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One More Kiss (A Too Many Men Romantic Comedy / Chick Lit Novel)

Page 26

by Stephanie Rowe

  I was laughing when I opened the door. "Am I a sex goddess or what?" The crotch of the sweats was nearly at my knees, and the shirt hung past my thighs.

  Van was lounging against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest. "Never realized my clothes were so sexy."

  His eyes were serious, and the laughter died in my throat.

  "Can I ask you a question?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  "Was I the first one you called?"


  He looked thoughtful. "So you didn't call Noah?"

  I frowned. "I guess I didn't."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I wanted you." I cleared my throat. "I mean, I wanted you with me. You were the one I needed." Damn. I'd forgotten my manners. "Thank you for coming to get me. I really appreciate it."

  He waved it off and walked over to me, stopping about six inches from me. He hands were at his sides, his gazed fixed on mine. "I want to kiss you."

  I swallowed. "You do?"

  He shook his head. "No, that's not what I meant."

  Hope faded, belatedly making me realize how very, very much I wanted him to kiss me.

  "I want to make love to you."

  My body sprung to alertness and my hormones went into formation. My throat was suddenly dry, my hands started to shake the tiniest little bit. "You do?"



  He held out his hands and waited.

  Oh, God. Did I want this? Was I ready to commit to him? To leave Noah behind forever? To take our friendship to a place we could never return from?


  Without a doubt, I knew this was what I wanted. What I'd wanted for ages.

  So I put my hands in his.

  "Your hands are trembling."

  I licked my lips. "I'm nervous."


  I shrugged. "I don't know."

  He tugged me toward him, and I followed. His left hand settled on my hip, and he laid his right hand sort of along my cheek and under my chin.

  This was it. This wasn't going to be like the stolen kiss at my birthday. This was going to be the whole nine yards. I caught my breath and lifted my face to his.

  His lips touched mine, and my world exploded. How else can you describe the moment when you know your life has changed forever? His lips were everywhere, pouring warmth and healing into my soul. He nibbled on my ear, my collar bone, manhandling my lips with a kiss so passionate and tender I wanted to crumble.

  Breaking the kiss, he framed my face with his hands, his touch so gentle and sensual at the same time. "Shannon."

  I swallowed as I stared into his face, and I knew it was the face of the man I could truly love. Maybe I already did. "Make love to me," I whispered.

  His eyes darkened. "What about Noah?"

  What about him? "He's nothing in comparison to you," I answered honestly.

  "What if he walked in that door ready to declare himself to you for eternity? What then?"

  I smiled. "I wouldn't care. I want you."

  He grinned. "You didn't hesitate."

  "I didn't have to think about it." Come on, Van. Take me to your bedroom and make love to me until I collapse. I laced my fingers behind his head and pulled him close. "Van Reinhart, I want you to make love to me right now."

  His eyes danced. "Who am I to disappoint such an incredible woman?" He took my hand and led me down the hall to his bedroom. I had a vague sense of it being decorated in some blues or something, but all I could really focus on was the king-sized bed with a very inviting navy comforter, and the feel of my hand in his.

  He stopped me right next to the bed and turned me to face him. "I've been fantasizing about this moment for a long time."

  "Really?" Nice squeaky voice.

  "Swear." He knelt in front of me and pulled my shirt up to expose my belly. The instant his tongue started circling my belly button, my legs collapsed. Van caught me and guided me to the bed. "You okay?"

  "Yes." How breathless was my voice? "Keep doing that."

  He grinned and trailed his lips over my stomach. "Like this?"

  "That'll do." I flopped down on my back and stretched my arms over my head. I even arched my back like some feline in heat. Not surprisingly, I felt like purring.

  "How about this?" He moved upwards, tracing the outline of each rib, his fingers flicking at the bottom edge of my bra.

  "Amazing," I whispered. "So perfect." I was squirming under him, my muscles contracting on their own. "Feel free to experiment more."

