Book Read Free

Car Wash

Page 7

by Shawn Lane

  Michael’s laugh was bitter. “I didn’t have a date, Kevin. I wanted to get a reaction from you. I’d hoped you’d get pissed at me or something.”

  “We’re pretty stupid, huh?”

  “I think so. Where are you?”

  “I’m at Charlie and Noah’s having dinner.” Kevin paused. “Want to come here? I’m sure there’s plenty of food. And then, after, I could go home with you…” He held his breath, waiting for Michael’s response.

  “All right. Give me the address and I’m on my way.”

  Kevin thought his heart would beat right out of his chest. He gave Michael the address and then said, “Michael?”


  “I’m sorry too.”

  Chapter 8

  Michael parallel parked his Maserati in front of the plain bungalow-style home with the address Kevin had given him. He got out and clicked the electronic locks and alarm. As he rounded the front of the car, the door to the house flew open to reveal Kevin.

  His mood lifted instantly. Kevin still wore his boring black slacks from work, but he’d undone several of the buttons on his black shirt. Michael’s pulse raced.

  “Hi,” Michael said.

  To his surprise, Kevin rushed at him, instantly drawing him into an embrace. The young man buried his face in Michael’s throat. Michael’s arms tightened around him.

  “I missed you,” Kevin whispered.

  “God, that’s good to hear. I missed you too. I’m sorry I’m such an ass.”

  Kevin leaned back to look at him, smiling. “I said some horrible things too, but all that’s over.”

  Michael ran his thumb over Kevin’s plump bottom lip, suddenly anxious to get him home and into bed. He didn’t suppose Kevin or his friends would go for that, though. Instead he brushed his lips across Kevin’s. It was just a tease. Definitely not enough. He lowered his mouth to the other man’s again, deepening the kiss this time.

  Kevin’s arms encircled his neck, and he slipped his tongue inside Michael’s mouth.

  “Hey, hey, the neighbors might not appreciate you two making out on the front lawn,” a man with dark, curly hair said from the porch.

  Kevin blushed and ducked his face against Michael. He laughed and closed his hand over Kevin’s and pulled him to the porch.

  The man stuck out his hand at Michael. “Charlie Banks. I’ve already guessed you’re Michael Bennett.”

  Michael shook his hand. “Yes. Nice to meet you, Charlie. Thank you for making room for me at dinner.”

  “No problem. Noah always says I make too much food. Come on in.”

  Michael followed Charlie in the house and he noticed, with no small satisfaction, Kevin didn’t let go of his hand. Dinner couldn’t go fast enough.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Charlie asked. “Beer? Wine? Wine cooler?”

  “Sure, how about a wine cooler?”

  “Be right back.”

  Just as Charlie disappeared into the kitchen another man came out. He was very well groomed with short-cropped light brown hair and a square jaw.

  “Noah, this is Michael,” Kevin said.

  Noah gave him an appraising look. “Noah Riggins. Nice to meet you.”

  Michael couldn’t help but notice Noah did not offer to shake his hand. His lips twitched. Apparently he wasn’t all that popular with Kevin’s old friend.

  “Dinner’s just about ready, so why don’t you two sit at the table there.” Noah gestured to the dining room table already set for the meal.

  “Come on,” Kevin said, tugging him forward. They seated themselves and shortly after Charlie came to the table with Michael’s wine cooler and plates of food. The other two men soon seated themselves and for a few minutes they all ate in companionable silence.

  “So, Michael, I have a question for you.” Noah took a sip from his beer bottle and smiled.


  “Kevin said you cheated on your last boyfriend. Do you make a habit of that?”

  “Noah!” Kevin yelled.

  Charlie made a sort of choking noise that sounded like he tried to muffle a laugh.

  Noah seemed unfazed by both their reactions. “Well?”

  “Uh, hon, maybe it would be better to leave that between Kevin and Michael,” Charlie suggested.

