Treasury's War
Page 53
Kazakhstan, 162, 400
Kazan, Ali, 117
Kean, Thomas, 273, 321
Keller, Bill, 273, 276–278
Kelly, James A., 228, 236
Kentucky (US), 276
Kenya, 363, 364
Khalden terrorist training camp, 113
Khalifa, Mohammed Jamal, 82
Khalil, Ezedin Abdel Aziz, 82, 366
Khalizaid, Zal, 100
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, 293, 324, 341
Khan, Abdul Qadeer (AQ), 62, 211–214
and North Korea, 224
Kim Jong Il (and regime of), 235, 254
assets of, 219
and Obama administration, 322
survival of dynasty, 220–221
See also North Korea, Pyongyang
Kimmitt, Robert M., 312–313, 416
King, Peter, 276
Kish Island (Iran), 375
Kismayo (Somalia), 363, 364
kleptocracy, 197–200, 210, 415
Kongra Gel. See Kurdish terrorism
Korean Mining and Development Corporation (KOMID), 225
Korean War, 220
and “The Control,” 24
Koryo Asia Ltd., 243
Kozlov, Andrei, 162
KPMG, 339
Kredittrrust, 161
Krekar, Mullah (aka Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad), 112–114
Kris, David, 272
Kroll, Steve, 204
Kunlun Bank, 371
Kupfer, Jeff, 135, 140
Kurdish terrorism, 112
and PKK, 369
Kuwait, 164, 171, 344
and terrorist financing, 82
Kyrgyzstan, 162
La Cosa Nostra (Mafia), 234–235
La Familia, 376
Lahoud, Emile, 190, 191
Lancaster, John, 18
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LT), 115, 364, 365, 367, 430
Las Vegas (US), 226
Latif, Mahmoud Abdel, 165
Latvia, 158, 167
League of Nations, 4
Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB), 119, 359–361
and Section 311, 361
Lebanon, 164
as banking center, 408–409
and cash couriers, 106
and Hezbollah, 118–119, 289–290, 358–360
and Iraq, 172, 189–193
Shia in, 190
Sunnis in, 190
See also Hariri, Rafik
Lehman Brothers, 389
Levey, Stuart, 250
and Iran, 268, 288, 291–292, 295–302, 304, 305, 307, 309, 314, 324, 328–331, 333, 335, 342
and Libya, 343–348
and North Korea, 255, 260, 268, 323
and Obama administration, 319–320
and SWIFT, 271–276, 278, 280
and TFI, 208–210, 216
and WMD, 214
Levin, Carl, 418
Liberia, 119–121
and assassination plot, 107
assets of, 346–348
and cash couriers, 106–108
and Iraq, 196
and Mission to the UN, 106
nuclear program of, 62, 212, 213
regime change in, 343–346
sanctions against, 6, 107, 148, 313, 344–346
Lichtblau, Eric, 270–275
Lieberman, Joseph, 410
Liechtenstein, 40, 89, 90, 188
Lincoln, Abraham, 4
Linden dollars
and Linden Lab, 396
and LindeX, 396
Lindt, Anna, 38
Lisbon Treaty, 280–281
Lloyds of London, 305, 334–338
Lloyds TSB Group, 309
Lo, Clarie, 31
Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS), 397
Lockheed Martin, 406
Logarcheo, 187
London (UK), 81, 95
and cash couriers, 104–105
and Iran, 289, 303, 309, 313, 333
Lormel, Dennis, 34
Los Angeles Times, 273–275
Los Zetas, 370, 378, 381
Lukashenko, Alexander, 158
LUKOIL, 337, 394
Luxembourg, 89
Macau (China)
as gambling center, 225–226
and North Korea, 219, 220, 221, 232, 235, 240–241, 244, 258, 264
Macau Monetary Authority, 264
Maersk, 334
Mafia state, 397
See also North Korea
Mahan Air, 354
Maher, Katherine, 409
Majd, Hooman, 340
Makhlouf, Rami, 353
Malaysia, 63, 212, 303, 374, 400
and Iran, 334
Mali, 362
Malmgren, Harald, 411
Manama (Bahrain), 164
Manila (Philippines), 140
and North Korea, 222
Manufacturers Hanover, 313
MasterCard, 367, 430
Mauritania, 82
McAfee, 406–407
McBrien, Bob, 24–25, 121