  Hallelujah for the front-clasp bra. Van made quick work of it and when his mouth closed down on my left nipple, my entire body jerked. About eighty times.

  My other breast clamored for attention, and he showed his impartiality. Between his hands and his lips and his tongue, both my breasts were happy, but other parts of me were getting restless, parts that had never been this vocal.

  I tried to talk, but failed utterly. My breath was tight in my chest, overwhelmed by the emotions racing through me. So I engaged in the universal language of love and tried to pull his shirt over his head. He laughed and helped me, returning to my side when my shirt and bra had joined his at the far end of the bed.

  "Gorgeous." Van settled on top of me and cupped my breasts. "The night you wore that tank top..."

  I grimaced. "You had to bring that up, didn't you?" Oh, wow. Teeth on nipples was something else.

  "I wanted to lock you in a closet so no other guy could see you."

  "Really?" How sweet was that? "I had no idea."

  Conversation paused for a moment while he made his way down my belly with his tongue. There was no need to talk. The conversation would keep. My raging need for his body against mine wouldn't.

  "As good as you look in these, they need to come off." Van tugged at my sweatpants and I showed my appreciation of such a good idea by trying to assist him in removing my pants. Oddly enough, I removed his pants instead of mine. I wasn't quite sure how that happened, but seeing as how he managed quite well on his own to disrobe me, I decided not to worry about it.

  He stretched out on the bed, and I was wrapped up in his arms and legs. Skin meshing with skin, kissing him so frantically I felt like my head was going to spin off, it was then that it happened.

  I knew.

  That I loved him.

  That I couldn't live without him.

  That never again would I ever be the same.

  That if he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with me, I would crumble into a pile of dust.

  That if he did love me, then I could get through anything. Being fired, rejected by my family, anything. He was my strength, my core, my joy, and my glory, and for some stupid reason, I'd been fighting it. Worst idea of my life, and I was never making that mistake again—

  I realized suddenly that Van had stopped kissing me and was staring at me. Did I have food in my teeth or something? Surely his need for me was stronger than that? "What?"

  He touched my cheek with the back of his hand. "I can't believe I'm here with you." His voice was so full of tender wonder that it brought tears to my eyes. With that kind of comment, it certainly seemed to be a distinct possibility that he too was feeling the love.

  "I can't either. It's perfect. Wonderful." I kissed him. "It's like everything that's gone wrong in my life has suddenly been turned right. Without all of that misery, I wouldn't be here with you, and that makes it all worthwhile."

  He lifted his brow. "You mean that?"

  "Of course." I was really digging this mushy stuff, but here was this hot naked guy who I was completely in love with lying on top of me. Certain opportunities simply had to be taken advantage of. "Make love to me. Now. Please?"

  He grinned and rolled me on my back. "Not yet." He then made it very clear what he had in mind to fill the time.

  And I had to say, I wasn't opposed. Not one bit. I even joined in the fun a bit to show what talent I had with my mouth and his more interesting body parts. I am proud to s
ay that I did womankind proud. And you know what? I have to admit I'd never enjoyed that before. Not ever.

  But with Van, it was empowering to have him quivering under my touch. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as he was giving me. My first experience as a selfless lover. Amazing what true love could do.

  "Hang on." Van groaned the words as he rolled away from me.

  I followed him and grabbed the condom packet out of his hand. "Let me." I pushed him onto his back and tore open the foil. "I've never done this before. Which side is up?"

  His face was twisted in torturous agony as he turned it over. I unrolled it and gave a few extra loving touches to keep him from falling asleep.

  The moment things were in place, he grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my back. Change of positions of power? I was okay with that. It was obvious who was the one in control. Because I loved him, I'd let him think he held the upper hand.

  He hooked my ankles over his shoulders and slid inside. Instant explosion of everything. Joy, love, and an unbelievable sensation of completeness. Fastest orgasm I'd ever had. Good thing, because Van hit a speed record too.

