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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 62

by Melissa Adams

  “I do. But don't worry. She made it quite clear that there could never be anything more than friendship between us because she can't choose.”

  I smile at the thought that that's my girl!

  She loves with all her heart and she's loyal and fierce and protective.

  I look at Max.

  “What if she didn't have to choose? What if it wasn't too little too late?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that you aren't the only stubborn motherfucker in the room. And that I’ve missed you every day since that fateful night. We’ve all made mistakes and put our trust in the wrong places but Abi taught me that you have to take risks for the people you love. We’ve both risked losing too much because of our pride. I forgive you if you can forgive me for taking this long to see it.”

  We hug and for the first time in months, I feel like everything is right and I’m complete.

  “I love you, bro. And I know that Chaz and Pryce feel the same way. Now, go get your girl.”


  I FIND ABI AND THE others in the living room: she's sitting on one of the two couches, sipping the milkshake I got her and Pryce and Chaz are sitting opposite her.

  She’s looking at them through narrowed eyes and the expressions on the guys’ faces are hilarious.

  “Yo, rally girl! What's up?”

  She takes another sip before answering.

  “Chaz and Pryce are on a timeout. They aren't allowed to come close to me until I’ve finished my milkshake. They’ve been chasing me to try and steal it and they almost made me drop the cup.’

  I chuckle.

  “Looks like you two assholes are in the dog house, huh?”

  Pryce looks comical when he nods.

  “Yeah. Dude, don't ever try to take her food from her! If you think this is bad, try to steal her French fries!”

  Abi defends herself.

  “I’m happy to share if I’m asked nicely. But you don't come and take it. Then I react.”

  Chaz is laughing but he has a special warmth in his eyes when he looks at her.

  “Feral. You go feral if someone touches your fries.”

  “Whatever! Just remember your manners and we’ll be good. Talking of which, is Reece all right?”

  I tell her that he's finishing his lunch.

  “Thank you for bringing him lunch, Max. Are you guys ok?”

  I smile softly, I think her concern is so endearing.

  “I need to go, my mom asked me for help with some stuff. Walk me to my car, while those two are on time out?”

  Abi stands up and follows me outside.

  We don't talk until I get to my car and turn around to face her.

  She's wearing a light coloured denim skirt and a red sweater that brightens her up and makes her look festive.

  “Tomorrow's New Year's Eve and my parents are throwing a party. I’d love for you to be there as my date.”

  She doesn't look at me and I notice that she's nervous from how she’s twisting her hands.

  “Max ...”

  Her tone is full of warning and I take one of her hands, stopping her incessant fidgeting.

  “Reece is invited too. He knows I’d ask you and he gave me his blessing. And I really want you to meet my Mom and my brother.”

  She looks at me as if she were trying to decide if I’m trying to trick her into something and I explain.

  “Reece and I are good. Like, really good.”

  Her eyes shine with hope.

  “So are things back to the way they were before ...?”

  “Before Emily?”

  I finish for her and she nods.

  “No. We don't want to go back to that. Our relationship the way it was back then is what brought us to this point. I’d like to think that we learned something from our mistakes. So that our relationship will be stronger this time around. Hopefully now we're older and wiser and we know how painful it is to be apart. So Abi, you don't have to choose between me and them but I hope you’ll choose me the same way you chose them. Please be my date tomorrow night.”

  Her smile reaches her eyes.


  When Reece told me that we were good and that I could be with Abi, I made up this plan in my head that I’d kiss her at midnight.

  We’ve kissed before but back then she didn't want to.

  It was just a party game gone wrong.

  But ever since that night, I haven't been able to think about anyone else and I’ve been replaying that kiss in my mind millions of times.

  So now I act out of instinct and crush my lips onto hers.

  Really softly at first, giving her the opportunity to move away if she doesn't want to kiss me.

  But Abi surrounds my neck with her arms and kisses me without holding back.

  She opens her mouth to my kiss and all I can taste is the strawberry ice cream in her milkshake and her desire for me.

  We kiss for a long time, leaning against my car.

  It's as if we had to make up for lost time and I break the kiss very reluctantly, still holding her in my arms.

  “I’ve gotta go. I promised my mom that I’d help her decide what decorations she wants for tomorrow's party. I really don't wanna go but I can't let her down. I’ll pick you all up tomorrow at seven, ok?”

  She gives me another kiss that leaves me breathless for all the right reasons.

  “I love you, rally girl.”

  I hadn't planned to say that yet but this is the thing with Abi: she makes all my plans go out of the window because my heart takes over and the only thing my heart wants is to make Abi happy.

  “I love you too, Max.”



  Four Months Later



  I do a little twirl and Aubrey beams, clapping her hands excitedly.

  “Like a princess. Or even better, a queen.”

  I’m wearing my hair up in a French twist, with soft tendrils of hair escaping to frame my face.

  My dress is a floor length chiffon gown with a sweetheart neckline and it's a deep blue that matches my eyes.