  “It’s all right, I’ll answer.” Michael set his fork and knife down. “I’m not proud of what happened with Felix. It was a difficult relationship.” His gut twisted, remembering the old pain. “The short version is this. Felix was the son of a client. I probably shouldn’t have become involved with him in the first place because of that. He could be very charming, though. Anyway, we did become involved, eventually he moved in with me, and it became quickly clear he was a drug addict. Nasty stuff like heroin. He stole money from me. Had drug parties at my house without my knowledge. It was pretty bad. One night we had a big fight, and I left and went to a gay bar. I drank too much and had a one-night stand with the bartender. The relationship was going down fast anyway, but that definitely killed it. The guilt ate at me like you can’t imagine, and I certainly believe I’ve learned my lesson.”

  “I see.” Noah nodded.

  Michael couldn’t have cared less whether Noah saw or not. He was more concerned with Kevin’s reaction. Kevin was quiet and seemed pretty interested in whatever was left on his plate.

  Charlie cleared his throat. “Why don’t you help me clear the plates, Noah?”

  “Okay.” They rose, picked up dishes, and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving him alone with Kevin. Not alone enough as far as he was concerned.

  “Is everything all right, babe?” Michael grasped Kevin’s hand, and ran his thumb over the warm skin there.



  Kevin met his gaze, swallowed. “When we had a fight, did you—”

  “No, I didn’t,” Michael said. “And I wouldn’t. Not ever, Kevin. I did learn my lesson with Felix and that was a different relationship and I was a different person then.”

  Kevin smiled a little. “Okay.”

  He sighed. “I know our fight last week has you thinking. The truth is, I really hate fighting. I know that sounds crazy considering I’m a lawyer and I fight and argue all day long. Maybe that’s why it bothers me so much on a personal level.”

  “Michael, people fight sometimes. We’ll probably fight again, to be honest.” Kevin leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “I’m sorry for what I said.”

  “I know. But there is some truth to it. I do want to take care of you and buy things for you. I can see how that could be perceived as trying to buy your love. I’d give you anything you wanted in the world if I could.” Michael glanced away when he realized just how sappy that sounded. It was true, though.

  “Hey.” Kevin smiled when Michael looked back at him. “You do know it’s normal to have disagreements sometimes in a relationship? It doesn’t mean it’s over or we hate each other. Right?”


  “And another thing,” Kevin said. “I know you want to take care of me and all that, but you should talk to me about decisions and stuff that affect me. Okay?”

  Michael nodded. “Okay, I will. Or I’ll try to.” He hesitated. “What is it you want to do, Kevin? Have you ever thought about it? You’re very clever.”

  “I don’t really know, honestly. I mean when I was a kid I wanted to be Elvis, but I can’t sing worth a crap.” Kevin grinned. Then he shook his head. “I know how to spend money.”

  Michael laughed. “What did you take in college before you quit?”

  “Mostly design classes, some art, architectural stuff. But I didn’t much care for the structure of school. I like to decorate but don’t really have the money for that.”

  “If you want, I am sure you could take some night classes now. See if there’s anything that you like in particular. Something to think about anyway.”

  “Yeah. Okay. But right now I really want you to take me home, but we should help clean
up. And I should probably tell Noah to lighten up on you.”

  “He’s just protecting you.”

  Kevin laughed. “Yeah, I know, but I’m a big boy now.”

  Michael stood. “I’ll help Charlie with the dishes. He seems less hostile.”

  * * * *

  “Hey, sorry about Noah busting your chops,” Charlie said a short time later, handing him a wet plate to dry. Noah and Kevin were in the living room looking at some website on the computer. “He’s very protective of Kevin.”

  “I noticed. I don’t mind. He sort of brings the protective instinct out in me too. By the way, have you considered joining the twenty-first century with the rest of us?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Michael laughed. “I can’t remember the last time someone did dishes by hand.”

  Charlie smiled and shrugged. “There’s usually just the two of us. Anyway, Kevin acts like he doesn’t care and that he’s always perky, but Noah knows he hides behind that. He came in here pretty depressed before you called him. Then he lit up like the It’s a Small World Ride at Disneyland.”

  “That bright, huh?”

