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One More Kiss (A Too Many Men Romantic Comedy / Chick Lit Novel)

Page 27

by Stephanie Rowe

  April gave me a half-smile. "None that are legal."

  I couldn't believe how sad she looked. It almost made me forget my own problems. "Maybe being around this wedding will make Travis realize he wants it too."

  "Maybe." There was no hope in her voice.

  What a bastard. How could Travis do this to her? "Did you guys ever talk about marriage before you got pregnant?"

  April sighed. "A little. But we always concluded there was no reason to get married since we didn't want to have kids."

  "What about love? Commitment? Taking care of each other when you're old and decrepit?"

  "You don't need marriage for that."

  Well, I guess not, but still. "Technically you don't need marriage for kids either."

  "I know. That's what Travis says."

  "So, maybe you could be happy like that?"

  She looked at me. "Except that when I became pregnant, I realized I wanted everything I'd thought I didn't. Kids, a marriage, a family. That's what I want."

  Oh. That could be a problem. "I don't blame you."

  "Travis is pissed because he feels like I turned the tables on him. We had this understanding, and now I want to change it."

  I fiddled with my hair and had an idea that made my stomach turn. "Why don't you ask my mom for help?"

  April shot me a shocked look. "You're kidding."

  "Well, you said she's ostracizing you because of the out-of-wedlock thing."

  She narrowed her eyes. "I appreciate you bringing it up."

  "Oh, come on, April, don't get offended. I simply meant that you and she want the same things: to have you and Travis be happily married. If she knows you want it too, then maybe she'll work on Travis, or at least understand that it's not your fault." The words weren't even out of my mouth when I was hit with a wave of regret at the idea of no longer having April be an outcast with me at family gatherings. Nice mature attitude.

  Given the black look April gave me, I astutely realized she wasn't bowled over with my idea. "How many times do I have to tell you? The marriage will fail if I have to force him into it. He has to want it."

  "Maybe you shouldn't be so moral and upright. Force the jerk into it. With any luck, he'll have a change of heart like you did. At worst, you'll get alimony."

  "I don't need his money." Her voice dripped with disgust.

  "Sorry. I was trying to be helpful. At least I'm sitting here with you."

  She shot me a look. "Would you be sitting here with me if you didn't have to?"

  "Yes. Would you be sitting with me?"

  She had the grace to look embarrassed. We both knew the answer and had lived it for the last few years when she was happy with Travis and not pregnant. She and Noah were the same. Willing to trade me to be in my family's bosom.

  Funny how my bond with April didn't feel quite so special at the moment.

  "Now I would," she said softly.

  I looked at April. "What?"

  "If I worked everything out with your family, I'd still sit with you." She smiled. "You're all right, Shannon McCormick."

  I felt myself smile back. Maybe there was the start of a friendship here after all.

  "Shannon! Where have you been?" My mom snapped her fingers. "We've been waiting for you."

  "I've been here for a while. You just didn't notice me."

  "Well, come over here." My mom hesitated. "You too, April."

  "We're pariahs," I whispered to April, who smiled.

  Lindsey had asked April and me to be bridesmaids, in addition to three of her friends and Geoff's two sisters. I appreciated the gesture, I guess. It was interesting that the bride's only sister hadn't made it to the level of maid-of-honor.

  A few minutes later, I was leaning against the pew listening to the minister's instructions when I felt someone looking at me. I glanced up to see Noah studying me. When he caught my gaze, he shot me a smile.

  I ignored him.

  "Why is he smiling at you?"

  I turned to find Ray leaning over my shoulder. "What?"

  "Noah smiled at you. Why?"

  "Oh, for God's sake, Ray, I've known him for twenty years. It's not like we're going to pretend we don't even know each other." In a way, it was too bad I was going to have to end it with Noah. I'd love to have it work out just to torture Ray. "What's your deal anyway? Why is the concept of me and Noah so offensive to you?"

  "Mom! Ray and Shannon are fighting." Lindsey's pouty whine cut through the conversation, and I was instantly embarrassed. The last thing I needed was that kind of attention.

