Blissful Disaster

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Blissful Disaster Page 19

by Amy L. Gale


  “Define nice.” Chloe slides on her sunglasses and struts down the sidewalk.

  “Um, not bitchy or condescending. And that includes facial expressions.” I practically have to jog to keep up with her. When she’s on a mission nothing stops her.

  “And is she expected to play by the same rules?”

  “Please do me this favor. God knows how she’s going to act. It’s like trying to predict when a volcano’s going to erupt… I need to keep her on my good side.” Chloe has no clue the influence Jenna possesses over the band. It’s like she’s the matriarch of a mafia family.

  Chloe stops dead. “Why the hell do we have to kiss her ass? No one should have this kind of power over you. Who does she think she is?”

  The master of the universe. Chloe’s right, she’s always right, but staying in Jenna’s good graces is in my best interest right now. Tyler and I have enough going against us, no need to add more fuel to the fire. If getting along with Jenna is my biggest obstacle, then Tyler and I might actually have a chance.

  I put my hand on her shoulder. “She’s one of those girls who can be your best friend or your worst enemy… you know, like us.”

  She turns toward me and flips her hair over a shoulder. “Oh darling, even though I really want to clock her for all those things she said to you, I will be a lady. What are best friends for?” She blows me a kiss.

  “Thank you, I owe you.” I pull her into a side hug. Thank God.

  “I’ll take a new pair of Manolo’s.” She entwines her arm around mine, and we walk down the sidewalk.

  “How about I buy the drinks we’ll definitely need after this shopping excursion?”

  She nods. “Deal.”

  If I had the chance to help humanity I wouldn’t wish for world peace, nope, I’d pray that everyone has a Chloe. A best friend who stands by your side whether you’re right or wrong, celebrates the good times, lends a shoulder to cry on when you’re at your wit’s end, and curses with you like a sailor with Tourette’s when someone screws you over.

  We turn the corner and spot Jenna and Lexie waiting for us outside of stop number one, Frederick’s. Chloe dashes forward, to the point where I almost need to stop to catch my breath. I swear she blows off steam by smacking her high-heeled Louboutins against the concrete sidewalks. Hey, whatever works. She finally stops a few feet from the door.

  I suck in a few breaths until my pulse is back at a normal level. “Jenna and Lexie, this is Chloe, my partner in crime and bestie since college.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Lexie shakes her hand.

  “It’s a pleasure.” Chloe flashes the fakest smile I’ve ever seen.

  Jenna looks us both up and down. She holds open the door. “Ready to shop till we drop, girls?”

  I can feel Chloe giving me the you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look underneath her dark glasses. “Let’s do this.” I head into the store. Everyone else follows suit.

  Mannequins dressed in everything from elaborate ball gowns to cocktail dresses fill the large storefront window. Long wall to wall racks of dresses line both sides of the store, and a round center display shows off the newest fashions. I do a quick once-over trying to take in a glimpse of the inventory. Thank God I have help. I think I’m more confused about what to wear than I was before I walked in here.

  “You okay?” Chloe slides her sunglasses on top of her head.

  I nod. “Just a little overwhelmed.” Not only am I attending my first professional event, but it’s also the first time Tyler will meet my colleagues. Okay, so I’ve never taken a guy to any social gathering in the last five years. My stomach drops. For once I want everything to be perfect, starting with the dress.

  Everyone scatters through the store, rummaging through the racks.

  Chloe holds up a long black satin dress. “Black is classic. Especially for a formal event.”

  Jenna pulls a crystal-embellished silver gown from the rack. “It’s your time to shine, might as well sparkle a little.”

  Chloe’s face distorts into that you-can’t-be-serious look. “She’s not accepting an Oscar. It’s a business event, so she needs to look elegant but not flashy.”

  Jenna shrugs. “I always like to stand out.” She lifts her chin and continues to inspect the dresses, like she’s a fashion designer.

  I step on Chloe’s foot before she opens her mouth. Luckily, she gets the point. The last thing I need is a brawl, especially in an upscale dress store.

  “What about something like this?” Lexie holds up a black chiffon dress with a crystal brooch near the waistline.