McChrystal, Stanley A., 197
McConnell, Mike, 379, 405
McDonough, Denis, 346
Megarian Decree, 3–4, 5, 12
Meiners, Molly Millerwise, 207
and North Korea, 250–251, 260–261, 262
and SWIFT, 270–271, 274
Mellat Bank SB CJSC, 303
Melli Bank PLC, 304
“Merchant of Death.” See Bout, Viktor
Merrill Lynch, 390
Mexico, 33, 369–370, 378, 423
Meyer, Josh, 273, 275
Meyers, Jody, 178
MGM, 226
Middle East Media Research Institute, 87
Miers, Harriet, 271
Milan 40, 127
Miliband, David, 342
Miller, Greg, 275
Milosevic, Slobodan, 6
Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), 305
Misrata (Libya), 344
Mogadishu (Somalia), 364
Moghadam, Ismail Ahmadi, 354
Mogilevich, Semion, 380
Mongolia, 300
Montana Management, 187
Morales, Oscar, 430
Morgan Stanley, 390
Morgener, Andreas, 121
Morgenthau, Robert, 309–310
Morocco, 164
and Iraq, 196
Moscow (Russia), 123, 161–162, 408
Moumou, Mohammed, 112–114
Mubarak, Hosni, 427
Mueller, Bob, 50, 380
and SWIFT, 58
Muhammadi, Umid, 82
Mukasey, Michael, 378–379
Mullen, Mike, 413
Müller, Andreas, 212
Mumbai (India), 115
terrorist attacks on, 115–117, 398, 430
Munich Olympics (1972), 24
Munich Re, 335
Murden, Bill, 32–33, 74
Musan Iron Mine, 374
Muslim Brotherhood, 427
Mutually Assured Support, 420
Muwafaq Foundation, 81
MV Limburg, 398
Myanmar. See Burma
Myanmar May Flower Bank, 155
Nada, Yousef, 40
Naftiran Intertrade Company Ltd., 308
Naftiran Intertrade Company Sarl, 308
Nahavandian, Mohammad, 342–343
Naím, Moisés, 397
Nasrallah, Sheikh Hassan, 117–118
Nasreddin, Ahmed Idris, 40
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 5
Natanz (Iran), 351
National Bank of Belgium, 50
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 339
National Intelligence Estimate, 376
National Intelligence Manager, 207
National Iranian Oil Company, 308, 341
National Money Laundering Strategy (2001), 19, 31
National Public Radio, 340
National Security Agency (NSA), 46, 275, 418
National Security Council, 111, 142, 156, 178, 198, 216, 312, 405
, 416
Deputies Committee of, 291
and Iran, 291
and Iraq, 189
and North Korea, 227, 231, 241, 244
policy coordination committees (PCC’s) of, 39
National Security Division, 272
National Strategy to Internationalize Efforts Against Kleptocracy, 198
Nauru, 153
naval blockades, 4
Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility Boardman, 405
counterfeiting by, 224
Negroponte, John, 33
Ness, Eliot, 34, 129
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 338, 351
New Delhi (India), 96–97, 138
Newcomb, Rick, 134
and CIA, 40
and OFAC, 23–26
Newcomb, William, 228–230
New Jersey (US), 235–236
New York (US), 65, 95, 123, 146, 276
and Arab Bank, 148
as financial center, 9, 12, 25, 26, 147, 150–151, 242
and Hezbollah, 361
and Iran, 309–310, 349
and 9/11, 19, 28, 61
and North Korea, 254–255
New York Federal Reserve Bank. See Federal Reserve Bank of New York
New York Times, The, 380
and SWIFT, 269–276
and Terrorist Surveillance Program, 269
Nichols, Rob, 16, 207, 270
Nigeria, 355, 363, 365
9/11 attacks, 17–19
as basis for financial warfare, 2–3, 7–9, 11, 21, 288
economic effects of, 20
and financial intelligence, 48
and hijackers, 20, 67
9/11 Commission, 63, 273, 321
Noble, Ron, 31, 233–234
See also Interpol
Noor Islamic Bank, 371
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 23