  I moved away from Ray. "Sorry." I muttered my apology to no one in particular, and the minister swiftly resumed his instructions while my mom eyed us.

  Noah was still watching me. When he saw me looking at him, he lifted his brow. What was that supposed to mean?

  By the end of the rehearsal, I was spun so tight I was certain my head would snap right off. I'd endured a few remarks about my job, and I felt some really weird vibes going on between Ray, Noah, and my mom. I had a distinct feeling they'd discussed me, and I didn't like the feeling. Especially since no one seemed inclined to enlighten me.

  And Travis wasn't touching April. He was standing stiffly next to her while she folded her arms across her chest.

  Tension was hovering in the air, ready to explode at any second.

  I was so glad to get out to my car, and yes, I did check under it for a bomb. Not that I knew what a bomb would look like, but I looked anyway. My car started without excessive fireworks, and I spun off toward a very posh and trendy restaurant downtown for the dinner, desperate to see Van and have him by my side

  When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw my mom and dad walking with Ray and Noah. My dad had his arm around Noah's shoulders and they were all laughing about something. Travis and April were in his car yelling at each other, and Lindsey and Geoff were fawning over each other as they walked toward the restaurant.

  What did I do to deserve this family? I couldn't deal. So I closed my eyes and leaned back against the headrest. How was I going to avoid the topic of my job tonight? They were going to find out. I knew they were. Then Noah would laugh and be glad that he'd never pursued me.

  A light knock on the window interrupted my pity session. When I saw Van peering at me, I grinned and unlocked the door. "I'm so glad you're here."

  "The night's going that well, huh?"

  I'd never seen him dressed up, and he looked great. His suit wasn't cheap either. I frowned. How could he afford that suit on his security guard salary?

  Oh, right. The stripping. I wasn't sure I'd mention his stripping career tonight. That might be taking things too far. "Can you abduct me so I can't go to the dinner?"

  He grinned and distracted me with a very hot kiss that had my nether regions longing for his kitchen floor again. "Ready?"

  "I think my legs are jelly."

  "Good." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. "Come on. We'll make fun of everyone behind their backs."

  "I like your style."

  Van stepped back from me and inspected my outfit. It was the same black dress I'd worn to Lindsey's engagement party. It was what I felt the best in, and I needed that comfort. "You look gorgeous," he said, whistling softly.

  Warmth spread through me, and I suddenly felt better. I grinned at him. "Thanks."

  He pulled me against him and made it clear exactly how much he liked me in that dress, but in a perfectly respectable way. Unlike Noah, who'd undressed me nearly in front of everyone.

  Van might be a security guard, but he had a hell of a lot more class than Noah and his money.

  "What's going on here?" April's amused voice danced in my ears.

  Yikes. I pulled away from Van, but he hauled me back against him, throwing his arm around my shoulders and making it very clear he was with me.

  How different was he from Noah? Was it any wonder I loved this guy? "This is my...boyfriend, Van Reinhart. Van, this is my brother Travis and his...better half. You
remember April from my birthday party." April shot me a grateful look. There was no doubt she wasn't high on the girlfriend label at the moment. Fiancée or wife would be much better, especially now that she was beginning to show.

  Van's arm tightened around me when I said boyfriend, and a warm glow settled in my belly. "Nice to meet you," he said.

  Everyone shook hands in a very dignified fashion, but it was apparent April and Travis were nearly overflowing with questions about Van and his boyfriend status. Probably because he was so gorgeous in his beautiful suit, they couldn't understand how I could have landed him.

  We strolled inside with April and Travis, engaging in polite conversation, Van's arm still securely around me. When we reached the foyer, he stopped and nodded at April and Travis. "We'll catch up."

  April shot me a look that said we'd be making a trip to the ladies' room very soon so I could fill her in.

  Van turned me toward him. "What did your family say when you told them you got fired?"

  I made a pretense of flicking some dust off his jacket. As if there'd be dust on it. He was dressed impeccably. "I haven't told them."

