Blissful Disaster

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Blissful Disaster Page 24

by Amy L. Gale

  The bartender smiles. “Coming right up.” His eyes suck into Jenna’s cleavage.

  “Make mine a virgin,” I scream, louder than necessary.

  The bartender nods.

  “Seriously? Not even one drink?” Chloe tips her head and raises her eyebrows.

  “Nope. Not after the last celebration.” I tap my foot on the tile floor. “Not happening.” No need to repeat history. Waking up with a guy I hardly know is not on my to-do list.

  The bartender returns with our drinks. “The one with the cherry is the virgin.” He smirks. “Oh, drinks are on that guy.” He points to a guy on the other side of the bar.

  “I got dibs.” Chloe waves to him. “You’re all taken anyway.”

  I jerk my head back.

  “Yeah, you too. Whether you know it or not.” She turns away, not giving me a second to respond.

  Why is everyone in fantasy land except for me? I get it, they’re all Team Tyler but this is real-life, not some twisted fairytale. Love doesn’t conquer all. When too many obstacles exist, you can’t blindly follow your heart, it’s a recipe for disaster. I take a deep breath trying to release the negative energy from my body.

  The guy from across the bar walks over. I give the quick once-over, brown hair, athletic build, cute dimples when he smiles. Hey, maybe they’ll hit it off. Things seem to happen when you least expect it. One of us deserves a happy ending.

  “Come on, the band’s about to start.” Jenna grabs her drink and makes her way to the stage.

  We all follow, along with Chloe’s new friend. It’s been years since I’ve seen a live show. The lights dim, casting a red hue over the crowd. A lull takes over, like someone just pressed the mute button. My heart beats, pounding through my chest. Electric energy fills the room. Shadowy figures take the stage. The bone-rattling drum beat pulsates through my chest. A frenzy of loud cheers emerges, piercing through the calmness as the crowd jammed to the rafters erupts. I take a deep breath and stare at the silhouettes slowly being illuminated.

  My mouth falls open. Tyler’s head hangs down. His blond locks a perfect mess. His fingers dance along the guitar strings, effortlessly. My eyes lock onto him, like a missile finding its target. Slowly he lifts his head to the crowd. An atomic bomb of energy bursts through. I freeze. My heart goes rogue, frantically beating. The singer belts out lyrics from the center of the stage, but I keep my focus on the bass player, commanding the left side of the stage.

  His muscles flex with every pluck of the string, sending the tiger on his left forearm into attack mode. Electric sparks bolt through every cell in my body. His head sways, keeping in time with the melody. He transports to another dimension, owning the stage.

  I follow his every movement, unable to break my stare. I’m in a trance, captivated by the rock God standing before me. He swipes the strings one last time, letting the bass hang from the guitar strap. He runs a hand through his hair and sweeps the crowd. His radar detects me in a split second.

  “Hope you all liked that one,” the singer yells into the microphone. “We are Riptide and we’re here to rock you tonight!”

  The crowd cheers, almost blocking out his voice. I keep my attention focused on Tyler, barely listening to the singer. The bright lights reflect off his baby blues. No one else exists at the moment but the two of us.

  “Thanks to our friend Tyler from Devil’s Garden for filling in for our bass player who just got here.” The singer points to Tyler and the crowd goes crazy.

  Tyler jolts back into reality and waves to the crowd. He pulls the strap over his head and hands the bass to a guy who emerged from backstage. Tyler heads to the back, my eyes sticking with him until he disappears.

  The band huddles in the middle of the stage, and then moves to their positions. They break out into another song. Doesn’t matter, my heart thumps in my ears blocking out all other sound. I shift my gaze toward Jenna. She shrugs her shoulders. Yeah, like she had no idea he’d be here. Heaviness fills my chest. God, I can’t ignore him, but how am I supposed to face him? There’s nothing left to say except goodbye. Tears well in my eyes. Time to do what I do best, run.