North Korea, 200, 284, 287, 289, 291, 298, 348, 350, 375, 389
and banking, 219–220, 225–227
and “Chosen Soren,” 221
and counterfeiting, 1, 221–237, 258, 265, 267
as criminal state, 219
and Iran, 290, 375
missiles of, 253
and narcotics trade, 233
natural resources of, 373–374
nuclear program of, 62, 211, 212, 213–215, 221, 224, 253, 320
and “Office 39,” 221, 232
and organized crime, 119, 234-235
and Pong Su, 233
sanctions against, 12, 220, 320–321, 371–372
and Section 311, 167, 227, 230–232, 235–237, 239–246, 252–268, 299–300
and six-party talks, 229, 236, 243, 245, 249, 252, 255, 259, 261, 264, 322
and special economic zones, 374
and State Department, 227–229, 256–259, 265, 267, 323
See also Banco Delta Asia, China and North Korea
North Korea Illicit Activity Initiative, 230–231
North Korean Foreign Trade Bank, 264
North Korean Illicit Finance Action Group (NORKAG), 231
Northern Alliance (Afghanistan), 120
Norway, 112–114
Obama, Barack (and administration of), 272
cyber-security of, 419–420
and Executive Order 13572, 353
and Executive Order 13573, 353
and Executive Order 13582, 353
and Executive Order 13606, 353
and Iran, 316, 319–321, 324–329, 354, 371
and Libya, 347
Nobel Peace Price of, 326
and organized crime, 380–381
and SWIFT, 287
and Syria, 352–355
transition into office of, 319–321
O’Brien, Pat, 300
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), 148
Office of the Deputy Attorney General, 208
Office of Enforcement, 128, 250
dissolution of, 132, 135–136
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), 18, 133, 142, 148, 343
and Al Barakaat, 38
and Al Qaeda, 26–27
and Cuba, 24, 148
and Executive Order 13224, 26–28
expansion of, 202, 206
and Iran, 24, 303, 333
and Iraq, 174, 195–196
and Latin America, 7
and Libya, 345, 347
and organized crime, 121
power of, 24–27
and Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs), 7, 25
and US sanctions, 33
and WMD, 214
See also “The Control,” Iraq Threat Finance Cell
Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA), 205–206
Office of International Affairs, 32
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 139
Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI), 320
creation of, 207–210, 216
Olsen, Eric T., 197
Oman, 164
O’Neill, Paul, 16, 31, 38, 78
and 80/20 rule, 25–36, 37, 39, 108
and financial intelligence, 49, 51
and hawalas, 96–97
and Saudi Arabia, 67, 73–75, 86
and SWIFT, 58
on Treasury role, 35, 45–46, 130, 133, 138–139
and workplace safety, 134
Operation Green Quest, 35, 106, 208–209
Oregon (US), 72, 405
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 392
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 403
organized crime, 2, 210–211
designation of, 115–117, 122–123
as national security threat, 376–382, 398
and North Korea, 234–235
in Italy, 127
undermining of, 29
Ott, Charlie, 141
Palestine, 86, 148
Palestinian Authority, 87
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 303
Pakistan, 389, 431
Al Qaeda and Taliban in, 15, 20, 70, 82, 364–365
bin Laden in, 42
and hawalas, 94
and Khan, AQ, 213
mujahideen in, 85
nuclear program of, 62
and organized crime, 115–116, 119
Panama, 187
Paraguay, 117, 118
Paris (France), 31, 215, 298
Passos, Nikos, 96
Paulson, Henry, 243, 249, 313, 379, 383, 428
and Iran, 295–296, 300, 312
and North Korea, 256, 260, 262
PayPal, 430
Pearl Harbor (US), 5
