Blissful Disaster

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Blissful Disaster Page 18

by Amy L. Gale

  I turn the door handle and duck inside, almost dragging Josh behind me. Maybe he’ll take it as uncontrollable desire, but I really don’t want anyone else pulling his attention in a different direction. I lock the door behind us and switch on the light.

  Ah, must be the guest bedroom. Light green walls adorn the decent size room. Josh sets the beer on one of the nightstands next to a figurine of a lighthouse. A large painting of the ocean, complete with seagulls and a wave breaking onto the shore takes up the far wall. Memories of our first time hit me like a freight train. I can almost smell the salty air.

  I hop onto the bed. “I love the beach.”

  Josh joins me, turning toward me propped up on his elbow. “Duke’s not that close to the beach.”

  “Always a downfall.” I gaze into his dark blue eyes. “Good excuse for some weekend road trips.”

  He tucks a stray hair behind my ear. “Are you kidding me? When I finally get you all to myself all the time, I might never leave the apartment.” He grazes my cheek with the back of his hand. “Probably fail out of school.”

  I chuckle. “You’ll probably get sick of me… and definitely my cooking.”

  He scoots closer. “Not a chance.” He slides his lips along mine, sucking hard as he pulls away. “I want to be with you forever, Ali… even if that means I’ll eat nothing but burnt grilled cheese for the rest of my life.”

  “Trust me, forever isn’t long enough to spend with you.” I slide my hand under the hem of his jersey, slowing pulling it up.

  He sits up on the bed and finishes the job, exposing his chiseled chest. I follow every curve of his muscle, memorizing him. He’s perfect, a flawless specimen. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why he chose me over everyone else. I mean, other girls are prettier, have better bodies, can bring a man to his knees with their seductive power, but he never even gives anyone else a second look. Every time I ask him, he tells me I’m crazy and that he’s got the best girl in the world. Hearing those words spark more adrenaline in my body than if I was on the podium accepting an Olympic gold medal. It’s like I’ve won the lottery and I’m living the dream.

  He tugs at my sweater, easing it over my head. “You’re so beautiful.”

  In reality, my hair is probably sticking up in a million directions from static cling, but right now I feel like Miss America. “Josh, you are amazing, and I love you.”

  His face lights up like a Christmas tree. “You’re the love of my life, Ali Whitman and I can’t wait to run off to college with you.” He slams his lips against mine. “And someday, you’ll be Mrs. Hanson.”

  Hot lava flows across my cheeks. “I can’t wait for someday.”

  He grabs my face with both his hands. His lips glide across mine, slowly at first but increasing in passion with every breath. Josh’s kisses could wake a sleeping maiden in any fairytale. Okay, so I’m not that experienced but when his lips touch mine, lightning strikes. A whole new world awakens. He reaches around behind me and fumbles with my bra, tugging at the clasp. Even Superman succumbs to Kryptonite, and my bras have that effect on him. He rips it off and tosses it onto the floor.

  I lean back onto the bed, pulling Josh on top of me. He slides off his jeans and boxers, and hovers above me. The moonlight shining through the window glistens off his skin like he’s glowing. A beacon in the dark night.

  I wiggle out of my skirt and panties. The bra is one thing, but I can’t walk in the house without those items intact. We stare into each other’s eyes, naked and vulnerable. I don’t even like getting changed in front of other girls in the locker room, but with Josh, I’m not embarrassed about any part of me. I’m completely comfortable baring it all in front of my football God.

  He leans forward and grazes my ear with his lips. “You ready?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper.

  He slowly eases himself inside. I gasp as he completely fills me. Making the trek to Planned Parenthood to go on birth control pills was the best decision. No more worrying about accidents from the condom breaking, which happens more than I deemed imaginable. Josh and I are as close as humanly possible at this moment.

  We mimic each other’s movements, creating a unique rhythm. The whole world suddenly disappears, and no one else exists but the two of us. Passion builds and within minutes Josh comes inside me at the same instant I release my desire. He rolls over next to me, hearts thumping so hard they could probably burst from our chests and fly around the room.