  I turn toward the wall of people, trying to sneak in between the droves of bodies. It’s like trying to scale a brick wall. Fans sway from side to side, creating an obstacle course. I’m trapped. Someone grabs my arm, holding me back. I try to wiggle away but no luck. I swing around to face them.

  Lexie loosens her grip. “Stop. You can’t leave like this. Trust me, you’ll regret it.”

  A tear escapes. I quickly wipe it away. “I need some air.”

  “I’ve got this.” She pushes through the crowd, turning sideways and weaving in between the horde of people.

  I follow her, sandwiching myself between a plethora of sweaty bodies. I suck in shallow breaths. Please just let me go home. I can’t be here right now.

  The crowd dissipates as we get closer to the door. She pulls me to the only vacant corner of the club. I take a deep breath and compose myself.

  “You okay?” She steps back and twirls her hair around a finger.

  I shake my head. What’s the use in the lying anymore? “No. Not even close. Look at me, I’m a mess and you guys just made it worse. How could you set me up?”

  Lexie holds up her hands. “Not a set up, I swear. Well, not really.” She lets out a breath. “Listen, this band is a bunch of Tyler’s surfing friends. We told him you were coming, that’s it.”

  “So that’s how we got in tonight?” Typical, Jenna would sell my soul to Satan himself if it would benefit her in any way.

  She puts her hand on my shoulder. “I know how you feel and I know you’ll regret it if you don’t try.”

  I bow my head. Am I on mute? I told everyone a million times why it’s not going work out yet they seem to ignore me. Lexie of all people should understand. Staying away from Tyler kills me. Did they think getting us together in the same room would help either one of us? I’m not the selfish one here. I’m trying to prevent more anguish for the both of us. I love Tyler. I mean, I love him so much I know it’s best for both of us to let him go, no matter how bad it hurts. I blow out a breath from puffed cheeks.

  “I get it, I really do. It’s hard, seems impossible sometimes, but so worth it. And you make your own choice but at least talk. Nothing worse than wondering what if or did I make a mistake.” She drops her hand.

  She’s right. If we’re going to end things we need a clean break. After everything that’s happened between us, I owe him that. “Okay. I’ll talk to him.”

  Jenna and Chloe, dragging her new friend by the arm, emerge from the crowd. I stare as they walk toward us. Tyler appears behind them, standing about ten feet away. Fire sweeps through my soul. He runs a hand through his hair and takes a few steps toward me.

  I swallow hard, mustering enough courage to speak. They spot us and trek forward. Every muscle in my body quivers.

  “What’d ya think about the band?” Jenna smiles.

  Couldn’t tell you a note they played. “They were good.”

  I look down at the floor. Black boots invade my field of vision. I nibble my lip, slowly raising my gaze. My eyes find Tyler’s like a moth to a flame.

  “The article was killer.” He flashes that sexy half smile that can bring me to my knees.

  “Thanks,” I say so quiet it’s almost a whisper.

  Tyler points to his ear. “Can we go outside for a sec?”

  I nod. It’s all I can do.

  I turn toward the door and will my feet to take a few steps. Tyler rests his hand in the small of my back, guiding me forward. His touch sends a million volts of electricity through me. How can I live without feeling that spark again?

  “I’ll introduce you to Mason when you get back,” Chloe yells.

  “She’s not coming back,” Lexie’s voice rings in the distance.

  Nothing they say matters right now. I walk slowly, trying to control my wobbling legs. If he touches me again I might burst into flames. We
head out the door and continue around the back to the parking lot. Tyler’s red Camaro sits in the last spot of the lot. A cool breeze blows through, dousing my fiery cheeks. My heart races, faster the closer we get. It realizes what’s about to happen.

  We stop at the flashy muscle car. I take a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears about to well up in my eyes. Tyler turns toward me. His feverish eyes lock with mine.

  He rubs the back of his neck, slowly letting his arm drop. “I flipped. Screwed up big time.” He exhales slowly, still locked on my face. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Ever. When that idiot ran his mouth, I couldn’t stop myself. No one talks to you like that.” He runs a hand through his hair and paces back and forth. He stops, taking a step forward to face me. “You drive me insane. You can destroy me with one look. Bring me to my knees begging for more without even trying.”

