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Car Wash

Page 5

by Shawn Lane

  “I’m just standing here, chatting with Mr. Lewis,” Kevin said, his heart pounding hard.

  “Fucking prick. I’m two blocks from the car wash. I was coming to pick you up.”

  “Good. Hold on.” Kevin pulled the phone away to talk to his boss. “My ride’s just about here, Mr. Lewis. Thanks anyway.”

  Mr. Lewis made a sort of growling noise, and then the car window slid up.

  Kevin tried to smile, then went back to the phone. He swallowed. “Thanks.”

  “Is he still there?”

  “Yeah, but I think he’s getting ready to drive away.”

  Mr. Lewis revved the engine for a few seconds, as though in defiance, but then he pulled away and headed for the driveway leaving the car wash.

  “Okay, he’s gone.”

  “All right, stand by a streetlight or something. I should be there in just a few minutes. Bye.”

  And just like that Michael disconnected again. Kevin decided he really needed to talk about Michael’s abruptness on the phone too. Obviously the man wanted to be the boss of the world or something, but Kevin was used to being his own boss, and it was starting to rankle.

  Still he found himself standing near a streetlight while he waited. A few minutes later, he watched Michael’s Maserati approach. It was kind of hard to miss that car.

  Kevin got in and had barely fastened his seat belt before Michael started driving.

  “I’m guessing you’ll want to stop at your apartment for some of your things,” Michael said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I just figured you’d be staying over.”

  “Oh, you just figured that, did you?” Kevin tapped his fingers against the dashboard, trying to remain cool.

  “What’s up? You don’t look so good. Had a bad day? I mean other than Lewis.”

  He sighed. “Yeah. I didn’t hear from you all day even though you said you’d call.”

  “I got busy.”

  “Apparently. This may come as a surprise to you, Michael, but I’m sort of high maintenance.”

  Michael smiled. “I know.”

  “I also like to be the center of the universe, at least for whomever I’m dating. That doesn’t seem to be the case with you.” Kevin tapped his fingers. “I hate to be an afterthought.”

  “You are no afterthought.” Michael cupped his knee, sending a jolt of lust spiraling through him.

  Kevin grimaced. “Whatever. And then Mr. Lewis announced today he was selling the car wash.”

  “Oh?” He caressed Kevin’s thigh.

  “Nobody knows if the new guy will keep it running or keep us or anything.” He bit his lip. “I hate to be out of a job again.”

  “I want to talk to you about that anyway, Kevin.” He squeezed his thigh and then let go. “Let’s wait until I’m not driving to talk fully, but basically I’d rather you weren’t working there anyway. There are better jobs out there you’re more than capable of doing.”

  Kevin opened his mouth to reply, but found no sound coming out. He clenched his jaw and looked out the window.


  “Let’s wait to talk like you said.”

  When Michael pulled in front of Kevin’s apartment without even turning off the engine, Kevin got out and became even more pissed.

  “You know what? I think I’m too tired for this,” he said, leaning into the car.

  “Too tired for what?”

  “This.” Kevin waved at Michael. “I don’t do this, Michael.”

  “Do what?” Michael frowned in confusion.

  “Come running with someone parked at the curb waiting for me. Nor will I answer to honks, and I don’t appreciate being strong-armed. You want to have a conversation with me? Park your fucking car and come up to my apartment. Otherwise, good night.” He straightened from the car and headed up the stairs, not bothering to see what Michael’s reaction was. He was fairly sure Michael would follow him given the way the man had been touching him in the car. Or at least he hoped so.

  When he got into his apartment, Kevin kicked off his shoes, then headed straight for the bathroom and extracted a foil wrapper and bottle of lube from under the sink and brought it out the dining room, leaving it on the table. He knew they needed to talk, but right now all he could think of, suddenly, was having Michael fuck him. It had been a few days after all.

  A very short time later, there was a loud rap on his apartment door.

  “Open the damn door.”