  Loud knocks resonate through the air. What idiot is banging on the door? I mean, everyone knows party etiquette. I wrap the comforter around myself and Josh pulls on his jeans.

  He opens the door a crack. “What’s up?”

  “Someone called the cops, party’s busted.”

  Once I hear the words, I spring from the bed and get dressed in warp speed. Josh fishes for his keys in his pocket and takes my hand. Looks like there’s no time to revel in the afterglow. We leap down the steps and funnel through the crowd until we’re out on the sidewalk. Duke would be history if we have an underage drinking citation even though we barely drank. Nowadays, just being at a party with alcohol gets you in trouble.

  The cold air douses my fiery skin. I leap into the passenger side and close the door in one smooth movement. He fires up the engine, and we take off.

  “Damn, you’re pretty quick. Maybe you should try out for the team.” He slides a hand on my thigh.

  “Nah, wouldn’t want to break any of your records.” I flash a quick smile.

  “If we win state I’m having the party. No cops allowed.” He moves his hand to mine, interlocking our fingers.

  “If someone calls the cops after we win state, they may be banished from the town.”

  “Sorry we got cut short tonight.” He slows the car to a stop outside my house.

  “My mom’s on the graveyard shift. We can have a four-hour sleep-over.” I hate staying here by myself. I swear the house makes all kinds of creepy noises when it knows I’m there alone. If anyone in the world can protect me, it’s Josh.

  He shuts down the engine. “Okay, but no painting my nails.”

  I give him a love tap, and we head inside. Even though no boys are allowed in my room, Josh has slept here at least ten times. Mom’s never home, and she’d never understand we’re not just two high school kids hooking up. What Josh and I have is much more than that.

  He follows me to my room, and we slip under my purple comforter. I set the cell phone alarm to 6 a.m. so he can make his escape before Mom comes home. He wraps his arms around me and we drift away together.

  Hours seem like seconds. My cell phone chimes, sending me into panic mode while my brain processes what’s happening. I nudge Josh.

  “I’m not ready to let you go yet,” he says and pulls me close.

  “Pretty soon you won’t have to.” I smack my lips against his.

  He rises from the bed and I walk him out. In a few short months, we’ll be together twenty-four seven. A lot of people would be scared to death of such a concept but I’m on cloud nine.

  He opens the door, letting in a cool gust of wind. “See you soon.” He kisses me and walks down the few steps to his car. He turns and gives me “our” wave.

  I smile and wave back, watching him drive away. Once he’s out of my visual field, I close the door, making sure it’s locked and head up to bed. Within minutes, I’m back in dream land.

  “Ali,” Mom calls.

  I blink, trying to will my heavy eyelids open. She never wakes me up, not even when I ask her to.


  She walks into my room and sits on the bed. “We need to talk.”


  Cold sweat covers every inch of my body. I gasp and prop up to a sitting position, sucking in a few shallow breaths. My heart drums, skyrocketing through my veins. I take a deep breath and blink repeatedly, trying to get my bearings. The sun peeks through my curtain casting a golden glow on Tyler’s skin. Thank God, just a nightmare. At lea
st I didn’t wake him. The way this day went he might run for the hills if he has to deal with another one of my freakouts. It’s been forever since I had a dream about my last night with Josh, more like a nightmare of a memory. At first, I relived the tragic tale every night, then only a few times a month, until it stopped completely. I always woke up the same way, cold sweat, hysterical tears, and the urge to rip out my heart so I could finally have peace.

  Not today. It’s weird. Kind of like my brain mustered up those memories again to test me. Believe me, re-living that night is nothing short of pure hell, but everything that happened before was amazing. Like the complete euphoria was worth the total devastation. Lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place, so maybe I paid my dues in the love category. Everything could be different this time.

  Of course, I’m never going to be okay with Tyler street racing or taking other stupid risks, but I’ll try and keep my freakouts to a minimum. I mean, Josh’s car skidded on wet leaves, according to the officer it was most likely to avoid hitting an animal. His car flipped and slammed into a tree. Crushed like a tin can. Maybe destiny plans your every move and no matter how careful you are, you can’t fight what’s meant to be.

