 302

  torpedoes for attack on, 118–19

  as turning point, 59, 61–62

  in wake of attacks, 30–33, 36–42, 126–28, 129, 134–35, 195, 233, 304–5, 312, 387, 489

  Yamamoto’s attack plan against, 65–67, 118–19, 122, 279, 281, 383

  see also Ford Island; Hickam Field

  Pecos, 262

  Pederson, Oscar, 442

  Peking, 91, 111

  Penang, 247

  Pennsylvania, USS, 32–33, 170

  Pensacola, Fla., 202

  Percival, Arthur E., 245, 250–52

  Perkins, Frances, 28–29

  Perry, Glen, 27, 126, 129

  Perry, Matthew C., xxvii, 84

  Persian Gulf, 265

  Perth, 256, 260–62

  Petrie, Lester, 8

  Phelps, USS, 367

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 26

  Philippines, xxi, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxv, 30, 140, 181–82, 190, 267–68, 269, 296, 308

  ABDACOM in, 190

  Japanese attack on, 36, 48, 50, 51, 52–53, 58, 64, 117, 141, 156, 182, 185, 234–35, 237–44, 247, 253

  MacArthur’s base in, 48–49, 228, 237

  radio intercept station on, 309

  Phillips, Tom, 53

  Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, 57, 66, 169, 173

  Platte, USS, 206

  Poindexter, Joseph B., 14, 147

  Point LUCK, 390, 402

  Point Option, 421, 435, 436

  Polaris (North Star), 328

  Pollard, Joseph, 450

  pollywogs, 326–27

  Pope, USS, 260

  Portal, Sir Charles, 179, 189, 193

  Port Arthur, xviii, xxvi

  Portland, Ore., 298

  Portland, USS, 450

  Port Moresby, 276, 277, 281, 301

  Japanese offensive against, 314–16, 318–22, 321, 333, 338, 374, 385, 392

  Japanese withdrawal of forces from assault on, 370–71, 377

  Port Moresby Invasion Force, 320, 333, 338, 341, 344, 346

  Covering Group of, 341

  Portsmouth, N.H., xxviii

  Portugal, 235

  Potomac River, 172

  Pound, Sir Dudley, 56, 179, 191, 193, 249, 374

  Powers, John J., 353

  Pratt & Whitney radial engines, 420

  press conferences:

  FDR and Churchill in, 175–76

  after Pearl Harbor attack, 27

  prime minister, Japanese, 87

  Prince of Wales, HMS, 53, 55–57, 56, 66, 172

  Princeton University, 113

  Protestants, xiv

  PT boats, 53, 243

  Puget Sound, 200, 309, 489

  Putnam, Paul A., 146

  Pu-yi, Emperor, 85

  Pye, William S.:

  as caretaker CINCPAC, 152–53, 157–58

  Wake Island abandoned by, 153–56

  Qing Dynasty, 85

  Queensland, Australia, 318

  Quezon, Manuel, 239, 242–44

  Quynn, Allen, 32

  Rabaul, 71, 202, 229, 278, 335, 339

  Japanese invasion of, 229, 306, 319

  as Japanese staging base, 229, 277, 315, 319–20, 333, 338, 344


  of Hitler, 115

  in Japan, 78, 112, 486

  against Japanese, xxix–xxxii, 77, 149

  radar, 55, 205, 220, 323–24, 347, 356, 409, 442

  Radike, Floyd W., 247

  radio, xiii–xiv, 205, 257, 321, 335, 337, 373, 420, 423, 446

  deception suspected of Japanese, 317, 386–87

  early naval use of, 307

  radio D/F stations, 310

  radio intelligence sector, 309–12

  radio intercepts, 306, 308, 337, 388, 391, 420, 479, 481

  radio intercept stations, 309–10, 383, 384

  Radio Tokyo, 255, 296–97

  railways, in warfare, xxiv

  Raleigh, USS,

  Rangoon, 264

  Raring, G. L., 339

  Rash, Elmo, 19

  Rawie, Wilmer, 217–19

  Ray, Clarence C., 468

  Rayburn, Sam, 35

  reciprocating engines, xiii


  air, 202, 205, 236, 316, 350, 384, 390

  Japanese, 392, 406, 412, 478, 485

  Midway-based, 380

  submarine, 202

  Red Cross:

