Treasury's War
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Cyprus, 158
Daedong Credit Bank, 225, 243
Dam, Kenneth, 51–52
and SWIFT, 57–58
Damascus (Syria), 156–157, 183–184, 191, 350, 366, 375
and cash couriers, 105
Damascus International Airport, 196
Davis, Lanny, 283
Davis, Michele, 74, 270
Dawa (fundraising), 70
Delta Asia Group (Holdings) Ltd., 225
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). See North Korea
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 119
De Nederlandsche Bank, 49
Department of Defense
coordination of, 41–42
Special Operations Command of, 197
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 174, 178, 416–418
creation of, 128–131, 201
effect on Treasury, 131–136, 202–205, 208–209
Department of Justice, 129, 133, 208, 300, 343
Terrorism and Violent Crimes Section of, 18
DerGarabedian, Paul, 103, 140–141
and Burma, 155
and China, 163
Deutsche Börse Clearing, 311
Deutsche Bundesbank
and SWIFT, 49
Development Fund of Iraq (DFI), 189
Dibble, Philo, 156
Doha (Qatar)
and cash couriers, 105
Donilon, Tom, 345, 347
Donnells, Nan, 140
Dow, 411
Dresdner Bank, 20
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 35, 369
and Hezbollah, 360
and organized crime, 121
Special Operations Division of, 368
Strategic Operations Division (SOD) of, 197
Dubai (UAE), 90, 212
and Al Qaeda, 20
and cash couriers, 104–105
and Iran, 289, 331, 371
and Iraq, 174, 181, 186
Dublin (Ireland), 222–223
Duelfer Report, 173
Dujail Massacre (1982), 187
Duncan, John, 205–206
DuQu malware, 409
East Asia Commercial Bank, 243
Economist, The, 390
Economy, Elizabeth C., 390
Edson, Gary, 21, 189
Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, 90, 199
Egypt, 164, 427
and cash couriers, 105, 106
and Suez Canal, 5
1811s (Treasury agents), 129, 203
80/20 rule, 35–36, 37, 39
Eisenhower administration, 5
Elaf Bank, 371
Elkus, Jr., Richard, 404
Emanuel, Rahm, 320
ENI oil, 337
Equatorial Guinea, 149
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 81
Ernst and Young, 339
Espionage Act, 276
Eurasia Group, 162
European Central Bank, 49
European Commission, 281
European Council of Ministers, 281
European Court of Human Rights, 195
European Court of Justice, 81
European-Iranian Trade Bank AG, 332
European Parliament, 280–281
European Union, 81
and Iran, 288, 298, 308–309, 331, 337–339, 348
and SWIFT, 279–281, 284
and Syria, 354
Europol, 282
Executive Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes (EOTF/FC), 98, 165
creation of, 143
expansion of, 202, 207
Executive Order 12170, 24
Executive Order 13224, 26–28, 35, 303
Export Administration Act, 306–307
Export Development Bank, 304
ExxonMobil, 393, 403
Facebook, 430
Fahd, King, 67, 74, 87
Fannie Mae, 383
Far Eastern Bank, 264
fatwas (religious rulings), 109
Federación Latinoamericano de Bancos (FELEBAN), 166
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 35, 46, 203
on bitcoins, 395–396
coordination of 41–42, 129, 208, 369
and North Korea, 229, 235
and Saudi Arabia, 84–85
See also Terrorist Financing Operations Section.
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), 18, 128, 131
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 25, 232, 319, 405
and Buddy Bank system, 167
and Iraq reconstruction, 170, 185, 189
and North Korea, 263–264
and SWIFT, 49
Federal Reserve System, 148
and SWIFT, 49
Federation of American Scientists, 351
Feingold, Russ, 273
Ferguson, Niall, 401
Filip, Mark, 379
Financial Action Task Force (FATF), 90, 139–140, 211, 250
and anti-money-laundering, 153, 159–163
and cash couriers, 103
and China, 163–164
global reach of, 164
and hawalas, 95
and Iran, 310–311, 333
and kleptocracy, 199
and Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 164, 167
and Private Sector Development (PSD), 167
and Russia, 160–163
and Special Recommendation VI, 95
and SWIFT, 52, 59
on terrorist financing, 31
and WMD, 215
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), 47, 133, 148, 157, 214
expansion of, 202, 204, 206
financial intelligence
definition of, 46–47
effectiveness of, 63–65, 89
history of, 61–62
and nuclear proliferation, 62
uses of, 48–49
financial intelligence units (FIUs), 47
financial power and warfare
and extraterritorially, 302
and First Amendment concerns, 111, 113–114
history of, 3
management of, 101–102, 150–151, 351–352, 426–429
as national security strategy, 9–12, 29, 45–46, 63, 383–386, 429–432
and US dollar, 25–26
See also USA Patriot Act
