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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abazov, Rafis
Aboriginal Australians
Antikarinya people
colonization of
“coming in” (displacement from Western Desert)
early history of ancient Aboriginal people
Pintupi people
Pitjantjatjara people
Wardaman people
Western Desert Art Movement
Yarralin people
See also Dreamtime
Ad Herennium
African elephant
Aitchison, Guy
allele (variant dopamine receptor gene)
allocentric perspective
Alzheimer’s disease
and Apoipoprotein E (APOE)
and biomedical devices
and cognitive interventions
diagnosis through spatial navigation performance
and genetics
and hippocampal atrophy
and Sea Hero Quest (video game)
case of H.M. (Henry Molaison)
infant/childhood amnesia
and premature birth
Anthony, Nāʻālehu
Apache people
Aporta, Claudio
Arctic. See Baffin Island; Inuit people
Arctic tern
Ardila, Alfredo
Armstrong, Rick
Arrernte people
artificial intelligence (AI)
ATLAS Experiment
Audubon, John James
Canning Stock Route
Darwin (settlement)
Katherine (town)
Land Rights Act of 1976
Western Desert
See also Aboriginal Australians
autonoetic consciousness
autonomous vehicles
Avatar (film)
Awa, Solomon (Inuit leader and keeper of traditional knowledge)
Agalakti (mother; baptized name, Apphia)
Awa (father; baptized name, Mathias)
childhood of
legends of
Ooopah (sister)
real-life accomplishments
on the right way to get lost
on sastrugi (windswept snow patterns used for navigation)
Baffin Island
Cape Dorset
on Google Maps
inuksuit (stones that act as mnemonics)
and language diversity
migration to Etah, Greenland, from
and Thule people (Neoeskimos)
Unikkaarvik Visitor Centre
See also Inuit people
Baird, Benjamin
Baker, Robin
Balistella (wooden nautical instrument)
Banta Lavenex, Pamela
Bar, Moshe
Barger, Nicole
Basso, Keith
Baum, Louis
Baybayan, Kala Tanaka
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bera, Juijuia
Berger, Theodore
Berkeley, George
Berndt, Ronald
Berthold, Peter
Berwick, Robert
Bickerton, Derek
black-capped chickadees
Boas, Franz
Bohbot, Véronique
Bonesteel, Sarah
Borgmann, Albert
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bower, Gordon
Brown, Joshua
Brown, Penelope
Buivakaloloma, Metuisela
Burke, Ariane
“Bushmen.” See San people
Butler, Paul
Cama, Semiti
Cane, Scott
Canning, Alfred
Canning Stock Route
Carpenter, Jason
Cartesian space
Casasanto, Daniel
caudate nucleus
Chase, Athol
Chen, Chuansheng
children and childhood development
and allocentric perspective
and genius loci
and hippocampus
and history education
“home range” of children
infant amnesia
language acquisition
and nature study
and parental overmanagement
and place-learning
prolongation of human neural development
and risk avoidance
and smartphones
and spatial system development
Chomsky, Noam
Clayton, Nicola
Clements, Ron
climate change
and the Arctic
Bio Cultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative
and migration
and Oceania
Sustainable Sea Transport Research Programme
clock as navigational tool
Cobb, Edith
cognitive maps
colonialism and colonization
in the Arctic
in Australia
in Oceania
Compton, Kate
Comstock, Anna Botsford
Confluence Project
conjectural (evidential) knowledge
Cook, James
Corballis, Michael
Coughlin, Joe
Crozet, Julien
and childhood
and climate change
and cognition
disruption of
and gender
and GPS
and language
and maps
navigation through
navigational culture
social theory of
and storytelling
Danielson, Jens
; Dardel, Eric
Darwin, Australia
Darwin, Charles. See also natural selection
Davidson, Robyn
De oratore (Cicero)
dead reckoning (also path integration or inertial navigation)
and blind people
cognitive map compared with
definition of
and etak (Pulawatan star-based navigation system)
and gender
and hippocampus
and languages that demand cardinal directions
natural selection theories of
in Sea Hero Quest
wayfinding compared with
Dee, John
Delmore, Kira
and hippocampal atrophy
and Inuit health disparities
Descartes, René
Cartesian dualism
Cartesian maps
Cartesian space
Greek influence on
mechanistic model of reflexes
device paradigm
Diaz, Vicente
Dickinson, Anthony
Dingle, Hugh
Dodge, Richard Irving
dogsledding and dogsledders
aangaittuq (unfailingly knowing where one is)
aangajuq (one who moves away and travels blindly)
isuma (relationship between driver and team)
isumataq (lead sled dog)
MacRury, Ken
Peplinski, Lynn
sea-ice crossing
sled dogs
snowmobiling compared with
dopamine receptor genes
and distance migrated from Homo sapiens’ African origins
Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australians)
Dreaming tracks
fusion of theology and ecology
Dunbar, Robin
Dwyer, Mark
ecological psychology
transitions and vistas
egocentric perspective
Eichenbaum, Howard
Elizabeth I of England
Elkin, A. P.
Emwalu, Sostenis
Engblom-Bradley, Claudette
episodic memory
in children
definition of
and hippocampus
and place-learning
and premature birth
semantic memory compared with
and time
and trackways reading hypothesis
and trauma
as unique to humans
Ernst, Marc
etak (Pulawatan star-based navigation system)