  Japanese, xxvi

  nurses from, 18

  Redman, John R., 310–12, 316, 386, 481–82

  Redman, Joseph R., 310–12, 316, 481–82

  Reeves, Joseph M., 156

  refueling, 255, 261, 329, 333, 339, 405–6, 411, 462

  Reichstag, 60

  Reilly, Mike, 178

  Republican Party, 45

  in FDR cabinet, 126

  Repulse, HMS, 53–55, 56, 57, 66, 172

  Rhode Island, 133

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 115

  Richardson, Bernard, 143

  Richardson, James O., 130

  Richardson, Robert C., 389

  Rikken Seiyukai Party, 87

  Ring, Stanhope C., 421, 423, 437, 465

  Rochefort, Joseph, 302–16, 337, 383–92, 479–82

  Rocky Mountains, 44, 134

  Rohatsu, 63

  Roi, 140, 141, 230

  carrier attack on, 211–13

  Rome, ancient, 81–82

  Rommel, Erwin, 182, 265

  Ronin, 88

  Rooks, Captain, 262

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, xxxvi, 176, 197, 487

  on Churchill, 173, 178

  on declaration of war, 35

  on Pearl Harbor attack, 14–16

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 178

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 180, 244, 298, 300

  administration of, xxx, 116, 137

  Admiral King’s relationship with, 162, 166, 168, 184

  as aristocrat, 46, 60

  Churchill’s first meeting with, 57, 66, 169, 173

  Churchill’s relationship with, 178–79, 193, 196, 266

  and Churchill’s Washington visit, 171–79

  cocktail hour of, 177–78

  common touch of, 46

  criticisms of, 488

  “day that will live in infamy” speech of, 35–36

  declaration of war against Japan by, 34–36, 62

  on defense of Bataan, 242–43

  disability of, 34–35

  division of Pacific Command suggested by, 266–67

  Europe-first strategy and, 59, 479

  fireside chats of, 45–47

  on Japanese conduct in China, 112

  naval knowledge and support of, xxxvi, 28–30, 168, 489

  Nimitz appointed by, 127, 139

  1942 State of the Union address of, 194

  Oval Study of, 12–14

  Pearl Harbor press conference of, 27

  on Philippine relief, 185

  policy of supplying Allies by, 61

  reports of Pearl Harbor airstrikes and, 14–16, 24, 26–27

  Republican cabinet members of, 126

  as assistant secretary of the navy, xxxvi, 29

  strike at Japan requested by, 283

  on unified command, 190, 192–93

  on Wake Island, 151

  Roosevelt, James, 30, 35–36

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 103, 126, 161

  as assistant secretary of the navy, xx

  on Japan, xxvi–xxvii, xxxi–xxxii, xxxv, xxxvi

  Mahan’s influence on, xix–xx

  on military education, xv

  naval buildup and reform promoted by, xix–xxiv, xxxi, 28

  naval goodwill tour promoted by, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxiv

  on naval preparedness, xxxv

  presidency of, xx

  Treaty of Portsmouth and, xviii

  Root, Elihu, xx, xxx

  Rosenman, Sam, 45, 47, 178–79

  Roy, William G., 368, 452, 469

  Royal Air Force, British (RAF), 189

  disarray of, 53

  European focus of, 245

  Force Z attack and, 56

  in Malaya, 49–50, 245, 248

  Royal Hawaiian Hotel, 398, 475

  Royal Navy, British, xix, xxi, xxiv, 67, 103, 265

  battleship tonnage in, 83

  Force Z of, 53–57, 56, 66, 172

  losses to, 265

  Mahan’s influence on, xviii

  officers of, xxiii

  shift from battleships to aircraft carriers by, 57–58

  Task Force 44 in, 328

  Rozhestvensky, Zinovy, xxiv, xxxiv, 118

  Russell, Charles, 12

  Russell, USS, 330

  Russian Revolution, xxviii

  see also Soviet Union

  Russo-Japanese War, xxi, xxiv–xxix, 78, 82, 85, 274

  Ryan, Joseph, 23, 31

  Ryan, Peggy Hughes, 149

  Ryan, William, 43–44

  Ryujo, 48, 260–61, 406

  Ryukyu Islands, 82

  sabotage, Japanese-Americans accused of, 149

  Safford, Laurence, 310

  Saigon, 54

  St. Charles Hotel, 131

  St. Fernando, 240

  St. Louis, USS, 9

  St. Petersburg, xxviii

  Saionji, Prince, 79, 117

  Saipan, 384, 388, 404, 490

  Sakai, Saburo, 51, 96–98, 299

  Sakhalin Island, xviii, 274

  Salamaua, 230, 264, 277, 278, 320

  Salt Lake City, USS, 205, 208, 216, 224, 285–86, 288, 296, 298, 393

  Samoa, 182, 184, 202, 203, 205, 277, 301, 319

  sampans, 288–89

  samurai, xix, xxv, xxvii–xxviii, 68, 86, 88, 275, 477, 486

  San Diego, Calif., 139, 157, 182, 202, 489

  San Francisco, Calif., xxi, xxxi, xxxii, 182, 317, 489

  air raid scares in, 43–44

  discrimination against Japanese immigrants in, xxix–xxxi

  earthquake in, xxix–xxx

  San Francisco Bay, 103, 281–82, 285

  San Francisco Chronicle, xxix–xxx

  San Francisco Examiner, xxix

  Santa Barbara, Calif., 265

  Santa Fé Railway, 134

  Saratoga, USS, 92, 150, 202, 323, 344, 376

  Bombing Three (VB-3) of, 398

  Task Force 14 and, 150, 151, 153, 155–56

  torpedoing of, 200, 222

  Sarawak, 234

  Sasaki, air officer, 475

  Sasebo Harbor, 72, 103

  Sato, Hideo, 95, 108

  Sawamoto, Yorio, 116, 120

  SB2U Vindicator scout bomber, 415

  Schmitz, Carl, 33

  school segregation, of Asians, xxix–xxxi

  Schulze, Curtis, 33

  Sealion, USS, 53

  Sea of Japan, 68

  seaplanes, 150, 234

  anti-submarine, 405

  seaplanes (continued)