  “Great find.” Chloe runs her fingers along the fabric.

  “I love it.” I close my eyes for a second and picture myself arm in arm with Tyler. I’m dying to see him in a suit.

  “Hello ladies, welcome to Frederick’s. I’m Mary Ann. Can I get a fitting room started for you?”

  “Yes, please.” I hand her the dress.

  Jenna pulls a few dresses from the rack. “If you’re going to get undressed, make it worth your while.” She winks and hands the dresses to Mary Ann.

  “Great advice.” Chloe peruses the rack near the far end of the store.

  I stop next to her, pretending I’m examining another dress option. “Really,” I whisper.

  “What… that’s the most intelligent thing that’s come out of her mouth so far.” She gives me two dresses and nudges me toward the dressing room.

  Okay, so this trip is more like a John Hughes movie from the 80’s where two totally opposite groups of people are trying to impress each other. Of course, in the end, it always works out, usually to an awesome song and iconic image, but I’m pretty sure this will end with someone slamming shots at lunch. Most likely me.

  I step into the dressing room and put on the black chiffon dress Lexie found. Goosebumps spread across my skin as I pull up the zipper. Huh, fits like a glove. I glance into the mirror. The brooch on the side of the dress gives just enough bling without being overly dramatic, classic with a hint of glitz.

  I’ve imagined myself in this position a million times. Walking into a black-tie affair, turning heads as my leg peeks out from the high slit with every step, schmoozing with the bigwigs and drinking champagne. Never in my wildest dreams did I see a hot rock star standing next to me, especially one I’m completely in love with. I turn from side to side, watching the chiffon flow with my body. It’s absolutely perfect. A perfect dress for my perfect night with Tyler.

  I walk out of the dressing room like I’m about to step onto the red carpet. Lexie, Jenna, and Chloe all stand in a semi-circle around the fitting room door.

  “Ali, it’s fabulous. No need to try anything else on, you’ve got a winner.” Chloe turns toward Lexie. “You’ve got a great eye.”

  Lexie twirls her hair around a finger. “I’m not much of a fashionista, but I’ve attended a few of Global, Inc.’s black tie events.”

  “I can use a few tips.” I fidget with my fingers. Lexie has more experience in this area than anyone I know. I mean, she’s an advertising exec. Maybe Tyler will take a few tips from her, too. What am I thinking? He lives for the moment, makes up the rules as he goes. He’s a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of guy. One of the things I love about him.

  “Sure thing.” She nods.

  Jenna stands tall, glancing around the room like she’s interested in buying everything in it. It’s her defense mechanism. All of us have some sort of experience in the corporate world, well, everyone except her. I get it, she left her dreams behind so Marcus can live out his. But this situation right now is her kryptonite.

  “Looks like we can head to lunch early.” I do a once-over in the mirror. I’ve got to be crazy to rescue Jenna from herself, especially after all the shit she’s put me through. I can’t watch her search for an escape and do nothing. It’s like when people asked me if I was okay after Josh’s accident. Oh yeah, never better. I always nodded or said I was taking it day by day but my insides twisted into oblivi
on making me wish I could escape from the world.

  Jenna glances at her watch. “How about Pierre’s? Crepes and Cosmos.”

  Chloe turns toward Jenna. “I’ve been dying to try Pierre’s. But you’d have to make a reservation like… three months ago.”

  Jenna takes out her cell phone and holds up her pointer finger. She dials and presses the phone against her ear. “Jess. Hey, it’s Jenna. Yeah, you too… listen we just finished dress shopping. Tyler’s girlfriend has a corporate event, and we were hoping to grab a bite. Any chance you can hook us up with a table for four?” She pauses for a moment. “Yeah, me neither but it’s true. He’s a taken man. Okay, we’ll see you in a half hour. Thanks.”

  “Are we in?” Chloe bounces on her toes.

  “Yep. Let’s get Cinderella all set for the ball and we’ll head.” Jenna slides her cell phone into her purse, a knowing grin on her face.


  “So what’s it like to be married to a rock star?” Chloe sips her Cosmo.