  For just the slightest second, Kevin hesitated. He wanted to open the door and wanted to jump Michael, but he knew he’d probably irritated the man too. If he hesitated too long, he’d probably anger him more.

  He opened the door just a crack and was only mildly surprised when Michael shoved it open hard.

  “What the fuck?” Michael growled, slamming the door shut with the palm of his hand.

  Kevin threw himself at the other man, pushing Michael against the door and searing their lips together. His fingers grasped the tail of Michael’s pale blue tie, tugging him even closer. Their teeth clacked together and their mouths mashed roughly.

  Michael threaded his fingers through Kevin’s hair, tugging hard on the ends. He broke their bruising kiss long enough to ask, “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “Forget that. On the table,” Kevin said. Without waiting for a response, he took the few steps over to the table, unfastened his jeans, and pushed them down his hips and thighs. Then he sat on the edge of it, his legs dangling off.

  Michael’s gaze took in the condom wrapper and lube. He yanked Kevin’s pants off. “Is this table sturdy enough?”

  “Yes. Who cares? Just fuck me.”

  Michael reached up to remove his tie.

  “No,” Kevin said quickly. “Leave your clothes on. Just take out the necessary equipment.” He grinned.

  Michael’s eyebrow shot up. “This is an expensive suit.”

  “You can afford the cleaning bill.”

  The man grimaced, and for a moment Kevin thought he wasn’t going to do it, but then, Michael unzipped his black dress pants and pulled out his erect cock and balls. “Happy?”

  “Not until that’s inside me. Hurry.”

  Michael tore open the foil wrapper and rolled the rubber over his dick. “Give me the lube.”

  Kevin scooped up the bottle and handed it over. He scooted toward the edge until his ass barely rested on the table. He lay flat on his back, spread his legs wide, and raised his ass for the ease of his lover.

  Michael slipped an oiled finger into Kevin, and Kevin closed his eyes, clenching around it. Another joined the first, spreading, probing.

  “Ah, God, please.”

  “Please what, baby?”

  Kevin bit his lip. His mind drifted off to a time when at fifteen he’d attacked twenty-one-year-old Michael, kissing him, pleading with him, begging him. And Michael pushing him away. He’d vowed then he would never beg anyone again, let alone Michael Bennett.



  “Come on, baby, tell me what you want,” Michael urged.

  “Michael, please, fuck me.”

  With a low, deep moan, his lover pushed into him. He stopped, for just a second, at the slight resistance from Kevin’s body. Kevin grabbed the edge of the table, lifting himself up, trying to urge Michael deeper. A whimper tore from his lips.

  “Shhh,” Michael said soothingly. He thrust in deeper, all the way to the hilt. He stilled again, this time his arms linking under Kevin’s legs, drawing him closer, pulling their bodies flush so they melded as one.

  It was almost too much, too intense. His lover stroked that particular spot over and over. Kevin heard a sort of keening cry and knew it came from him.

  “That’s it, baby, give it to me. Everything.” Michael’s thrusts sped up, pushing impossibly deeper. “God, you are so fucking tight.”

  Kevin reached for his cock, stroking up and down the length. His balls drew up, and release tingled deep within him. Micha
el angled up just slightly, hitting his prostate once more. It was enough to send him over the edge. He came, screaming his lover’s name.

  Michael pumped a few more times before tensing and roaring his own release. After a moment, he withdrew and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Kevin’s lips.

  He felt like he was made of gelatin. “I don’t think I can move.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Michael disappeared, and Kevin had no idea where he went. A minute or so later he returned with a wet, warm cloth to wipe Kevin clean. Then he helped him sit up and handed him his jeans. Kevin jumped down from the table and pulled on the pants.

  “Are you hungry?” Michael asked, pulling him into his arms. He rested his chin on the top of Kevin’s head.


  “All right. Let’s make something to eat, and then we’ll talk.”

  Kevin swallowed, feeling unexpectedly nervous. He nodded, but didn’t move out of Michael’s arms yet.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “Yeah, sure. Let’s make dinner.” Kevin pulled away and gave him a smile.