  "Why not?"

  "I'm a wimp." I straightened his already straight tie. "Why do I need to expose myself to that? I'll send them all an email after the wedding, and then hide from them for a while." I finally looked up. "What do you think?"

  There was no mistaking the disappointment in his eyes. "You should face them. The first step in making them accept you is to be proud of who you really are."

  "Be proud? I got fired."

  "You're an amazing woman, and it takes more than a job or a lack thereof to change that."

  I love you. The words were so close to slipping out, but I squelched them. It was too early for pronouncements of love, especially when he was still hiding things from me. "I'll think about it. That's all I can say."

  He nodded. "I'll back you up either way."

  I considered that. Did he mean he'd tell my family they were wrong if they started to condemn me? Once he walked in there and saw the money, power, and influence in there, would he be so willing to throw away their favor to defend me?

  The thought was too overwhelming to ponder.

  "Okay, let's go in." I put my arm through his. "Don't leave my side, okay?"

  He lifted the back of my hand to his lips. "I promise."

  Even Van on my arm couldn't squelch the dread that settled in my gut as we walked inside.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  By the time we reached the private room for the party, everyone was seated. The only two spots were at the very end of a long table. My mom and dad were at the other end with Lindsey and Geoff, but Noah and Ray were at our end. Right across from the two empty seats.

  I sat at the very end, and Van sat on the last seat on the left side. As soon as I sat down, I realized I shouldn't have taken that seat. Since my dad was sitting at the opposite end, I had to sit there and stare at him. At least my mom was on the left side, so she was less visible. I doubted she could even see Van from where she was sitting, and relief surged through me.

  Then guilt, as I realized I was worried about my mom and dad's reaction when they learned what Van did for a living. Not that I was ashamed of Van, but I didn't know if I had the strength to handle more disdain, or even worse, what if they made Van feel bad?

  Then I'd feel bad and—

  "Who is this?" Ray asked.

  I could see Noah studying Van. He was probably trying to remember why he looked familiar, and wondering why he was there with me. Then I saw a smug tilt to his lips, and I realized he thought I'd arranged a date to make him jealous. Fat chance of that. "Van, this is my brother Ray and a family friend, Noah Quinlan." I looked at Ray and Noah. "This is Van Reinhart, my boyfriend."

  Ray's face dropped into shock, and Noah looked annoyed. "Your boyfriend?" Ray asked in disbelieving scorn. "As of when?"

  Van set his hand over mine, which was sitting on the table, in a masculine display of ownership. "We've been friends for a few years, and we finally realized it wasn't enough." He smiled at me. "I've been waiting for her for a long time."

  My cheeks tingled, and I grinned stupidly.

  Noah scowled, and Ray looked stunned. "Really?" Ray asked. "You're really a couple? This isn't a farce to make me think you don't want Noah anymore?"

  I tried to kick him under the table, but succeeded only in smashing my toes into something really hard. Like the table leg. Crap. Hurt like a mother.

  Van's face tightened. "It's real."

  Only two words, but he said them with such finality that I couldn't imagine anyone would question him.

  Ray apparently agreed, because he relaxed and grinned a huge smile. "Welcome to the family, Van. Glad to have you."

  Noah said nothing, but his eyes were glittering. Too damn bad.

  "Can we have everyone's attention, please?" My dad tapped his water glass and commanded the attention of the table. "Mom and I would like to make a toast."

  My mom stood up next to my dad, and I heard Van curse and suck in his breath. He leaned back in his chair and looked absolutely horrified. I touched his arm. "What's wrong?"

  "That's your mom?"

  "Yes. Why?"

  He cursed again and looked like he was trying to disappear into his chair.

  My dad continued with his toast. "We'd like to welcome Geoff to the family. You're a great addition to the McCormick family, and I will proudly claim you as my son-in-law."

  I glanced at April, who appeared to be on the verge of tears.

  My mom lifted her glass. "And we're looking forward to our first grandchild."

  April brightened.

  My mom continued. "With two doctors as parents, the child is sure to be a credit to his genes. So get busy!"