  Jenna raises an eyebrow. “It’s got its perks.”

  I glance around the quaint dining room, taking in the essence of France. This is about as close to Paris as you can get here in L.A. A mammoth crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the room. Bistro tables line the perimeter near the picturesque windows, bringing the ambiance of an outdoor café to the room, while the center tables boast fancy linens and crystal water goblets.

  Jenna’s connection hooked us up with a round table right in the center of the room so we can take in the atmosphere. I don’t get how she knows so many people in L.A. It’s like she’s lived here her whole life, even though she only visits a few times a year. If it weren’t for Chloe, I wouldn’t know a thing about big city life.

  Chloe probably thinks I’m crazy. It’s like Jenna’s been reprogrammed and is on her best behavior. I doubt Tyler had anything to do with this sudden change in attitude. I mean, she never listened to him before so what’s up her sleeve this time?

  “Ali, did you mention to Tyler he needs a tux for Saturday?” Jenna nibbles on a baguette. “His idea of a party is a keg and some tunes.”

  Ah, there’s the Jenna I’m used to. “I gave him the names of a few places he can try.” Okay, so that’s a total lie, but I’m not dealing with her insults today toward myself or Tyler. He’s not a moron, I’m sure he knows what black tie means, right?

  “Maybe you should give him a quick etiquette refresher.” She smirks.

  “Jenna, he’s been to weddings before. It’s not like he’s clueless on how to act at a formal event… come on, give him a little credit. It’s not like she’s taking Chaz.” Lexie sips her wine.

  Jenna chuckles. “True. Listen, I’m not trying to be a bitch. I’m telling you he’s out of his element. He might need a little help, that’s all.”

  Now she may have a point. So Tyler’s used to wild parties and back stage antics, which consists of God knows what, but he can function in society. I mean, Josh never even wore a suit until we went to prom. Just because Tyler’s somewhere different doesn’t mean he can’t adapt.

  “I’ll give him a few pointers.” Lexie winks.

  “You guys are making me nervous. Is there something I should know?” Maybe Tyler doesn’t want to go with me, and he conned them into trying to talk me out of taking him. I did serve him breakfast in bed before asking him to be my date. There’s no way he’d turn me down even if he wanted to.

  “Yeah, guys are idiots.” Jenna closes her menu and sets it on her plate.

  “Newsflash.” Chloe chuckles.

  “Does Tyler turn into a werewolf or something? Saturday is a full moon.” I nibble my lip.

  “Something like that.” Jenna turns toward the waiter who just walked up to the table.

  “Mademoiselles. I’m Jacque, and I’ll be your server. Do you know what you’d like?”

  Yeah, I’d like to find out why Jenna’s trying to insinuate that taking Tyler to the event is the worst idea in the history of the world. She’s acting like he’s bipolar or something. I spent more than enough time with Tyler to form an opinion, and he’s pretty close to perfect. I’d never lay my heart on the line again if he wasn’t worth it.

  “I’ll take the Risotto aux champignons.” Jenna speaks like she’s lived in Paris for the last ten years.

  I haven’t even looked at the menu. “I’ll have the same.” God knows what the hell I’m eating, probably brains. Jenna’s the kind of evil human being who’d revel in the flesh of another.

  Chloe and Lexie order, but I have no clue what they’re having either. It’s like I suddenly forgot the little bit of French I still remembered. At this point I don’t even recall the curse words. Doesn’t matter, I can’t stop hearing Jenna’s words over and over again in my brain. Why the hell do I care what she says? She’s been trying to keep Tyler and I apart since we met.

  “Ali, you guys are going to have a great time. Don’t worry. Jenna’s trying to tell you he’s a little rough around the edges when it comes to the corporate world.” Lexie twists her hair around a finger. “He’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, doesn’t play well with suits.” Jenna chuckles. “Remember when he called Regina a whore.”

  Lexie almost spits out her martini. “Well, she was hanging all over the lawyer handling our contract.”

  “Um, that’s her husband.” Jenna shakes her head. “Tyler has strange views about shit like that. He thinks anyone who wears a suit is a sellout.”