  He brought my lifeless soul back from the dead. No one else has done that before and probably never will again. Chloe’s right, I’ve been happier these last three months than I’ve been in years. No matter how much I tell myself being with Tyler is a disaster, it’s perfect bliss. I breathe in the aroma of his musky cologne. It creates a frenzy inside me.


  He lifts my chin, moving so close to my face our lips almost touch. “You don’t get it. I love you, babe.” He closes his eyes and presses his forehead against mine. “Didn’t get how much until I punched that asshole. Scared the hell out of me. I took off, shouldn’t have left you, babe.” He presses his hand to my cheek, taking a step back and staring directly in my eyes. “I know we’ve got a lot going against us, and it’ll be hard and probably suck sometimes, but I want you. Everything I never wanted I want with you, babe.”

  My eyes well with tears. All lines of self-defense retreat. All rational thought shuts down leaving burning passion behind. Tyler had me the second those baby blues locked with mine.

  “I love you, too… babe.” I can’t hold back my smile.

  He lets out the breath he’d been holding and presses his lips against mine, planting the ultimate knock-your-socks-off kiss onto my quivering lips.

  Maybe I am a glutton for punishment? Or maybe my brain realizes what my heart already knows, I need him. New territory awaits in this imperfect scenario. We both have no clue how to handle it, but there’s no one else in the world I want. I pull away, trying to catch my breath. “It’s gonna be tough, but you’re worth it… you’re completely worth it.” I smack my lips into his.

  “Your new boss is a fan,” he says breaking contact with my lips for a second. “That’s a plus.”

  I pull away. “So you heard about my new job.”

  “That reminds me.” He takes a step back and digs in his pocket for his keys. “I got you something.”

  Looks like tonight’s full of surprises. I follow Tyler’s every move, almost bouncing on my toes. He leans over the driver’s side to the passenger seat and pulls out a gift bag.

  “Trying to buy me off?” I flash a half grin.

  “Whatever works, babe.” He hands me the black bag spewing with red tissue paper. “You need these.”

  I crinkle my forehead. Lingerie? I rip through the paper like a kid on Christmas morning and open the box. I gasp and then melt into a puddle.

  I pull out a pair of black Louboutin heels, like the ones that got ruined in our elevator disaster. “How did you…?”

  “I told Jenna and Lexie I needed shoes that are red on the bottom. They knew exactly what I wanted. Jenna even smacked me for ruining yours.” He shakes his head. “Girls and their shoes.”

  I put the shoes back in the wrapping. “They’re perfect.” Just like Tyler. I jump into his arms, pushing him against the car. I slam my lips into his, putting every ounce of passion built up into this one kiss. He wraps his arms around me holding me close.

  I take a step back, sucking his lip as I pull away. “What happens now?”

  He tucks a stray hair behind my ear. “I know this great place for breakfast.”

  We hop into the Camaro and ride off into the night. Who knows what the future holds for us? For once, I’m going to enjoy the ride. Sometimes what starts out as a complete disaster turns into perfect bliss.


  Romance author by night, pharmacist by day, Amy L Gale loves rock music and the feel of sand between her toes. She’s the author of Amazon New Adult Bestsellers, Blissful Tragedy, Blissful Valentine, and Christmas Blitz. When she’s not writing, she enjoys baking, scary movies, rock concerts, and reading books at the beach. She lives in the lush forest of Northeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, six cats, and golden retriever, Sadie. You can find her at

  We hope that you liked this release from 5 Prince Publishing, LLC. Please enjoy the following excerpt from another of our wonderful authors, now available at

  Cart Before the Horse

  by Bernadette Marie

  Holly’s feet had gone numb and so had her legs. Another fifteen, twenty, thirty seconds she sat looking down at the stick in her hand. She’d shaken it, cursed it, and waited more than the allotted time, but it hadn’t changed. The word on the stupid EPT stick said the same thing.