  “Yeah, you know that won't happen, sis. As soon as I got nominated, Lissa, Marlene and Kylie started spreading rumours again. And again the rumours were totally false. They used that false Facebook profile to post shit about me having sex with all four of my boys at the same time. And for the first time in my life, I wish a rumour that twunt© spread was true.”

  Aubrey's eyes widen in surprise.

  “Really? Do you wanna be with all four of them? And is Max still holding out on you?”

  I hug my sister but she resists because she doesn't wanna crease my dress.

  I smile when I think how much my life has changed in the last year.

  A year ago I was still at St Mary's and I was lonely, I had no friends, no one in my corner.

  The decision to come to BHPA wasn't an easy one, it required getting out of my comfort zone and leaving everything I’d ever known to take a chance at a new school, in a country that was alien to me despite being born in it.

  And there have been moments when I seriously thought that I'd made a mistake leaving the safety provided by my old boarding school to wade into the complicated and often treacherous waters of Beverly Hills Prep Academy.

  But I met Reece, Chaz, Pryce, and Max.

  I made a true friend in Gabbie.

  And then I found Aubrey.

  It hasn't always been smooth sailing but it has been worth it because they filled my life with love and fun and challenge at times.

  My sister has been my confidant for every aspect of my love life: she's never had a boyfriend but I know that she isn't as clueless as I was about boys only eight months ago.

  So I answer her questions, suddenly serious.

  “Aubrey, I’ve been with Reece, Pryce, and Chaz at the same time. It's hard to explain how it feels, it’s ...”

  “A lot of cock?”

p; She says that with a shit eating grin, her blue eyes wide and her head teasingly tilted towards me.

  “Yeah. That's for sure. But it's hard to explain, sweetie. It's not only about the physical aspect which trust me it's ... hot. It's about being together in the most intimate moments. They all love me and protect me and it feels right and natural to express those feelings in a physical way. Does it make any sense?”

  She nods.

  “I think it does. But if that's the case, then how come that Max isn't included in your ‘sexy time’? I saw the way he is with you and the others. I never met the A-Team before Emily and only four months ago, when they weren't even talking to each other, I found it hard to think that Max would fit in with the other three. But now? I don't know how those four survived apart. It’s like I’ve always imagined twins to be, you know? They complete one another.”

  “Yeah. You're right. Max was worried about not stepping on their toes. Their friendship has recovered completely but he was worried about the fact that it was a girl that almost destroyed them and wanted to make sure that the other three knew that he wasn't trying to make me choose and that he’d find his place in our relationship gradually.”

  Aubrey nods in agreement but then she seems to think about what I said.

  “Hold on a second, sis ... you've been speaking in the past tense. So does it mean that you and Max finally did it?”

  I giggle.

  “I can't hide anything from you!”

  She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

  “Of course not! I know you like the palm of my hand and I know that look you have when you aren't telling me everything. So how is Max in bed? I’ve been dying to know.”

  I close my eyes, seeing a flashback of last night.

  His lips covering every inch of my skin in a trail of hot kisses.

  His hands following those kisses with a gentle but sexy touch that made my skin buzz with pleasure and my body ache for him.

  My hands tracing the sculpted muscles on his back, chest and abs.

  The moonlight filtering in from his bedroom window, casting a soft, magical light on our naked bodies.

  I’m kneeling on the bed and he’s behind me, kissing down my neck and spine, my soft moans echo in the otherwise quiet room.

  “Max ...”

  His head in between my thighs, his tongue teasing my entrance from behind, his warm breath making me shiver in the most delicious way.

  “Tell me what you want, rally girl.”

  The vibrations of his voice ripple through me, creating a needy ache, making me clench my thighs together in search of release.

  He doesn't miss that and he asks me a question with his lips still on my most sensitive place.

  “Do you know how much I want you? Tell me what you want and it's yours.”

  This is when normally he’d kiss me or touch me until I screamed his name in the throes of ecstasy but tonight his voice is different, his touch is more determined.

  “I want you, all of you, Max.”

  And this time he doesn't disappoint me: he enters me slowly from behind, filling me with his hardness, giving my core something to tighten against.

  I was ready for him, liquid heat is what welcomes his invasion when my body seems to be melting around him.

  He’s big, hard and the way he moves in and out of me with complete abandon, tell me that he wants me as much as I want him.

  His arms surround me, his hands cupping my breasts while his lips kiss my neck and shoulder.

  It doesn't take long for both of us to be overwhelmed by the pleasure created by our bodies coming together in the hottest possible embrace.

  We collapse in a satisfied and exhausted heap and fall asleep still joined.

  “Abi! Dude, you're totally thinking about it, aren't you?”

  Aubrey’s giggle brings me back to the here and now and I admit that I was reliving a very hot night.

  “He’s perfect, Aubrey. Everything I dreamed of and more.”

  She sits on the bed and lets out a frustrated huff.

  “Every time you talk about your men in bed, you sound like you're dreaming but you aren't very forthcoming with details.”