  “Who’s Regina?” Do I even want to know? I get it, Tyler is all about the freedom. I swear, if he wasn’t in Devil’s Garden he’d probably join the nearest chapter of Hell’s Angels.

  “Devil’s Garden’s manager,” Lexie says.

  “If he acts like an animal, he’ll have to answer to me. Ali worked way too hard to have anyone ruin this for her. I’m scrappier than I look.” Chloe flashes a smile.

  We all laugh. Chloe might kill someone if they chipped her nail or scuffed one of her designer shoes but she’s no brawler. Tyler’s been nothing but a gentleman every time we’ve been together. Even when he stormed the elevator to rip me a new one, he still helped me out rather than kick me when I was down. They’ve all lost their minds. Tyler would never do anything to hurt me or my career.

  “We’ll have to see how she handles groupies.” Jenna nods toward Lexie.

  “Cheers to that.” Lexie downs the rest of her martini.

  “Wow, you guys are Debbie Downers today.” I shake my head.

  “Just wait, you didn’t see what’s it’s like backstage yet… You will and you’ll feel the same way.” Jenna taps her fingernails on her glass. “Closest you can get to hell on earth.”

  I’m sure it’s a million times worse when I’m stuck here, thinking about all the things Tyler is doing backstage when he’s on another continent. And just like that, my appetite fades away. If I knew today was going to be like this, I would’ve pulled something out of my closet and avoided this disaster of a day. I stare down at the table trying to hide the frown creeping over my face.

  Lexie puts her hand over mine. “Don’t worry. The meet and greets only last around an hour, and we’re out of there. Trust me, if I can handle it, you can. Are you thinking of coming to Europe?”

  No. Well, Tyler never actually asked me but even if he did I couldn’t go. I mean, I’m building a career for myself here in L.A. and I can’t just pick up and leave to hook up with a rocker I’ve been dating for all of two months. I mean, I love Tyler, it’s not that, but I love myself too, and I can’t lose everything I’ve worked for. “No. I’m focusing on my career here in L.A.”

  “If it still exists after Saturday.” Jenna leans back as Jacque puts her lunch in front of her.

  “Of course it will. Tyler and I are going to have a great night. All my colleagues will love him. It’s not every day they get to meet a rock star.” Or maybe it is. I’m still not sure who’s going to be attending, but I think Jenna got my point.

  “Hope you’re right.”
She shovels a forkful of mushroom risotto into her mouth.

  “Trust me. I know what I’m doing.” Heat flushes across my cheeks.

  “Famous last words.” She smirks.

  Clearly, shopping does not bond women. She’s still trying to sabotage my relationship with Tyler. I just can’t figure out why. I mean, there’s nothing in it for her. And I really didn’t expect Lexie to agree with her. Wait, was this lunch an intervention to warn me about Tyler’s demons? Maybe there’s more to all of this than meets the eye.


  Since when did Halloween arrive more than once a year? I glance at the mirror on the back of my bedroom door. Damn, I actually look like I could be on the arm of a rock star. I sway side to side, letting the long black chiffon dress drape down. It sticks to my curves like a Mustang heading up Mulholland Drive. The brooch sparkles, adding some glamorous bling. I push a tendril back from along my forehead and fluff the curls in my half up-do. Here I am, dressed the part with no clue on how to actually pull this off. I guess I should’ve worried more about what to do and what to say rather than what to wear.

  Memories of Josh’s cousin’s wedding flow through my brain. Mariah always wanted the swanky lifestyle and when she hooked a Wall Street broker her dreams came true. I’d never been to a wedding before, but I was psyched to spend a weekend with Josh at Martha’s Vineyard. At the reception, we snuck way too much champagne. I grabbed the microphone from the string quartet and burst into my best rendition of Billy Idol’s White Wedding. Clearly not my finest moment, but Josh stood there clapping like I had the voice of an angel. Mariah freaked and smacked me with her bouquet screaming about how I ruined her wedding. Note to self, stay away from all microphones or other voice amplifying devices.

  Knocking resonates through the walls of my apartment. Okay, he’s here and ten minutes early. I put on my dangling crystal earrings and trek toward the door.


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