Peloponnesian War, 3
Pentagon, 18
People’s Bank of China, 241–242, 261–262, 393
Pericles, 3
Persian International Bank PLC, 303
Peru, 222
Peshawar (Pakistan), 20, 82
Petraeus, David, 197
Philippines, 63, 140, 367
PNC Bank, 150, 410
Poland, 387
politically exposed persons (PEPs), 199
Poncy, Chip, 139–140, 167, 215, 348, 382
and Iran, 310–311
Pong Su, 233
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine–General Command, 303
Post Bank of Iran, 332
Potomac River, 17–18
Powell, Colin, 182, 250
Presidential Personnel Office, 209
Price, Dan, 379
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 339
“Prince of Marbella.” See al-Kassar, Manzar
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), 283
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), 211
Pyongyang (North Korea), 219, 220, 236, 239, 241, 243, 252, 288, 322–323
and counterfeiting, 222–225, 229
and Section 311, 252, 257–258, 263
Putin, Vladimir (and administration of), 159–160, 162, 388
and North Korea, 264
p; Qaddafi, el-, Muammar (and regime of), 106–107, 313,
overthrow of, 343–348, 354
Qamsari, Mohsen, 341
Qatar, 82, 164, 307, 374, 403, 427
and cash couriers, 105
and Syria, 354
and US financial crisis (2008), 384
Qatar Investment Authority, 390
Qin Gang, 242
Qom nuclear facility (Iran), 328, 338
Radan, Ahmad-Reza, 354
Rafah border crossing, 105
Rafidain Bank, 172, 177
Rafsanjani, Akbar Hashemi, 314
Ralls Corporation, 405
Rasheed Bank, 172, 177
Ravich, Samantha, 111
Reagan National Airport, 17
Red Cross, 87
Reding, Viviane, 281
Reliance, 337
Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments, 103
reputational risk, 10–11, 89, 147, 241, 330, 429
Reserve Bank of India, 339
Reuters, 337
Revival of the Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), 82
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 33, 122–123, 368–369, 430
Revolutionary United Front (RUF), 121
Rice, Condoleezza, 63, 189, 191, 379
and Iran, 291, 295–296
and North Korea, 227, 231, 236, 252, 256, 259–260, 263, 266
and SWIFT, 58
Rice, Susan, 330
Rickards, James, 400–401
Ridge, Tom, 129
Riga (Latvia), 167
Riggs Bank, 85, 263
and fine, 148–150
Risen, James, 271–272, 275
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), 67, 73, 87
Al Qaeda attacks in, 76
and cash couriers, 106
Rome (Italy), 127, 131, 132
Ross, Jeff, 140, 142–143, 157–158
Rotterdam (Netherlands), 334
Royal Australian Air Force, 233
Royal Charm investigation, 235
Royal Dutch Shell, 337, 393
Rumsfeld, Donald, 232
Russia, 44, 68, 119, 165, 223, 374, 403
and anti-money-laundering, 159–163
financial power of, 387–388, 400, 420
and Iran, 297, 304, 309, 311, 348
and Iraq, 186–187, 393–394
and North Korea, 220, 264
and organized crime, 122–123, 393, 430
and SWIFT, 284
and Syria, 355
and US financial crisis (2008), 383–385
Russian Air Force, 119
Russian Military Institute of Foreign Languages, 119
SAAR Foundation, 105
Said, Sheikh. See al-Yazid, Mustafa
Saif, Abdullah, 164
Saloom, Joseph, 178
San Air General Trading, 120
Sanders, Traci, 141, 155
Santa Cruz Imperial, 120
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 308–309
Saudi Arabia, 164, 4010, 426
and Account 98, 86–89
and Al Haramain Foundation, 72–73, 76–77
Al Qaeda attacks in, 76, 398
and the Hajj, 67, 71
and Iraq, 196
and Lebanon, 190
and Mecca and Medina, 69