  I turn toward Tyler, watching a few strands of hair dance when he breathes. Not sure what the great beyond is planning for Tyler and I, but I’m ready to find out. No running, no turning back, and no holding out. Time to turn up the heat. I know, I bet he hasn’t done this in bed… at least not in a very long time.

  I quietly slip out of the sheets and toss on my old KISS t-shirt from one of their million farewell tours. I head to the kitchen and grab a big mixing bowl. I’ve come a hell of a long way from burnt grilled cheese. I grab some vanilla, eggs, milk, bananas and cinnamon along with a loaf of bread. Chloe would kill me if she knew I made my famous Bananas Foster French Toast and didn’t invite her. It’s the only thing she’s willing to splurge on without checking the calorie count.

  I heat up the griddle and get to work. The kitchen smells like I just walked into Seamist Buns, home of the world’s best sticky buns. Okay, so it’s a self-proclaimed title, but I’ve never found any better… anywhere. Tyler loves diners and hidden hole-in-the-wall places, but I think I’ll class things up a bit. I slice a strawberry and fill the plate with slices of French toast in a circle so it resembles a flower, or at least looks like the presentation of a breakfast dish at a swanky restaurant. I top it with sliced bananas and drizzle some syrup over everything. I brew some coffee and pour us each a cup. Tyler’s about to have his world rocked.

  I fit everything onto a TV tray that I use way too often, and walk to the bedroom at the speed of a sloth. Dousing Tyler with hot coffee and sticky syrup might make this more memorable than I hoped. Just as my toes hit the bedroom carpet Tyler opens his eyes.

  “What’s all this, babe? Is it Best Kick-Ass Rocker, Wave-curling Surfer Boyfriend in the World Day?” He sits up, shirtless, and leans his back against the headboard with the white sheet draped over his lap.

  I shift my gaze from his chiseled torso, down to his six pack abs. It’s like he’s been photo-shopped. Dear God, he could grace the cover of any magazine and increase the company’s shares tenfold. Please let this image imprint itself on my brain.

  “Yeah, I think I saw that in a Hallmark card.” I slide my feet forward, steadying my trembling arms. “I thought you might want some home cooking for a change.”

  The coffee sloshes to the top of the cup as I set the tray down on the bed. Okay, so breakfast in the bed might be a little on the corny side. It’s in just about every Mother’s Day commercial I’ve seen, except it’s always the guy bringing the girl breakfast. Rock stars eat on the road 24/7. Who knows, they might appreciate breakfast in bed just as much as a tired mom. Ah ha, I might’ve just brainstormed a whole new advertising campaign.

  Tyler stabs a piece of French toast with his fork and shoves it in his mouth. “This is the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth… well, almost.” He crams in another forkful.

  Heat flashes across my cheeks. I slide over next to him and take my plate. “Glad you like it... Is your whole world changed?”

  He takes a big gulp of coffee. “Yep, you’re full of surprises, babe.” He finishes the last bite. “You’re more talented than anyone I know.” He winks.

  Clearly a lie, especially since he hangs out with people oozing with talent, but it’s nice to hear. Tingles sweep across my skin. “I doubt that, but thanks.” I finish up my two pieces of French toast and slug down some coffee.

  “Today is a very special day, and not just because of the awesome grub.” Tyler sets the tray down on the floor and turns toward me.

  Special scares me. On one hand, it can mean Tyler found another amazing adventure for us and on the other it might mean Tyler earned an awesome opportunity without me.

  “Other than Best Kick-Ass Rocker, Wave-curling Surfer Boyfriend in the World Day?” I flash a smile.

  “A close second… For the first time in months, I have absolutely nothing planned for the whole day.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me toward him.

  The sheets ripple, following my movements. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Anything you can imagine, babe.” He nibbles my ear.

  When he says it like that, my creative juices flow endlessly. He’s all mine for the next twenty-four hours. Moments like these may be far and few between. I need to strike while the iron’s hot, and it’s spewing steam right now. Let’s start at step one. “How about we stay right here, in bed all day.” I nuzzle his cheek.