  “Yeah. Believe me, I have experience with my boyfriend’s friends not liking me.” He handed a cup to Michael.

  “What? Are you kidding?” Michael couldn’t imagine that. Charlie seemed like the nicer of the two as far as he was concerned.

  “Trust me, dude, there are plenty of people out there who despise me.” Charlie chuckled. “The truth is when Noah and I first got together I was a jerk to him. I came very close to losing him.”


  “Uh-huh. I’m sure all his friends would dearly love for Noah to dump me.” Charlie drained the sink. “But I’m lucky. Noah loves me. Listen, I know you’re anxious to get out of here to have hot make-up sex, so go ahead and take off.”

  “Are you sure? We could hang around a little longer.”

  “Nah, go on.”

  Michael nodded. He knew Kevin might want to spend time with his friends, but Michael just wanted to spend time with Kevin.

  * * * *

  Michael glanced at Kevin, reclining in the passenger seat, as he took the freeway onramp. “You do know I’m taking you to my house, right?” He’d almost said our house but decided it was too soon after making up to push it that far.

  “I expected that.”

  “Do you want to stop at your apartment for your things?” He decided he would push it that far. He wanted Kevin to know he expected they’d spend the weekend together at the very least. They had some catching up to do.

  “No, I don’t want to waste the time. I want to be naked and in your bed as soon as possible.” Kevin grinned.

  “Sounds like we want the same thing.” Michael watched him for a moment, unable to completely set aside his concern. “You look really tired. Are you feeling all right?”

  Kevin sighed. “I am tired. I haven’t slept well all week.”

  “Is it the job? You’re not worried, are you? Because I hear you’re doing great. Everyone really likes you and thinks you are very smart.”

  “No, not the job.”

  “You’re not getting harassed by the apartment people? Or that bastard Lewis?” Michael would tear them apart if that was the case. All of them.

  “No, Michael. It’s none of that. I couldn’t sleep because I was upset over you.”

  “Oh.” He reached over and squeezed Kevin’s hand briefly. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you all weekend. You can sleep the whole weekend if you want. Well, other than when we’re having sex.”

  Kevin laughed. “Glad you qualified that.”

  “You’re not still worried about my cheating, are you?”

  “Will you stop worrying? I’m not. Everything’s good. I just want to get to your house already.”

  Michael grinned. “Sorry. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a normal relationship before, so it’s going to take some getting used to.”

  “Really? Even before your screwed-up relationship with Felix?”

  “No. I dated and had sex, but I wasn’t really in any committed relationships before that one.” He took the exit for the canyon. “How about you?”

  “I had a couple boyfriends for longer than a minute, but nothing serious. I saw this guy Tad for about two months, but we didn’t live together or anything. He was bi-curious.”

  “Listen, I know I’m really controlling and have a tendency to be a little overbearing—”

  “A little, yeah.” But when he glanced at Kevin, he saw Kevin’s eyes were twinkling with amusement.

  “But I would never really hurt you. And I hope you know that.”

  “I know that,” Kevin whispered. “What are you trying to say?”

  “Well,” Michael said, blowing out a breath, “I want you to realize I’m thinking long-term here. I know we’ve only been seeing each other a short time and part of that we weren’t together, but I want you to know, Kevin, I really like you. A lot.”

  Kevin wore a soft smile. “Good. I really like you a lot too.”

  * * * *

  By the time Michael got Kevin home and into the bedroom, they’d both already started removing their clothes. Kevin had pulled off his shirt as soon as he pulled the car into the garage.

  Kevin stripped completely and made a beeline for the bed. He flopped down on the big fluffy comforter and rolled around. “I do love this bed.”

  “You’re going to be spending a lot of nights in it,” Michael promised. He stepped into the bathroom for the box of condoms and the bottle of lube. His cock rose in anticipation of what was to come. A long, leisurely fuck. He wanted to take his time.

  Michael set the supplies on the bed, then knelt on it, covering Kevin’s nude body with his own. “Kiss me.”