  Good god. Was she kidding? She'd completely ignored the fact that she already had a grandchild on the way! I looked at April's shocked face and wanted to throw a plate at my mom. It was an absolutely brutal dismissal. Even Travis looked surprised.

  That couldn't have been intentional, could it? My mom wouldn't be that harsh as to do that on purpose.

  Everyone lifted their glasses and my parents sat down. I tried to catch April's eyes, but she was staring at her lap and chewing on her lower lip.

  Van sat up again and leaned toward me. "Maybe I should leave."

  "What?" I stared at him. "You can't leave?"

  "I'm not sure I belong. All the doctors and lawyers."

  So sweet. I put my hand on his arm. "Van, you tell me I should be proud of myself. Same goes for you."

  "I heard you got fired."

  The conversation at our end of the table stopped instantly as everyone turned to stare at Noah, who was looking at me. "What did you say?" I asked.

  Noah jerked his head at Van. "I heard you two talking in the lobby a few minutes ago that you got fired. What happened?"


  "Who got fired?" My mom's voice penetrated the crowd, and Van shrank back in his chair.

  What was his problem? She wasn't that scary.

  April was looking at me with empathy in her eyes.

  I lifted my gaze to my parents, who were both looking horrified. "I got fired." I lifted my chin. "Two days ago."

  "Oh, Shannon." My mom sounded resigned, disgusted, and disdainful. Like she couldn't believe I'd done something so stupid. "What did you do?"

  "Who's your date?" April said suddenly. "Is this your new boyfriend?"

  That woman was absolutely my new best friend. "Yes." I gestured to Van. "I'd like you guys to meet Van Reinhart, my boyfriend." The word was rolling quite easily off my tongue now. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Van is my boyfriend.

  Van looked embarrassed and nodded, still leaning back in his chair so no one on his side of the table could see him.

  "What do you do, Van?" My dad asked.

  I tensed, and Van looked more than a little concerned.

  "He's a security guard," Noah said, triumph ringing clear.
"That's where I know him from. He works the night shift in Shannon's building."

  I lifted my chin. "Yes, he does."

  My dad looked like he was going to pass out, and even April looked startled. My mom, on the other hand, wouldn't be put off. She pushed back her chair and walked around the table to get a look at this lowly security guard who was dating her loser daughter. With any luck, she'd decide we were both so low on the totem pole that we weren't worth worrying about.

  She came to a stop behind Noah and Ray, then her gaze narrowed. "I know you."

  Van muttered something and looked desperate.

  My mom leaned closer. "You work at my firm, don't you?"

  I sat up. Her firm? Her law firm? "Do you work day security there?" That was his secret? That he had two jobs?

  Van cleared his throat. "Yeah."

  But my mom was shaking her head. "No, I've seen you in meetings, haven't I?" She pursed her lips, studying him carefully.

  Van stopped squirming suddenly and sat up. He took my hand in his and turned his back on my mom. "Shannon, I didn't want to tell you until it was too late for you to back out."

  My heart felt achy and heavy. "Tell me what?"

  "I've been going to a law school during the day for the last few years. I've been working security at night to pay for it." He swallowed. "I interned at your mom's firm last summer. I just took the bar exam a couple weeks ago. You know, when I disappeared for three weeks? I was grinding it out studying." He tightened his grip on my hand. "I'm going to be working at your mom's firm starting in the fall."

  I stared at him in shock. "You're kidding me."

  "I didn't know she was your mom, I swear."

  I pulled my hand away from his, my head spinning. "Why didn't you tell me you were in law school? A lawyer? Seriously? How could you not tell me that!"

  "Because I was afraid you'd judge me for being a lawyer. As soon as you told me you loved me, I was going to tell you, I swear."

  Of all the things to hide from me. I clenched my fists, my cheeks burning with humiliation. "You know how I feel about lawyers."

  "That's why I couldn't tell you." He jerked his head at Noah. "After he blew you off, I thought for sure I'd never have a chance if you knew what I did."


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