  * * * *

  Michael watched Kevin dig into his kitchen cabinets looking for pots and pans to use for cooking. He’d told Michael he didn’t really need his help.

  “Hey, do you mind if I make a quick call?”

  Kevin shrugged.

  He decided that was all the answer he would get. Kevin still seemed pretty agitated and touchy. He glanced toward the balcony and went outside. He wanted to check on his car anyway. This wasn’t a bad neighborhood, but a car like his might draw too much attention. He punched the speed dial for his brother.

  “It’s about time you called me back,” Danny said by way of greeting.

  “Yeah, sorry. Things have been crazy. Client’s wife is trying to claim he abused her to get extra money out of the settlement.” He paused and leaned over the rail. “And other things have been occupying me too.”

  “Other things? Are you still seeing Kevin Flaherty?”

  “Uh-huh. I’m with him now. Well, he’s inside making dinner.”

  “Making dinner?” Danny’s voice sounded incredulous. “Are you setting up house or something?”



  “What are you a parrot?” Michael didn’t see anyone around his car. He sighed. “I like him.”

  “You like him like him?” Danny asked, his voice distinctly amused.

  He gritted his teeth. “Yes.”

  “Wow, who knew? I never thought, after the way things ended, you and Kevin would ever end up together.”

  “Well, we haven’t ended up together yet,” Michael admitted. “I’m sort of still working on that.”

  “You mean you haven’t slept with him?”

  Michael snorted. “Of course I have. I meant we’re not living together yet.”

  There was a long pause on the other end, and he almost thought they’d been disconnected.

  “So,” Danny finally said, “you’re actually considering that?”

  “I told you, I like him.”

  “Yeah, but you really like him. After what happened with you and Felix I never thought you’d get serious again.”

  “Believe me, Kevin and Felix have nothing in common other than both being gay.”

  “You’re moving pretty fast though.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not like we were strangers. I always liked Kevin.”

  “And he sure as hell liked you. So, then, what’s the problem? How come you haven’t brought him to the folks to reintroduce him to the fold and all that?”

  Michael glanced toward the apartment. “He’s sort of prickly.”

  Danny laughed. “He always was.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, but I think it’s gotten worse. He’s something of a drama queen. Not all the time. Just sort of comes and goes. Right now it’s definitely the vibes he’s giving out. In fact, I’m probably pissing him off right now being on the phone too long.”

  “All right. I’ll let you go, but call me tomorrow and let me know if I need to buy you two a housewarming gift.”

  “Bye, Danny,” Michael said pointedly and hit the End Call button.

  Chapter 6

  Michael slid the door open and stepped back into the apartment. Kevin stood leaning against the kitchen bar, his arms crossed defensively in front of his chest.

  “Need any help?”

  “I told you before, no.” Kevin just stared, his gorgeous blue eyes solemn. Hardly seemed like the same guy who’d just been begging him.

  “What are we having?” Michael decided to act casual. He already knew he needed to tread cautiously against this particular aspect of Kevin’s personality. He’d known it before when Kevin was a teen. He’d already become reacquainted with it since meeting up with Kevin recently.

  “Chicken-and-mushroom pie.”

  “Yum. Sounds good.” He was trying to lighten the mood, but it seemed pretty clear Kevin wasn’t going for it. The man just continued to stare at him. “Okay, spit it out. The surly act is starting to get to me.”

  Kevin nodded. “Okay. Did you pay the rent on my apartment?”

  “Yes.” He saw no reason to lie about it. He’d pay the rent again.

  “Why? I can’t afford to pay you back.”

  “I didn’t ask you to,” Michael responded. “I didn’t want you to worry or stress out about it, Kevin. I knew it was bothering you.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t even pay just the back rent, but a month in advance. What’s going to happen after that when I can’t afford it again?”

  Michael didn’t think this was the time to tell Kevin he hoped he wouldn’t need the apartment anymore because he’d be living at Michael’s place. Kevin didn’t seem like he’d be very receptive to the idea at the moment.