  Kevin’s languid blue eyes met his gaze and he parted his lips for Michael’s kiss. He brushed his mouth across Kevin’s, light, tentative, teasing. He loved those lips. Kevin’s lids lowered and he pressed deeper, opening his mouth for the intrusion of Michael’s tongue.

  Michael framed Kevin’s jaw in his hands, drawing their mouths hard against each other. His heart leaped and his pulse raced as Kevin placed his hands down Michael’s back and over his buttocks.

  He broke the kiss for just a moment, staring down at Kevin. His lover’s eyes fluttered open, and Kevin smiled. Hell, he was falling deep.

  “Okay?” Kevin asked.

  “Yes, very okay.” Michael kissed him again, nibbling on his lip.

  “Hey.” Kevin stopped his exploration of Michael’s body, his hands cupping Michael’s cheeks. “You have any toys?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Toys?”

  “Uh-huh. Like a dildo or a butt plug.” Kevin’s eyes were full of mischief. “Do you?”

  Michael laughed and struggled up from the bed. “Be right back.”

  “Hurry!” Kevin practically bounced.

  He padded barefoot into the bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink. He took out a small cardboard box and brought it back to the bed. He handed it to an all-too-eager Kevin.

  Kevin rattled the box, peering in, picking through the items inside. “Oh cool! You have butt plugs in all sizes.” He picked up a big fat one and stared at it and then Michael.

  He took it out of Kevin’s hand and threw it back in the box. “No way. You are not putting that one up my ass.”

  His lover pouted, but then giggled. He held up a much thinner one. “How about this one, babe?”

  Michael glanced at it. “That’ll work.”

  Kevin took the box and leaned over the side of the bed, displaying his ass, and stuck the box on the floor. Then he turned back to face Michael. “All right, this is how it’s going to work.”

  Michael smiled. “Oh really, brat? How is that?”

  “You can wear this while I wear you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Funny.” He tumbled Kevin to the mattress. He crushed the younger man’s lips under his, thrusting his tongue in to probe Kevin’s warm
, moist mouth.

  “Mmm,” Kevin made a sort of humming noise. He pushed up underneath Michael, rubbing his erection against Michael’s bare thigh.

  “Getting a little anxious?” Michael said against his lips.

  “Well, it has been a week. Over really. And, God, you’re really hot.”

  That sent a powerful jolt of lust from his rock-hard cock to his brain. “Ah, baby, you’re the hot one.” He reached between their bodies and stroked Kevin’s length.

  Kevin gasped and reached for the bottle of lube Michael had left on the edge of the bed. He still held the butt plug, which he now sloshed lube all over. When Michael tensed, anticipating pain, Kevin bit his lip.

  “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  Michael smiled and smoothed the frown lines from his lover’s face. “No, it’s all right.”

  “Have you ever?”

  “Not really. I have those for the enjoyment of my lovers. But I’m willing to try.”

  “You’ve always been a top.” Kevin nodded.

  “Yes, I have. Have you always been a bottom?”

  “Uh-huh. I have been curious though.” Kevin kissed him. “If you are sure, lie on your back for me and bend your legs.”

  Michael did as Kevin asked.

  “Spread ‘em a little.”

  Michael laughed, but parted his legs. Before Kevin had a chance to ask, he lifted his ass just a bit. “Like this?”

  Kevin’s hands caressed his thighs, his thumbs tracing along the sensitive skin. He sat cross-legged in front of Michael’s bent legs. He held up the plug. “Does it look lubed enough?”

  Michael leaned up to check out the plug. “Hmm. Better stick a little in my ass with your fingers too.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened, and he got all bouncy. He grabbed the lube again and also tossed a condom packet at Michael. “Put that on.”

  “You’re getting a little bossy,” Michael said. He tore open the wrapper and put it on over his hard cock.

  Kevin gave him a heart-stopping smile and then wiggled his slicked fingers at Michael. He stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the younger man’s theatrics.

  Kevin pushed a finger slowly into him. Michael inhaled a little at the penetration.

  “All right?” Kevin asked, his face worried.


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