Financial Review Group (FRG)
and 9/11 investigations, 34
See also Terrorist Financing Operations Section
Financial Times, 334
First East Export Bank, 303
First Merchant Bank, 158
Fitzgerald, Patrick, 18
Flame virus, 408–409
Fonds Strategique d’Investissement (FSI), 391
Forbes Global 2000, 391
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 272
Foreman, Marcy, 35
Fowler, Jennifer, 260
Fox, Bill, 26
and SWIFT, 56–57
France, 5, 164, 190, 391, 398
and Iran, 298, 324
and Iraq, 393–394
and cash couriers, 105
and Iran, 289, 309, 333
Franklin, Ben, 223
Fratto, Tony, 207
and SWIFT, 269–274
Freddie Mac, 383
full-time equivalents “FTEs,” 141
Future Bank, 304, 306
G7 meetings, 31, 32, 384
G8 summits
in 2007, 264
in 2009, 400
G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers, 384
and Iran, 300
in 2002, 15
Gardner, Janice, 206–207
Garland, Sean, 222
Gates, Robert, 320, 349
“Gauss” virus, 407–410
Gavito, Jen Sublett, 189–190
Gazprom, 387, 403
Geithner, Timothy, 167, 342
and Iran, 319–321, 323, 333
and Libya, 345
and North Korea, 232,
General Electric (GE), 339
Geneva, 187
Georgetown University, 244
Georgia, 377, 387
Germany, 5, 113
and Iran, 288, 296 298, 301, 324, 332
and North Korea, 234
Ghana, 407
Gibbons, Tom, 259–260
Glaser, Danny, 31, 139, 157, 167, 245, 348
and Iran 310–311, 333
and Middle East and North Africa, 164
and North Korea, 249–251, 253–254, 257–262, 299
and Russia, 160–161
Glencore, 337
Global Positioning System (GPS), 405
Golden Chain list, 80, 82
Golden Star Bank, 233, 241, 267
Goldman Sachs, 255, 295, 300
Google, 406, 418, 430
Goss, Porter, 58
Gotti, John, 376
government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), 383
Great Britain, 5, 164, 391
and Iran, 298, 303, 304, 324, 332
and Iraq, 393–394
Great Recession of 2008, 9, 383–384, 399
Ancient, 3–4, 5
and DEPA, 387
Green, Mike, 224, 228, 241, 253
Greenberg, Ted, 160, 162
Greenspan, Alan, 57, 58
Group of Ten (G10) countries, 49
Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), 64
Guatemala City (Guatamala), 166
Gucci, 374
Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC), 364
Gurulé, Jimmy, 142
and CIA, 40
and Department of Homeland Security, 127, 131–134
on money laundering, 18–19
on terrorist financing, 31, 34–35
Hadley, Steve, 379
and Iran, 295–296, 299
and North Korea, 231, 246
and SWIFT, 271
Hagin, Joe, 129
Hajj, 67
and Islamic charities, 71
Halliburton, 339
Hamas, 107
and cash couriers, 105
fundraising of, 70, 71, 81
and Iran, 2, 303, 304, 410
Saudi Arabia’s support of, 87
Hambali. See Isamuddin, Riduan
Hamilton, Alexander, 45, 130
Hamilton, Lee, 273, 321
Hample, Eric, 134
Hannover Re, 335
Hariri, Rafik, 190–193
Hariri, Saad, 193
Harris, Steve, 204
Hassan, Sheikh Dawood. See Ibrahim, Dawood
Hatch, Orrin, 18
hawala network, 1, 8, 15, 365
and Abu Dhabi Declaration, 96
in Afghanistan, 94, 97–99
extent of, 93–95
and FATF Special Recommendation VI, 95
and hawaladars, 21, 32, 36, 46, 99–100
in India, 96, 97
in Pakistan, 94
regulation of, 96–97, 101
in Somalia, 37, 94
in Syria, 157
Hayden, Michael, 244, 276–277
Hayworth, J. D., 276
Headley, David, 430
Hezbollah, 108
and drug trade, 358–359
fundraising of, 70
and Iran, 2, 289–291, 303, 304
and Lebanon, 190, 193–194, 409
money laundering of, 359–360
sanctions against, 7
in South America, 117–119, 358
and Syria, 354
and used cars, 358–359
in West Africa, 357–359
Hill, Chris
and North Korea, 236–237, 274, 252, 254, 256, 259–263, 266
Hinnen, Todd, 111, 113
Ho, Stanley, 225–226
Hochberg Fred P., 392
Hong Kong (China), 31, 400
and cash couriers, 103, 105
and Iran, 333, 334, 339
and North Korea, 220, 221, 226, 241
Hong Kong Electronics, 375
House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, 275, 278
House Homeland Security Committee, 276
HSBC bank, 185
and Iran, 349, 370, 371
Hub Culture, 396
See also Ven digital currency
human intelligence (HUMINT), 48
Hungary, 380
Huntsman, 339
Hussein, Qusay, 169, 173–174, 186
Hussein, Uday, 173–174, 186
Hussein, Saddam (and regime of), 6, 158, 355, 393
assets of 175–200
and emptying of Central Bank of Iraq, 169–170, 176
and Oil for Food Program (OFF), 6, 158, 172–173, 181, 199
sanctions against, 171, 344
and WMD, 212
Ibrahim, Dawood (aka Sheikh Dawood Hassan), 115–117, 365
Ibrahim, Hikmat, 169
Iguazu Falls, 117
India, 116, 356, 400
and controls on illicit financing, 15, 165
and hawalas, 95, 97
and Iran, 339, 341, 348
and organized crime, 115
Indonesia, 63, 72, 400
and attack on Bali, 64