  “Best idea I’ve ever heard.” He brushes his lips against mine.

  The doorbell sounds, pulling me out of the moment. Chloe probably smelled the French toast from across town. Then again, the whole building could be on fire, and I’d never have a clue. At this point, molten lava could spew from the earth’s core sending us shooting into oblivion and I wouldn’t care. A raging inferno’s got nothing on the sparks Tyler creates.

  “Hold that thought.” I jump up from the bed and sprint toward the door, trying to waste the least amount of time possible.

  I pull open the door. Huh, no one’s there. I take a deep breath. Okay, no smoke so we’re not on fire. A decorative white box wrapped with a gold bow sits on my doormat, gleaming in the rays of sun. Did Tyler have something delivered to surprise me? The Rock God oozes romance. He shocks me on a daily basis, in a million different ways. Plus, he’s always got something up his sleeve. I snag the box and take it inside, closing the door behind me and locking it. Nothing is going to pull me away from Tyler for the rest of the day. I head back to the bedroom, still carrying the box.

  “Let me guess, a subpoena from the wedding store you and Jenna visited?” He props himself up on his elbow.

  “We only argued for like a minute. It’s not like we were wrestling around and throwing dresses. Plus, Lexie found her dress. If anything, they’d be sending me a thank you card.” Smart ass. Maybe I’ll have a little of my own fun. “Probably a gift from one of the guys who always hit on me at work.”

  He scrunches his eyebrows and sits up. “Maybe I should drive you to work.” He grabs me by the waist and tackles me onto the bed.

  I burst into a mess of giggles. “Okay, the suspense is killing me.” I sit up and slowly unwrap the ribbon. Dear Miss Whitman, Entertainment Rocks! cordially invites you and a guest to their annual Black Tie event Saturday at the Savannah Ballroom of the Oak Lake Country Club. Cocktail hour begins at 7 o’clock. I run my fingers over the raised letter.

  My first professional event, I bet everyone who’s anyone in the entertainment and reporting world will be there. And I’ve made the guest list. If Tyler weren’t here, I’d probably jump up and down and squeal like I’m twelve years old but since he is here maybe I’ll celebrate a whole different way.

  “Sounds like a blast. Congrats.” He runs his fingertips along my thigh.

  Did he notice the and guest portion of the invitation? “I bet you lo
ok hotter in a suit than you do on stage.” Wow, now I sound like one of the girls backstage. I swear, less and less blood makes its way to my brain when Tyler is anywhere near me.

  “You’ve never seen me in either. We’ve got to change that.”

  “You up for it? Might be fun.” What’s wrong with me? If a guy asked me to a formal event like that… well, I’d probably still go. Tyler deserves a proper invite. “I mean, do you want to be my date?”

  He rubs his chin. “Hmm. I’d get to show those dudes that hit on you that you’re taken.” He nods. “Plus there’s probably good booze.”

  I playfully slap his arm.

  “Yeah, I’m in.” He tosses the invitation to the side and rolls on top of me, hovering just above my lips.

  So I embellished the part about the guys asking me out. No harm done. Tyler gets asked to do God knows what after every show when he’s on the road. My stomach knots. How the hell am I going to handle that whole ordeal? I banish the negative thoughts from my brain. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  I’m showing up at my first black tie event with a rock star. Never in my wildest dreams could I conjure up this scenario. Last time I wore a formal dress was at prom. Sadly, my fashion sense hasn’t changed since then. Chloe has her work cut out for her this time.

  Dress shopping bonds females, or at least it did last time. I’ll invite Jenna and Lexie too. The fearsome foursome takes Rodeo Drive. Assuming we don’t kill each other in the process.

  “Earth to Ali, are you planning your speech to thank the academy?” He brushes his lips against mine.

  “Nah, more like deciding what activities we should partake in today.” I feather my fingers along the muscles in his back up to his neck, weaving my fingers into his hair. “Let’s start here.” I press my lips against his pulling him close. Time for round two.


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