  We were both laughing when he collapsed next to me. Laughing and trembling and enjoying the ongoing spasmodic jerks of our bodies experiencing aftershocks, that is.

  Van wrapped his arms around me and hauled me against him. "You belong here. In my bed. With me."

  I couldn't say I disagreed with the man.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  I was wearing Van's tee shirt and shorts while I watched him cook breakfast the next morning. Cereal was fine with me, but he'd insisted that our first morning together had to be memorable. To him, memorable meant a feast that would settle right on my hips, but I didn't care.

  I had a feeling Van wouldn't kick me out if I added a few more dimples to my lush supply of cellulite.

  He looked at me as he scrambled the eggs. "So, you want to talk about your job?"

  "I think you look incredibly sexy in boxers." That's all he was wearing, and he carried it well. I'd never been with a guy who I wanted to jump while he was whipping his fork through a bunch of egg yolks. It must be that true love thing. With his messy hair and heavy stubble, he was so cute I wanted to die. I couldn't believe he'd picked me.

  "Does that mean you don't want to talk about work? Not that I mind having you ogle my body."

  I sighed and rested my chin on my hands. "I got fired. Culmination of everything that's been going wrong there lately."

  "You going to sue for gender discrimination? Wrongful discharge?"

  I laughed. "What are you, an ambulance-chasing lawyer?"

  "No." He turned back to the stove and dumped the eggs into the frying pan. "What are you going to do then?"

  I watched his back muscles flex as he scrambled the eggs. "Hildy coerced me into applying to law school."

  He looked at me sharply. "I thought you hated lawyers."

  "I do." I rubbed under my eyes, wondering how much makeup I still had on, not that he would care. "But do I hate them because they made my life miserable growing up, or is it because I really hate them?"

  "But either way, you hate them."

  "I suppose." I stretched my arms out, feeling happy and content. It was amazing to feel that way after being fired less than twenty-four hours ago. Showed the power of love and great sex. "The question is, if I became one of them, would I stop hating them, or hate them more?"

  "Maybe you shouldn't hate them. Have you ever considered not judging them all by the McCormick family standards? That maybe some of them are all right?"

  "Hildy's nice."

  "Anyone else?"

  I rolled my eyes. "I'm really not in the mood to think charitable thoughts about the legal profession right now."

  Van nodded. "What are you going to do for a job? Are you going to apply to another firm to be social director?"

  "I don't know."

  "Or go to law school?" There was a thread of hope that brought me up sharply.

  "You want me to go to law school?" Warning bells clanged in my head and tension closed around my gut.

  "No, no, no." He dropped his spatula and walked over to me, taking my hands. "I want you to be happy. If you go to law school, then maybe some of the conflict with your family would be gone and you'd feel better. That's all I was thinking. I don't care what you do."

  My family.

  Two big fat ugly words.

  "I think I'm going to throw up."

  My darling Van got a worried look on his face. "What's wrong? Was it the blueberry muffin? The berries were fresh, and I washed them."

  I touched his face, but I was too tense to smile. "I have to go to my sister's rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. How am I supposed to tell them I got fired? They'll be disgusted that I couldn't even keep a job that wasn't good enough for a McCormick. Could I be more of a failure than that?" I could envision the look of total disappointment on my mom's face, then a quick look around to make sure no one else heard the truth about their daughter. That would be it. "They'll have me killed."

  Van chuckled. "They're not going to have you killed."

  "Yes, they will. The only thing that kept me alive before was the fact that I was working in a law firm, so they could tell people I worked there and then knock me out with a sledgehammer before I could say that my job was a social director, not a lawyer." I slumped in my chair and didn't tell him they'd also kept me alive because I'd been dating Max. As wonderful as Van was, he wouldn't be a reason for my parents to spare me. "Did I tell you they had my grandma knocked off? I know I'm next."