  destroyed, 40

  Japanese, 222

  reconnaissance, 165, 320

  seaplane tenders, 406

  seapower, Japanese, 83

  Sears, Roebuck, 195

  Secret Service, 26, 34, 178

  Sehe, Charles, 20

  Seligman, Mort, 326, 335–36, 363–64, 366, 481n

  Senate, U.S., 35, 44

  declaration of war against Japan in, 36

  Seton, A. L., 9

  Shanghai, 111

  Shattered Sword (Parshall and Tully), 378

  shellbacks, 325–26

  Sherman, Frederick C., 325, 334–35, 337, 348, 351, 357–63, 374

  and evacuation of Lexington, 364–67

  Sherwood, Robert, 36, 45, 62, 175, 192–93, 194, 487

  Shibata, Masashi, 465

  Shimada, Koichi, 269

  Shimada, Shigetaro, 120–21

  Shimazaki, Shigekazu, 358

  Shimoyama, Kaname, 416, 433

  Shinto, 79, 80, 270, 487


  by Japan, 84

  by Western powers, 83

  ship design, xiii

  Shock, Thomas M., 217, 219

  shogi, 73, 272, 461

  Shoho, 320, 330, 341–43, 346, 370, 374, 377, 426

  Shokaku, 231, 320, 322, 333, 343, 344, 347, 350, 353–54, 371, 374–75, 378, 426, 485

  shoribyo (“victory disease”), 271, 380

  Short, Walter, 127, 147, 353, 370

  Showa era, 81

  Showa Restoration, 87, 90

  Showa Tenno, see Hirohito, Emperor

  Shumway, Dewitt W., 454

  shutais, 100, 448–50

  Siam, 234

  Siam Sea, 234

  Siberia, 296

  speculation of Japanese attack on, 186, 266

  Signal Corps, 300

  Sims, USS, 344–45, 347, 374

  Singapore, 25, 49, 176, 182

  British cryptanalytic team of, 310

  British naval base at, 234

  Force Z sent to, 53, 66

  Japanese air raids on, 245–46

  landward defenses of, 249

  surrender of, 228, 236, 242, 244–52, 255, 264, 266, 269–70, 271, 273

  Singora, 54

  Smith, Cornelius C., Jr., 31, 39

  Smith, Joseph, 351, 355

  Smith, Merriman, 26

  Soames, Mary Churchill, 177

  Society Islands, 184

  Solomon Islands, 182, 264, 268, 277, 316, 319, 320, 328–29, 333, 334, 335, 337, 339, 382, 392

  Japanese air units in, 314, 335

  “Some Ideas About Organization Aboard Ship” (King), 164

  Sony Corporation, 88

  Soryu, 295, 377, 414, 424, 429, 431, 454

  loss of, 434, 435, 438, 439, 440, 446, 448, 456–57, 459–60, 462, 473, 484

  Sosa, Tanetsuga, 483–84

  South America, xxi, xxx

  South Carolina, USS, 132

  South China Sea, 53, 54, 234, 286

  Southeast Asia, British command in, 266–67

  South Manchurian Railway, 85

  South Pacific, 186, 187, 247, 256, 264, 268, 276, 299, 306, 308, 314–15, 318, 328, 384, 386, 387, 392, 490

  Soviet Union, xxiv–xxvi, xxix, 24, 59, 60, 61, 92, 181, 285, 298, 317, 488

  airfields in, 283

  border of Manchuria and, 111

  fear of collapse of, 25, 266

  German invasion of, 24, 25, 173, 182, 250

  Nazi attacks on, 60

  speculation on Japanese attack of, 25, 186

  U.S. supplies sent to, 174, 187, 265

  Spam, 298

  Spanish-American War, xx, xxi, 126, 159

  Spring-Rice, Cecil, xxvi

  Spruance, Edward, 394

  Spruance, Margaret, 394

  Spruance, Raymond A., 200, 208, 216–17, 389

  and Battle of Midway, 393–94, 402, 417, 420–21, 437, 453, 458–59, 465–66, 471, 473, 476–78

  character and personality of, 394–95, 476–77

  command relinquished by Fletcher to, 458

  and “failure to pursue,” 459, 477

  seasickness of, 395

  Stalin, Joseph, 266

  Stalingrad, Battle of, 62

  Stark, Harold R. “Betty,” 14–15, 44, 153, 168–70, 180, 189, 194


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