  Instead he said, “Don’t worry about that right now.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Kevin muttered. He sighed and relaxed his stance just a little. “How did you make that happen so fast, anyway?”

  “I went to law school with one of the partners at the law firm handling it.”

  “And what about the car wash? What am I going to do if the new owner doesn’t want me to work there or whatever? I don’t want to be out of another job.” He was almost pouting, and if Michael wasn’t afraid of Kevin’s reaction, he would have kissed that pout right off his mouth.

  “Well, actually I have another job for you anyway.”

  The blue eyes narrowed. “What?”

  “You did office work before you were laid off, didn’t you?”


  “My firm needs office help. It’s just mail, filing and doing computer work, but it will definitely pay you a lot more than the car wash. You can start Monday. Until you can afford transportation, and by that I mean a car not a motorcycle, you can ride with me.” Michael waited for the fireworks. He could practically see sparks shooting out of those intense eyes.

  “And now you’re telling me, like you can, not to get another bike?” Kevin asked, his voice very neutral.

  Somehow the calmer Kevin was a little more bothersome. “I’m not telling you that you can’t get a motorcycle. I am strongly advising against it. I told you, they aren’t safe. Before I got into family law I did some accident work, and most of my cases involved motorcycle accidents. Whether they were the fault of the rider or not, they mostly ended badly.”

  Kevin shifted from one leg to the other, but otherwise kept up the calm facade. And Michael knew it was fake. He could see the emotions churning in Kevin’s eyes.

  “I don’t wear suits.”

  Michael knew Kevin was just trying to be difficult, something he had learned Kevin excelled at, but he also knew it was Kevin’s way of saying he didn’t want a handout. Kevin was prideful. He got that.

  “You won’t have to wear a suit. Just business casual. No ratty jeans or shirts,” he said easily. Michael smiled. “And you wouldn’t have had to worry about losing your job at the car wash. I k
now the new owner pretty well.”

  Kevin moved away from the bar and took an almost menacing step toward him. “Okay, what? What does that mean?”

  Michael decided that perhaps now hadn’t been the time to divulge that information, but, in for a penny, in for a pound. “I’m the one who is purchasing the car wash.”

  “What the fuck?” The calm shattered and the dramatics arrived. Kevin’s fists clenched. “Why? Why would you do that, Michael?”

  “I didn’t want anyone working for that scumbag.” He shrugged. He couldn’t believe, frankly, it wasn’t obvious.

  “Oh my God, what are you, some kind of stalker freak?”

  Michael winced. That hurt. “No.”

  “Well, I’m not Cinderella, and you sure the hell aren’t my fairy godmother. You can’t just wave your magic wand and make all my problems go away.”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  Kevin had been pacing back and forth in front of the kitchen bar, but now he stopped right in front of Michael. “If you aren’t a stalker, then what do you call it? You paid for my apartment, you bought where I worked, and now you want me to work at your firm. What? So you can keep an eye on me?”

  He nearly rolled his eyes at the drama but fought against it. “I told you. I paid the rent because I didn’t want you to stress out and worry about being homeless. I want you to work at my firm because it’s a better job and it pays more. There’s nothing nefarious there, Kevin.”

  “What about the car wash?” Kevin bit his lip.

  “I didn’t want you or anyone else working for Lewis. He implied he wanted to make you have sex with him for money.”

  “Isn’t that what you’re doing?”

  “What?” Okay, now his own calm reasonableness slipped a bit.

  “It’s the same thing, isn’t it? You’re basically paying me to sleep with you. It’s just wrapped up in a prettier picture. The apartment, the job, all of that. You’re trying to buy me. Like I’m your kept boy.”

  That threw him for a loop. He’d never imagined in a million years Kevin would view it in that light. He’d thought their attraction, their relationship—wherever it was going—had been mutual. He’d taken for granted since Kevin wanted him before, he still wanted him now. But now that Michael thought about it, he had been pursuing Kevin pretty hard, and Kevin had been just letting it happen.


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