  He grinned. "Shannon. They're not going to have you knocked off. Seriously."

  I clutched his arms. "You said you could arrange a hit. Can you have my whole family killed off and make it look like an accident? It wouldn't be murder. Self-defense ahead of time."

  He was laughing now. "I don't have any underworld connections, sorry."

  "Stop laughing! It's not funny! You have no idea what my family is like."

  His smile faded. "I talked to April a bit at your birthday. I have a pretty good idea actually."

  "Then tell me how I'm going to deal with them on Friday at the rehearsal dinner without putting my life at risk."

  "Want me to come?"

  I stared at him. "You want to come?"

  "Unless you don't want me to." His face closed off slightly. "I'm sure Noah will be there."

  How could he possibly wonder where he stood in my life? I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. "That would be the best thing ever if you came with me."

  His arms tightened around me. "Thanks."

  "For what?" My voice was muffled by his shoulder.

  "For responding that way."

  I pulled back and looked at him. "Van, no matter what's wrong in my life, it's better when I'm with you. I want you there with me. Screw my parents."

  He lifted a brow. "You want to bring a security guard boyfriend to the party to offend your parents?"

  Boyfriend? "You're my boyfriend?"

  "Well, I sure as hell hope so, after last night."

  I grinned. Was my smile actually hitting my ears? Sure felt like it. "Cool."

  He cocked his head. "You don't care whether I'm a security guard, do you?"

  "Or a stripper." I kissed him. "I know that's your secret. When are you going to dance for me?" Yeah, he wasn't a real stripper, but I'd be up for my own private showing. Then a slight cloud drifted into my bliss. I'd forgotten about his secret. How could he hold back on me now?

  His face darkened, and I knew he'd realized what I was thinking. "Not yet."

  "Van!" I stomped my foot and scowled. "That's so unfair. And it hurts me that you won't trust me."

  "When I tell you, you'll understand." Then he kissed me, and I thought I heard him whisper under his breath, "I hope."

  Yeah, I hoped so too. And when we finished christening the kitchen floor with our lovemaking, I was going to tell him exactly what I thought about secrets
between lovers.

  In the meantime, suddenly I wasn't feeling so nervous about the rehearsal dinner. My pillar of strength was going to be on my arm. With him by my side, I could get through anything.

  Except a car bomb set by my family under my car. We'd take Van's SUV to the party. Problem solved.

  For now.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  The moment I walked into the church for the rehearsal, I knew it had been a mistake to tell Van to meet us at the restaurant. I couldn't do even this part alone.

  I stood at the back of the church, watching my family mill around the front of the chapel. They were all there. I was the last one to arrive. April and Travis were there, but she was sitting by herself while he was hanging with Ray by the altar.

  And there was Noah, hanging with my mom and dad. Sucking up. Damn. I'd forgotten about Noah. I'd have to tell him about Van—which would be fun, actually. See what happens when you take a wonderful woman for granted? You lose her.

  Maybe I should leave. No one seemed like they'd care if I wasn't there.

  I looked at April again, sitting by herself.

  Or I could go sit with April so we could be ostracized together. It was unbelievable to think that April would become my compatriot in my family. Maybe I should offer to pay my share of Lindsey's gift, seeing as how she'd never collected.

  Or not. It wasn't as if I had an income at the moment.

  Which I wasn't going to tell anyone. Why should I? It was my business.

  Yes, that was the easy solution for tonight. I simply wouldn't tell anyone I got fired. Not tonight. Not yet. Relief at my incredibly wise and self-protecting decision, I walked into the church and snuck down the side aisle. No one noticed me as I slid in beside April. "How's it going?"

  She started and whipped around. Then her face softened. "I never knew how hard it was to be you."

  Ah, yes. That sounded complimentary. "It's not so bad." I leaned back and folded my arms. "So, how are we going to sabotage the rehearsal? Any ideas?"


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