InfoBank, 158
ING, 302
Ingersoll Rand, 339
Inpex, 337
Interagency Policy Committees. See National Security Council policy coordination committees (PCC’s) of
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 108
Criminal Investigative Division (IRS-CID) of, 18, 128, 132, 133, 176–177, 202, 208
in Iraq, 176–177, 186–187
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 252
and Iran, 306, 307, 311, 350–351
International Economic Emergency Powers Act (IEEPA), 107, 170
International Energy Agency, 337
International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), 69
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 35, 47, 137, 400, 406
International Reciprocal Trade Association, 397
International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation, 215
Interpol, 31, 121, 233
Orange Notice of, 234
Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), 116
Iran, 86, 200, 241, 264, 283, 346, 370–371, 375, 389
Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), 307
Al Qaeda in, 366
and Bad Bank Initiative, 290
and cyber-warfare, 407–410
Defense Industries Organization (DIO) of, 306–307
and designation of, 290–316
elections in, 327
Green Movement in, 327–328
and Hezbollah, 290–291, 358, 395
hostage crisis in, 287
and Iraq, 194, 325, 395
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of, 293–294
and Lebanon, 190, 289–290, 409
and Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, 307
and North Korea, 290, 327, 375
nuclear program of, 62, 211, 212, 214, 215, 287, 297, 301, 304, 324–325, 328, 338, 341, 349–352
oil in, 288–289, 336–337, 403
and Persian Spring, 328
and Quds Force, 370
sanctions against, 12, 24, 148, 287–288, 297, 322, 324–343, 349
and Section 311, 167, 290–291, 332–333, 335
Shia militias in, 292, 395
and Straits of Hormuz, 289
and SWIFT, 283–284, 338–339, 350
and Syria, 354, 355
and terrorist financing, 2, 83
and US Congress, 335–336
See also Bush, George W., Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Obama, Barack, United Nations
Iran and Syria Nonproliferation Act (ISNA), 306
Iran Transaction Regulations (ITR), 303
Iranian Assembly of Experts, 314
Iranian Financial Sanctions Regulations, 337
Iraq, 112, 299, 355, 371, 38
8, 393
Al Qaeda in, 113–114
asset recovery of, 169–187, 344
Baathist resistance in, 170, 183, 195
economy of, 174, 393–394
and Iran, 325, 371
oil in, 393–394, 407
and Oil for Food Program (OFF), 6, 158, 172–173, 183
and organized crime, 119
sanctions against, 6, 171
Shia militias in, 194
Sunnis in, 194
war in, 169, 213
See also Development Fund of Iraq, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483
Iraq Threat Finance Cell, 196–197
Iraqi Intelligence Service, 173, 187, 194–195
Irbis, 120
Ireland, 222, 400
Ireland, Leslie, 207
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
and North Korea, 222
Isamuddin, Riduan “Hambali,” 63–64
Islamabad, 431
Islamabad High Court, 213
Islamic Call Society, 106
Islamic Center of San Diego
and Al Qaeda, 20
Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL), 304–305, 334
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), 293–294, 300–301, 304, 307, 331–332, 351, 354
Qods Force of, 294, 304, 354, 410
Islamists in Chechnya, 365
Israel, 5, 36
and cyber-warfare, 407–409
and Hezbollah, 290, 358
and Iran, 304, 338, 351
and Lebanon, 190
and Syria, 224
Istanbul (Turkey)
and cash couriers, 105
and Iran, 341, 350
Italy, 127, 133
Italy-Greece-Turkey Interconnector (IGTI), 387
ITEX barter network, 396–397
Izz ad-Din al-Qasam Cyber Fighters, 410
Jakarta, 64
Japan, 221, 391, 404–405
and China, 387, 389
and Iran, 336, 338
and North Korea, 252
sanctions against, 5
and US debt, 403
Japan Bank for International Cooperation, 391
Jardini, Nancy, 176–177
Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), 67, 71, 73
Jeffrey, James, 298–299
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI, Islamic Congregation), 63–64, 367
Johnson, Linda, 141
Jordan, 164
and Iraq, 171–172, 181–183, 187–188
Jordan, Robert, 73
Joumaa, Ayman, 359–360
JP Morgan Chase, 150, 410
JSC CredexBank, 158
Jumale, Ahmed, 37–38, 363
Kabul (Afghanistan), 15–17, 370
and Afghan Threat Finance Cell, 196–197
and hawalas, 98–99
and Hindu Kush Mountains, 16
Kaesong Industrial Complex, 373
Kaiser, Larry, 181–182, 184–185
Kandahar Exchange, 100
Kaplan, Robert, 394
Karachi (Pakistan)
and cash couriers, 104
and Ibrahim, Dawood, 116–117
Kashmir (India), 79, 115
Kaspersky Lab, 407–408