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Red Night (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 1)

Page 7

by RK Close

  Before last night I wouldn’t have given these sites a second thought. I might have even found them hilarious. Now, I’m not so sure. Many of the legends talk about the need for blood and issues with the sun, as well as turning into bats or other animals.

  I wonder if Adam turns into something.

  Some articles talk about the ability to fly. One of the older beliefs says that vampires may not enter your home without permission. That’s a bit of false advertising I can lay to rest.

  I have a long list of questions for Adam when I see him again. I’m dying to talk to someone about this new knowledge I’ve discovered, but could that knowledge put them in danger? Could it be dangerous for Adam as well? I don’t know why I should care about his safety but I’ll keep his secret for now.

  Adam claims he’s trying to protect me. I don’t know if I trust him or not. He hasn’t hurt me, and he’s had plenty of opportunity. Maybe he’s the type who likes to play with his food. People are easy to read; vampires not so much.

  When I finally close my laptop, I have a pounding headache. I have so many more questions than when I started. How many vampires are there? Why are there vampires? Are there others like Adam and this Zachariah? Are they demons, dead or fallen angels? All these theories are relevant on the internet with heated discussions on the subjects.

  I’m wondering if I should cancel my date with Gabe. What are the chances of being attacked by a supernatural creature in a public place? None really. All the women who’ve been murdered have been alone. It could be safer to go on a date. I deliberate on this subject for about five seconds.

  I’m keeping my date with Gabe. I’ve been dreaming about this for months.


  I return home after having a pedicure and shopping for something nice to wear tomorrow evening. A little normalcy to my day has helped clear my head a bit. I haven’t been this excited for a date in years. That’s actually rather pathetic, and another reason to go. I need this.

  I munch on some leftover pizza and sip a glass of wine while watching the sunset from my patio. Few things beat an Arizona sunset for beauty. I’m feeling rather relaxed staring into the brilliant variations of red, blue, orange, and purple smears across the desert sky.

  Once the colors start to fade, I head for my room and a shower. Wilbur curls up on my bed, so I give him a little scratch along his jaw before heading into the bathroom.

  With my hair in a towel, and wearing a t-shirt and panties, I head out of the bedroom in search of my new novel. I can’t remember where I left it. I’m searching my gym bag when my front door buzzes. Oh, crap! Who can that be?

  I dash into my room and grab my robe, putting it on as I head to the door. I look through the spy-hole and see Eric standing in the hall. Great! I look like a drowned rat. Not the way anyone wants to look when you see an old flame. I open the door and give him a cautious smile.

  He looks nervous. “Hey, I hope this isn’t a bad time. I was hoping we could talk.”

  “No, it’s fine…I didn’t expect to see you. Come in.” I open the door wider and step back.

  I follow him into the living room and motion for him to take a seat while I offer him some wine. I pour us each a glass and join him in the living room. We both sip our wine in awkward silence.

  I’m the first to speak. “Jessica seems nice.” I take another sip. I should slow down. He looks even more uncomfortable, and I’m wondering why he’s here.

  “She’s all right. That’s actually why I’m here. I wanted to tell you I was sorry about the other night.” He looks miserable now.

  “You have every right to invite whomever you want to have drinks with us. I don’t have a problem with Jessica, Eric.” Did I look jealous that night?

  “I had a problem with her, Sam. Once you joined us I realized that I wished Jessica wasn’t there,” he says while moving to sit next to me on the couch. Now he’s looking at me expectantly.

  Oh no. I don’t know what to say. I didn’t like seeing him with Jessica, if I’m being honest, but I don’t see myself with Eric either. I still have feelings for him, but I decided a year ago that I loved him as a friend and nothing more. He deserves more.

  “Eric, I felt a little uncomfortable the other night, but that’s because I hadn’t seen you with anyone else, and it was a little awkward, that’s all. It’ll get easier for both of us. We can handle a few weird moments,” I say, smiling, as I lean back against the couch.