  “No. No. No!” She threw the stick into the sink as she tried to peel her numb legs from the toilet. She’d waited there so long, hoping, unable to look at the test, they wobbled beneath her and she struggled to pull herself upright.

  Holly stumbled through her bathroom door and out to the bedroom. The box from the pregnancy test sat on the bed, taunting her. She fell onto the bed beside it. She read and reread the instructions. She’d done it right. She’d done what it said to do, and still it had boldly stated, PREGNANT.

  “No!” she screamed and threw the box across the room.

  She looked at the clock. It was already seven thirty. Not only had her life been upheaved, now she was falling behind. In exactly an hour and a half she had a presentation to make to a client who could bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars into the company in the next six months. Her meticulous planning and preparation for this very morning had been her focus for the past three months. Now she was nowhere near being on her A-game.

  She showered, skipped a few of her usual rinse and repeats, ripped an outfit out of the closet, and grabbed for two shoes. As she buttoned her blouse for the third time, she realized her perfectly organized life had just crashed around her.

  There wasn’t time to refine the out-of-control hair for her perfect hairdo. There wasn’t time for more than lipstick, and the shade she’d chosen didn’t do anything for her pale skin. Had she left the presentation in her office or her car? Sweat beaded on her forehead. The phone rang, and she screamed. She threw down her makeup brushes, followed by a string of curses.

  “Morning, Holly.” Tracy’s voice on the other end screeched in her ear.

  “I am not speaking to you,” she hollered into the phone at her best friend. Ex-best friend, she decided.

  “You’re in a mood.” Tracy laughed.

  “You have no idea. Leave me alone. I have to get to work.”

  “Slow down,” she said. “That’s what I’m calling for. The client canceled. Weather in Chicago has the flights canceled. We have a week to stew over it now.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Holly moved her head from side to side to alleviate the tension that had started to pinch in her neck. Was God mad at her? Was he punishing her? What was going on in her life? She glowered at the floor and noticed her shoes didn’t match.

  Holly flung herself backward on her bed, the phone still attached to her ear.

  “Hol, what’s wrong?” Tracy’s voice had that irritating yet soothing quality that Holly usually adored, but today it was unwelcome.

  “I’m just not feeling well.” She couldn’t have spoken more truth.

  “I’m headed in. Why don’t you take your time. Take a hot bath and have some tea,” she offered, as she would. Holistic tea would fix the
world, according to Tracy Morton.

  Nothing would fix her now.


  “Are you still mad at me?” Tracy teased.

  “You have no idea,” she repeated, then hung up the phone and just lay there staring at the ceiling.

  An hour later, finally taking Tracy’s advice, she made tea, drank it down, and sat chin deep in a hot bath. She held the telltale stick in her hand. Still it hadn’t changed.


  “Once more, Holly. Got the cart before the horse,” she said, just as her mother always said to her.

  She ducked her head into the bubbles and tried to gather her thoughts. She’d always done things backward, but not because she wasn’t organized. Her intelligence had her learning to read before she knew how to color. She graduated high school before she was old enough to drive. Likewise, she’d graduated college by the time most people her age made it out of high school. Because she was in a creative field, being young hadn’t hindered her. She flourished as a textile designer.

  Tracy had taken her under her wing when she started her own textile design company. Tracy had the inheritance and the experience to make it happen. Holly brought the talent.

  Before she was thirty, she had secured herself as a top designer in the field. Her best work was worn by infants and toddlers around the nation. Funny, she’d never imagined she’d own anything from one of her own collections.

  She had the best wardrobe and a closet stocked with the most beautiful shoes. The Mercedes in the parking garage had been her very first luxury before the condo in the Denver high-rise. Things, though perhaps backward, had always been good for Holly Jacobs.

  But nothing was more backward than the situation she was in now. PREGNANT! The damn stick might as well have screamed it.

  Perhaps it could have worked out for others. She’d been to many weddings where the bride was either pregnant or the child of the bride and groom was in the wedding. Being married wasn’t a prerequisite for parenthood anymore.


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