  “I’m almost scared about what kind of details you’d like.”

  And she confirms my worst fears.

  “Who’s the biggest? Who’s the best in bed? Do the other three do stuff with each other too when you're all together?”

  I try to feign indignation at Aubrey's curiosity but I laugh it off in the end.

  It's unbelievable that we’ve known each other for less than a year and she’s become my best friend, not only my half-sister.

  “Look, I don't know who’s the biggest. I mean, Pryce is the tallest and as you can imagine he wins when it's about length. But the others really rival each other for thickness. I’ve only ever seen them naked, so I have no others to compare them with but for what I hear constantly in the locker rooms, I think my boys are all blessed with more than they need in the size department. And they're all amazing in their own way in bed. Pryce is sweet and so athletic: we try the oddest positions together. Reece is hot and has a little controlling streak. He’s intense in everything he does and he loves to take charge, which is so sexy ... Chaz is really, really loving but at the same time, he’s the most experienced out of the four and knows exactly what to do to make me feel good. Max ...”

  She’s hanging onto my every word.

  “Max is super hot and so giving. But I suspect that he might have a bit of a dark streak. He’ll whisper things he wants to do to me in my ear and then just wait until I beg him ...”

  Aubrey has a dreamy look in her eyes.

  “I can only imagine. I think your boys are the hottest! And they never do stuff with each other? Like kiss or ...?”

  I giggle.

  “No. We talked about it. They feel completely comfortable being naked in front of one another and they won’t freak out if by accident they ‘touched’ while we're together. But they confessed that they're not into each other in that way. So, I guess it's ok, I get all the attention this way.”

  “And you don't think that with all four, things might get too crowded?”

  I shrug.

  “It's not necessarily about having them all ‘with me’ at the same time. For example there's one avenue we haven't even started to explore yet ...”

  She catches on straight away.

  “You mean no back door action?”

  I blush a little bit but nod.


  “So why do you want all four?”

  “It's about being together. It's hard to explain. It's a connection that feels stronger when we’re all together.”

  “Well sis, I hope you get what you want. But just know that I think you should've gone head to head with Lissa for Prom Queen. She doesn't deserve it after all the shit she’s put you through. Especially since Reece and Pryce confessed that last year she hooked up with both of them, before they met Emily.”

  “I know. She also slept with Max. And she acts as if she's this prim and proper, wholesome girl in public and I’m the slut. But you know, karma is a bitch. So, let her have Prom Queen.”

  Aubrey sighs.

  “I just hope that the senior class next year will have nicer people in it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, I hadn't told you because I just got the acceptance letter today. I’ll attend my senior year at BHPA. Dad said that every Richmond for four generations has always graduated from Beverly Hills Prep. So I shouldn't be the exception. He only enrolled me to Aylesbury because he wanted to avoid us bumping into each other before they told us that we were sisters.”

  “Typical Dad.”

  My phone buzzes with an incoming text: the boys are outside, waiting to take me to our senior Prom.


  THE BOYS ARE BREATHTAKING in different coloured tuxedos: Reece is in dark blue, Chaz in charcoal grey, Pryce in light grey and Max in black.

nbsp; No one misses our entrance in the school grand ballroom.

  That's right.

  Our Prom isn't held in a gym or an indoor basketball court because our Academy has a ballroom that wouldn't look out of place in a royal palace.

  Gabbie greets me with a hug: she looks classy and stunning in a floor length dusty pink dress.

  Her dark brown hair cascading in beautiful curls down her back.

  Her date is Scott and even though she denies it, I think that something more than friendship is blossoming between them.

  The boys are so attentive and romantic and they keep me dancing all evening.

  We decided that we couldn't care less about what people say at school: we’ve been the talk of the Academy all year long and after what happened to Reece, we concluded that life's too short to care about what others will say.

  Our love is true and beautiful and we refuse to allow others to make us feel dirty because of it.

  Of course Lissa, Marlene, and Kylie take every opportunity to giggle evilly and whisper in each other's ears every time I set my eyes on them but I decided to ignore them.

  They present a united front against me but we’ve heard them fighting in the locker rooms more and more once the competition from Prom Queen has become more intense.

  This year, it has been decided to set up the vote as a social media poll within the Academy closed social media group.

  We’ll have five minutes to vote at the end of tonight and the results will be out in real time for everyone to see.

  The nominees are Lissa, Marlene, Kylie, and Heather, the captain of the swim team.

  The guys up for Prom King are Max, Scott, Reece, and Chaz.

  We’re taking a little break from dancing, enjoying a glass of punch at our table, when Lissa stops by and after giving me a silent once over, she looks at Reece with a huge smile.

  “I hope you get voted king, Reece. I’ve always wanted to have that first dance as Prom Queen with you!”

  Reece takes a sip of his drink and says:

  “I’m here with my girlfriend. So if I get voted, I’ll dance with her.”

  Lissa's eyes widen and she blushes with obvious indignation.


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