  What he does next surprises both of us. He leans over and kisses me gently, lingering at my lips for a few seconds. He pulls back a little, and I can tell by the look on his face that he didn’t plan for that to happen. I’m not able to speak because I’m still processing that he kissed me.

  Old habits make me want to reach my arms around his neck and kiss him back, but that would be wrong, and we don’t need to go down this road again.

  “Sam, I—” he says before we’re interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both fly off the couch and look toward the sound.

  Adam is standing in the doorway to my bedroom with nothing but jeans on. If that wasn’t bad enough he’s holding a towel to his wet hair as if he were walking out of the shower…my shower.

  “Am I interrupting something?” he asks while using the towel to dry his hair. He looks at me with a challenge and that wicked gleam in his eyes. I look at Eric because I don’t even know what to say. I can only imagine how this looks. I’m in a robe, fresh from the shower, and now this.

  I’m going to stake that vampire myself!

  “What are you doing?” I ask, glaring at him with my hands on my hips. Eric’s mouth is hanging open, and he looks at Adam like he has three heads. He turns his gaze to me with a hurt, betrayed look that makes my chest constrict.

  Before I can say anything, he says, “You could have told me you were busy. I’m sorry to have bothered you.” He walks past Adam and toward the front door.

  “Wait, Eric!” I yell, moving after him. He ignores me and slams the door shut. I stop and stare after him, but don’t follow. I stare at the empty entry hall for a few moments, seething.

  I spin around quickly, ready to let Adam have the full brunt of my fury. He’s standing there waiting for me, having tossed the towel aside. He looks like the devil himself, with his eyes glowing and his hair wet. He’s sex incarnate, but I don’t even care. I see only red.

  I fly at him with a fist to his face. I don’t see him move, but my punch doesn’t connect and my fist is suspended in front of his face. Just as fast, I try to slap him with my other hand, and now he has both my arms trapped in the air. I’m sure that my face is red with fury.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I growl at him.

  He still hasn’t released my arms.

  “Defending myself,” he says calmly. His demeanor is infuriating but his eyes tell me another story.

  “You did that on purpose! Why?” I ask.

  “Why did you kiss him?” he counters.

  His eyes are still doing their preternatural glowing thing they do.

  “I didn’t kiss him! He kissed me, and why is this any of your damn business who kisses me?” I’m practically yelling at him.

  My anger fills the room. My fury seems to affect Adam in an entirely different way.

  In the blink of an eye he has me against the wall with my arms trapped over my head. It occurs to me that I’m no longer touching the ground. I wondered why we were eye to eye.

  His body is crushed against mine, and our noses are almost touching. I already know there is no use struggling against him. I hang there and glare daggers at him.

  He turns his head to the side and says softly against my cheek, “You didn’t stop him. Are you in need of being kissed, Samantha?” He pulls his head back so that we are eye to eye again.

  Some of the angry wind has left my sails, but I’m still mad. Other emotions are clouding my mind at the moment.

  “Let me go, Adam.” My voice sounds empty and cold. “And stop manhandlin
g me, Vampire.”

  I don’t think he liked the way I said that last part. Good. He slowly lowers me down until my feet touch the floor.

  I push away from him and grab my phone off the counter to call Eric. I enter his number, but it goes to his voice mail. Great! He may never talk to me again. I’m not sure what to tell him even if he did answer.

  “Why are you here, Adam?”

  “Obviously, you’re in need of being protected,” he says. He takes a seat in one of the chairs, making himself comfortable. He still has no shirt, and it’s all I can do not to ogle him.

  “You can’t stay here again. And why don’t you use the front door like a normal person? Stop coming into my house uninvited!” I toss the phone on the couch, pick up my wine, and finish it off. “That was a mean thing to do. Eric is a dear friend, and you made him feel like crap.” I sink into the sofa cushions and hug a pillow to me.

  “I’m not one to share, Samantha.” He’s looking at me in that broody serious way again. I do not get him.

  “Share what? I don’t belong to you or anyone else,” I say losing my cool all over again. “Have you always been this deranged?”

  He looks pissed off now. I may have hit a chord with him. “I believe you are seriously in need of being kissed. Someone needs to kiss you thoroughly and completely. It would go a long way toward removing that stick from your ass,” he says with measured control in his voice.

  Yes, I’d say he is now pissed. Good. So am I.

  “I’m not sure what part of the universe you hail from, but in my part of the world you don’t insert yourself in people’s lives without being invited! In my world you don’t assume every female wants to have sex with you! In my world you—” He is on me that fast.

  I’m pressed into the back of the sofa, and he’s in my face yet again.

  “Your universe is getting smaller by the hour. Open your eyes and look around, Samantha. I’m the only thing standing between you and an extremely…unpleasant…death,” he growls each word.

  And just like that, he’s gone. Curtains blowing in the wind from his exit.

  His last words leave me breathless and maybe even a little nervous. Maybe I pushed too hard. Feeling guilty, I walk over to the balcony and look at the street below. If he’s out there, I don’t see him.

  I walk back in and lock the doors, for all the good it will do. Deciding to tackle one problem at a time, I pick up my phone and leave Eric a message telling him how sorry I am, and that the situation wasn’t what it appeared. My excuse sounds lame, even to me. If he ever speaks to me again, I’ll still need to tell him that I don’t plan to repeat the past with him. I’m not looking forward to either conversation.

  What am I going to do with Adam? I know I’m attracted to him, and that thought alone bugs the hell out me. I don’t know him. He’s not even human, for crying out loud!

  I’m not even sure he didn’t make up this other murdering vampire to cover up his own actions. I know nothing about him except that he is a vampire or an alien who fancies himself one.

  One thought continues to gnaw at my brain. Adam could have killed me a hundred times already. On one hand, he’s pushy, arrogant, overbearing, domineering, and excessively sexual in nature.

  He’s the most seductive thing on two legs that I’ve ever seen, and looking at him makes me want to melt into a puddle. That only complicates things all the more.

  He’s haunting my dreams, hanging out in my condo, and messing up my life. He moves like a high-speed train about to derail, and I’m standing too close.

  And on the other hand, he could be trying to save my life. There is that.

  Chapter 12

  I didn’t sleep well last night. I may have pushed Adam too far. Maybe he’s gone for good this time. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

  There’s still the possibility that he made up the whole story about another vampire as an excuse to insert himself into my life, but what is his motivation? Instead of answers, I have more questions.

  Purposely redirecting my thoughts, I focus on the fact that tonight I have a date with a handsome, educated professor. I am excited, and looking forward to that.

  I’m still pleasantly surprised that he asked me out, but I have to wonder—why now? He’s been friendly, but nothing that would lead me to believe he was interested in me. Maybe I don’t read people as well as I think I do.


  Dayna is meeting me for lunch on Mill Avenue. She’s ten minutes late when she strolls in the door, which for Dayna is right on time. She leans over and gives me a hug before taking the chair across from me. A waitress appears and takes our order before removing our menus and leaving us alone. Dayna eyes me while taking a sip of water.

  “What?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in question.

  “So what’s up with this mystery man that you’re rumored to be sleeping with, and why am I the last to know?” she asks, crossing her arms.

  Boy does information travel fast in our little circle. “I am not sleeping with Adam! What did Eric tell you, and is he okay? He still won’t return my calls,” I say, frowning.

  “Do you blame him? I only have his side of the story, since you obviously weren’t planning to tell your BFF what’s going on,” she says, looking a little hurt behind the teasing. “Dish it, sister.”

  “It’s complicated. I never meant to keep anything from you. You know I tell you everything. Adam is the guy from the garage last weekend, and the one I was talking to at the bar that you thought was so hot. And—” I manage to say before she interrupts me.

  “Wait, that is the guy you’re sleeping with? Oh. My. Gosh! You better start sharing. He looks like a male model. He’s so beautiful! Wait, didn’t he also try to kill you?” she asks, looking confused. But she’s on the edge of her seat, and I’m totally forgiven, just like that.

  “I must have jumped to conclusions. Turns out he wasn’t trying to kill me. And we aren’t sleeping together. Eric got the wrong idea. He jumped to conclusions, himself, and wouldn’t let me explain before storming out. Did he tell you he kissed me?” I ask, trying to divert some of the attention from Adam and me.

  “No, he left that juicy little detail out. Now he’s on my shit list,” she says, taking a bite of her taco that just arrived. “What did happen?” She’s waiting for me to catch her up.

  “Adam borrowed my shower. Nothing happened. We are so not dating. He’s helping me with a case, so you know I can’t tell you about it.”

  I’m going to hell for these lies. Guilt is about to choke me, but it’s safer for her if she doesn’t know. Time to change the subject.

  “I have a date tonight.” I say, knowing that will steer her away from the touchier subject of Adam.

  “Who with?” Her eyes widen and she’s instantly excited for me. I knew she would be.

  “Gabe asked me out. He’s taking me downtown to some Thai restaurant,” I say, grinning from ear to ear.

  “This is awesome! I’m so happy for you! What are you wearing, and how are you doing your hair? I think you should wear it down. And wear that one blue dress that looks so good on you with those little black boots. You’ll look amazing. He won’t know what hit him!”

  I laugh out loud. She must know my entire wardrobe.

  “I bought a cute black dress that shows off my legs, arms, and back really well. You’d love it. It’s a little more daring than I usually do, but I feel rather sexy in it. And yes, I’m planning to wear the little black boots. I was going to pull my hair up, but I’ll leave it down,” I say, still smiling like a happy idiot.

  “Oh, my baby girl is all grown up. Look at you. I didn’t even have to make you go shopping. I could cry right now,” she says, faking a sniffle in her napkin. Then her smile is as big as mine. “You have to call me tomorrow with all the juicy details.”


  I’m taking a great deal of time preparing for my date. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited to go out with anyone. “Ani
mal,” by Maroon 5 is playing throughout my condo while I dance in my t-shirt and panties. I use my hairbrush as a microphone for my favorite parts. I’m multitasking between applying a little makeup, dancing, singing in front of the mirror, and sipping red wine.

  Sunset was around 5:30, and still no sign of Adam. I guess I did manage to piss him off. I don’t even have his cell number if I felt like saying sorry. Oh, well. I won’t let it ruin my date. I’ll deal with that problem tomorrow. Tonight is about Gabe and me. A nice normal evening with a handsome guy. That’s what I’m talking about.

  I only need to add a couple of curls around my face, because my hair dries in big soft waves all by itself. Hair and makeup is done, so I slip on the new black dress that hugs my curves in a most flattering way. It’s held up by thin black straps that cross in the back. This dress falls mid-thigh, and shows off my toned legs, which I feel are my best asset.

  I’m not the high-maintenance type but dressing up now and then does wonders for my girly-side. I drop a lip gloss, I.D., and some cash in my little clutch, and slip on my black ankle boots. A squirt of body spray and some clear polish on my nails for the finishing touch—one last look in the mirror, and I’m ready.

  Right at seven my door buzzes. I turn off the music and answer it. Standing before me is the polished version of Gabriel Devereux. And what a vision he is.

  His tailored leather jacket, white shirt with a blue paisley tie, and khaki pants that are nicely pressed top off his handsome look. He’s wearing his glasses, but his hair has been slicked back from his face in a James Bond sort of way. Gabe looks as though he walked off the cover of GQ magazine. I’m unable to hide my smile but I do manage to fight down the nervous giggle that’s threatening to come out.

  “Hello. You look especially handsome tonight,” I say.

  The look on his face tells me my efforts are paying off. “Thanks. You look…amazing.” He offers me his arm. “Shall we?” he asks.


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